well thank you asher uh and shalom to everyone out there in global broadcast land it's good to see you it's good to be with you again and as usher mentioned we've started uh teaching a series on the book of ephesians last time for those of us those of you who are with us or you can go to youtube i think and find it i just talked about the first few verses and the three uh players constituents in the letter paul saul christ jesus the messiah and the saints and we talked about what those things mean today we're going to read verses 3 through 10 we're going to look at them they are a meaty meaty section of scripture maybe one of the meatiest in all of the bible it's one of these passages that just sort of goes these sentences go on and on and each phrase is so full of truth and revelation you just kind of want to stop and pause and and dwell on it uh so let's uh first read it okay and i'm gonna just go through it and read it uh slowly trying to sort of uh savor each meaty uh word and i want you to space spa pay special attention to the verbs that uh the apostle paul uses here in this section again we're reading ephesians chapter 1 verses 3 through 10. blessed be the god and father of our lord yeshua the messiah who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in messiah just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before him in love excuse me holy and blameless before him in love he predestined us to adoption as sons through yeshua the messiah to himself according to the kind intention of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace which he freely bestowed on us in the beloved in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace which he lavished upon us lavished upon us in all wisdom and insight he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his kind intention which he purposed in him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of times that is the summing up of all things in messiah things in the heavens and things upon the earth wow uh did you pay attention to the verbs here's a list of them all seven of them he blessed us he chose us he predestined us he bestowed you know bestowed as a a fancy i i haven't checked the greek words here but bestowed is it a high english word for to give to grant lavished is also to give but just to give with such abundance you just or overflowing abundance of of the gift of god he has made known or revealed and he has purposed everything he's done has done in us and for us is with a purpose and that purpose is to bring everything together everything what's everything everything in heaven in the spiritual invisible places and everything on earth all together in his son jesus christ yeshua the messiah if we had to sum up these verses if it's possible again there's so much revelation and so much truth here i i would choose verse seven right this is sort of the center piece the meatiest of the meaty pieces here in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace it's all about his grace i share with usher the excitement that we feel here today and just remembering this grace the power of the resurrection all of the hope that we have of of a renewed body of living forever with god in his kingdom i want us to look at this this section of scripture and i want to talk about uh three things that we see here and how they can how we can apply them to our lives the first one is about the timing the second one is his delight there's words of god's delight and his pleasure in his grace that he's lavished upon us and his plan those last verses 9 and 10 talk about the revelation of god's incredible plan and what that means for us okay so first let's look at the uh expressions of timing in these verses on the one hand in verse 4 it says that he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that's yeah it's intellectual a little bit difficult for us to grasp because god exists in eternity outside of our time uh you know i love studying and watching things about astronomy and nasa uh spaceships and what's going on in mars and galaxy and the the numbers that they is 700 million miles in kilometers it takes months and years to get to the end of our galaxy the distances light years it just makes you stop and think how how big how amazing god is and that he's as big and long and millions and tens of millions of years he's beyond that right and from that place of beyond he has a plan and he chose us from the foundation of the world from before eternity on the other hand it says in verse 10 with a view it's a little bit difficult these words with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of time and that's becomes a theme in this letter he says it in galatians two in the fullness of time god sent his son born of a woman born under the law so there's things that god is it exists in eternity but he also has a plan for us in time in history and it's progressively it's working itself out we see the fulfillment of huge parts of his plan 2 000 years ago in the death the resurrection the ascension of yeshua the pouring out of the holy spirit yeah uh and this whole this whole question of uh the times right is it something just old and ancient and timeless or is it something really really new uh is a question that we as jews israelis here as we share try to share or try to share we do share the gospel with our with our friends with our neighbors it's something we always have to think about is it new is it old is it continuous from the old testament just one stream from moses to david to the prophets samuel the prophets etcetera and then it just comes right to the new testament or is there a break is it discontinuous is there something so radically new i'll give you a few verses to think about in this respect john 1 17 for the law was given through moses grace and truth came through jesus christ jesus the messiah wow if you just take that verse it sounds like in moses in the torah it's just law right there's and but grace