1 00:00:00,320 --> 00:00:02,800 well thank you asher uh and shalom to 2 00:00:02,800 --> 00:00:03,840 everyone 3 00:00:03,840 --> 00:00:07,759 out there in global broadcast land 4 00:00:07,759 --> 00:00:09,280 it's good to see you it's good to be 5 00:00:09,280 --> 00:00:10,960 with you again 6 00:00:10,960 --> 00:00:13,440 and as usher mentioned we've started uh 7 00:00:13,440 --> 00:00:15,120 teaching a series on the book of 8 00:00:15,120 --> 00:00:17,359 ephesians last time for those of us 9 00:00:17,359 --> 00:00:19,199 those of you who are with us or you can 10 00:00:19,199 --> 00:00:21,520 go to youtube i think and find it 11 00:00:21,520 --> 00:00:23,439 i just talked about the first few verses 12 00:00:23,439 --> 00:00:24,720 and the three 13 00:00:24,720 --> 00:00:27,760 uh players constituents in the letter 14 00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:30,880 paul saul christ jesus the messiah 15 00:00:30,880 --> 00:00:33,120 and the saints and we talked about what 16 00:00:33,120 --> 00:00:34,320 those things mean 17 00:00:34,320 --> 00:00:37,200 today we're going to read verses 3 18 00:00:37,200 --> 00:00:38,879 through 10 we're going to look at them 19 00:00:38,879 --> 00:00:43,120 they are a meaty meaty 20 00:00:43,120 --> 00:00:44,719 section of scripture maybe one of the 21 00:00:44,719 --> 00:00:46,800 meatiest 22 00:00:46,800 --> 00:00:48,800 in all of the bible it's one of these 23 00:00:48,800 --> 00:00:50,399 passages that just sort of goes these 24 00:00:50,399 --> 00:00:52,879 sentences go on and on and each 25 00:00:52,879 --> 00:00:54,719 phrase is so full of truth and 26 00:00:54,719 --> 00:00:56,559 revelation 27 00:00:56,559 --> 00:00:58,480 you just kind of want to stop and pause 28 00:00:58,480 --> 00:00:59,920 and and dwell on it 29 00:00:59,920 --> 00:01:03,440 uh so let's uh first read it okay 30 00:01:03,440 --> 00:01:05,040 and i'm gonna just go through it and 31 00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:06,479 read it uh 32 00:01:06,479 --> 00:01:09,600 slowly trying to sort of uh 33 00:01:09,600 --> 00:01:12,640 savor each meaty uh word 34 00:01:12,640 --> 00:01:15,439 and i want you to space spa pay special 35 00:01:15,439 --> 00:01:17,600 attention to the verbs 36 00:01:17,600 --> 00:01:19,840 that uh the apostle paul uses here in 37 00:01:19,840 --> 00:01:21,200 this section 38 00:01:21,200 --> 00:01:24,000 again we're reading ephesians chapter 1 39 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:24,880 verses 3 40 00:01:24,880 --> 00:01:28,560 through 10. blessed be the god 41 00:01:28,560 --> 00:01:31,920 and father of our lord yeshua the 42 00:01:31,920 --> 00:01:34,079 messiah who has blessed us with every 43 00:01:34,079 --> 00:01:35,680 spiritual blessing 44 00:01:35,680 --> 00:01:38,720 in the heavenly places in messiah just 45 00:01:38,720 --> 00:01:40,720 as he chose us in him before the 46 00:01:40,720 --> 00:01:42,079 foundation of the world 47 00:01:42,079 --> 00:01:44,320 that we should be holy and blameless 48 00:01:44,320 --> 00:01:47,520 before him in love 49 00:01:47,840 --> 00:01:50,240 excuse me holy and blameless before him 50 00:01:50,240 --> 00:01:52,159 in love he predestined us 51 00:01:52,159 --> 00:01:55,439 to adoption as sons through yeshua the 52 00:01:55,439 --> 00:01:57,200 messiah to himself 53 00:01:57,200 --> 00:01:59,200 according to the kind intention of his 54 00:01:59,200 --> 00:02:01,119 will to the praise 55 00:02:01,119 --> 00:02:04,320 of the glory of his grace which he 56 00:02:04,320 --> 00:02:08,000 freely bestowed on us in the beloved 57 00:02:08,000 --> 00:02:10,319 in him we have redemption through his 58 00:02:10,319 --> 00:02:11,360 blood 59 00:02:11,360 --> 00:02:14,400 the forgiveness of our trespasses 60 00:02:14,400 --> 00:02:18,160 according to the riches of his grace 61 00:02:18,160 --> 00:02:22,160 which he lavished upon us lavished upon 62 00:02:22,160 --> 00:02:25,440 us in all wisdom and insight 63 00:02:25,440 --> 00:02:27,760 he made known to us the mystery of his 64 00:02:27,760 --> 00:02:28,560 will 65 00:02:28,560 --> 00:02:31,599 according to his kind intention which he 66 00:02:31,599 --> 00:02:33,280 purposed in him 67 00:02:33,280 --> 00:02:35,440 with a view to an administration 68 00:02:35,440 --> 00:02:38,000 suitable to the fullness of times 69 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:40,720 that is the summing up of all things in 70 00:02:40,720 --> 00:02:41,840 messiah 71 00:02:41,840 --> 00:02:44,000 things in the heavens and things upon 72 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:46,040 the earth 73 00:02:46,040 --> 00:02:51,120 wow uh 74 00:02:51,120 --> 00:02:52,800 did you pay attention to the verbs 75 00:02:52,800 --> 00:02:54,160 here's a list of them 76 00:02:54,160 --> 00:02:58,640 all seven of them he blessed us 77 00:02:58,640 --> 00:03:02,879 he chose us he predestined us 78 00:03:02,879 --> 00:03:05,760 he bestowed