1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,490 Thank you very much. 2 00:00:03,150 --> 00:00:05,060 Thanks everybody for coming,… 3 00:00:08,666 --> 00:00:12,186 If you are packaging software and you want me to work on with you, 4 00:00:12,186 --> 00:00:13,526 this is how you can do that. 5 00:00:13,526 --> 00:00:15,156 It is a very self-centered talk: 6 00:00:15,156 --> 00:00:18,516 I just want to explain some of the things that I like about, 7 00:00:18,516 --> 00:00:21,366 some practice that I prefer about Debian packaging, 8 00:00:21,366 --> 00:00:25,236 and I don't pretend this is any sort of… 9 00:00:25,236 --> 00:00:27,296 official, permanent or final thing. 10 00:00:27,296 --> 00:00:30,406 I just wanted to share some ideas that I have about 11 00:00:30,406 --> 00:00:33,376 the way that I work with packages, in the hope that maybe… 12 00:00:33,376 --> 00:00:34,616 For two hopes: 13 00:00:34,616 --> 00:00:38,207 One is that I hope that I can show you something that you have not heard of, 14 00:00:38,207 --> 00:00:39,987 or maybe you were doing differently, 15 00:00:39,987 --> 00:00:42,137 or maybe you think it is the right think to do 16 00:00:42,137 --> 00:00:44,467 and it is just nice to see somebody else doing it. 17 00:00:44,467 --> 00:00:47,437 My second hope is that you can tell me what I am doing wrong, 18 00:00:47,437 --> 00:00:51,047 and you can help me learn and improve on my own packaging techniques. 19 00:00:51,047 --> 00:00:53,337 If you see something that I am proposing up here, 20 00:00:53,337 --> 00:00:56,627 and you think there is a problem with it, I would like to hear about it too. 21 00:00:56,627 --> 00:00:58,737 I just want to see more of the culture within Debian, 22 00:00:58,737 --> 00:01:00,887 of people who are doing packaging, explaining what they are doing, 23 00:01:00,887 --> 00:01:02,817 and so I thought I would just step up and explain: 24 00:01:02,847 --> 00:01:05,377 "Here is some of the practice that I do", 25 00:01:05,377 --> 00:01:09,247 In the hope that other people will do the same and explain what they are doing, 26 00:01:09,247 --> 00:01:13,047 and maybe they can learn from me and I can learn from them. 27 00:01:13,047 --> 00:01:16,917 Without much further ado I am just going to dive into it. 28 00:01:16,917 --> 00:01:20,897 If you have questions, I am perfectly happy to be interrupted, 29 00:01:20,897 --> 00:01:24,187 we have some folks with walking mics in the crowd: 30 00:01:24,187 --> 00:01:26,517 you can just raise your hand. 31 00:01:26,517 --> 00:01:29,247 If you have got a question or an interruption or whatever, 32 00:01:29,247 --> 00:01:30,347 that is fine. 33 00:01:30,347 --> 00:01:33,107 I doubt I will go the whole 15 minutes, I think there are 20 minutes, 34 00:01:33,107 --> 00:01:36,217 I doubt I will go the whole time, so there will be also 35 00:01:36,217 --> 00:01:38,337 time for questions at the end if you prefer. 36 00:01:38,337 --> 00:01:40,137 But I do not mind being interrupted. 37 00:01:40,137 --> 00:01:41,977 So, this is all on this web page here, 38 00:01:41,977 --> 00:01:44,787 you could probably skip this talk and go read the web page, 39 00:01:44,787 --> 00:01:47,227 but then you would not have the nice in-person interactions, 40 00:01:47,227 --> 00:01:49,747 and it is easier to tell me that I am wrong in person, 41 00:01:49,747 --> 00:01:51,477 so I would like to have that happen. 42 00:01:51,477 --> 00:01:53,427 I put this up on the Debian wiki, 43 00:01:53,427 --> 00:01:56,237 because I want anyone to be able to find it. 44 00:01:56,237 --> 00:02:00,237 If you think you have got some good ideas, you should put it on the Debian Wiki too: 45 00:02:00,237 --> 00:02:05,007 other people can take advantage of the ideas that you have got. 46 00:02:07,577 --> 00:02:11,087 First baseline is: I really like revision control. 47 00:02:11,097 --> 00:02:14,267 And I know that it makes me a certain flavor on nerd, 48 00:02:14,267 --> 00:02:19,007 but when we are working with things that are as complicated as software packages, 49 00:02:19,010 --> 00:02:19,890 hmmm… 50 00:02:22,590 --> 00:02:25,430 I think a lot of people don't get that in Debian you are not 51 00:02:25,430 --> 00:02:27,160 just working on one software package: 52 00:02:27,160 --> 00:02:30,120 you are actually probably, if you are doing a responsibly work, 53 00:02:30,120 --> 00:02:33,010 on at least two software packages, and maybe 5. 