This is not a drill.
My name is Greta Thunberg.
We are living in the beginning
of a mass extinction.
Our climate is breaking down.
Children like me are giving up
their education to protest.
But we can still fix this.
You can still fix this.
To survive, we need to stop burning fossil fuels
But this alone will not be enough.
Lots of solutions are talked about.
But what about the solution
that is right in front of us?
I’ll let my friend George explain.
There is a magic machine
that sucks carbon out of the air
costs very little, and builds itself.
It’s called...
a tree.
A tree is an example
of a natural climate solution.
Mangroves, peatbogs, jungles,
marshes, seabeds,
kelp forests, swamps, coral reefs
they take carbon out of the air
and lock it away.
Nature is a tool we can use
to repair our broken climate.
These natural climate solutions
could make a massive difference.
Pre y cool, right?
But only if we also leave fossil fuels
in the ground.
Here’s the crazy part
right now we are ignoring them.
We spend 1000 times more
on global fossil fuels subsidies
than natural based solutions.
Natural climate solutions get just 2%
of all the money used on tackling climate breakdown.
This is your money.
It is your taxes and your savings.
Even more crazy
right now when we need nature the most,
we’re destroying it faster than ever.
Up to 200 species are going extinct
every single day.
Much of the arctic ice is gone.
Most of our wild animals have gone.
Much of our soil has gone.
So what should we do?
What should YOU do?
It’s simple. We need to protect, restore, and fund.
Protect. Tropical forests are being cut down at the rate of 30 football pitches a minute.
Where Nature is doing something vital, we must protect it.
Restore. Much of our planet has been damaged.
But Nature can regenerate, and we can help ecosystems bounce back.
We need to stop funding things that destroy Nature, and pay for things that help it.
It is that simple. Protect. Restore. Fund.
This can happen everywhere. Many people have already begun using natural climate soluøons. We need to do it on a massive scale.
You can be part of this.
Vote for people who defend nature.
Share this video. Talk about this.
All around the world there are amazing movements. Fighøng for Nature. Join them.
Everything counts. What you do, counts.