WEBVTT 00:00:00.990 --> 00:00:04.845 When people find out I write about time management, 00:00:04.845 --> 00:00:06.736 they assume two things. 00:00:07.629 --> 00:00:11.954 One is that I'm always on time, 00:00:11.954 --> 00:00:13.263 and I'm not. 00:00:13.589 --> 00:00:15.036 I have four small children, 00:00:15.036 --> 00:00:17.945 and I would like to blame them for my occasional tardiness, 00:00:17.945 --> 00:00:20.124 but sometimes it's just not their fault. 00:00:20.492 --> 00:00:23.424 I was once late to my own speech on time management. 00:00:23.424 --> 00:00:24.420 (Laughter) 00:00:24.420 --> 00:00:27.820 We all had to just take a moment together and savor that irony. 00:00:29.035 --> 00:00:30.382 The second thing they assume 00:00:30.382 --> 00:00:34.081 is that I have lots of tips and tricks for saving bits of time here and there. 00:00:34.081 --> 00:00:37.847 And sometimes I'll hear from magazines that are doing a story along these lines, 00:00:37.847 --> 00:00:41.221 generally on how to help their readers find an extra hour in the day. 00:00:41.221 --> 00:00:44.517 And the idea is that we'll shave bits of time off everyday activities, 00:00:44.517 --> 00:00:45.521 add it up, 00:00:45.521 --> 00:00:47.553 and we'll have time for the good stuff. 00:00:47.553 --> 00:00:51.024 And I question the entire premise of this piece, 00:00:51.024 --> 00:00:52.264 but I'm always interested 00:00:52.264 --> 00:00:54.934 in hearing what they've come up with before they call me. 00:00:54.934 --> 00:00:55.933 Some of my favorites: 00:00:55.933 --> 00:00:59.263 doing errands in a way where you only have to make right-hand turns -- 00:00:59.263 --> 00:01:00.256 (Laughter) 00:01:00.256 --> 00:01:02.492 Being extremely judicious in microwave usage -- 00:01:02.492 --> 00:01:05.295 so it says three to three-and-a-half minutes on the package, 00:01:05.295 --> 00:01:07.733 we're totally getting in on the bottom side of that. 00:01:07.733 --> 00:01:08.922 And my personal favorite, 00:01:08.922 --> 00:01:10.449 which makes sense on some level, 00:01:10.449 --> 00:01:11.837 is to DVR your favorite shows 00:01:11.837 --> 00:01:14.085 so you can fast-forward through the commercials, 00:01:14.085 --> 00:01:16.795 and that way you save about eight minutes every half hour, 00:01:16.795 --> 00:01:18.887 so in the course of two hours of watching TV, 00:01:18.887 --> 00:01:20.416 you find 32 minutes to exercise. 00:01:20.416 --> 00:01:21.421 (Laughter) 00:01:21.421 --> 00:01:22.730 Which is true. 00:01:22.730 --> 00:01:25.351 You know another way to find 32 minutes to exercise? 00:01:25.677 --> 00:01:28.032 Don't watch two hours of TV a day, right? 00:01:28.032 --> 00:01:29.025 (Laughter) 00:01:29.025 --> 00:01:31.913 Anyway, the idea is we'll save bits of time here and there, 00:01:31.913 --> 00:01:32.908 add it up, 00:01:32.908 --> 00:01:35.143 we will finally get to everything we want to do. 00:01:35.143 --> 00:01:37.877 But after studying how successful people spend their time, 00:01:37.877 --> 00:01:40.784 and looking at their schedules hour by hour, 00:01:40.784 --> 00:01:43.898 I think this idea has it completely backward. 00:01:44.536 --> 00:01:48.578 We don't build the lives we want by saving time. 00:01:48.578 --> 00:01:50.867 We build the lives we want, 00:01:50.867 --> 00:01:54.070 and then time saves itself. 00:01:55.245 --> 00:01:56.247 Here's what I mean. 00:01:56.247 --> 00:01:58.167 I recently did a time diary project 00:01:58.167 --> 00:02:02.051 looking at 1,001 days in the lives of extremely busy women. 00:02:02.371 --> 00:02:03.658 They had demanding jobs, 00:02:03.658 --> 00:02:05.138 sometimes their own businesses, 00:02:05.138 --> 00:02:06.142 kids to care for, 00:02:06.142 --> 00:02:07.401 maybe parents to care for, 00:02:07.401 --> 00:02:08.695 community commitements -- 00:02:08.695 --> 00:02:10.508 busy, busy people. 