54 00:02:33,010 --> 00:02:35,150 So you have got the version that is unstable, 55 00:02:35,150 --> 00:02:39,260 and you have got the version that you try to maintain for stable as well. 56 00:02:39,260 --> 00:02:45,170 And we are committing to doing maintenance work. 57 00:02:45,170 --> 00:02:52,390 A lot of our work in the project is janitorial in nature: 58 00:02:52,390 --> 00:02:55,490 we want to clean up the mess and we want us to stay out of the way 59 00:02:55,490 --> 00:02:57,450 and make sure things work, functionally, 60 00:02:57,450 --> 00:03:00,970 for people who are relying on the operating system to not get in their way. 61 00:03:00,970 --> 00:03:04,260 So revision control I think is really helpful because it means you can 62 00:03:04,260 --> 00:03:07,910 keep track of what changes you have done on different branches of the project 63 00:03:07,910 --> 00:03:09,800 while you are maintaining both of them. 64 00:03:09,800 --> 00:03:14,440 Basically, I'd require working with the revision system I am comfortable with, 65 00:03:14,440 --> 00:03:17,740 I prefer Git, I am not going to have a religious war about it. 66 00:03:17,740 --> 00:03:21,290 If upstream uses Git, I am even happier, and I try to make 67 00:03:21,290 --> 00:03:25,680 my packaging depend on upstream's revision control. 68 00:03:29,342 --> 00:03:34,652 I like to use 'git-buildpackage', and I like to use it with debhelper. 69 00:03:34,652 --> 00:03:36,793 If you have not tried out 'git-buildpackage', 70 00:03:36,793 --> 00:03:39,883 we are going to have a 'git-buildpackage' skill share session 71 00:03:39,883 --> 00:03:43,883 later on today, and I welcome you to come and share your tricks with it, 72 00:03:43,883 --> 00:03:46,293 or learn some tricks from other people. 73 00:03:46,293 --> 00:03:50,483 It is a particular way that you can keep your Debian packaging in a Git repository, 74 00:03:50,483 --> 00:03:55,893 and it helps you to keep track of all of the changes that have happened within 75 00:03:55,893 --> 00:03:59,293 your packaging and within upstream to make sure you are not accidentally 76 00:03:59,293 --> 00:04:00,813 making other changes. 77 00:04:00,813 --> 00:04:03,683 So it is very easy to go back and review what you have done. 78 00:04:03,683 --> 00:04:05,883 I find that really useful. 79 00:04:05,883 --> 00:04:09,233 I definitely also like to keep upstream's source code 80 00:04:09,233 --> 00:04:11,063 in the same revision control system. 81 00:04:11,063 --> 00:04:13,823 I like to keep the tarballs in the revision control system 82 00:04:13,823 --> 00:04:16,033 because it means that if someone is interested, 83 00:04:16,033 --> 00:04:18,243 they can uses a tool called 'debcheckout'. 84 00:04:18,243 --> 00:04:20,713 You can use 'debcheckout' with a name of a package: 85 00:04:20,713 --> 00:04:23,383 you just say "I am really interested in package 'foo', 86 00:04:23,383 --> 00:04:27,053 let me see the source code for that": 'debcheckout foo' 87 00:04:27,053 --> 00:04:30,373 You get the source code, and you get the source code… 88 00:04:30,373 --> 00:04:32,853 from a revision control system that you can now track 89 00:04:32,853 --> 00:04:36,243 and you can just propose changes on. 90 00:04:37,267 --> 00:04:40,987 You can also extract the tarball from that revision control system. 91 00:04:40,987 --> 00:04:44,627 'debcheckout' actually works even if you do not have upstream stuff in there, 92 00:04:44,627 --> 00:04:47,327 but I like to keep it all in one revision control system, 93 00:04:47,327 --> 00:04:50,427 it is just easier to find everything when you want. 94 00:04:50,707 --> 00:04:53,697 Some of these things that I prefer have to do with 95 00:04:53,697 --> 00:04:55,847 what the upstream software developer has done, 96 00:04:55,847 --> 00:04:59,587 so I am less inclined to try the package, an upstream software project, 97 00:04:59,587 --> 00:05:01,777 if they just throw tarballs here over the wall 98 00:05:01,777 --> 00:05:03,437 to an FTP side every now and then. 99 00:05:03,437 --> 00:05:06,337 It makes it more difficult for me to know what they are doing, 100 00:05:06,337 --> 00:05:07,577 and why they are doing it. 101 00:05:07,577 --> 00:05:10,317 So i like it, I have already said, when upstream uses Git, 102 00:05:10,317 --> 00:05:12,657 I also like it when upstream signs their releases, 103 00:05:12,657 --> 00:05:15,217 and says "hey, this is specific release", 104 00:05:15,217 --> 00:05:18,767 because that is a signal that I can use, 105 00:05:18,767 --> 00:05:21,887 or somebody else that understands the project. 