WEBVTT 00:00:02.660 --> 00:00:06.690 ...in the structure of the Belgium government, you would have had all our reactors 00:00:06.710 --> 00:00:10.720 ten years ago, because, and funny enough, 00:00:10.740 --> 00:00:14.760 the company who did the physical feasibility study 00:00:14.780 --> 00:00:18.790 on the reactors in 2004, 00:00:18.810 --> 00:00:22.840 they are bought by 00:00:22.860 --> 00:00:26.900 the Belgium and the British ministry of Defense... 00:00:26.920 --> 00:00:30.910 They bought the company because they knew we were collaborating and the 00:00:30.930 --> 00:00:34.960 technology was correct to buy, to replicate the reactor. 00:00:34.980 --> 00:00:38.990 The only thing they never understood, I never gave to these people 00:00:39.010 --> 00:00:43.050 in Belgium, is I never gave them the ignition key! 00:00:43.070 --> 00:00:47.100 And without the ignition key, their proof and everything 00:00:47.120 --> 00:00:51.130 is correct. They knew what the ignition key will do. And 00:00:51.150 --> 00:00:55.170 this is the only acquisition done by the 00:00:55.190 --> 00:00:59.210 ministry, British Ministry of Defense, outside British territory. 00:00:59.230 --> 00:01:03.230 Because they wanted to get access to this technology, because 00:01:03.250 --> 00:01:07.250 I can even read you a piece of paper...just give me one second... 00:01:07.270 --> 00:01:11.270 00:01:11.290 --> 00:01:15.290 This paper, this report, 00:01:15.310 --> 00:01:19.330 is dated... 00:01:19.350 --> 00:01:23.350 25th of 4, 2005. 00:01:23.370 --> 00:01:27.370 00:01:27.390 --> 00:01:31.400 That they say they are ready to develop the first project of atomic fusion 00:01:31.420 --> 00:01:35.450 with Keshe Foundation for Magnetic Gravitational System. 00:01:35.470 --> 00:01:39.480 This is the copy of it, you can see... 00:01:39.500 --> 00:01:43.520 The British government has paid ten million to buy this company... 00:01:43.540 --> 00:01:47.560 To get the ignition key... 00:01:47.580 --> 00:01:51.600 Just go in 2004, 2005, 00:01:51.620 --> 00:01:55.630 you can know which companies...this is a Belgium company. 00:01:55.650 --> 00:01:59.650 The whole processes 00:01:59.670 --> 00:02:03.670 that has been well studied, well tested. We were analyzed by the scientists 00:02:03.690 --> 00:02:07.720 in Brussels University, for seven months, 00:02:07.740 --> 00:02:13.160 before they issued a paper to say that 00:02:13.180 --> 00:02:17.220 the production of energy and motion is feasibly possible. 00:02:17.240 --> 00:02:21.250 Something I'm going to show you, before, that you understand how easy it is... 00:02:21.270 --> 00:02:25.260 to create energy. If you take 00:02:25.280 --> 00:02:29.320 a position like this...this is a ring, magnetic ring 00:02:29.340 --> 00:02:33.380 and if you can put 00:02:33.400 --> 00:02:37.420 three or four of them the same, I try to do it 00:02:37.440 --> 00:02:41.460 because my people say people can't see it properly. 00:02:41.480 --> 00:02:45.470 And if I take a very small or very big magnet 00:02:45.490 --> 00:02:49.520 you will see it, I show it always, if I change 00:02:49.540 --> 00:02:53.550 you will see that you 00:02:53.570 --> 00:02:57.600 do not need any energy to move 00:02:57.620 --> 00:03:01.650 without burning any fuel. You create the right position, 00:03:01.670 --> 00:03:05.670 and that's all we do...we create the right magnetic-gravitational 00:03:05.690 --> 00:03:09.680 fields, and then if you wanted 10 watts, 00:03:09.700 --> 00:03:13.730 or 10 kilowatt, it depends where you want