00:02:10.828 --> 00:02:12.966 I had them keep track of their time for a week 00:02:12.966 --> 00:02:15.255 so I could add up how much they worked and slept, 00:02:15.255 --> 00:02:17.992 and I interviewed them about their strategies for my book. 00:02:17.992 --> 00:02:19.964 One of the women whose time log I studied, 00:02:19.964 --> 00:02:22.241 she goes out on a Wednesday night for something. 00:02:22.241 --> 00:02:25.179 She comes home to find that her water heater has broken, 00:02:25.179 --> 00:02:27.815 and there is now water all over her basement. 00:02:28.470 --> 00:02:30.897 If you've ever had anything like this happen to you, 00:02:30.897 --> 00:02:33.846 you know it is a hugely damaging, frightening, sopping mess. 00:02:33.846 --> 00:02:36.525 So she's dealing with the immediate aftermath that night, 00:02:36.525 --> 00:02:38.353 next day she's got plumbers coming in, 00:02:38.353 --> 00:02:39.353 day after that, 00:02:39.353 --> 00:02:42.066 professional cleaning crew dealing with the ruined carpet. 00:02:42.066 --> 00:02:44.185 All this is being recorded on her time log -- 00:02:44.185 --> 00:02:46.587 winds up taking seven hours of her week. 00:02:47.319 --> 00:02:48.601 Seven hours. 00:02:49.267 --> 00:02:52.069 That's like finding an extra hour in the day. 00:02:52.850 --> 00:02:55.620 But I'm sure if you had asked her at the start of the week, 00:02:55.620 --> 00:02:59.514 "Could you find seven hours to train for a triathlon? 00:03:00.132 --> 00:03:03.960 Could you find seven hours to mentor seven worthy people?" 00:03:03.960 --> 00:03:06.587 I'm sure she would've said what most of us would've said 00:03:06.587 --> 00:03:08.476 which is, "No. 00:03:08.476 --> 00:03:11.263 Can't you see how busy I am?" 00:03:11.633 --> 00:03:13.453 Yet when she had to find seven hours 00:03:13.453 --> 00:03:16.388 because there is water all over her basement, 00:03:16.388 --> 00:03:18.767 she found seven hours. 00:03:19.167 --> 00:03:23.318 And what this shows us is that time is highly elastic. 00:03:23.682 --> 00:03:25.850 We cannot make more time, 00:03:25.850 --> 00:03:29.896 but time will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it. 00:03:30.493 --> 00:03:33.803 And so the key to time management 00:03:33.803 --> 00:03:36.061 is treating our priorities 00:03:36.061 --> 00:03:39.534 as the equivalent of that broken water heater. 00:03:40.341 --> 00:03:41.336 And to get at this, 00:03:41.336 --> 00:03:45.000 I like to use some language from one of the busiest people I ever interviewed. 00:03:45.000 --> 00:03:47.190 By busy I mean she was running a small business 00:03:47.190 --> 00:03:48.640 with 12 people on the payroll, 00:03:48.640 --> 00:03:50.820 she had six children in her spare time. 00:03:50.820 --> 00:03:53.350 I was getting in touch with her to set up an interview 00:03:53.350 --> 00:03:54.610 on how she "had it all" -- 00:03:54.610 --> 00:03:56.010 that phrase -- 00:03:56.010 --> 00:03:57.750 I remember it was a Thursday morning 00:03:57.750 --> 00:03:59.780 and she was not available to speak with me, 00:03:59.780 --> 00:04:00.940 of course, right? 00:04:00.940 --> 00:04:03.340 But the reason she was unavailable to speak with me 00:04:03.340 --> 00:04:05.470 is that she was out for a hike, 00:04:05.470 --> 00:04:07.490 because it was a beautiful spring morning, 00:04:07.490 --> 00:04:09.080 and she wanted to go for a hike. 00:04:09.080 --> 00:04:11.440 So of course this makes me even more intrigued, 00:04:11.440 --> 00:04:13.360 and when I finally do catch up with her, 00:04:13.360 --> 00:04:14.600 she explains it like this, 00:04:14.600 --> 00:04:15.800 she says, "Listen Laura, 00:04:15.800 --> 00:04:17.830 everything I do, 00:04:17.830 --> 00:04:19.460 every minute I spend 00:04:19.460 --> 00:04:21.600 is my choice." 00:04:21.992 --> 00:04:23.156 And rather than say, 00:04:23.156 --> 00:04:26.131 "I don't have time to do x, y or z," 00:04:26.131 --> 00:04:30.893 she'd say, "I don't do x, y or z because it's not a priority." 