106 00:05:22,137 --> 00:05:25,427 As said, "we think that this is something that other people can use", 107 00:05:25,427 --> 00:05:28,927 or "this is a particular version that we would like other people to test". 108 00:05:28,927 --> 00:05:32,257 There are a lot of other situations where maybe it is not so important. 109 00:05:32,257 --> 00:05:35,127 And having that be cryptographically signed is really useful. 110 00:05:35,127 --> 00:05:38,727 I care about cryptographic signature on software because I want to know that 111 00:05:38,727 --> 00:05:44,027 what I am running is related to the code that somebody else out should be run. 112 00:05:44,027 --> 00:05:46,717 And if you don't verify your software cryptographically, 113 00:05:46,717 --> 00:05:48,907 anyone who can intercept the network connection 114 00:05:48,907 --> 00:05:52,520 between you and that software, can modify the software before it gets to you. 115 00:05:52,520 --> 00:05:54,560 And the cryptographic signature just says: 116 00:05:54,560 --> 00:05:58,120 "look, this is a version that I am OK with. 117 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:00,390 I am putting it out there and it comes from me". 118 00:06:00,390 --> 00:06:03,710 So I can have a trace back to that point. 119 00:06:06,383 --> 00:06:10,573 Just let me talk briefly about how you do cryptographic verification 120 00:06:10,573 --> 00:06:13,313 of upstream One is you might know upstream: 121 00:06:13,313 --> 00:06:16,943 you might know them personally, you know their key already, that is fine. 122 00:06:16,943 --> 00:06:20,523 That is not the usual case: we work on the Internet. 123 00:06:20,751 --> 00:06:23,661 In the situation where your upstream is signing their tarballs 124 00:06:23,661 --> 00:06:26,521 and you have not met them, you do not have to sign their key, 125 00:06:26,521 --> 00:06:29,051 you do not have to say "I announce this is their key". 126 00:06:29,051 --> 00:06:32,562 But it is probably the same one that is signing every release, 127 00:06:32,562 --> 00:06:34,162 so you should keep track of that. 128 00:06:34,162 --> 00:06:37,802 Debian has a nice way to keep track of that: 129 00:06:37,802 --> 00:06:41,982 you can tell Debian how to find the new version of the upstream tarball. 130 00:06:41,982 --> 00:06:43,722 This is in the Debian 'watch' file. 131 00:06:43,722 --> 00:06:49,532 If you type 'man uscan', you can learn more about Debian 'watch', 132 00:06:49,532 --> 00:06:52,092 and Debian 'watch' now has a feature that lets you say 133 00:06:52,092 --> 00:06:54,772 "that is not only this way you find the tarball, 134 00:06:54,772 --> 00:06:58,492 but upstream publishes signatures and the signatures look like this". 135 00:06:58,492 --> 00:07:00,602 You know, they got a '.sig' at the end. 136 00:07:00,602 --> 00:07:04,862 So there is a particular arcane way to specify that, but if you specify that, 137 00:07:04,862 --> 00:07:07,342 then 'uscan' can find not only the upstream tarball, 138 00:07:07,342 --> 00:07:09,262 it can find the upstream signature. 139 00:07:09,262 --> 00:07:12,472 And, if you drop upstream's signing key 140 00:07:12,472 --> 00:07:14,802 - which of course I did not put on the wiki page, 141 00:07:14,802 --> 00:07:16,592 someone should edit that and fix it - 142 00:07:16,592 --> 00:07:24,192 you can put the upstream signing key in 'debian/upstream/signing-key.asc'. 143 00:07:25,982 --> 00:07:29,982 And then if you do that, when you say 'uscan', you can tell… 144 00:07:31,684 --> 00:07:34,214 Maybe some people here do not know how to use 'uscan': 145 00:07:34,214 --> 00:07:35,644 'uscan' is a very simple tool, 146 00:07:35,644 --> 00:07:39,044 you run it from a software package that has a 'debian' directory, 147 00:07:39,044 --> 00:07:43,084 or even one level up if you keep all of your software packages in one folder. 