and truth only comes with yeshua in the new testament that makes it sound like there's no law in the new testament and no grace and truth in the tanakh or in the torah well we know that's not right that's not exactly true here's a verse from the torah from one of moses's greatest uh experiences uh in revelations exodus 34 verse six in this story moses is asking god he says show me your glory god says no one can see my face and live but i will pass by you and you'll see my back and i'll declare the name of the lord but you can't see my face when he does pass by the pre-incarnate yeshua who's walking by there in his body says the lord jehovah the lord god compassionate and gracious there's grace grace compassionate and gracious slow to anger abounding in loving kindness in truth who keeps loving kindness for thousands who forgives iniquity transgression and sin yet he will by no means leave the guilty unpunished visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generation well that sounds that's a lot of grace and truth right there in the old testament i mean you can't get you almost can't get more than that right but it is there is something to it that in the tana in the torah there is the grace and truth but it seems to get overshadowed by you want to call it law you want to call it sin the disobedience of our people right and in the new testament we come to the new covenant and we get this revelation as paul is trying he's almost he's running out of words in ephesians one to describe the incredible gift of god's grace in him through him in him he says seven eight times in our verses in ephesians in him through him by him okay and there are also laws in the new testament there are commands the whole sermon on the mount twice paul says those who continue in certain sins will not inherit the kingdom of god so there's this balance it is the in in the old testament the torah it's it's grace and truth are there but there's just so much disobedience so much sin and so much legalism in the new testament it gets flipped we get the revelation to flip it over to live in grace and truth and by living in that by being filled with the holy spirit and walking in it we fulfill god's holy torah okay that's something we always have to talk about you know i was just yesterday talking with one of my orthodox jewish neighbors trying to share the gospel and i get this answer that i get many times which is like this he says well what do you make it sound like he said to me you make it sound like it's an ios upgrade like moses wasn't good enough the torah wasn't good enough now we need yeshua he says i i have the torah i have it i keep shabbat i love god everything's fine how to answer that i don't have time to go into but it's like what he's saying is i've got the old i've got the grace and truth he's got some of it it's there but it's not enough let's go on to the second theme here in ephesians uh chapter one which is god's love his delight in us okay this is especially clear in verses six through nine okay which we read i'll read them again it's just i just want to read these verses over and over again to the praise of the glory of his grace which he freely bestowed on us in the beloved in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace which he lavished upon us in all wisdom he made known the mystery with his kind intention all these words of god's kindness his grace his delight in us you know our good friend mike bickle over there at ihop in kansas city ihop means the international house of prayer right well we all love to pray and it's important to pray but you know if you just keep on praying and interceding and asking and supplicating praying praying praying you're going to get pretty tired and he teaches everyone who enters into the ihop system has to go through his teaching on the song of songs on how much god loves us in him in christ jesus in yeshua he delights in us he's happy with us he's when you look when he looks down on you now through his son he's not going like this he's smiling he's receiving us and this is so important for us you see it in these paul's emphasis in ephesians 1. it's grace he's done it he's chosen us before the foundation he's lavished upon us he's blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places and now when he looks we were covered like the blood of the lamb on the on the lintels and the doorposts of the israelites during the exodus that blood covers us and it's not just that the death is past passes over us it's not just that he's saved us from death he's poured out his love into our hearts by the holy spirit romans 5. amen i'm sure you're all saying amen and i'm reminding you of something you know but i'll tell you it's not easy to stay in this place of god's delight and his love for us i know this and i'm learning it as a parent you know i'm a godly parent a godly father i know the proverbs and the scriptures about raising up my my children in the in fear and instruction of the lord and all that and i'm i'm pretty strict sometimes i'm pretty good at pointing out what my kids do wrong but i'm learning i have to constantly remember to express my love for them that i delight in them it doesn't matter what they do they're my children and that god is happy with him in yeshua that we can come to him we can be forgiven god loves us i love you i'm delighted i'm happy i'm smiling at you i don't know how many of you out there are parents but if you if you are and you have a few kids you know the challenge but that's how our god is and we're to be imitators of him and just close this uh this portion here with a verse from uh psalm 147 verses 10 and 11. he god does not delight in the strength of the horse nor does he take pleasure in the legs of a man the lord favors who wrote say delights in those who fear him those who wait for his loving kindness god loves the horses he made them their strength don't get me wrong he that excites him too and the legs of a man