you know bestowed as a a 79 00:03:05,760 --> 00:03:06,319 fancy i 80 00:03:06,319 --> 00:03:07,599 i haven't checked the greek words here 81 00:03:07,599 --> 00:03:10,080 but bestowed is it a 82 00:03:10,080 --> 00:03:13,680 high english word for to give to grant 83 00:03:13,680 --> 00:03:16,400 lavished is also to give but just to 84 00:03:16,400 --> 00:03:16,959 give 85 00:03:16,959 --> 00:03:19,440 with such abundance you just or 86 00:03:19,440 --> 00:03:20,640 overflowing 87 00:03:20,640 --> 00:03:23,760 abundance of of the gift of god 88 00:03:23,760 --> 00:03:27,120 he has made known or revealed 89 00:03:27,120 --> 00:03:30,480 and he has purposed everything he's done 90 00:03:30,480 --> 00:03:33,599 has done in us and for us is with 91 00:03:33,599 --> 00:03:36,159 a purpose and that purpose is to bring 92 00:03:36,159 --> 00:03:37,760 everything together 93 00:03:37,760 --> 00:03:39,519 everything what's everything everything 94 00:03:39,519 --> 00:03:41,760 in heaven in the spiritual invisible 95 00:03:41,760 --> 00:03:43,440 places and everything on earth 96 00:03:43,440 --> 00:03:47,040 all together in his son jesus christ 97 00:03:47,040 --> 00:03:50,720 yeshua the messiah if we had to sum up 98 00:03:50,720 --> 00:03:52,400 these verses if it's possible again 99 00:03:52,400 --> 00:03:54,239 there's so much revelation and so much 100 00:03:54,239 --> 00:03:55,280 truth here 101 00:03:55,280 --> 00:03:57,840 i i would choose verse seven right this 102 00:03:57,840 --> 00:03:58,400 is sort of 103 00:03:58,400 --> 00:04:00,640 the center piece the meatiest of the 104 00:04:00,640 --> 00:04:02,239 meaty pieces here 105 00:04:02,239 --> 00:04:04,560 in him we have redemption through his 106 00:04:04,560 --> 00:04:05,360 blood 107 00:04:05,360 --> 00:04:07,680 the forgiveness of our trespasses 108 00:04:07,680 --> 00:04:08,640 according 109 00:04:08,640 --> 00:04:11,360 to the riches of his grace it's all 110 00:04:11,360 --> 00:04:12,720 about his grace 111 00:04:12,720 --> 00:04:15,120 i share with usher the excitement that 112 00:04:15,120 --> 00:04:16,400 we feel here today 113 00:04:16,400 --> 00:04:19,280 and just remembering this grace the 114 00:04:19,280 --> 00:04:21,280 power of the resurrection all of the 115 00:04:21,280 --> 00:04:22,639 hope that we have 116 00:04:22,639 --> 00:04:25,280 of of a renewed body of living forever 117 00:04:25,280 --> 00:04:26,000 with god 118 00:04:26,000 --> 00:04:29,600 in his kingdom i want us to 119 00:04:29,600 --> 00:04:32,000 look at this this section of scripture 120 00:04:32,000 --> 00:04:33,440 and i want to talk about 121 00:04:33,440 --> 00:04:35,840 uh three things that we see here and how 122 00:04:35,840 --> 00:04:36,560 they can 123 00:04:36,560 --> 00:04:38,240 how we can apply them to our lives the 124 00:04:38,240 --> 00:04:40,560 first one is about the timing 125 00:04:40,560 --> 00:04:43,120 the second one is his delight there's 126 00:04:43,120 --> 00:04:44,400 words of god's 127 00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:48,000 delight and his pleasure in his grace 128 00:04:48,000 --> 00:04:51,440 that he's lavished upon us and his plan 129 00:04:51,440 --> 00:04:54,160 those last verses 9 and 10 talk about 130 00:04:54,160 --> 00:04:55,199 the revelation 131 00:04:55,199 --> 00:04:57,440 of god's incredible plan and what that 132 00:04:57,440 --> 00:04:59,199 means for us 133 00:04:59,199 --> 00:05:02,720 okay so first let's look at the 134 00:05:02,720 --> 00:05:07,280 uh expressions of timing in these verses 135 00:05:07,280 --> 00:05:10,720 on the one hand in verse 4 it says that 136 00:05:10,720 --> 00:05:11,120 he 137 00:05:11,120 --> 00:05:14,560 chose us in him before the foundation of 138 00:05:14,560 --> 00:05:16,160 the world 139 00:05:16,160 --> 00:05:17,919 that's yeah it's intellectual a little 140 00:05:17,919 --> 00:05:19,919 bit difficult for us to grasp because 141 00:05:19,919 --> 00:05:24,320 god exists in eternity 142 00:05:24,320 --> 00:05:28,000 outside of our time uh 143 00:05:28,000 --> 00:05:31,520 you know i love studying and watching 144 00:05:31,520 --> 00:05:35,199 things about astronomy and nasa uh 145 00:05:35,199 --> 00:05:37,039 spaceships and what's going on in mars 146 00:05:37,039 --> 00:05:38,560 and galaxy and the 147 00:05:38,560 --> 00:05:41,759 the numbers that they is 700 million 148 00:05:41,759 --> 00:05:44,639 miles in kilometers it takes months and 149 00:05:44,639 --> 00:05:45,360 years to 150 00:05:45,360 --> 00:05:47,440 get to the end of our galaxy the 151 00:05:47,440 --> 00:05:48,400 distances 152 00:05:48,400 --> 00:05:50,880 light years it just makes you stop and 153 00:05:50,880 --> 00:05:52,160 think how 154 00:05:52,160 --> 00:05:55,680 how big how amazing god is and that 155 00:05:55,680 --> 00:05:58,960 he's as big and long and millions and 156 00:05:58,960 --> 00:06:01,039 tens of millions of years 157 00:06:01,039 --> 00:06:04,240 he's beyond that