148 00:07:43,084 --> 00:07:46,094 You can go one level up and say 'uscan', 149 00:07:46,094 --> 00:07:49,594 and it will look in all of the folders that are children of it, 150 00:07:49,594 --> 00:07:50,924 and look for new versions 151 00:07:50,924 --> 00:07:54,274 by trying to find a new upstream version in 'debian/watch'. 152 00:07:54,274 --> 00:07:56,654 And if you have configured 'debian/watch' properly, 153 00:07:56,654 --> 00:07:58,584 it can find the new upstream signatures, 154 00:07:58,584 --> 00:08:02,084 and if you have got the 'upstream/signing-key.asc', 155 00:08:02,084 --> 00:08:04,484 then it will actually verify the signatures for you 156 00:08:04,484 --> 00:08:06,674 as part of fetching the new upstream tarball. 157 00:08:06,674 --> 00:08:10,364 So you can get all of those things just by setting a pre-packaging that way. 158 00:08:10,364 --> 00:08:13,411 There is a hand up down there, could we get the mic down to the hand ? 159 00:08:14,151 --> 00:08:15,101 Thanks. 160 00:08:15,101 --> 00:08:18,561 Or to the person who has that hand, it is not just a hand. 161 00:08:18,561 --> 00:08:20,661 [public laugh] 162 00:08:21,381 --> 00:08:27,221 [attendee] Publish a tarball, and a hash, '.sha1', 163 00:08:27,221 --> 00:08:31,751 and sign that hash, '.sha1.asc'. 164 00:08:31,751 --> 00:08:36,137 Can 'uscan' cope with this and check the signature on the hash 165 00:08:36,137 --> 00:08:38,397 and that the hash belongs to that tarball ? 166 00:08:38,397 --> 00:08:41,357 [Daniel] I do not believe that 'uscan' can do that currently. 167 00:08:41,357 --> 00:08:44,967 So anybody out there who wants to make things better for the world 168 00:08:44,967 --> 00:08:48,067 should go hack on 'uscan': that is a pretty straightforward thing 169 00:08:48,067 --> 00:08:51,137 that we should fix because I agree that is common pattern. 170 00:08:53,715 --> 00:08:57,955 [attendee] I have no answer to this question by I have another question: 171 00:08:57,955 --> 00:09:01,895 how do you convince upstreams who do not release tarballs 172 00:09:01,895 --> 00:09:06,485 or who do not set tags in Git ? 173 00:09:06,485 --> 00:09:08,455 [Daniel] Who do not make tags in Git ? 174 00:09:08,455 --> 00:09:11,695 [someone] Yes, if there is no tags you can not check out a tarball. 175 00:09:11,695 --> 00:09:15,795 Is there any good way to convince upstream to do this ? 176 00:09:17,369 --> 00:09:20,849 [Daniel] Git has this nice feature, which is that you can create a tag, 177 00:09:20,849 --> 00:09:23,729 which is associated with a particular revision, 178 00:09:23,729 --> 00:09:26,979 and you would like to have a tag 179 00:09:26,979 --> 00:09:30,979 everywhere that a tarball has been released from. 180 00:09:30,979 --> 00:09:34,979 I am tempted to pull up a Git view and show people some tags. 181 00:09:34,979 --> 00:09:38,979 The question that you ask is a social one tho, not just a technical one, 182 00:09:38,979 --> 00:09:42,289 and I actually find that my upstreams are pretty responsive. 183 00:09:42,289 --> 00:09:44,509 Usually I frame my request as 184 00:09:44,509 --> 00:09:48,759 "hey, it like you made this tarball from this particular commit 'id'. 185 00:09:48,759 --> 00:09:52,259 If you could tag you releases, it would be really helpful to me, 186 00:09:52,259 --> 00:09:55,429 and here is the command that I would use to tag the release". 187 00:09:55,429 --> 00:09:57,199 And I say "git tag…" 188 00:09:57,199 --> 00:09:59,939 and of course I can never remember so first I look it up, 189 00:09:59,939 --> 00:10:03,039 but it is either 'tag name' 'commit id' or 'commit id' 'tag name'. 190 00:10:03,039 --> 00:10:05,759 But I would look it up and I would write the email so that 191 00:10:05,759 --> 00:10:07,489 all they have to do is they read it, 192 00:10:07,489 --> 00:10:08,599 understand my argument, 193 00:10:08,599 --> 00:10:09,829 and execute one command. 