00:04:31.805 --> 00:04:36.435 "I don't have time," often means "It's not a priority." 00:04:37.123 --> 00:04:38.357 If you think about it, 00:04:38.357 --> 00:04:40.151 that's really more accurate language. 00:04:40.151 --> 00:04:42.973 I mean I could tell you I don't have time to dust my blinds, 00:04:42.973 --> 00:04:43.967 but that's not true. 00:04:43.967 --> 00:04:46.539 If you offered to pay me $100,000 to go dust my blinds, 00:04:46.539 --> 00:04:48.110 I would get to it pretty quickly. 00:04:48.110 --> 00:04:49.107 (Laughter) 00:04:49.107 --> 00:04:50.730 Since that is not going to happen, 00:04:50.730 --> 00:04:53.302 I can acknowledge this is not a matter of lacking time, 00:04:53.302 --> 00:04:54.971 it's that I don't want to do it. 00:04:54.971 --> 00:04:58.458 Using this language reminds us that time is a choice. 00:04:58.458 --> 00:04:59.572 And granted, 00:04:59.572 --> 00:05:02.590 there may be horrible consequences for making different choices, 00:05:02.590 --> 00:05:03.868 I will give you that, 00:05:03.868 --> 00:05:05.628 but we are smart people, 00:05:05.628 --> 00:05:07.509 and certainly over the long-run, 00:05:07.509 --> 00:05:12.352 we have the power to fill our lives with the things that deserve to be there. 00:05:13.323 --> 00:05:15.358 So how do we do that? 00:05:15.358 --> 00:05:16.813 How do we treat our priorities 00:05:16.813 --> 00:05:19.396 as the equivalent of that broken water heater? 00:05:19.749 --> 00:05:22.001 Well first we need to figure out what they are, 00:05:22.001 --> 00:05:24.916 and I want to give you two strategies for thinking about this. 00:05:24.916 --> 00:05:26.596 The first on the professional side. 00:05:26.596 --> 00:05:29.074 I'm sure many people coming up to the end of the year 00:05:29.074 --> 00:05:31.374 are giving or getting annual performance reviews. 00:05:31.374 --> 00:05:33.621 You look back over your successes over the year, 00:05:33.621 --> 00:05:36.122 your "opportunities for growth," 00:05:36.122 --> 00:05:38.507 and this serves its purpose, 00:05:38.507 --> 00:05:41.246 but I find it's more effective to do this looking forward. 00:05:41.246 --> 00:05:44.126 So I want you to pretend it's the end of next year. 00:05:44.509 --> 00:05:46.893 You're giving yourself a performance review, 00:05:46.893 --> 00:05:51.674 and it has been an absolutely amazing year for you professionally. 00:05:52.082 --> 00:05:58.051 What three-to-five things did you do that made it so amazing? 00:05:58.822 --> 00:06:02.510 So you can write next year's performance review now. 00:06:02.645 --> 00:06:04.858 And you can do this for you personal life, too. 00:06:04.858 --> 00:06:05.859 I'm sure many of you, 00:06:05.859 --> 00:06:06.864 like me, 00:06:06.864 --> 00:06:07.857 come December, 00:06:07.857 --> 00:06:11.770 get cards that contain these folded up sheets of colored paper 00:06:11.770 --> 00:06:16.577 on which is written what is known as the family holiday letter. 00:06:16.830 --> 00:06:17.839 (Laughter) 00:06:18.071 --> 00:06:20.816 Bit of a wretched genre of literature really, 00:06:20.816 --> 00:06:24.247 going on about how amazing everyone in the household is, 00:06:24.247 --> 00:06:25.541 or even more scintillating, 00:06:25.541 --> 00:06:27.958 how busy everyone in the household is. 00:06:27.958 --> 00:06:29.580 But these letters serve a purpose, 00:06:29.580 --> 00:06:31.780 which is that they tell your friends and family 00:06:31.780 --> 00:06:34.367 what you did in your personal life that mattered to you 00:06:34.367 --> 00:06:35.717 over the course of the year. 00:06:35.717 --> 00:06:37.051 So this year's kind of done, 00:06:37.051 --> 00:06:39.486 but I want you to pretend it's the end of next year, 00:06:39.486 --> 00:06:42.506 and it has been an absolutely amazing year 00:06:42.506 --> 00:06:45.159 for you and the people you care about. 