right and from that 158 00:06:04,240 --> 00:06:05,759 place of beyond 159 00:06:05,759 --> 00:06:08,319 he has a plan and he chose us from the 160 00:06:08,319 --> 00:06:09,759 foundation of the world 161 00:06:09,759 --> 00:06:13,039 from before eternity on the other hand 162 00:06:13,039 --> 00:06:14,720 it says in verse 10 163 00:06:14,720 --> 00:06:16,400 with a view it's a little bit difficult 164 00:06:16,400 --> 00:06:18,319 these words with a view 165 00:06:18,319 --> 00:06:21,520 to an administration suitable to the 166 00:06:21,520 --> 00:06:23,199 fullness of time 167 00:06:23,199 --> 00:06:24,720 and that's becomes a theme in this 168 00:06:24,720 --> 00:06:26,639 letter he says it in galatians two in 169 00:06:26,639 --> 00:06:28,000 the fullness of time 170 00:06:28,000 --> 00:06:30,479 god sent his son born of a woman born 171 00:06:30,479 --> 00:06:31,919 under the law 172 00:06:31,919 --> 00:06:35,199 so there's things that god is it exists 173 00:06:35,199 --> 00:06:36,080 in eternity 174 00:06:36,080 --> 00:06:38,800 but he also has a plan for us in time in 175 00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:40,720 history and it's progressively it's 176 00:06:40,720 --> 00:06:43,039 working itself out we see the 177 00:06:43,039 --> 00:06:44,080 fulfillment of 178 00:06:44,080 --> 00:06:46,639 huge parts of his plan 2 000 years ago 179 00:06:46,639 --> 00:06:48,000 in the death the resurrection 180 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:50,080 the ascension of yeshua the pouring out 181 00:06:50,080 --> 00:06:51,520 of the holy spirit 182 00:06:51,520 --> 00:06:53,919 yeah uh and this whole this whole 183 00:06:53,919 --> 00:06:55,280 question of uh 184 00:06:55,280 --> 00:06:58,560 the times right is it something just old 185 00:06:58,560 --> 00:07:00,800 and ancient and timeless or is it 186 00:07:00,800 --> 00:07:02,240 something really really 187 00:07:02,240 --> 00:07:05,759 new uh is a question that we as jews 188 00:07:05,759 --> 00:07:07,599 israelis here as we share try to share 189 00:07:07,599 --> 00:07:09,759 or try to share we do share the gospel 190 00:07:09,759 --> 00:07:10,319 with our 191 00:07:10,319 --> 00:07:12,000 with our friends with our neighbors it's 192 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:13,840 something we always have to think about 193 00:07:13,840 --> 00:07:17,360 is it new is it old is it 194 00:07:17,360 --> 00:07:19,280 continuous from the old testament just 195 00:07:19,280 --> 00:07:20,639 one stream 196 00:07:20,639 --> 00:07:24,880 from moses to david to the prophets 197 00:07:24,880 --> 00:07:26,560 samuel the prophets etcetera and then it 198 00:07:26,560 --> 00:07:29,199 just comes right to the new testament 199 00:07:29,199 --> 00:07:32,080 or is there a break is it discontinuous 200 00:07:32,080 --> 00:07:33,280 is there something so 201 00:07:33,280 --> 00:07:35,199 radically new i'll give you a few verses 202 00:07:35,199 --> 00:07:39,599 to think about in this respect john 1 17 203 00:07:39,599 --> 00:07:43,039 for the law was given through moses 204 00:07:43,039 --> 00:07:46,240 grace and truth came through jesus 205 00:07:46,240 --> 00:07:48,319 christ jesus the messiah 206 00:07:48,319 --> 00:07:50,400 wow if you just take that verse it 207 00:07:50,400 --> 00:07:51,360 sounds like 208 00:07:51,360 --> 00:07:54,240 in moses in the torah it's just law 209 00:07:54,240 --> 00:07:55,039 right 210 00:07:55,039 --> 00:07:56,960 there's and but grace and truth only 211 00:07:56,960 --> 00:07:58,400 comes with yeshua 212 00:07:58,400 --> 00:08:00,800 in the new testament that makes it sound 213 00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:01,440 like 214 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:04,400 there's no law in the new testament and 215 00:08:04,400 --> 00:08:05,919 no grace and truth 216 00:08:05,919 --> 00:08:08,960 in the tanakh or in the torah well we 217 00:08:08,960 --> 00:08:10,080 know that's not 218 00:08:10,080 --> 00:08:12,319 right that's not exactly true here's a 219 00:08:12,319 --> 00:08:14,400 verse from the torah from 220 00:08:14,400 --> 00:08:17,599 one of moses's greatest uh experiences 221 00:08:17,599 --> 00:08:20,800 uh in revelations exodus 34 verse six in 222 00:08:20,800 --> 00:08:21,280 this story 223 00:08:21,280 --> 00:08:23,440 moses is asking god he says show me your 224 00:08:23,440 --> 00:08:25,840 glory god says no one can see my face 225 00:08:25,840 --> 00:08:26,479 and live 226 00:08:26,479 --> 00:08:28,800 but i will pass by you and you'll see my 227 00:08:28,800 --> 00:08:30,160 back and i'll declare the name of the 228 00:08:30,160 --> 00:08:32,719 lord but you can't see my face 229 00:08:32,719 --> 00:08:36,640 when he does pass by the pre-incarnate 230 00:08:36,640 --> 00:08:39,519 yeshua who's walking by there 231 00:08:39,519 --> 00:08:42,719 in his body says the lord jehovah 232 00:08:42,719 --> 00:08:45,279 the lord