194 00:10:09,829 --> 00:10:13,299 I mean, it doesn't get them in the habit but it start them towards it 195 00:10:16,239 --> 00:10:19,009 And if you say 'tag -s', 196 00:10:19,009 --> 00:10:23,179 then your tag will be cryptographically signed, 197 00:10:23,179 --> 00:10:26,049 which I think is a really good thing to do too. 198 00:10:27,179 --> 00:10:29,299 So, cryptographic verification of upstream. 199 00:10:29,299 --> 00:10:33,649 As I said, I want to keep upstream's code in the revision control system. 200 00:10:33,649 --> 00:10:35,559 I also like to keep… 201 00:10:35,559 --> 00:10:38,975 In my ideal case upstream is using Git: I am using Git for packaging. 202 00:10:38,975 --> 00:10:44,575 I actually like to keep upsteam's Git history fully in my repository, 203 00:10:44,575 --> 00:10:48,705 so that I do not just have the tarballs, but I actually have all of their commits. 204 00:10:48,705 --> 00:10:52,137 And that turns out to be really useful for two specific cases: 205 00:10:52,137 --> 00:10:55,557 In one case, there is a common scenario where upstream will fix a bug, 206 00:10:55,557 --> 00:10:57,667 but they have not made a release yet. 207 00:10:57,667 --> 00:11:00,417 And that bug is really, really obviously problematic 208 00:11:00,417 --> 00:11:02,197 for the folks who are using Debian, 209 00:11:02,197 --> 00:11:03,457 so I want to fix it. 210 00:11:03,457 --> 00:11:06,407 All I can do, because I have their full revision history, 211 00:11:06,407 --> 00:11:10,477 I can use Git to "cherry pick" the upstream commit. 212 00:11:10,477 --> 00:11:12,577 And then I "cherry pick" that upstream commit 213 00:11:12,577 --> 00:11:14,767 and I can have it applied separately, 214 00:11:14,767 --> 00:11:17,107 and release a Debian version that has the fix, 215 00:11:17,107 --> 00:11:19,747 even before upstream has made a release with the fix. 216 00:11:19,747 --> 00:11:22,777 So one nice thing about having upstream revision 217 00:11:22,777 --> 00:11:28,667 is that I can pull fixes from upstream before they decided to release it. 218 00:11:28,667 --> 00:11:32,667 The other advantage is the other way around. 219 00:11:32,667 --> 00:11:35,517 Often when I am doing packaging, I discover a problem, 220 00:11:35,517 --> 00:11:37,787 and maybe I can fix the problem. 221 00:11:37,787 --> 00:11:41,787 And in fact maybe I am already shipping a Debian package that fixes the problem. 222 00:11:41,787 --> 00:11:45,027 If my Debian fixes can be directly applied to upstream, 223 00:11:45,027 --> 00:11:50,017 then I can use whatever their preferred upstream patch submission guidelines are, 224 00:11:50,017 --> 00:11:53,677 whether it is a Github pull request, or a patch to a mailing list, 225 00:11:53,677 --> 00:11:58,377 or a "hey can you pull this from my Git repository over here", e-mail… 226 00:11:58,377 --> 00:12:01,590 The fact that I am using the same Git history that they are using 227 00:12:01,590 --> 00:12:05,520 makes it much easier for me to push my changes back to them. 228 00:12:05,520 --> 00:12:09,311 So, it sort of smooths the interaction if you can consolidate 229 00:12:09,311 --> 00:12:13,441 and use the same revision control system as their. 230 00:12:13,441 --> 00:12:14,661 Towards that aim, 231 00:12:14,661 --> 00:12:16,691 I use a system now called 'patch queue', 232 00:12:16,691 --> 00:12:19,141 which is part of 'git-buildpackage'. 233 00:12:19,141 --> 00:12:21,521 So 'git buildpackage' is 'gbp', 234 00:12:21,521 --> 00:12:23,321 'patch queue' is 'pq', 235 00:12:23,321 --> 00:12:28,784 so to deal with 'patch queue' you say 'gbp pq' 236 00:12:28,784 --> 00:12:30,644 and then you have some commands. 237 00:12:30,644 --> 00:12:34,067 And what that does, is it takes… 238 00:12:34,067 --> 00:12:36,087 How many of you are Debian packagers ? 239 00:12:36,087 --> 00:12:38,187 How many of you package software for Debian ? 240 00:12:38,187 --> 00:12:40,097 [most attendees raise their hand] 241 00:12:40,097 --> 00:12:42,097 A very large percentage, but not everyone. 242 00:12:42,097 --> 00:12:46,557 I hope some folks are considering starting packaging if you have not done it yet. 243 00:12:46,557 --> 00:12:48,617 Of those of you who package software, 244 00:12:48,617 --> 00:12:51,057 how many of you package software with modifications, 245 00:12:51,057 --> 00:12:53,917 how many of you ship a modified version of upstream sources ? 