to be in 00:03:13.750 --> 00:03:17.770 that plasma. The system doesn't cost 00:03:17.790 --> 00:03:21.820 that much, but now it will be very little now that we have gone into collaboration 00:03:21.840 --> 00:03:25.870 with corporations and companies outside of Belgium. You will see a lot of things 00:03:25.890 --> 00:03:29.910 which we are doing, the same as our medical. Ok, if you need any help, 00:03:29.930 --> 00:03:33.930 to get it places, we know some big old families, who... 00:03:33.950 --> 00:03:37.930 industry tends to work a bit quicker than governments. 00:03:37.950 --> 00:03:41.980 Well, they are more corrupt! (haha) We have them here. 00:03:42.000 --> 00:03:46.000 Ok, ok, good. Well thank-you so much. Anybody else? I tell you something... 00:03:46.020 --> 00:03:50.050 which is something very strange... 00:03:50.070 --> 00:03:54.120 In the present world of physics, you are all in university in Imperial College, 00:03:54.140 --> 00:03:58.180 it has become fashionable to what we call "God particles" 00:03:58.200 --> 00:04:02.240 and we had a lot about it last year, that they were 00:04:02.260 --> 00:04:06.270 to spend billions to see the "God particles"... 00:04:06.290 --> 00:04:10.290 and I was writing the fourth book, in a cafe where 00:04:10.310 --> 00:04:14.340 I usually hide and write my books, and this gentleman came, 00:04:14.360 --> 00:04:18.370 this woman, came, and said, can we sit down and talk to you Mr. Keshe, 00:04:18.390 --> 00:04:22.420 I said, Yes, and I was told she is the Queen of Belgium. 00:04:22.440 --> 00:04:26.450 And with her was the King of Belgium. So, we sat down 00:04:26.470 --> 00:04:30.460 with a coffee, and apparently, this lady was an artist 00:04:30.480 --> 00:04:34.500 taking pictures of it, we are going to release it very soon, and in the discussion, 00:04:34.520 --> 00:04:38.570 having coffee with the King of Belgium, he said to me, "What do you think 00:04:38.590 --> 00:04:42.600 about these Bosons, and God particles?" I said to him, 00:04:42.620 --> 00:04:46.650 "Your Majesty, the people who talk about God particles 00:04:46.670 --> 00:04:50.670 they haven't understood a single thing about Physics... 00:04:50.690 --> 00:04:54.690 because if you understand that a stronger magnetic field 00:04:54.710 --> 00:04:58.720 reduces in strength, that when it's weak enough that it becomes matter, tangible 00:04:58.740 --> 00:05:02.760 and tactile by us, then your majesty and me, 00:05:02.780 --> 00:05:06.800 we are all God particles!" ...And he said this makes sense. 00:05:06.820 --> 00:05:10.830 The thing is, we physicists make physics so difficult, 00:05:10.850 --> 00:05:14.840 to show that we are intelligent, and that's the problem with physics. 00:05:14.860 --> 00:05:18.870 If you are very humble and down to the ground, and you can explain 00:05:18.890 --> 00:05:22.920 in a simple way, they you understand physics the way the Universe 00:05:22.940 --> 00:05:26.960 works, and it's understandable to a child of seven. 00:05:26.980 --> 00:05:30.980 You don't need to have a PHD or to be a professor... 00:05:31.000 --> 00:05:35.000 00:05:35.020 --> 00:05:39.050 Hello Mr Keshe. Yes. Thank-you for spending time with us. I've just got a question 00:05:39.070 --> 00:05:43.080 about the health technology, and that is how you 00:05:43.100 --> 00:05:47.120 how you create the magnetic fields to reverse the disease? 00:05:47.140 --> 00:05:51.150 We don't create magnetic fields...we create 00:05:51.170 --> 00:05:55.180 a measure of the plasma of gravitational and magnetic fields. 