9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 [br]00:00:00.02 --> 00.07 [br]This is not a drill. My name is Greta Thunberg. [br][br]00:00:00.08 --> 00.10 [br]We are living in the beginning of a mass exøncøon.[br][br]00:00:00.11 --> 00.13 [br]Our climate is breaking down.[br][br]00:00:00.15 --> 00.18 [br]Children like me are giving up their educaøon to protest. [br][br]00:00:00.19 --> 00.23 [br]But we can søll fix this. You can søll fix this. [br][br]00:00:00.24 --> 00.30 [br]To survive, we need to stop burning fossil fuels. But this alone will not be enough.[br][br]00:00:00.31 --> 00.35 [br]Lots of soluøons are talked about. But what about the soluøon that is right in front of us? [br][br]00:00:00.36 --> 00.38 [br]I’ll let my friend George explain. [br][br]00:00:00.39 --> 00.49 [br]There is a magic machine that sucks carbon out of the air, costs very li le, and builds itself. It’s called, a tree. [br][br]00:00:00.49 --> 00.53 [br]A tree is an example of a natural climate soluøon.[br][br]00:00:00.54 --> 01.03 [br]Mangroves, peatbogs, jungles, marshes, seabeds, kelp forests, swamps, coral reefs, they take carbon out of the air and lock it away. [br][br]00:00:01.04 --> 01.08 [br]Nature is a tool we can use to repair our broken climate.[br][br]00:00:01.09 --> 01.12 [br]These natural climate soluøons could make a massive difference. [br][br]00:00:01.13 --> 01.14 [br]Pre y cool, right? [br][br]00:00:01.14 --> 01.18 [br]But only if we also leave fossil fuels in the ground. [br][br]00:00:01.20 --> 01.24 [br]Here’s the crazy part: right now we are ignoring them.[br][br]00:00:01.26 --> 01.32 [br]We spend 1000 øme more on global fossil fuels subsidies than natural based soluøons.[br][br]00:00:01.33 --> 01.39 [br]Natural climate soluøons get just 2% of all the money used on tackling climate breakdown.[br][br]00:00:01.40 --> 01.43 [br]This is your money. It is your taxes and your savings.[br][br]00:00:01.44 --> 01.50 [br]Even more crazy, when we need nature the most, we’re destroying it faster than ever. [br][br]00:00:01.51 --> 01.54 [br]Up to 200 species are going exønct every single day.[br][br]00:00:01.55 --> 02.01 [br]Much of the arcøc ice is gone. Most of our wild animals have gone. Much of our soil has gone. [br][br]00:00:02.01 --> 02.02 [br]So what should we do? [br][br]00:00:02.02 --> 02.04 [br]What should you do? [br][br]00:00:02.05 --> 02.09 [br]It’s simple. We need to protect, restore, and fund. [br][br]00:00:02.11 --> 02.16 [br]Protect. Tropical forests are being cut down at the rate of 30 football pitches a minute.[br][br]00:00:02.17 --> 02.20 [br]Where Nature is doing something vital, we must protect it. [br][br]00:00:02.21 --> 02.24 [br]Restore. Much of our planet has been damaged. [br][br]00:00:02.25 --> 02.30 [br]But Nature can regenerate, and we can help ecosystems bounce back. [br][br]00:00:02.31 --> [br]Fund. [br][br]00:00:02.33 --> 02.39 [br]We need to stop funding things that destroy Nature, and pay for things that help it. [br][br]00:00:02.39 --> 02.40 [br]It is that simple. Protect. Restore. Fund. [br][br]00:00:02.45 --> 02.53 [br]This can happen everywhere. Many people have already begun using natural climate soluøons. We need to do it on a massive scale. [br][br]00:00:02.54 --> 02.55 [br]You can be part of this. [br][br]00:00:02.56 --> 02.58 [br]Vote for people who defend nature. [br][br]00:00:02.58 --> 03.01[br]Share this video. Talk about this. [br][br]00:00:03.02 --> 03.06 [br]All around the world there are amazing movements. Fighøng for Nature. Join them. [br][br]00:00:03.14 --> 03.20[br]Everything counts. What you do, counts.