246 00:12:53,917 --> 00:12:55,597 [most attendees raise their hand] 247 00:12:55,597 --> 00:12:58,427 Beyond the 'debian' directory, just Debian patches ? 248 00:12:58,427 --> 00:13:00,757 So the common way to do that, 249 00:13:00,757 --> 00:13:03,407 for the Debian 3.0 quilt packaging skill, 250 00:13:03,407 --> 00:13:07,088 is that in your 'debian' directory you have a 'patches' sub-directory 251 00:13:07,088 --> 00:13:11,038 that has a set of individual patches that apply certain changes, 252 00:13:11,038 --> 00:13:15,971 and they are applied in order based on the file called 'debian/patches/series'. 253 00:13:15,971 --> 00:13:20,659 So maintaining that is kind of a drag when upstream makes big changes: 254 00:13:20,659 --> 00:13:24,449 then all of sudden you have got this set of patches and they do not quite apply… 255 00:13:24,449 --> 00:13:28,424 It is a drag even you do not have it in the 'debian/patches/' directory. 256 00:13:28,424 --> 00:13:33,984 But what Debian 'patch queue' does is it maps that directory of patches 257 00:13:33,984 --> 00:13:38,314 into a little branch on your Git revision history. 258 00:13:38,314 --> 00:13:43,164 So when you get a new upstream version, you can say 'patch queue rebase', 259 00:13:43,164 --> 00:13:47,067 and it treats it just as Git: it takes the 'patch queue'… 260 00:13:47,067 --> 00:13:51,537 You have already imported the new version, and it re-applies your patches, 261 00:13:51,537 --> 00:13:53,777 and sometimes that means some minor adjustments. 262 00:13:53,787 --> 00:13:58,417 Git is really good at figuring out what the right minor adjustments are to make, 263 00:13:58,417 --> 00:14:01,587 and so all of the sudden the patch queue is re-based, 264 00:14:01,587 --> 00:14:05,587 you refresh it in your revision control system… 265 00:14:05,587 --> 00:14:08,217 and there you go. 266 00:14:08,217 --> 00:14:11,810 So I like to use git-buildpackage patch queue, 267 00:14:11,810 --> 00:14:14,830 tagging, as already brought up, thank you for that, 268 00:14:14,830 --> 00:14:17,010 I like to to tag everything that I release, 269 00:14:17,010 --> 00:14:18,730 I like to push that as soon as I can, 270 00:14:18,730 --> 00:14:21,740 so that other people who are following my work 271 00:14:21,740 --> 00:14:24,780 can know where my releases come from. 272 00:14:24,780 --> 00:14:27,430 The reason that I like other people following my work is 273 00:14:27,430 --> 00:14:30,616 they can fix my bugs easier. 274 00:14:30,616 --> 00:14:32,636 I make mistakes, everybody makes mistakes, 275 00:14:32,636 --> 00:14:36,220 and it is really important to me that if someone catches one of my mistakes, 276 00:14:36,220 --> 00:14:39,416 I can accept their feedback, their criticism, their improvements, 277 00:14:39,416 --> 00:14:41,226 as easily as possible. 278 00:14:41,226 --> 00:14:45,606 I want a low barrier to entry for people to help me fix my problems: 279 00:14:45,606 --> 00:14:46,826 it is selfishness. 280 00:14:46,826 --> 00:14:49,956 So I try to patch it and publish these things for people can find it. 281 00:14:49,956 --> 00:14:54,516 I'm going to rattle through some of these pretty fast because were are almost out of time. 282 00:14:54,516 --> 00:14:57,656 I like to put my repo in some place where other people get to the them, 283 00:14:57,656 --> 00:15:00,346 at the moment I like to put them in 'collab-maint', 284 00:15:00,346 --> 00:15:03,636 it has some problems but it is better than not publishing your stuff, 285 00:15:03,636 --> 00:15:06,501 and it is nice because it is sort of a public use. 286 00:15:07,777 --> 00:15:10,167 I like to standardize how of my branches are named, 287 00:15:10,167 --> 00:15:13,187 so if I am working on something that has got a stable version, 288 00:15:13,187 --> 00:15:15,697 that is for Jessie, I will name the branch 'jessie', 289 00:15:15,697 --> 00:15:21,317 because I will probably making changes, like I said, editing multiple of software 290 00:15:21,317 --> 00:15:26,147 I try to push as frequently as I have made something that looks sensible. 