Oh Waddup! It's Dat Boi! Wow, Hey guys! How's it going? Welcome to another episode of Starbound. My name is SystemZee and today I am as usual wearing my "Super Starbounder Suit" as you can tell instead of my awesome, clean, super sleek get up gear thing. So today I'm just doing a little bit of exploring I was not planing on starting it this late at night in-game but you know, Why not? Why not? It's definitely something cool to explore and I'm having some fun do... Ooh! Evil guy that I was not expecting to be evil! It's kinda cute but also ugly at the same time so, I just figured why not? And you know what? This is all looking really cool! Uh, is this poisonous? Did I just get hurt? I've never seen one of these types of biomes before or this type of village. I mean I can't even tell what in the world the theme is, obviously you know a whole lot of Dat Boi running around. But other than that like it's all Steampunky mixed with some crazy wood working and all that is just crazy man, there is just so much going on. But how are you all doing today? I'm great, I'm fantastic, I'm doing good. I think today we're going to kind of focus on what we're doing- is this guy... [electronic growl] What an absolutely epic fail that was [giggle] Oh man! That was crazy. Oh, these guys sell stuff? Umm, a water cooler, a step ladder and all that kind of stuff. I don't really think that I need any of that, my friend. But yeah, thank you anyways; I might steal your TV though. Ooh! Silver! Well that was unexpected, not a total failure. Oooh! Was that a tomato thing? Ahh! I really want to get the tomato plant, are you like trying to sell me something now? This guy is a spook! But yeah, what was I even talking about? But I would like to... I would like to head up to the... the ship so that I can kind of spawn that back down into a normal area. Instead of really far off to the left, heh. Today I want to kind of focus on progressing in the game, but not in a way that you guys might expect. If you're new to my channel then you probably wouldn't know this but I've played Starbound quite a few different times throughout the length of the game on this channel. I've played it, maybe twice now with series both times, and I've gone through the game and it stayed at the time and then the other time and now even this time. With the same mentality of going through the story first and that always ends up making me bored of the game. Because I get done with everything and then there's no point in building anything, so I built this house first. I'm going to briefly pause to say I did not build it on camera. I did however build the same house but better for a tutorial, you can click on-screen to see that now. Don't worry, I'm not going to do that for every build. I know that you probably would have liked to see this, but I really needed to get used to the building in the game, because things are different now. There's different tools, you can now craft any block you want. Check this out, Thatch. I don't think you could craft that before. But now you can and it's awesome, it's totally cool. So, I went ahead and built this and, I think it turned out pretty cool. But we're gonna do a lot of expansions on it soon, soon... Definitely soon! But, today we really need to figure out a situation for food. Because that is one of the biggest things that is killing me at the moment. I keep forgeting about it and then I find myself deep down in a cave with no food and my hunger bar really low. So I've really gotta start farming, and doing other stuff. So we're going try and work on getting a bow today, we're also going to try and work on getting just a few other things, as well as a general farm going. So I've got to kind of clean this area out real quick. Now unfortunately, I don't have a watering can, so this isn't something I'm going to be able to do whenever I want. I'm going to have to wait 'til it rains next. Which is very, very unfortunate. But not a big deal, I can totally wait. I just want to kind of clean up the area first, so that we can at least get started. I don't think this is going to be a permanent solution for farming, but it'll definitely be something for now. I do have some cool little fences that we're going to use make it look a little bit good. But I don't really have to many seeds anyway, so this is definitely temporary. Just something to provide us with food and health, of course and vitamins and all that kind of stuff. Just to make sure we don't die out in the wild. So I guess now we probably ought to head up to the ship and check out the workbench to see if we can make any tools. Alright, a hoe- and it is one String, Copper Bars and other stuff. I think in order to do that though, I'm going to need to craft a Spinning Wheel, which we need basically just timber to do that. Now I don't know if I can make- oh never mind, I can quite a bit, heh. So that should be enough, right? 10? I think that'll allow us to do it- yes, okay Spinning Wheel. So if we get this in our inventory now, we should be all set and ready to go. Where are we at? Where is it at? Seriously. Ooh, we got Carrots now, that's good. Where did it go? There it is- nope, that's a lamp, heh. The Spinning Wheel, is there any of them- this is such a confusing inventory to me now. Oh, you know what, I bet the problem was that I didn't wait. That's something that I'm not used to at the moment. I keep crafting and it doesn't actually finish it- I keep doing that, that's the biggest problem with this update, not that it's a bad thing, I'm just definitely not used to it. So now it should be in- there it is, okay cool. So let's just go ahead and set that down in a temporary spot, just about there. And craft some String, I know we're going to need a little bit of it, so I'll just create five or so, that should do- I think I did it again just then, but no worries.