00:05:55.200 --> 00:05:59.210 This is the breakthrough. A cell 00:05:59.230 --> 00:06:03.230 has both. This, this, 00:06:03.250 --> 00:06:07.290 Let me show you, I show you these four elements, four magnets, yeah? 00:06:07.310 --> 00:06:11.320 These four magnets represent a lot. You put 00:06:11.340 --> 00:06:15.360 oxygen... 00:06:15.380 --> 00:06:19.410 Let's call this, the center, is oxygen. One is nitrogen, one is a carbon? 00:06:19.430 --> 00:06:23.430 and one is a hydrogen, yeah? So, you put... 00:06:23.450 --> 00:06:27.470 you get stressed, you get 00:06:27.490 --> 00:06:31.520 you lose a father, you lose a child, yeah? 00:06:31.540 --> 00:06:35.530 You get stressed. What happens? You create a field, both 00:06:35.550 --> 00:06:39.580 gravitational and magnetic field, and see what happens... A small magnet 00:06:39.600 --> 00:06:43.610 makes a change of position. 00:06:43.630 --> 00:06:47.640 This was healthy, a new position attracts different materials, 00:06:47.660 --> 00:06:51.670 to it because there is a different gravitational and magnetic field, and voila, 00:06:51.690 --> 00:06:55.720 you have cancer... So, to change diseases from 00:06:55.740 --> 00:06:59.740 now on, we have to understand both; the strength of the gravity, 00:06:59.760 --> 00:07:03.770 and the strength of the magnetic field. Then, 00:07:03.790 --> 00:07:07.800 you understand the strength of a plasma, 00:07:07.820 --> 00:07:11.850 of a cancer, you create 00:07:11.870 --> 00:07:15.860 the reverse of it, and you understand, you make the break, 00:07:15.880 --> 00:07:19.900 to understand how the reverse is done, then the body gets not the cancer itself. 00:07:19.920 --> 00:07:23.930 We have to understand the interaction of 00:07:23.950 --> 00:07:27.950 fields, both magnetic and gravitational, on a 00:07:27.970 --> 00:07:31.990 atomic level, molecular level, and a matter level. 00:07:32.010 --> 00:07:36.010 when it's a piece of, let's say, cancer. 00:07:36.030 --> 00:07:40.020 Then you understand that what we do is not magic. What I do at the moment, 00:07:40.040 --> 00:07:44.060 in the world I show, people think it is magic; in about 5 years time, 00:07:44.080 --> 00:07:48.090 it will be as normal as you go to the corner shop and you buy, 00:07:48.110 --> 00:07:52.130 what do you call it, Aspirin. Because it's much easier 00:07:52.150 --> 00:07:56.150 because we understand it, it's part of our own structure. 00:07:56.170 --> 00:08:00.170 Okay, thank-you. Anybody else? 00:08:00.190 --> 00:08:04.200 00:08:04.220 --> 00:08:08.220 00:08:08.240 --> 00:08:12.250 Thank-you very much. I thank-you for a very interesting talk. I'd like to 00:08:12.270 --> 00:08:16.280 take you back to the science, that you 00:08:16.300 --> 00:08:20.330 talked about at the beginning. And I'm not quite sure still, with regards 00:08:20.350 --> 00:08:24.370 to your flow analogy for the attraction and repulsion 00:08:24.390 --> 00:08:28.400 which I would understand for the magnetic fields, and so on, 00:08:28.420 --> 00:08:32.420 but gravity, as far as I know, there isn't a polarity.... 00:08:32.440 --> 00:08:36.450 so you don't have a negative and positive. So, with gravity, 00:08:36.470 --> 00:08:40.480 it's always attracting... No, no, no, no, no, no! 00:08:40.500 --> 00:08:44.500 Okay. Let me put you right. Thank-you. 00:08:44.520 --> 00:08:48.520 In a magnet, you have polarity, North and South. 00:08:48.540 --> 00:08:52.560 Or entry and exit. You have the same with 00:08:52.580 --> 00:08:56.600 a plasma. Plasma 00:08:56.620 --> 00:09:00.640 has the same. Sun is a plasma, has polarity. 