291 00:15:26,147 --> 00:15:29,737 I do not feel obliged to push my commits to a public repository 292 00:15:29,737 --> 00:15:31,347 when I am still experimenting, 293 00:15:31,347 --> 00:15:33,167 I actually really like to experiment, 294 00:15:33,167 --> 00:15:36,847 and I also like to keep track of my experiments while I am doing them. 295 00:15:36,847 --> 00:15:40,067 So I try to push when there is a sensible set of changes, 296 00:15:40,067 --> 00:15:41,917 and I am trying to get myself 297 00:15:41,917 --> 00:15:45,317 to a point where I can understand what I have done, even if it is wrong. 298 00:15:45,317 --> 00:15:48,097 If I can get myself to a conceptual point where it is done, 299 00:15:48,097 --> 00:15:51,287 I will push my changes so other people can see what I am working on, 300 00:15:51,287 --> 00:15:52,627 and then work from there. 301 00:15:52,627 --> 00:15:54,877 That is OK to push something that is wrong, 302 00:15:54,877 --> 00:15:57,907 as long as you push something that people can understand. 303 00:15:57,907 --> 00:16:01,277 When you make a 'git commit' (if you are working with Git), 304 00:16:01,277 --> 00:16:05,167 one of the things that helps me to think for commit messages… 305 00:16:05,167 --> 00:16:08,637 People often think that commit messages should say "what change you made". 306 00:16:08,647 --> 00:16:12,117 I think that the 'git patch' shows what change what change you have made, 307 00:16:12,117 --> 00:16:16,677 and I thin your commit messages should say "why you made the change". 308 00:16:16,677 --> 00:16:19,017 That is what people really want to read. 309 00:16:19,017 --> 00:16:22,977 If you need to explain technically why the thing that you did 310 00:16:22,977 --> 00:16:25,677 maps to the conceptual thing that you wanted to do, 311 00:16:25,677 --> 00:16:28,117 that is fine: do that in your commit message too. 312 00:16:28,117 --> 00:16:31,067 But it is really important to say why you made the change. 313 00:16:31,067 --> 00:16:34,287 It is not just like "initialize variable to 'no'": 314 00:16:34,287 --> 00:16:36,405 OK, we can see that from the patch, 315 00:16:36,405 --> 00:16:39,815 but what you are really saying is "there was a crash if someone did 'x', 316 00:16:39,815 --> 00:16:43,925 and we are avoiding that crash by setting this to 'no'. 317 00:16:43,925 --> 00:16:46,345 So I like to send patches via email, 318 00:16:46,345 --> 00:16:47,985 so I try to configure Git email, 319 00:16:47,985 --> 00:16:51,565 which make it really easy to just push patches back upstream. 320 00:16:51,565 --> 00:16:55,195 If I am starting taking over a project that somebody else has past on, 321 00:16:55,195 --> 00:16:58,345 and they did not use Git, I will try to restore all of the imports. 322 00:16:58,345 --> 00:17:01,065 I would be happy to talk with people about how to do that, 323 00:17:01,065 --> 00:17:02,795 if you have questions come find me. 324 00:17:02,795 --> 00:17:04,525 I like to keep my files nice and simple: 325 00:17:04,525 --> 00:17:09,965 there is a tool 'wrap-and-sort', 326 00:17:09,965 --> 00:17:13,585 that just canonicalizes your files to make them look 327 00:17:13,585 --> 00:17:16,395 in a simple and sensible way. 328 00:17:16,395 --> 00:17:20,575 And it is nice because it means that everything is… 329 00:17:20,575 --> 00:17:23,675 It does things like alphabetize your list of build depends, 330 00:17:23,675 --> 00:17:25,555 and brake them out one per line. 331 00:17:25,555 --> 00:17:29,054 The nice thing about that, since you are using revision control, 332 00:17:29,054 --> 00:17:31,284 when you make a change to your build depends, 333 00:17:31,284 --> 00:17:32,954 the changes become very easy to see: 334 00:17:32,954 --> 00:17:35,514 "oh, they added one new package here, there is a single '+'". 335 00:17:35,514 --> 00:17:37,711 One new dependency, they removed a build dependency 336 00:17:37,711 --> 00:17:40,051 so you can see that kind of thing. 337 00:17:40,051 --> 00:17:44,851 I like to use DEP-5 to format Debian copyright to be machine readable, 338 00:17:44,851 --> 00:17:47,701 it is nice for people who are doing scans of the archive 339 00:17:47,701 --> 00:17:49,791 and try reason about what the patterns are, 340 00:17:49,791 --> 00:17:51,275 and licensing of free software. 