our strength our ability to get things done he likes that too but that's not where he's looking people who don't know god have a lot of strength and they can get a lot of things done with horses and with their own legs and arms and we see examples of that all over the world all throughout history people who don't know god don't need god can still accomplish a lot of things but god delights in those who look up to him who are waiting expectantly for him who delight in his grace and his loving kindness and he responds he loves us he loved us first and we can stay and bask in that love so we talked about the timing right and when we're in that timing we can also be renewed as usher spoke about we can be constantly renewed and get a sense of god's timing in our lives and in what's happening in the world and his secondly we spoke about his delight last i want to talk about his plan his significant the significance that his plan gives us in this life verses nine and ten he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his kind intention which he purposed in him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of times that is the summing up of all things in christ jesus things in heaven and things upon the earth in him also we have attained an inheritance you know i don't know if you've ever been in a dead end job or if you know what i'm talking about but there's nothing more depressing in this life than getting up and going to some kind of work eight nine ten hours a day and toiling in something that you really don't enjoy doing that doesn't bring significance that you don't think you're doing something that that is meaningful in this life you feel like you're just spinning your wheels like you're treading water i remember when i built my house in downtown jerusalem i had different work crews chinese romanians arabs volunteers and you know they would do stuff sometimes and i'd come home at the end of the day and i'd look at it and i saw it was it was done wrong and i'd say to them guys take it apart start over now i was paying them by the hour right okay they got to work a little bit more but their faces went like this they hated that i hate it too there's nothing worse than doing something then having to do it over again because you did it wrong and you feel like you wasted your time well god's plan what paul is speaking about here in ephesians when we're in him we walk in significance everything we do has meaning listen to what he says what he writes a few verses later in chapter chapter 2 verse 10 we are his workmanship created in messiah yeshua for good works which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them wow brothers and sisters when we we have the privilege of serving god whether it's in ministry whether it's in different kinds of work as parents if we serve him if we dedicate our lives to him it brings significance we have that love you know i've some of the books that i've read i forget which one it is but one christian and he was a christian counselor he said the two greatest needs of every human being are love and significance love he delights in us we need to stay in that place and to know how much god loves us he chose us he blessed us he predestined us he's lavished all these things upon it and he continues to do that we we just bask in it but we don't just sit there all day we can't just stay like this we're made to work we're made to do things and he's laid out things for us to do good works for us to walk in and that brings significance our lives are not empty we don't have to be depressed we don't have to think why why am i here why do i have to keep on wasting my time doing these things we don't have to have a mid-life crisis like a lot of my friends i'm 53 i'm finding a lot of my friends who i grew up with are going through this kind of crisis at this age because they've spent 20 25 years just investing and achieving and all this stuff and now they're starting to get old and going what does it all mean what did i do where is it and they're starting to feel depressed and get sick but i won't go into that so my brothers and sisters amazing grace the riches of his grace of his love think about it stay there delight in him he delights in you if you're in jesus this is the foundation this is salvation by grace we've got to wake up and think about this we got to think about it all through the day and go to sleep with it that hits it's about him his plan for us he loves us i'm going to read one more verse from paul and then pray and we'll go back to our worship team this is second timothy chapter 1 verses 9 through 11. god who has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was granted us in messiah yeshua from all eternity but now has been revealed by the appearing of our savior messiah yeshua who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel wow lord we thank you for these words and i think about the apostle paul who when he was writing these things i don't know how much he was aware of the fact that he was writing holy scripture he was writing letters to his beloved congregations and churches but lord he was so inspired by the gospel by this love by god's timing by the privilege of living at this time and lord we want to also be excited the fullness of time continues it's being constantly renewed we're living in the fullness of time every day as we get closer and closer as we move into the end times as we get closer to the fullness the fullness of the fullness when yeshua returns lord help my brothers and sisters help me lord to stay in that in your delight and your love to remember that you don't first delight in our strength and the strength of horses and cars and iphones and technology and things like that you delight in us and we want to delight in you lord thank you that you are have a plan and you've laid out good works for each one of us lord help us to help us to desire and to focus to walk in those things and nothing else yeshua amen