00:06:45.582 --> 00:06:50.140 What three-to-five things did you do that made it so amazing? 00:06:51.069 --> 00:06:55.414 So you can write next year's family holiday letter now. 00:06:55.901 --> 00:06:57.534 Don't send it ... 00:06:57.534 --> 00:06:58.532 (Laughter) 00:06:58.532 --> 00:06:59.900 Please, 00:06:59.900 --> 00:07:01.181 don't send it. 00:07:01.181 --> 00:07:02.597 But you can write it. 00:07:02.597 --> 00:07:06.440 And now between the performance review and the family holiday letter, 00:07:06.440 --> 00:07:09.563 we have a list of six-to-10 goals we can work on in the next year. 00:07:09.563 --> 00:07:12.090 And now we need to break these down into doable steps. 00:07:12.090 --> 00:07:14.678 So maybe you want to write a family history. 00:07:14.678 --> 00:07:17.156 Well, first you can read some other family histories, 00:07:17.156 --> 00:07:18.411 get a sense for the style. 00:07:18.411 --> 00:07:21.599 Then maybe think about the questions you want to ask your relatives, 00:07:21.599 --> 00:07:23.420 set up appointments to interview them. 00:07:23.420 --> 00:07:24.873 Or maybe you want to run a 5K, 00:07:24.873 --> 00:07:26.759 so you need to find a race and sign up, 00:07:26.759 --> 00:07:28.289 and figure out a training plan, 00:07:28.289 --> 00:07:30.633 and dig those shoes out of the back of the closet. 00:07:30.633 --> 00:07:31.629 And then -- 00:07:31.629 --> 00:07:32.626 this is key -- 00:07:32.626 --> 00:07:36.615 we treat our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater 00:07:36.615 --> 00:07:39.614 by putting them into our schedules first. 00:07:39.998 --> 00:07:44.781 And we do this by thinking through our weeks before we are in them. 00:07:44.781 --> 00:07:48.465 I find a really good time to do this is Friday afternoons. 00:07:49.021 --> 00:07:54.220 Friday afternoon is what an economist a "low opportunity cost" time. 00:07:54.852 --> 00:07:57.775 Most of us are not sitting there on Friday afternoons saying, 00:07:57.775 --> 00:07:59.713 "I am excited to make progress 00:07:59.713 --> 00:08:03.344 toward my personal and professional priorities right now." 00:08:03.344 --> 00:08:04.344 (Laughter) 00:08:04.344 --> 00:08:06.915 But we are willing to think about what those should be. 00:08:06.915 --> 00:08:09.069 So take a little bit of time Friday afternoon, 00:08:09.069 --> 00:08:11.747 make yourself a three-category priority list: 00:08:11.747 --> 00:08:15.412 career, relationships, self. 00:08:16.382 --> 00:08:18.947 Making a three-category list 00:08:18.947 --> 00:08:23.240 reminds us that there should be something in all three categories. 00:08:23.240 --> 00:08:24.623 Career we think about; 00:08:24.623 --> 00:08:26.153 relationships, self -- 00:08:26.153 --> 00:08:27.438 not so much. 00:08:27.438 --> 00:08:29.359 But anyway, just a short list, 00:08:29.359 --> 00:08:31.093 two-to-three items in each. 00:08:31.093 --> 00:08:33.606 Then look out over the whole of the next week, 00:08:33.606 --> 00:08:35.595 and see where you can plan them in. 00:08:36.227 --> 00:08:38.260 Where you plan them in is up to you. 00:08:38.260 --> 00:08:41.837 And I know this is going to be more complicated for some people than others. 00:08:41.837 --> 00:08:45.359 I mean some people's lives are just harder than others. 00:08:45.809 --> 00:08:49.167 It is not going to be easy to find time to take that poetry class 00:08:49.167 --> 00:08:51.943 if you are caring for multiple children on your own. 00:08:52.185 --> 00:08:53.190 I get that. 00:08:53.190 --> 00:08:55.593 And I don't want to minimize anyone's struggle, 00:08:55.593 --> 00:09:00.299 but I do think that the numbers I am about to tell you are empowering. 00:09:01.081 --> 00:09:05.088 There are 168 hours in a week. 00:09:06.097 --> 00:09:10.798 24 times seven is 168 hours. 