we've all been told a million times that we should include more fiber in our diet and we're given multiple reasons for this the purpose of this video is to question how much fiber should we be getting in our diet and more importantly what does the research actually say about this not necessarily epidemiological observational research that's based on food frequency questionnaires but what does actual randomized control research say about the fiber question i'm dr ken berry a family physician with 20 years of clinical practice and this video is going to help you understand how much fiber do you need to eat each and every day all you have to do is turn on the television or read a magazine article or jump on twitter and you're going to be told things over and over like eating more fiber helps support weight loss lowers your cholesterol lowers your blood sugar improves your heart health prevents diabetes completely helps constipation decreases your risk of colon cancer or my personal favorite that it detoxes some part of your body now people who have ever taken too much fiber either from fiber containing foods or from a fiber supplement will tell you that the side effects of having too much fiber are no fun whatsoever they include gas lots of gas bloating constipation diarrhea wait a minute constipation yeah and cramping and actually worsening of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms so it's it's almost like your bowel is telling you hey don't eat all this fiber but many powers that be including the fda and the american heart association say hey you need to eat lots of fiber if you're a man you should eat from 30 to 38 grams each and every day if you're a woman you should eat 21 to 25 grams each and every day if you're a child between the ages of one and eight you should eat 14 to 31 grams each and every day so what does the research say but first let's talk about where this idea even came from who had the bright idea that we should eat lots of fiber in our diets it actually comes from a british surgeon by the name of dennis burkett and he was a very very intelligent surgeon there's actually a childhood cancer burkitt's lymphoma named after him he was very prominent british surgeon he practiced in africa for years and he noticed that the african natives who were his patients had these ginormous poops several times a day and he also noticed that they ate a lot of fiber in their diet and he also noticed that they didn't have colon cancer very often and they definitely didn't have constipation and they didn't really seem to have any other bowel issues and so he came up with this hypothesis that eating a high fiber diet should protect the human body from lots of things including constipation and colon cancer so this idea literally came from an impromptu hunch that a single individual had he did not do any control research he did not do any meaningful research on this whatsoever he just wrote a book about this and became known as the fiber guy and lectured all over the world and since as i mentioned earlier he was a very prominent british surgeon and he had done some very good work in other areas people tended to take what he said as gospel one thing that you need to understand is that these africans that he was studying and practicing on they also didn't need any added sugar whatsoever and they also didn't eat any highly processed grains and they also didn't eat any vegetable oils so there's that he also had one other hypothesis which i tend to agree with uh he hypothesized that squatting is a better position to take a bowel movement in than sitting and that it would help with constipation and other bowel problems now i think that hasn't been proven either but i think he may have been onto something there now let's talk quickly about what fiber actually is fiber is plant matter that our gut absolutely cannot digest it is well basically it's the same exact thing as sawdust or cardboard okay so uh when you start looking at some of these claims like it prevents it it helps you lose weight well if i took you where you're at right now and i replaced 10 or 20 of your diet with sawdust and every day we just mix sawdust into your oatmeal and into your corn flakes and so you were getting 10 to 20 more fiber a day fiber that your body cannot break down cannot use as nutrition in any way whatsoever doesn't contribute any calories carbohydrates protein fat to your diet well duh yeah you're going to lose weight because i'm feeding you something you cannot use is nutrition right this is also the way it lowers your blood sugar because however much of your diet you're replacing with fiber is giving you no nutritional benefit at all including no carbohydrates so of course your blood sugar is going to come down as for the claim that it improves heart health or decreases your risk of heart attack or stroke again we're replacing 10 to 20 percent of your diet with sawdust or cardboard every day so you're not able to eat that much in volume of sugars and grains and vegetable oils so we're basically by putting 10 to 20 sawdust into your diet you're not able to eat the things that are actually increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke so yeah that kind of makes sense now there is the argument that gut bacteria living in your large intestine can break down this fiber and use it and then somehow magically you derive nutrition from that now it is true that the the bacteria in your gut can break down this fiber and they can use it as fuel because they can actually break the cellulose down but you cannot now there is some limited evidence that the short chain fatty acids that these bacteria produce from eating the cardboard and the sawdust can move across the cell membrane of your enterocytes which are the cells that line your gut wall and you're parasites probably do benefit from these short chain fatty acids a little bit but that's not really nutrition for you that's just those cells now the truth is those cells get plenty of short chain fatty acids from your circulation like your cells are supposed to get nutrition from right and there's very little evidence that your entire body actually benefits from these short chain fatty acids whatsoever now what these bacteria also make in addition to the short chain fatty acids is they also produce lots of greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide and you experience this in the form of gas and farts and so by eating a high