Thank you very much.
Thanks everybody for coming,…
If you are packaging software and you want
me to work on with you,
this is how you can do that.
It is a very self-??? talk:
I just want to explain some of the things
that I like,
some practice that I prefer about Debian
and I don't pretend this is any sort of
permanent or final thing.
I just wanted to share some ideas that I
have about the way that I work with
packages, in the hope that maybe, hmm,
for two hopes:
One is that I hope that I can show you
something that you have not heard of,
or maybe you were doing differently,
or maybe you think it is the right think
to do and it is just nice to see somebody
somebody else doing it.
My second hope is that you can tell me
what I am doing wrong,
and you can help me learn and improve
on my own packaging techniques.
If you see something that I am proposing
up here,
and you think there is a problem with it,
I would like to hear about it too.
I just want to see more of the culture
within Debian,
of people who are doing packaging,
explaining what they are doing,
and so I thought I would just step up and
"Here is some of the practice that I do",
In the hope that other people will do the
same and explain what they are doing,
and maybe they can learn from me and
I can learn from them.
Without much further ????, I am just going
to dive into it.
If you have questions, I am perfectly
happy to be interrupted,
we have some folks with walking mics
in the crowd:
you can just raise your hand.
I you have got a question or an
interruption or whatever,
that is fine.
I ??? I got the whole 15 minutes,
I think there are 20 minutes,
I ??? the whole time, so there will be
also time for questions at the end
if you prefer.
But I do not mind being interrupted.
So, this is all on this web page here,
you could probably skip this talk and go
read the web page,
but then you would not have the nice
??? actions,
and it is easier to tell me that I am
wrong in person,
so I would like to have that happen.
I put this up on the Debian wiki,
because I want anyone to be able to find
If you thing you have got some good ideas,
you should put it on the Debian Wiki too:
other people can take advantage of the
ideas that you have got.
First baseline is: I really like revision
And I know that it makes me a certain
flavor on nerd,
but when we are working with things that
are as complicated as software packages,
hmmm, I think a lot of people don't get
that in Debian we are not just working on
one software package:
you are actually probably, if you are doing
a responsibly work,
on at least two software packages, and
maybe 5.
So you have got the version that is
unstable and you have got
the version that you try to maintain for
stable as well.
And we are committing to doing maintenance
A lot of our work in the project is ???
in nature:
we want to clean up the mess and we want
us to stay out of the way and
to make sure things work, functionally,
for people who are relying on the
operating system to not get in their way.
So revision control I think is really
helpful because it means you can
keep track of what changes you have done
on different branches of the project
while you are maintaining both of them.
Basically, ??? require working with
the revision system I am comfortable with,
I prefer Git, I am not going to have a
religious word about it.
If upstream uses Git, I am even happier,
and I try to make my packaging depend on
upstream's revision control.
I like to use 'git-buildpackage', and I
like to use it with debhelper.
If you have not tried out
we are going to have a
'git-buildpackage' skill share session
later on today actually, and I welcome
you to come and share your tricks with it,
or learn some tricks from other people.
It is a particular way that you can keep
your Debian packaging in a Git repository,
and it helps you to keep track of all of
the changes that ave happened within
your packaging and within upstream to
make sure you are not accidentally
making other changes.
So it is very easy to go back and review
what you have done.
I find that really useful.
I definitely also like to keep upstream's
source code in the same revision control
I like to keep the tarballs in the
revision control system because it means
that if someone is interested, they can
uses a tool called 'debcheckout'.
You can use 'debcheckout' with a name of
a package:
you say just "I am really interested in
package 'foo',
let me see the source code for that":
debcheckout foo
You get the source code, and you get the
source code from a revision control
system that you can now track and you
can just propose changes on.
You can also extract the tarball from that
revision control system.
'debcheckout' actually works even if you
do not have upstream stuff in there,
but I like to keep it all in one revision
control system,
it is just easier to find everything when
you want.
Some of these things that I prefer have
to do with what the upstream software
developer has done, so I am less inclined
to try the package an upstream software
project if they just throw tarballs here
over the wall to an FTP side
every now and then.
It makes it more difficult for me to know
what they are doing,
and why they are doing it.
So i like it, I have already said, when
upstream uses Git,
I also like when upstream signs their
and say "hey, this is specific release",
Because that is a signal that I can use,
or somebody else that understands the
project: as said "we think that this
something that other people can use",
or "this is a particular version we would
like other people to test".
There are a lot of other situations where
maybe it is not so important.
And having that be cryptographically
signed is really useful.
I care about cryptographic signature on
software because I want to know that
what I am running is related to the code
that somebody else out should be run.
And if you don't verify your software
cryptographically, anyone could
intercept the network connection
between you and that software,
and modify the software before it gets
to you.
And the cryptographic signature just says:
"look, this is a version that I am OK
with. I am putting it out there and
it comes from me".
And so I can have a trace back to that
??? just talk about briefly about how you
do cryptographic verification of upstream.
You might know upstream: you might know
them personally, you know their key
already, that is fine.
That is not the usual case: we work on
the Internet.
In the situation where your upstream is
signing their tarballs
and you have not met them, you do not
have to sign their key,
you do not have to say "I announce this
is their key".