341 00:17:51,275 --> 00:17:54,905 And if I am doing something really crazy, that is going to make a big change, 342 00:17:54,905 --> 00:17:57,325 I like to use a feature branch in revision control. 343 00:17:57,325 --> 00:18:01,705 So we have got one minute left, I want to open it up for other questions. 344 00:18:01,705 --> 00:18:05,705 it's kind of rambling 345 00:18:10,330 --> 00:18:13,764 [attendee] You said you are using 'wrap-and-sort' which is nice, 346 00:18:13,764 --> 00:18:18,931 I had learned that Config::Model editors - 'cme' - do the same job, 347 00:18:18,931 --> 00:18:25,541 and somehow does a better job: it also enhances standard version 348 00:18:25,541 --> 00:18:31,191 if it does not fit, or it makes VCS fields properly has it should be. 349 00:18:31,191 --> 00:18:36,761 'cme fix dpkg-control' fixes your control file. 350 00:18:36,761 --> 00:18:40,131 [Daniel] 'cme' ? And it is in what package ? 351 00:18:40,131 --> 00:18:42,921 [attendee] The package 'cme', in unstable is cme 352 00:18:42,921 --> 00:18:45,331 In Jessie it's libconfig-model-perl 353 00:18:45,331 --> 00:18:47,763 [Daniel] You are developing in unstable, that is OK. 354 00:18:47,763 --> 00:18:49,783 'cme' OK, thank you. 355 00:18:49,783 --> 00:18:53,381 Other questions or suggestions, or complains ? 356 00:18:56,793 --> 00:19:01,664 [attendee] If you change the original source code, and do some commits, 357 00:19:01,664 --> 00:19:06,814 how do you convert that into a series of quilt patches ? 358 00:19:06,818 --> 00:19:09,838 [Daniel] I use 'patch queue' for that as well, so what I do is I say 359 00:19:09,838 --> 00:19:12,788 "I want to move over to my 'patch queue' view of the tree", 360 00:19:12,788 --> 00:19:15,028 and then I make may changes, I make my commits, 361 00:19:15,028 --> 00:19:18,058 and then I say 'gbp pq export', 362 00:19:18,058 --> 00:19:19,733 so that 'patch queue export', 363 00:19:19,733 --> 00:19:21,563 and it takes the 'patch queue' that I am on 364 00:19:21,563 --> 00:19:24,263 and dumps it back into the Debian patches directory. 365 00:19:24,263 --> 00:19:28,263 If you have not use 'gbp pq', I recommend looking into it. 366 00:19:28,263 --> 00:19:31,913 It takes a little while to get used to, and I still screwed it up sometimes, 367 00:19:31,913 --> 00:19:34,433 but it makes easy to fix your mistakes too. 368 00:19:34,433 --> 00:19:36,833 [organizer] Last question ? 369 00:19:36,833 --> 00:19:38,673 [attendee] Do you think it is possible 370 00:19:38,673 --> 00:19:42,473 to make this 'patch queue' branch "pullable" by upstream ? 371 00:19:45,846 --> 00:19:49,056 [Daniel] I do not actually think it is possible to make it directly 372 00:19:49,056 --> 00:19:52,536 "pullable" by upstream: I think upstream can cherry pick patches from it, 373 00:19:52,536 --> 00:19:54,886 but I do not see how to make it "pullable". 374 00:19:54,886 --> 00:19:58,156 If someone else does, I would be happy to learn. 375 00:19:58,691 --> 00:20:02,721 [organizer] This was "before last", so last. 376 00:20:02,721 --> 00:20:07,601 [attendee] Do you have a recording of you using the tools that you mentioned, 377 00:20:07,601 --> 00:20:12,151 a video recording would be great, just to show your workflow ? 378 00:20:12,151 --> 00:20:15,441 [Daniel] I do not really know how to do that: 379 00:20:15,441 --> 00:20:20,321 if somebody wants to help me do that I would be happy to do it. 380 00:20:20,321 --> 00:20:22,311 I am going to give one last plug, 381 00:20:22,311 --> 00:20:25,595 I know we are out of time here, sorry. 382 00:20:25,595 --> 00:20:28,795 This tool is called 'gitk'. 383 00:20:28,795 --> 00:20:31,105 This is an example… 384 00:20:31,105 --> 00:20:32,415 - sorry we should leave - 385 00:20:32,415 --> 00:20:35,965 but this the way that I visualize my revision control system. 386 00:20:35,965 --> 00:20:38,195 We could do a whole other session about 'gitk'. 387 00:20:38,195 --> 00:20:41,045 If you do not try to visualize your revision control system, 388 00:20:41,045 --> 00:20:42,085 you are missing out: 389 00:20:42,085 --> 00:20:44,385 I recommend try to find a way to visualize stuff, 390 00:20:44,385 --> 00:20:45,725 find one that works for you. 391 00:20:45,725 --> 00:20:46,725 Thanks for coming. 392 00:20:46,725 --> 00:20:48,835 [organizer] Thank you.