god compassionate and gracious 233 00:08:45,279 --> 00:08:46,560 there's grace grace 234 00:08:46,560 --> 00:08:49,440 compassionate and gracious slow to anger 235 00:08:49,440 --> 00:08:50,399 abounding 236 00:08:50,399 --> 00:08:53,040 in loving kindness in truth who keeps 237 00:08:53,040 --> 00:08:54,720 loving kindness for thousands who 238 00:08:54,720 --> 00:08:56,640 forgives iniquity 239 00:08:56,640 --> 00:09:00,240 transgression and sin yet he will by no 240 00:09:00,240 --> 00:09:02,160 means leave the guilty unpunished 241 00:09:02,160 --> 00:09:04,000 visiting the iniquity of fathers on the 242 00:09:04,000 --> 00:09:05,920 children and on the grandchildren to the 243 00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:07,440 third and fourth generation 244 00:09:07,440 --> 00:09:09,279 well that sounds that's a lot of grace 245 00:09:09,279 --> 00:09:10,640 and truth right there in the old 246 00:09:10,640 --> 00:09:12,480 testament i mean you can't get 247 00:09:12,480 --> 00:09:14,959 you almost can't get more than that 248 00:09:14,959 --> 00:09:15,680 right 249 00:09:15,680 --> 00:09:18,480 but it is there is something to it that 250 00:09:18,480 --> 00:09:19,360 in the tana 251 00:09:19,360 --> 00:09:21,040 in the torah there is the grace and 252 00:09:21,040 --> 00:09:24,240 truth but it seems to get overshadowed 253 00:09:24,240 --> 00:09:27,040 by you want to call it law you want to 254 00:09:27,040 --> 00:09:27,519 call it 255 00:09:27,519 --> 00:09:30,959 sin the disobedience of our people 256 00:09:30,959 --> 00:09:33,680 right and in the new testament we come 257 00:09:33,680 --> 00:09:34,800 to the new covenant 258 00:09:34,800 --> 00:09:37,200 and we get this revelation as paul is 259 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:38,480 trying he's almost 260 00:09:38,480 --> 00:09:40,399 he's running out of words in ephesians 261 00:09:40,399 --> 00:09:42,640 one to describe the incredible 262 00:09:42,640 --> 00:09:45,519 gift of god's grace in him through him 263 00:09:45,519 --> 00:09:46,880 in him he says seven 264 00:09:46,880 --> 00:09:48,959 eight times in our verses in ephesians 265 00:09:48,959 --> 00:09:50,080 in him through him 266 00:09:50,080 --> 00:09:53,200 by him okay 267 00:09:53,200 --> 00:09:56,320 and there are also laws in the new 268 00:09:56,320 --> 00:09:58,000 testament there are commands the whole 269 00:09:58,000 --> 00:09:59,200 sermon on the mount 270 00:09:59,200 --> 00:10:01,519 twice paul says those who continue in 271 00:10:01,519 --> 00:10:03,440 certain sins will not inherit the 272 00:10:03,440 --> 00:10:04,399 kingdom of god 273 00:10:04,399 --> 00:10:06,800 so there's this balance it is the in in 274 00:10:06,800 --> 00:10:08,240 the old testament the torah 275 00:10:08,240 --> 00:10:10,959 it's it's grace and truth are there but 276 00:10:10,959 --> 00:10:13,040 there's just so much disobedience so 277 00:10:13,040 --> 00:10:14,480 much sin and so much 278 00:10:14,480 --> 00:10:17,279 legalism in the new testament it gets 279 00:10:17,279 --> 00:10:19,279 flipped we get the revelation to flip it 280 00:10:19,279 --> 00:10:20,079 over 281 00:10:20,079 --> 00:10:23,440 to live in grace and truth and 282 00:10:23,440 --> 00:10:25,279 by living in that by being filled with 283 00:10:25,279 --> 00:10:27,200 the holy spirit and walking in it 284 00:10:27,200 --> 00:10:30,320 we fulfill god's holy torah 285 00:10:30,320 --> 00:10:32,399 okay that's something we always have to 286 00:10:32,399 --> 00:10:34,320 talk about you know i was 287 00:10:34,320 --> 00:10:35,760 just yesterday talking with one of my 288 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:37,519 orthodox jewish neighbors trying to 289 00:10:37,519 --> 00:10:38,480 share the gospel 290 00:10:38,480 --> 00:10:40,240 and i get this answer that i get many 291 00:10:40,240 --> 00:10:41,920 times which is like this he says 292 00:10:41,920 --> 00:10:44,320 well what do you make it sound like he 293 00:10:44,320 --> 00:10:45,519 said to me you make it sound like it's 294 00:10:45,519 --> 00:10:45,760 an 295 00:10:45,760 --> 00:10:48,320 ios upgrade like moses wasn't good 296 00:10:48,320 --> 00:10:49,600 enough the torah wasn't good enough now 297 00:10:49,600 --> 00:10:50,160 we need 298 00:10:50,160 --> 00:10:52,720 yeshua he says i i have the torah i have 299 00:10:52,720 --> 00:10:53,839 it i keep shabbat 300 00:10:53,839 --> 00:10:57,440 i love god everything's fine 301 00:10:57,519 --> 00:10:59,120 how to answer that i don't have time to 302 00:10:59,120 --> 00:11:00,720 go into but it's like 303 00:11:00,720 --> 00:11:02,160 what he's saying is i've got the old 304 00:11:02,160 --> 00:11:04,000 i've got the grace and truth he's got 305 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:04,720 some of it 306 00:11:04,720 --> 00:11:08,000 it's there but it's not enough 307 00:11:08,000 --> 00:11:10,640 let's go on to the second theme here in 308 