fiber diet are you actually contributing to global warming now let's look at the actual research to support all these claims about fiber so the weight loss claim with regards to eating more fiber has literally never been proven there are some epidemiological studies that show a possible association but there is no control research showing any causation whatsoever so mark that one off your list what about preventing diabetes and lowering blood sugar well i talked about earlier how this might happen if i made you eat twenty percent of your diet as cardboard well yeah you're not getting any carbohydrates that you can use so therefore your blood sugar is going to come down and your you won't develop diabetes but that's kind of a weird way to prevent diabetes and surely there's a better way than that what about improving your heart health well uh there's literally no research that's that's of a controlled fashion that proves this or shows any kind of causation it's all epidemiological research now the detox thing anybody anytime anybody on the planet says hey buy my product and it will detox your liver or your kidneys or whatever you can officially hit the unfollow button right there or the block button because that's [ __ ] okay if you want to detox any part of your body you fast that's how you do that that it's cheap easy free side effect free you never buy a product to detox your body what about the claim about constipation eating more fiber helps with constipation anybody who has irritable bowel c or chronic constipation or idiopathic constipation they'll answer this question for you anybody who's tried to eat more fiber for constipation put put in the comments what your actual results were because the results are always more gas more bloating maybe more constipation or diarrhea and cramping those are not solutions okay just because you're putting more roughage in that your body has to expel as quickly as possible that doesn't mean you're you're meaningfully treating the constipation there's actually a a very well done a little study on this let me read you the conclusion this was a study done in 63 patients and what they did was they gave them different and they all suffered from idiopathic constipation and the researchers gave them different amounts of fiber and and one group they gave no fiber and then they they kind of swapped them around and kept playing with this and here's their conclusion idiopathic constipation and its associated symptoms can be effectively reduced by stopping or even lowering the intake of dietary fiber so there's a link down in the show notes if you want to read the whole study it i know really you're probably sitting there going wait what i thought what what yeah exactly so fiber does not help in any meaningful way with idiopathic constipation chronic constipation or ibs c it doesn't help with any of those it's going to make you have worse symptoms the more you cut your fiber the better your symptoms will be now let's talk about colon cancer because that's really once you've narrowed some a pro fiber person down this is the one they're always going to cling to is that it decreases your risk of colon cancer so let's talk about a study and again the links are down in the show notes below so you can check this out for yourself it's a meta-analysis of five randomized control trials in humans that's important right and so they they analyzed these five different studies that purported to well they had the hypothesis that that eating more fiber decreased your risk of colon cancer here's the conclusion from this study there is currently no evidence from randomized controlled trials to suggest that increased dietary fiber intake will reduce the incidence or recurrence of adenomas polyps within a two to four year period adenominous polyps are the precursors of colon cancer so no evidence no rcts to even suggest this okay now let's go to another study this study was published in the journal of the american medical association it was a meta-analysis of 13 cohort studies very very large studies and after they crunched all the numbers here's the conclusion they found in this large pooled analysis dietary fiber intake was inversely associated with risk of colorectal cancer in age-adjusted analysis however however that's an important word after accounting for other dietary risks high dietary fiber intake was not associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer yep you heard me right so now let me answer the question that was asked in the title of this video how much fiber do you need each day well according to the randomized controlled trials and the actual research on actual human beings you don't need any okay if you happen to eat some fiber occasionally i don't think it's dangerous or bad it's probably not a big deal it may lead to increased gas bloating constipation diarrhea and cramping if you eat too much but do you need to try to get the the 21 to 38 grams that the american heart association recommends no you don't there's zero research reports supporting this so why did the aha say this i'm not sure maybe we should ask them in a tweet the fda said the same thing what research did they base it on none it is all based on an impromptu hypothesis had by a very famous british surgeon decades ago and there has never been a credible study to show causation between fiber and any of the things that you will hear as potential benefits for getting more fiber in your diet therefore stop trying to get fiber in your diet if you're taking a fiber supplement throw that crap in the garbage it's a waste of money if you're trying to eat high fiber foods that you don't really like stop doing that okay just eat more fatty meat you don't need fiber fiber's never been proven to help you in any meaningful way now your gut bacteria they appreciate it when you eat fiber and they make carbon dioxide and methane to warm the the atmosphere when you do so maybe think twice before taking another fiber supplement or eating another high fiber food i sure hope this video has cleared up some confusion you may have had about fiber in your diet if you haven't already done so please consider clicking that subscribe button and the bell button right beside it i try to post two to three new videos every week and that way you'll get a notification and you don't miss it when i call out institutions that are saying something they should know better than to say this is dr barry i'll see you next time