00:09:00.660 --> 00:09:04.690 What is the polarity? Polarity is what we call the exit and entry... 00:09:04.710 --> 00:09:08.720 and as a a material loses its 00:09:08.740 --> 00:09:12.770 field, as the magnetic fields which come out lose their 00:09:12.790 --> 00:09:16.810 magnetic gravitational field strength, they get more attracted and they bend 00:09:16.830 --> 00:09:20.820 back in, into the matter, call it the Sun, 00:09:20.840 --> 00:09:24.840 and the Sun creates certain levels of... 00:09:24.860 --> 00:09:28.870 magnetic field strength of the field which is going through it, so 00:09:28.890 --> 00:09:32.900 the field attracts a little bit more and it comes out stronger 00:09:32.920 --> 00:09:36.950 or, with more of the same. 00:09:36.970 --> 00:09:41.010 So a plasma operates with polarity. 00:09:41.030 --> 00:09:45.040 Entry and exit. So, part of the fields 00:09:45.060 --> 00:09:49.070 interact with the North side, part to the South side, you call it, 00:09:49.090 --> 00:09:53.120 or what we call entry and exit 00:09:53.140 --> 00:09:57.140 So they create a pull and a push. Pull is attraction, gravitation. Push is 00:09:57.160 --> 00:10:01.180 what we call the atmosphere or protection. 00:10:01.200 --> 00:10:05.180 And that is as simple as 00:10:05.200 --> 00:10:09.240 as solid magnets, but in a three-dimensional. 00:10:09.260 --> 00:10:13.280 Thank-you. 00:10:13.300 --> 00:10:17.310 Anybody else? Good evening Mr Keshe. 00:10:17.330 --> 00:10:21.350 So, first I have to say that I am very, very happy 00:10:21.370 --> 00:10:25.390 to have heard what you have said, because since I was fifteen years old, 00:10:25.410 --> 00:10:29.410 when I was in high-school, 00:10:29.430 --> 00:10:33.440 I thought to my teachers, that the cosmological models that they have 00:10:33.460 --> 00:10:37.470 couldn't be right, because if there was only gravity 00:10:37.490 --> 00:10:41.520 as an attractor, let's say a convergent wave 00:10:41.540 --> 00:10:45.560 attracting it should be to have a step 00:10:45.580 --> 00:10:49.620 inhibitors, something more repressive, or... 00:10:49.640 --> 00:10:53.680 something like that, and I get to be, you know, twenty 00:10:53.700 --> 00:10:57.730 twenty but I'd say at some point this model is crap. 00:10:57.750 --> 00:11:01.750 And you know, as usual, they told me that you are, you know, 00:11:01.770 --> 00:11:05.770 and then you explain that 00:11:05.790 --> 00:11:09.800 the conception of the plasma, if I understand, is that 00:11:09.820 --> 00:11:13.840 is somewhere is a boundary between the magnetic field 00:11:13.860 --> 00:11:17.870 and the gravitational thing is something 00:11:17.890 --> 00:11:21.920 where the gravitational and magnetic collide, or 00:11:21.940 --> 00:11:25.940 get together, and create something that we call plasma 00:11:25.960 --> 00:11:29.970 and I would like you 00:11:29.990 --> 00:11:34.000 to rephrase that for me a little bit. and the second question that I will have for you 00:11:34.020 --> 00:11:38.050 is that I totally 00:11:38.070 --> 00:11:42.080 agree with you with the oppression of health 00:11:42.100 --> 00:11:46.120 because at some point, when I was 16, 00:11:46.140 --> 00:11:50.140 one year after my you know, gravitational 00:11:50.160 --> 00:11:54.180 encounter with reality, I 00:11:54.200 --> 00:11:58.240 studied a little bit about microwave, and I said 00:11:58.260 --> 00:12:02.300 the microwave basically, is it moves the molecules together, 