I had such a great time.
The whole time I was living there,
I just had a ton of fun.
There's nothing left that
I would've wanted to do.
I guess you could say no one enjoyed
their life there as much as I did.
[Interview with a member who's leaving]
I was living in a share house before joining.
We did have a living room,
but everyone had their own rooms.
So you could just shut yourself
in your room if you felt like it.
But at Terrace House,
you'll always meet someone.
I really enjoyed talking
and eating with the others,
and just spending time together.
Ruka always set the A/C way too low.
I don't usually turn on the A/C when
sleeping even during summer time.
That was rough.
It got me run down.
And also...
I'd definitely been drinking too much,
which I realized after
leaving the house.
I'd been drinking like crazy.
So I guess I was sort of run down
the whole time.
A few factors played into that.
Ruka... He's twenty, right.
You know what that means.
Like, "Twenty? That's young."
So I was always thinking of what
I used to be like when I was twenty.
Thinking of it that way,
it made me realize how attentive he is.
He really listens to what people tell him.
I thought that was very diligent of him.
When I was twenty,
I wouldn't listen to anyone.
I'd take the piss out of
my seniors at school,
I guess I... didn't know
what respect meant.
I don't know if Ruka is mature
or just innocent---
I don't know, but he really listens
to what people tell him.
He's very gentle, isn't he?
He treats people gently.
I think that's a great quality.
He talks nonsense from time to time.
It's not the kind of nonsense
that bothers you.
To be honest, I relied on him a lot
when we were living together.
It's like...
Since I relied so much on him--
He was the oldest of us.
I feel like I forced him to
play the role of the eldest.
I'm sorry for that.
But his presence made life easier for me.
I'm like... You know...
Playing the role of the oldest and taking
care of everyone, that's not my thing.
I'm no good at that,
so Kenny did all that by himself.
Especially when it comes
to the guys' room.
He acted as a peacemaker.
With Kaori,
it was something like
love at first sight...
Not that I fell in love with her
at first sight.
I didn't fall for any of the girls
when I met them for the first time.
But I was extremely interested in her.
Whether that was because I saw
her as a romantic interest,
or because we work in similar fields--
I felt that we'd enjoy
doing similar things
and that we had a similar way
of looking at things.
So I wanted to get to know her better.
She didn't talk much on the first day.
I was curious what she was thinking.
I think she's very pretty.
So I guess I... was into her.
I thought she was very cute.
That's how I felt for some time.
And then I started thinking
that I might be falling for her.
Whenever we met each other in the house--
I got nervous whenever she
happened to be in the living room.
I was acting differently around her.
It's not like there was anything
in particular that made me feel that way.
It just slowly progressed.
And then it slowly faded again.
Haruka was--
she never minced her words,
so I felt we were kind of similar as well.
Being around her was easy.
We could-- I wonder...
Well, there were also a few arguments.
But she doesn't hold grudges.
I guess...
She's the kind of person who thinks it's
normal to exchange opinions with others.
I'm that kind of person, too.
So that made it really easy. And--
Well, I thought she was cute, but...
I guess she was more of a
little sister to me.
That kind of cute. Like, adorable.
She seems to take herself
and others very seriously.
She's always serious about everything.
I found that side of her very cute.
It never developed into
anything romantic though.
I didn't develop feelings for her.
I don't think I'm her type, for that matter.
Probably not.
I like to debate pros and cons.
So... That was a great experience.
But one thing I want to say is that
I don't look down on people
who pursue only one thing.
There's a whole bunch of people like that
whom I really admire.
What I'm criticizing is a society that
only accepts people who pursue one thing.
The way I said it was a bit too harsh,
so I'm probably half responsible
for the fact that I was misunderstood.
But the other half of the responsibility is
on those who don't listen properly.
Just read the subtitles.
Everybody has strengths and weaknesses.
There are people who can demonstrate
their abilities best by doing just one thing.
But there are also those who can demonstrate
their abilities by doing various things.
It just depends on your preference.
I think either way is fine.
Either way, I don't think
you need to categorize.
I wish they'd gotten my point there.
Of course the way I said it
was too harsh, but
I think that this is a very important
issue for our time.
Since I appeared on Terrace House
I think I'll start to get more jobs.
And I'm determined to
give my best performance.
I want to--
I'm doing a lot of different things,
but I need to show that I
can get things done.
Since I said all of that stuff--
If I don't accomplish all of these things,
nobody is going to accept
this kind of outlook on work.
Since luckily I'm getting
a lot of attention right now.
So I guess for each job that I get
I need to give my absolute best.
Apart from that, I really miss Taiwan.
I'm going to focus on work for a while,
and then I'd like to establish
two bases for myself.
I'd like to go back and forth.
I want to build up some stamina.
Once I have enough stamina,
enough money and some time,
I want to go to Taiwan and work there,
come back to Tokyo and work here...
It'd be great if I regularly got the
chance to do that.
I also want to... be close to
where my friends are.
So that means I have to go to
many different places to meet them.
That's what I'd like to do.
[Translated & Timed by mrschap]
[Reviewed by koma]