0:00:00.149,0:00:08.130 Vlog Every Day August[br]Los Angeles! ...and me, Paul! 0:00:08.130,0:00:15.089 This is not a sad vlog, the topic might seem[br]like it, but it's really just a confused vlog. 0:00:15.089,0:00:18.449 I don't know how to hang out with people! 0:00:18.449,0:00:19.449 Just to hang out! 0:00:19.449,0:00:22.880 Like, it seems like a thing people do. 0:00:22.880,0:00:24.810 I don't know how to get there. 0:00:24.810,0:00:30.699 If there's a thing that I specifically want[br]to do, like go to a movie, go to a restaurant, 0:00:30.699,0:00:37.540 go to a beach, go to VidCon, then I can say,[br]"Hey, friend! 0:00:37.540,0:00:38.900 Want to do these things with me? 0:00:38.900,0:00:40.150 Want to meet up when we're there? 0:00:40.150,0:00:43.170 Want to, like, talk about the thing that we're[br]doing?" 0:00:43.170,0:00:44.870 I can do that! 0:00:44.870,0:00:49.620 But outside of that, it's hard for me to go[br]from no catalyst to just thinking, this is 0:00:49.620,0:00:54.600 a person who is near me, I think we're kinda[br]friends, I would like to hang out with them, 0:00:54.600,0:00:57.300 and then... 0:00:57.300,0:00:58.960 making that happen! 0:00:58.960,0:01:03.620 Ho-- how do-- how do people do-- how do people[br]do that? 0:01:03.620,0:01:11.710 In high school, I would call up my friend[br]across the street, Erik, and say, "Hey, want 0:01:11.710,0:01:15.360 to play computer games or something?" 0:01:15.360,0:01:16.360 Um. 0:01:16.360,0:01:20.180 Or he'd call me up and say, "Hey, get your[br]stupid butt out here, we're going to go to 0:01:20.180,0:01:23.090 the mall or something." 0:01:23.090,0:01:24.090 And then we would! 0:01:24.090,0:01:29.350 Because I've developed many of my friendships[br]with people on the internet, I'm not exactly 0:01:29.350,0:01:31.820 sure where the appropriate boundaries are. 0:01:31.820,0:01:36.180 Like, I have no problems tweeting one of my[br]friends at two o'clock in the morning. 0:01:36.180,0:01:41.870 Or, even like, sending them a direct message[br]at any time of the day with no instigation. 0:01:41.870,0:01:44.630 Easy peasey, can do it, no problem. 0:01:44.630,0:01:45.630 BUT 0:01:45.630,0:01:49.810 If I'm seeing somebody that I think I'm kind[br]of friends with, and they're doing something 0:01:49.810,0:01:51.470 in LA? 0:01:51.470,0:01:53.229 Can I just... 0:01:53.229,0:01:58.881 tweet at them or direct message them or email[br]them saying, "Hey, I saw that you're, you're 0:01:58.881,0:02:02.970 doing this thing! i live near that! 0:02:02.970,0:02:03.970 Can I? 0:02:03.970,0:02:06.799 Can I join in?" 0:02:06.799,0:02:10.909 I have this concern in the back of my mind[br]that I presume too much of our friendship. 0:02:10.909,0:02:17.139 Like, I mostly know people from talking with[br]them on twitter, so maybe they don't want 0:02:17.139,0:02:19.510 to go to a concert with me! 0:02:19.510,0:02:23.709 Maybe they don't want to go hike in the mountains[br]with me! 0:02:23.709,0:02:24.709 I... 0:02:24.709,0:02:25.870 I don't know! 0:02:25.870,0:02:26.870 How do you find out? 0:02:26.870,0:02:29.389 Do you just ask people, "Hey, are we friends?" 0:02:29.389,0:02:30.389 I can do that! 0:02:30.389,0:02:33.689 I like taking the direct approach on things,[br]I'm just not sure if it's acceptable. 0:02:34.420,0:02:38.099 I mean, I've tried going to events, like at[br]the YouTube Space LA. 0:02:38.099,0:02:39.939 Uh, I've tried going there. 0:02:39.939,0:02:41.040 And meeting people. 0:02:41.040,0:02:42.980 That kinda, kinda worked. 0:02:42.980,0:02:46.689 I definitely made friends with people at VidCon... 0:02:46.689,0:02:49.560 most of them were not in LA! 0:02:49.560,0:02:50.560 *pbbt!* 0:02:50.560,0:02:52.749 And the weird thing is, I don't feel like[br]I have a lack of friends. 0:02:52.749,0:02:55.689 I feel like I've got plenty of friends, LOTS[br]of friends, even. 0:02:55.689,0:02:56.900 I'm just not sure. 0:02:56.900,0:03:02.919 I'm just not sure how to be in their vicinity,[br]doing friend things. 0:03:02.919,0:03:03.919 It's ridiculous. 0:03:03.919,0:03:08.579 I feel like other people figured out how to[br]do friend things, like, in elementary school 0:03:08.579,0:03:11.150 or junior high or high school or... 0:03:11.150,0:03:14.000 I don't know, other things that people do[br]when they're young. 0:03:14.000,0:03:16.520 I... did not! 0:03:18.580,0:03:25.100 So, this whole #VEDA is just to ask you the[br]question, "How do you know how good of friends 0:03:25.120,0:03:28.230 you are with somebody from the internet? 0:03:28.230,0:03:33.559 And what are the boundaries about asking to[br]do things with them?" 0:03:33.559,0:03:36.799 Which, I think, is the way to get to be better[br]friends. 0:03:36.799,0:03:38.779 Please tell me in the comments below. 0:03:38.779,0:03:40.540 I literally do not know. 0:03:40.540,0:03:42.200 I wanna, I wanna find out! 0:03:42.200,0:03:45.650 So I can be a good friend who hangs out with[br]friends. 0:03:45.650,0:03:48.999 Or tell me anything that matters to you, because[br]I want to know what matters to you. 0:03:48.999,0:03:51.090 Also, I have a Patreon! 0:03:51.090,0:03:52.799 Also I do some live shows. 0:03:52.799,0:03:54.579 Check all those out on my channel... 0:03:54.579,0:03:56.519 All the promo in this video, too. 0:03:57.260,0:04:00.659 Thank you for making it to the end of my video,[br]this is where I always say: 0:04:00.659,0:04:01.719 Tomorrow 0:04:01.719,0:04:02.719 will be even better! 0:04:02.719,0:04:03.719 *whispers*: Ooh! 0:04:03.719,0:04:05.159 I'm going to the beach!