00:11:10,640 --> 00:11:12,320 ephesians 309 00:11:12,320 --> 00:11:15,440 uh chapter one which is god's 310 00:11:15,440 --> 00:11:18,640 love his delight in us 311 00:11:18,640 --> 00:11:21,440 okay this is especially clear in verses 312 00:11:21,440 --> 00:11:23,120 six through nine 313 00:11:23,120 --> 00:11:26,240 okay which we read i'll read them again 314 00:11:26,240 --> 00:11:29,440 it's just i just want to read these 315 00:11:29,440 --> 00:11:31,839 verses over and over again to the praise 316 00:11:31,839 --> 00:11:33,600 of the glory of his grace which he 317 00:11:33,600 --> 00:11:34,800 freely 318 00:11:34,800 --> 00:11:39,600 bestowed on us in the beloved 319 00:11:39,600 --> 00:11:41,680 in him we have redemption through his 320 00:11:41,680 --> 00:11:44,000 blood the forgiveness of our trespasses 321 00:11:44,000 --> 00:11:44,880 according 322 00:11:44,880 --> 00:11:47,360 to the riches of his grace which he 323 00:11:47,360 --> 00:11:49,440 lavished upon us 324 00:11:49,440 --> 00:11:51,920 in all wisdom he made known the mystery 325 00:11:51,920 --> 00:11:52,480 with his 326 00:11:52,480 --> 00:11:55,519 kind intention all these words of god's 327 00:11:55,519 --> 00:11:56,480 kindness 328 00:11:56,480 --> 00:12:01,920 his grace his delight in us 329 00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:04,320 you know our good friend mike bickle 330 00:12:04,320 --> 00:12:05,519 over there at ihop 331 00:12:05,519 --> 00:12:07,440 in kansas city ihop means the 332 00:12:07,440 --> 00:12:08,720 international house of 333 00:12:08,720 --> 00:12:11,120 prayer right well we all love to pray 334 00:12:11,120 --> 00:12:12,480 and it's important to pray 335 00:12:12,480 --> 00:12:14,160 but you know if you just keep on praying 336 00:12:14,160 --> 00:12:15,920 and interceding and asking 337 00:12:15,920 --> 00:12:18,240 and supplicating praying praying praying 338 00:12:18,240 --> 00:12:20,720 you're going to get pretty tired 339 00:12:20,720 --> 00:12:22,639 and he teaches everyone who enters into 340 00:12:22,639 --> 00:12:24,560 the ihop system has to go through his 341 00:12:24,560 --> 00:12:25,279 teaching 342 00:12:25,279 --> 00:12:28,560 on the song of songs on how much 343 00:12:28,560 --> 00:12:31,360 god loves us in him in christ jesus in 344 00:12:31,360 --> 00:12:32,000 yeshua 345 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:34,959 he delights in us he's happy with us 346 00:12:34,959 --> 00:12:35,360 he's 347 00:12:35,360 --> 00:12:37,040 when you look when he looks down on you 348 00:12:37,040 --> 00:12:39,200 now through his son he's not going like 349 00:12:39,200 --> 00:12:39,680 this 350 00:12:39,680 --> 00:12:42,880 he's smiling he's receiving us 351 00:12:42,880 --> 00:12:45,120 and this is so important for us you see 352 00:12:45,120 --> 00:12:45,920 it in these 353 00:12:45,920 --> 00:12:48,639 paul's emphasis in ephesians 1. it's 354 00:12:48,639 --> 00:12:49,440 grace 355 00:12:49,440 --> 00:12:51,600 he's done it he's chosen us before the 356 00:12:51,600 --> 00:12:53,839 foundation he's lavished upon us 357 00:12:53,839 --> 00:12:55,760 he's blessed us with every spiritual 358 00:12:55,760 --> 00:12:57,360 blessing in the heavenly places 359 00:12:57,360 --> 00:12:59,839 and now when he looks we were covered 360 00:12:59,839 --> 00:13:01,440 like the blood of the lamb on the 361 00:13:01,440 --> 00:13:03,279 on the lintels and the doorposts of the 362 00:13:03,279 --> 00:13:05,120 israelites during the exodus 363 00:13:05,120 --> 00:13:07,279 that blood covers us and it's not just 364 00:13:07,279 --> 00:13:09,440 that the death is past passes over us 365 00:13:09,440 --> 00:13:10,959 it's not just that he's saved us from 366 00:13:10,959 --> 00:13:11,519 death 367 00:13:11,519 --> 00:13:15,279 he's poured out his love into our hearts 368 00:13:15,279 --> 00:13:20,800 by the holy spirit romans 5. 369 00:13:20,800 --> 00:13:23,120 amen i'm sure you're all saying amen and 370 00:13:23,120 --> 00:13:25,680 i'm reminding you of something you know 371 00:13:25,680 --> 00:13:28,480 but i'll tell you it's not easy to stay 372 00:13:28,480 --> 00:13:29,839 in this place 373 00:13:29,839 --> 00:13:32,959 of god's delight and his love for us 374 00:13:32,959 --> 00:13:35,200 i know this and i'm learning it as a 375 00:13:35,200 --> 00:13:36,320 parent 376 00:13:36,320 --> 00:13:39,040 you know i'm a godly parent a godly 377 00:13:39,040 --> 00:13:40,720 father i know the proverbs and the 378 00:13:40,720 --> 00:13:42,560 scriptures about raising up my 379 00:13:42,560 --> 00:13:43,920 my children in the in fear and 380 00:13:43,920 --> 00:13:46,000 instruction of the lord and all that 381 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:49,519 and i'm i'm pretty strict sometimes 382 00:13:49,519 --> 00:13:52,399 i'm pretty good at pointing out what my 383 00:13:52,399 --> 00:13:55,120 kids do wrong 384 00:13:55,440 --> 00:13:58,160 but i'm learning i have