It's 1903 and this extraordinary guy named Teddy Roosevelt is standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and at that time people wanted to create hotels and spas and turn the Grand Canyon in 1903 intoa profit-making disneyland of the environment. And he stood and said no. And he created a tipping point for the environmental movement and for the world. He said: "leave it as it is. the ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it." (Aplauses) The world would have been a different place today without those words, those tipping point words from Presidente Theodore Roosevelt. Fas forward his fifth cousin, President Franklin Roosevelt, 30 years later - 1933 - in the midst of a huge crises the great Depression of America, said a few words to create a tipping point towards healing for the USA. "First of all. Let me ask certain my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself nameless unreasoning unjustified terror which paralyzes needed up to convert it free and what that." The world would have been a different place without those words at that time from that man. So in my 30 years of studying in public speaking and great speeches I've found that there are seven secrets that great speakers do that other people don't. and it's my belief that every single human being can be a great speaker and that their words can create a tipping point, and that their words and their essencecan change the world. The first secret is about words and understanding that words can be the best, the most amazing in the world but they only actually touch people and communicate seven percent of the impact that one human being has on another. Voice tone, the variation in your voice, the enthusiams, the love, the passion that comes through your voice, 38% percent your body language are you looking into someone's eyes or are you looking over their head and not connected. So words, voice tone and body language, those are the three vehicles, the tree pathways that great communication happens in.