00:09:11.510 --> 00:09:14.243 That is a lot of time. 00:09:14.808 --> 00:09:16.477 If you are working a full-time job, 00:09:16.477 --> 00:09:18.070 so 40 hours a week, 00:09:18.070 --> 00:09:19.407 sleeping 8 hours a night, 00:09:19.407 --> 00:09:21.184 so 56 hours a week -- 00:09:21.184 --> 00:09:23.764 that leaves 72 hours for other things. 00:09:24.725 --> 00:09:26.819 That is a lot of time. 00:09:27.092 --> 00:09:29.000 You say you're working 50 hours a week, 00:09:29.000 --> 00:09:30.969 maybe a main job and a side hustle. 00:09:30.969 --> 00:09:33.380 Well that leaves 62 hours for other things. 00:09:33.380 --> 00:09:35.459 You say you're working 60 hours, 00:09:35.459 --> 00:09:37.698 well that leaves 52 hours for other things. 00:09:37.698 --> 00:09:39.771 You say you're working more than 60 hours. 00:09:39.771 --> 00:09:41.352 Well, are you sure? 00:09:41.352 --> 00:09:42.682 (Laughter) 00:09:43.241 --> 00:09:46.151 There was once a study comparing people's estimated work weeks 00:09:46.151 --> 00:09:47.681 with time diaries -- 00:09:47.681 --> 00:09:50.380 found that people claiming 75-plus hour work weeks 00:09:50.380 --> 00:09:52.507 we off by about 25 hours. 00:09:52.507 --> 00:09:54.085 (Laughter) 00:09:54.085 --> 00:09:56.406 You can guess in which direction, right? 00:09:57.648 --> 00:09:58.647 Anyway, 00:09:58.647 --> 00:10:00.028 in 168 hours a week, 00:10:00.028 --> 00:10:02.775 I think we can find time for what matters to you. 00:10:03.015 --> 00:10:05.194 If you want to spend more time with your kids, 00:10:05.194 --> 00:10:07.522 you want to study more for a test you're taking, 00:10:07.522 --> 00:10:10.864 you want to exercise for three hours and volunteer for two, 00:10:10.864 --> 00:10:11.856 you can. 00:10:11.856 --> 00:10:15.502 And that's even if you're working way more than full-time hours. 00:10:15.903 --> 00:10:17.148 So we have plenty of time, 00:10:17.148 --> 00:10:18.154 which is great, 00:10:18.154 --> 00:10:19.403 because guess what? 00:10:19.403 --> 00:10:22.094 We don't even need that much time to do amazing things. 00:10:22.594 --> 00:10:24.400 But when most of us have bits of time, 00:10:24.400 --> 00:10:25.419 what do we do? 00:10:25.860 --> 00:10:27.890 Pull out the phone, right? 00:10:27.890 --> 00:10:30.083 Start deleting emails, 00:10:30.083 --> 00:10:32.674 or otherwise we're puttering around the house, 00:10:32.674 --> 00:10:33.934 or watching TV. 00:10:34.329 --> 00:10:37.182 But small moments can have great power. 00:10:37.776 --> 00:10:40.212 You can use your bits of time 00:10:40.212 --> 00:10:42.581 for bits of joy. 00:10:43.330 --> 00:10:47.339 Maybe it's choosing to read something wonderful on the bus on the way to work. 00:10:47.584 --> 00:10:48.696 I know when I had a job 00:10:48.696 --> 00:10:51.505 that required two bus rides and a subway ride every morning, 00:10:51.505 --> 00:10:54.369 I used to go to the library on weekends to get stuff to read. 00:10:54.369 --> 00:10:56.887 It made the whole experience almost ... 00:10:56.887 --> 00:10:59.445 almost enjoyable. 00:10:59.857 --> 00:11:03.044 Breaks at work can be used for meditating or praying. 00:11:03.586 --> 00:11:06.803 If family dinner is out because of your crazy work schedule, 00:11:06.803 --> 00:11:09.552 maybe family breakfast could be a good substitute. 00:11:10.010 --> 00:11:13.374 It's about looking at the whole of one's time, 00:11:13.374 --> 00:11:15.776 and seeing where the good stuff can go. 00:11:16.687 --> 00:11:18.400 I truly believe this. 00:11:19.269 --> 00:11:21.970 There is time. 00:11:23.164 --> 00:11:25.453 Even if we are busy, 00:11:25.453 --> 00:11:27.435 we have time for what matters. 00:11:27.879 --> 00:11:30.438 And when we focus on what matters, 00:11:30.438 --> 00:11:33.027 we can build the lives we want 00:11:33.027 --> 00:11:34.518 in the time we've got. 00:11:34.758 --> 00:11:35.866 Thank you. 00:11:35.866 --> 00:11:37.236 (Applause)