This is probably the same one that is
signing every release,
so you should keep track of that.
Debian has a nice way to keep track of
you can tell Debian how to find the new
version of the upstream tarball.
This is in the Debian 'watch' file.
If you type 'man uscan', you can learn
more about Debian 'watch',
and Debian 'watch' has now a feature that
lets you say
"that is not only this way you find the
but upstream publishes signatures
and the signatures look like this".
You know, they got a '.sig' at the end.
So there is a particular arcane way to
specify that, but if you specify that,
then 'uscan' can find not only the
upstream tarball but can find the
upstream signature and, if you drop
upstream's signing key -
which of course I did not put on the wiki
page, someone should add it that and
fix it - you can put the upstream signing
key in 'debian/upstream/signing-key.asc'.
And then if you do that, when you say
'uscan', you can tell…
Maybe some people here do notk
now how to use 'uscan'.
'uscan' is a very simple tool,
you run it from a software package that
has a 'debian' directory, or even one
level up if you keep all of your software
packages in one folder. You can go one
level up and say 'uscan', and it will look
in all of the folder that are children
of it, and look for new version by
trying to find for new upstreams versions
in 'debian/watch'.
And if you have configured 'debian/watch'
properly, it can find the new upstream
signatures, and if you have got the
'upstream/signing-key.asc', then
it will actually verify the signature for
you as part of fetching the new
upstream tarball.
So you can get all of those things just
by setting ???? that way.
There is a hand up down there, could we
get the mic down to the hand ?
Or to the person who has that hand, it is
not just a hand. [public laugh]
[someone] Publish a tarball and a hash, '.sha1',
and sign that hash, '.sha1.asc'.
Can 'uscan' cope with this and check the
signature on the hash and that the hash
belongs to that tarball ?
[Daniel] I do not believe that 'uscan' can
do that currently. So anybody out there
who wants to make things better for the
world should go hack on 'uscan':
that is a pretty straightforward thing
that we should fix because I agree
that is common pattern.
[someone] I have no answer to this
question by I have another question:
how do you convince upstreams who do
not release tarballs or who do
not set tags in Git ?
[Daniel] Who do not make tags in Git ?
[someone] Yes, if there is no tags you
can not check out a tarball.
Is there any good way to convince
upstream to do this ?
[Daniel] Git has this nice feature, which
is that you can create a tag,
which is associate with a particular
and you would like to have a tag
everywhere that a tarball has been
released from. I am tempted to pull up
a Git view and show people some tags.
The question that you ask is a social
one, not just a technical one,
and I actually find that my upstreams
are pretty responsive.
Usually I frame my request as "hey, it
looks like you made this tarball from
this particular commit 'id'. If you could
tag you releases, it would be really
helpful to me, and here is the command
that I would use to tag the release".
And I say "git tag…" and of course I
can never remember so first I look it up,
but it is either 'tag name' 'commit id' or
'commit id' 'tag name'.
But I would look it up and I would write
the e-mail so that all they have to do is
they read it, understand my argument,
and execute one command.
And then it starts them ??????
And if you say 'tag -s' then your tag will
be cryptographically signed, which
I think is a really good thing to do too.
So, cryptographic verification of
As I said, I want to keep upstream's code
in the revision control system.
I also like to keep…
In my ideal case upstream is using Git:
I am using Git for packaging.
I actually like to keep upsteam's Git
history fully in my repository,
so that I do not just have the tarballs,
but I actually have all of their commits.
And that turns out to be really useful
for two specific cases:
In one case, there is a common scenario
where upstream will fix a bug,
but they have not made a release yet.
And that bug is really, really obviously
problematic for the folks who are
using Debian, so want to fix it.
All I can do, because I have their full
revision history, I can use Git to "cherry
pick" the upstream commit.
And then I "cherry pick" that upstream
commit and I can have it applied
separately and release an Debian version
that has the fix, even before upstream
has made a release with the fix.
So one nice thing about having upstream
revision is that I can pull fixes from
upstream before they decided
to release it.
The other advantage is the other
way around.
Often when I am doing packaging,
I discover a problem,
and maybe I can fix the problem.
And if that maybe I am already shipping
a Debian package that fixes the problem.
If my Debian fixes can be directly applied
to upstream, then I can use whatever
their preferred upstream patch
submission guidelines are,
whether it is a Github pull request, or
a patch to a mailing list,
or a "hey can you pull this from my Git
repository over here", e-mail…
The fact that I am using the same Git
history that they are using makes it
much easier for me to push my changes
back to them.
So, it sort of smooth the interaction if
you can consolidate and use the same
revision control system as their.
Towards that aim, I use a system now
called 'patch q',
which is part of 'git buildpackage'.
So 'git buildpackage' is 'gbp', 'patch q'
is 'pq',
so to deal with 'patch q' you say
'gbp pq'
and then you have some commands.
And what that does, is it takes…
How many of you are Debian packagers ?
How many of you package
software for Debian ?
A very large percentage, but not everyone.
I hope some folks are considering starting
packaging if you have not done it yet.
Of those of you who package software,
how many of you package software
with modifications, how many of you ship
a modified version of upstream sources ?
Beyond the 'debian' directory, just Debian
patches ?