to constantly 385 00:13:58,160 --> 00:13:59,120 remember 386 00:13:59,120 --> 00:14:02,160 to express my love for them 387 00:14:02,160 --> 00:14:03,839 that i delight in them it doesn't matter 388 00:14:03,839 --> 00:14:06,000 what they do they're my children 389 00:14:06,000 --> 00:14:09,120 and that god is happy with him in yeshua 390 00:14:09,120 --> 00:14:11,120 that we can come to him we can be 391 00:14:11,120 --> 00:14:12,240 forgiven 392 00:14:12,240 --> 00:14:15,120 god loves us i love you i'm delighted 393 00:14:15,120 --> 00:14:15,519 i'm 394 00:14:15,519 --> 00:14:18,480 happy i'm smiling at you i don't know 395 00:14:18,480 --> 00:14:20,000 how many of you out there are parents 396 00:14:20,000 --> 00:14:20,639 but if you 397 00:14:20,639 --> 00:14:22,480 if you are and you have a few kids you 398 00:14:22,480 --> 00:14:24,720 know the challenge 399 00:14:24,720 --> 00:14:26,800 but that's how our god is and we're to 400 00:14:26,800 --> 00:14:28,240 be imitators 401 00:14:28,240 --> 00:14:31,920 of him and just close this uh this 402 00:14:31,920 --> 00:14:34,959 portion here with a verse from uh psalm 403 00:14:34,959 --> 00:14:36,000 147 404 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:39,760 verses 10 and 11. he god 405 00:14:39,760 --> 00:14:41,680 does not delight in the strength of the 406 00:14:41,680 --> 00:14:43,199 horse 407 00:14:43,199 --> 00:14:45,199 nor does he take pleasure in the legs of 408 00:14:45,199 --> 00:14:46,480 a man 409 00:14:46,480 --> 00:14:49,600 the lord favors who wrote say 410 00:14:49,600 --> 00:14:52,800 delights in those who fear him those who 411 00:14:52,800 --> 00:14:53,440 wait 412 00:14:53,440 --> 00:14:56,000 for his loving kindness god loves the 413 00:14:56,000 --> 00:14:56,639 horses 414 00:14:56,639 --> 00:14:59,199 he made them their strength don't get me 415 00:14:59,199 --> 00:14:59,760 wrong he 416 00:14:59,760 --> 00:15:01,839 that excites him too and the legs of a 417 00:15:01,839 --> 00:15:03,120 man our strength 418 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:04,720 our ability to get things done he likes 419 00:15:04,720 --> 00:15:06,959 that too but that's not where 420 00:15:06,959 --> 00:15:09,600 he's looking people who don't know god 421 00:15:09,600 --> 00:15:10,959 have a lot of strength and they can get 422 00:15:10,959 --> 00:15:12,560 a lot of things done with horses and 423 00:15:12,560 --> 00:15:14,480 with their own legs and arms and we see 424 00:15:14,480 --> 00:15:16,320 examples of that all over the world 425 00:15:16,320 --> 00:15:18,160 all throughout history people who don't 426 00:15:18,160 --> 00:15:19,839 know god don't need god can still 427 00:15:19,839 --> 00:15:21,760 accomplish a lot of things 428 00:15:21,760 --> 00:15:24,880 but god delights in those who look up to 429 00:15:24,880 --> 00:15:25,360 him 430 00:15:25,360 --> 00:15:27,680 who are waiting expectantly for him who 431 00:15:27,680 --> 00:15:29,839 delight in his grace and his loving 432 00:15:29,839 --> 00:15:30,560 kindness 433 00:15:30,560 --> 00:15:33,120 and he responds he loves us he loved us 434 00:15:33,120 --> 00:15:33,759 first 435 00:15:33,759 --> 00:15:38,639 and we can stay and bask in that love 436 00:15:38,800 --> 00:15:41,600 so we talked about the timing right and 437 00:15:41,600 --> 00:15:43,199 when we're in that timing 438 00:15:43,199 --> 00:15:45,680 we can also be renewed as usher spoke 439 00:15:45,680 --> 00:15:48,320 about we can be constantly renewed 440 00:15:48,320 --> 00:15:50,320 and get a sense of god's timing in our 441 00:15:50,320 --> 00:15:51,519 lives and in what's happening in the 442 00:15:51,519 --> 00:15:52,160 world 443 00:15:52,160 --> 00:15:54,240 and his secondly we spoke about his 444 00:15:54,240 --> 00:15:56,000 delight last i want to talk about his 445 00:15:56,000 --> 00:15:56,720 plan 446 00:15:56,720 --> 00:15:59,279 his significant the significance that 447 00:15:59,279 --> 00:16:00,000 his plan 448 00:16:00,000 --> 00:16:02,720 gives us in this life verses nine and 449 00:16:02,720 --> 00:16:04,240 ten 450 00:16:04,240 --> 00:16:06,320 he made known to us the mystery of his 451 00:16:06,320 --> 00:16:08,959 will according to his kind intention 452 00:16:08,959 --> 00:16:11,600 which he purposed in him with a view to 453 00:16:11,600 --> 00:16:12,800 an administration 454 00:16:12,800 --> 00:16:15,199 suitable to the fullness of times that 455 00:16:15,199 --> 00:16:17,279 is the summing up of all things 456 00:16:17,279 --> 00:16:20,240 in christ jesus things in heaven and 457 00:16:20,240 --> 00:16:22,320 things upon the earth in him 458 00:16:22,320 --> 00:16:26,399 also we have attained an inheritance 459 00:16:26,399 --> 00:16:28,320 you know i don't know if you've ever 460 00:16:28,320 --> 00:16:29,920 been in a dead 461 00:16:29,920 --> 00:16:31,680 end job or if you know what i'm talking 462 00:16:31,680 --> 00:16:33,279 about but there's nothing 463 00:16:33,279 --> 00:16:36,720 more depressing in this life than 464 00:16:36,720 --> 00:16:38,800 getting up and going to some kind of 465 00:16:38,800 --> 00:16:41,040 work eight nine ten hours a day and 466 00:16:41,040 --> 00:16:42,160 toiling 467 00:16:42,160 --> 00:16:44,720 in something that you really don't enjoy 468 00:16:44,720 --> 00:16:45,440 doing 469 00:16:45,440 --> 00:16:47,600 that doesn't bring significance that you 470 00:16:47,600 --> 00:16:48,800 don't think you're doing 471 00:16:48,800 --> 00:16:51,600 something that that is meaningful in 472 00:16:51,600 --> 00:16:53,040 this life you feel like you're just 473 00:16:53,040 --> 00:16:54,399 spinning your wheels 474 00:16:54,399 --> 00:16:56,720 like you're treading water i remember 475 00:16:56,720 --> 00:16:58,240 when i built my house in downtown 476 00:16:58,240 --> 00:17:00,320 jerusalem i had different work crews 477 00:17:00,320 --> 00:17:03,440 chinese romanians arabs volunteers 478 00:17:03,440 --> 00:17:06,160 and you know they would do stuff 479 00:17:06,160 --> 00:17:07,199 sometimes 480 00:17:07,199 --> 00:17:08,640 and i'd come home at the end of the day 481 00:17:08,640 --> 00:17:10,480 and i'd look at it and i saw it was 482 00:17:10,480 --> 00:17:13,679 it was done wrong and i'd say to them 483 00:17:13,679 --> 00:17:17,679 guys take it apart start over 484 00:17:17,679 --> 00:17:20,799 now i was paying them by the hour 485 00:17:20,799 --> 00:17:22,799 right okay they got to work a little bit 486 00:17:22,799 --> 00:17:25,280 more but their faces went like this 487 00:17:25,280 --> 00:17:27,679 they hated that i hate it too there's 488 00:17:27,679 --> 00:17:28,640 nothing worse 489 00:17:28,640 --> 00:17:30,400 than doing something then having to do 490 00:17:30,400 --> 00:17:32,160 it over again because you did it wrong 491 00:17:32,160 --> 00:17:36,160 and you feel like you wasted your time 492 00:17:36,160 --> 00:17:40,000 well god's plan 493 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:42,080 what paul is speaking about here in 494 00:17:42,080 --> 00:17:43,280 ephesians 495 00:17:43,280 --> 00:17:46,400 when we're in him 496 00:17:46,400 --> 00:17:50,160 we walk in significance 497 00:17:50,160 --> 00:17:52,559 everything we do has meaning listen to 498 00:17:52,559 --> 00:17:53,280 what he says 499 00:17:53,280 --> 00:17:55,280 what he writes a few verses later in 500 00:17:55,280 --> 00:17:58,320 chapter chapter 2 verse 10 501 00:17:58,320 --> 00:18:01,440 we are his workmanship created 502 00:18:01,440 --> 00:18:05,120 in messiah yeshua for good works 503 00:18:05,120 --> 00:18:08,160 which god prepared beforehand that we 504 00:18:08,160 --> 00:18:11,440 should walk in them wow brothers and 505 00:18:11,440 --> 00:18:12,000 sisters 506 00:18:12,000 --> 00:18:14,400 when we we have the privilege of serving 507 00:18:14,400 --> 00:18:15,200 god 508 00:18:15,200 --> 00:18:17,120 whether it's in ministry whether it's in 509 00:18:17,120 --> 00:18:18,559 different kinds of work 510 00:18:18,559 --> 00:18:21,120 as parents if we serve him if we 511 00:18:21,120 --> 00:18:23,200 dedicate our lives to him 512 00:18:23,200 --> 00:18:26,080 it brings significance we have that love 513 00:18:26,080 --> 00:18:27,120 you know i've 514 00:18:27,120 --> 00:18:29,679 some of the books that i've read i 515 00:18:29,679 --> 00:18:31,360 forget which one it is but one 516 00:18:31,360 --> 00:18:32,559 christian and he was a christian 517 00:18:32,559 --> 00:18:34,559 counselor he said the two 518 00:18:34,559 --> 00:18:37,840 greatest needs of every human being are 519 00:18:37,840 --> 00:18:38,799 love 520 00:18:38,799 --> 00:18:42,000 and significance love he delights 521 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:44,000 in us we need to stay in that place and 522 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:46,000 to know how much god 523 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:48,880 loves us he chose us he blessed us he 524 00:18:48,880 --> 00:18:50,080 predestined us 525 00:18:50,080 --> 00:18:52,080 he's lavished all these things upon it 526 00:18:52,080 --> 00:18:53,200 and he continues 527 00:18:53,200 --> 00:18:56,880 to do that we we just bask in it but 528 00:18:56,880 --> 00:18:58,559 we don't just sit there all day we can't 529 00:18:58,559 --> 00:19:00,720 just stay like this we're made to work 530 00:19:00,720 --> 00:19:02,320 we're made to do things 531 00:19:02,320 --> 00:19:04,880 and he's laid out things for us to do 532 00:19:04,880 --> 00:19:06,799 good works for us to walk in 533 00:19:06,799 --> 00:19:09,360 and that brings significance our lives 534 00:19:09,360 --> 00:19:10,480 are not empty 535 00:19:10,480 --> 00:19:12,640 we don't have to be depressed we don't 536 00:19:12,640 --> 00:19:13,760 have to think why 537 00:19:13,760 --> 00:19:16,000 why am i here why do i have to keep on 538 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:17,840 wasting