00:12:02.320 --> 00:12:06.360 and at some point, I"d say is what is health, if not motion 00:12:06.380 --> 00:12:10.380 and motion of molecules is a body. 00:12:10.400 --> 00:12:14.390 So instead of to use chemical reaction, as we 00:12:14.410 --> 00:12:18.440 usually do it, which is basically a chemical reaction, is 00:12:18.460 --> 00:12:22.460 you know, you have electron, copper that get together, 00:12:22.480 --> 00:12:26.500 why not to use the essential, which is motion, 00:12:26.520 --> 00:12:30.530 which is by rays, and by the idea of studying 00:12:30.550 --> 00:12:34.600 microwave, I says that we could 00:12:34.620 --> 00:12:38.620 by creating the proper magnetic field with the proper frequency, 00:12:38.640 --> 00:12:42.660 have something to, to have the 00:12:42.680 --> 00:12:46.670 a better health for people. So, I would like you 00:12:46.690 --> 00:12:50.730 to give me your point of view about that. And now, we can change 00:12:50.750 --> 00:12:54.760 the way of physics, as 00:12:54.780 --> 00:12:58.790 pursued nowadays and taught at school. 00:12:58.810 --> 00:13:02.820 First of all, 00:13:02.840 --> 00:13:06.860 to change, to understand, the way 00:13:06.880 --> 00:13:10.920 I work, or the way I understand, 00:13:10.940 --> 00:13:14.960 if you redefine, very simply, 00:13:14.980 --> 00:13:18.990 certain things in physics, we are not far from the traditional physics. 00:13:19.010 --> 00:13:23.040 We have built on top of the 00:13:23.060 --> 00:13:27.050 present knowledge. We haven't brought something new, but we added 00:13:27.070 --> 00:13:31.070 something new to it because we understand more of it. 00:13:31.090 --> 00:13:35.090 If you define energy as magnetic fields in motion, then you 00:13:35.110 --> 00:13:39.130 understand why they call it the Dark Energy...Dark Energy is because the 00:13:39.150 --> 00:13:43.160 magnetic fields are in motion, both gravitational and magnetic fields 00:13:43.180 --> 00:13:47.200 from the Sun to the Earth. So, now they call it the Dark Energy. 00:13:47.220 --> 00:13:51.230 Dark Energy is energy, as magnetic fields in motion. 00:13:51.250 --> 00:13:55.250 Then it comes to the other point of what we call 00:13:55.270 --> 00:13:59.300 in a very simple way, the understanding of 00:13:59.320 --> 00:14:03.330 frequency. Frequency is an attribute of matter. 00:14:03.350 --> 00:14:07.360 In plasma, we don't have a frequency. Frequency comes into operation 00:14:07.380 --> 00:14:11.390 when something has to go through something. 00:14:11.410 --> 00:14:15.440 When you have a matter. In plasma, frequency doesn't exist. 00:14:15.460 --> 00:14:19.480 So, we don't work with 00:14:19.500 --> 00:14:23.500 this kind of mentality, and when you redefine these two 00:14:23.520 --> 00:14:27.540 points, and the way they actually happen in the universe, then 00:14:27.560 --> 00:14:31.570 you have answered all you questions in one simple way. 00:14:31.590 --> 00:14:35.590 Understand the way the universe works, 00:14:35.610 --> 00:14:39.600 not the way we would like it to work. 00:14:39.620 --> 00:14:43.640 The problem with Man, the habit of Man is, he gets so involved in his own 00:14:43.660 --> 00:14:47.650 false knowledge, that he has to protect it. 00:14:47.670 --> 00:14:51.680 So they even kill for him, because then it doesn't show that they are stupid... (haha) 00:14:51.700 --> 00:14:55.720 Could I ask the next person to ask a question? 00:14:55.740 --> 00:14:59.740 Limited to 2 minutes, please... 00:14:59.760 --> 00:15:00.472 Yes, gentleman there...