my time doing these things 539 00:19:17,840 --> 00:19:20,320 we don't have to have a mid-life crisis 540 00:19:20,320 --> 00:19:22,160 like a lot of my friends i'm 53 i'm 541 00:19:22,160 --> 00:19:24,080 finding a lot of my friends who i grew 542 00:19:24,080 --> 00:19:25,760 up with are going through this kind of 543 00:19:25,760 --> 00:19:27,840 crisis at this age because they've spent 544 00:19:27,840 --> 00:19:29,600 20 25 years just 545 00:19:29,600 --> 00:19:31,360 investing and achieving and all this 546 00:19:31,360 --> 00:19:32,640 stuff and now they're starting to get 547 00:19:32,640 --> 00:19:34,000 old and going 548 00:19:34,000 --> 00:19:37,840 what does it all mean what did i do 549 00:19:37,840 --> 00:19:39,120 where is it 550 00:19:39,120 --> 00:19:41,120 and they're starting to feel depressed 551 00:19:41,120 --> 00:19:43,039 and get sick but 552 00:19:43,039 --> 00:19:46,240 i won't go into that so my brothers and 553 00:19:46,240 --> 00:19:47,280 sisters 554 00:19:47,280 --> 00:19:51,039 amazing grace the riches of his grace of 555 00:19:51,039 --> 00:19:53,039 his love 556 00:19:53,039 --> 00:19:56,960 think about it stay there delight in him 557 00:19:56,960 --> 00:19:59,440 he delights in you if you're in jesus 558 00:19:59,440 --> 00:20:00,960 this is the foundation 559 00:20:00,960 --> 00:20:03,440 this is salvation by grace we've got to 560 00:20:03,440 --> 00:20:04,320 wake up 561 00:20:04,320 --> 00:20:05,679 and think about this we got to think 562 00:20:05,679 --> 00:20:07,760 about it all through the day and go to 563 00:20:07,760 --> 00:20:09,120 sleep with it that hits 564 00:20:09,120 --> 00:20:12,480 it's about him his plan for us 565 00:20:12,480 --> 00:20:15,280 he loves us 566 00:20:15,600 --> 00:20:17,520 i'm going to read one more verse from 567 00:20:17,520 --> 00:20:19,200 paul and then pray 568 00:20:19,200 --> 00:20:21,600 and we'll go back to our worship team 569 00:20:21,600 --> 00:20:23,440 this is second timothy 570 00:20:23,440 --> 00:20:27,679 chapter 1 verses 9 through 11. 571 00:20:27,679 --> 00:20:31,039 god who has saved us and called us with 572 00:20:31,039 --> 00:20:33,280 a holy calling 573 00:20:33,280 --> 00:20:35,679 not according to our works but according 574 00:20:35,679 --> 00:20:37,840 to his own purpose and grace 575 00:20:37,840 --> 00:20:40,559 which was granted us in messiah yeshua 576 00:20:40,559 --> 00:20:40,960 from 577 00:20:40,960 --> 00:20:44,320 all eternity but now has been revealed 578 00:20:44,320 --> 00:20:44,960 by the 579 00:20:44,960 --> 00:20:48,080 appearing of our savior messiah yeshua 580 00:20:48,080 --> 00:20:51,200 who abolished death and brought life 581 00:20:51,200 --> 00:20:54,480 and immortality to light through 582 00:20:54,480 --> 00:20:57,679 the gospel wow lord we thank you 583 00:20:57,679 --> 00:21:01,039 for these words 584 00:21:01,039 --> 00:21:04,080 and i think about the apostle paul who 585 00:21:04,080 --> 00:21:07,360 when he was writing these things 586 00:21:07,360 --> 00:21:10,480 i don't know how much he was aware of 587 00:21:10,480 --> 00:21:12,000 the fact that he was writing holy 588 00:21:12,000 --> 00:21:14,240 scripture he was writing letters 589 00:21:14,240 --> 00:21:16,080 to his beloved congregations and 590 00:21:16,080 --> 00:21:18,159 churches 591 00:21:18,159 --> 00:21:22,000 but lord he was so inspired 592 00:21:22,159 --> 00:21:26,240 by the gospel by this love 593 00:21:26,240 --> 00:21:28,559 by god's timing by the privilege of 594 00:21:28,559 --> 00:21:29,360 living 595 00:21:29,360 --> 00:21:32,559 at this time and lord we want to also be 596 00:21:32,559 --> 00:21:35,760 excited the fullness of time continues 597 00:21:35,760 --> 00:21:37,200 it's being constantly 598 00:21:37,200 --> 00:21:40,000 renewed we're living in the fullness of 599 00:21:40,000 --> 00:21:40,400 time 600 00:21:40,400 --> 00:21:43,280 every day as we get closer and closer as 601 00:21:43,280 --> 00:21:44,000 we move into 602 00:21:44,000 --> 00:21:47,280 the end times as we get closer to the 603 00:21:47,280 --> 00:21:49,520 fullness the fullness of the fullness 604 00:21:49,520 --> 00:21:52,480 when yeshua returns lord help my 605 00:21:52,480 --> 00:21:54,880 brothers and sisters help me 606 00:21:54,880 --> 00:21:58,240 lord to stay in that in your delight 607 00:21:58,240 --> 00:22:02,159 and your love to remember that you 608 00:22:02,159 --> 00:22:05,600 don't first delight in our strength and 609 00:22:05,600 --> 00:22:08,000 the strength of horses and cars and 610 00:22:08,000 --> 00:22:10,960 iphones and technology and things like 611 00:22:10,960 --> 00:22:12,159 that you delight 612 00:22:12,159 --> 00:22:15,600 in us and we want to delight in you 613 00:22:15,600 --> 00:22:18,799 lord thank you that you are have a plan 614 00:22:18,799 --> 00:22:20,960 and you've laid out good works for each 615 00:22:20,960 --> 00:22:22,799 one of us lord help us to help us to 616 00:22:22,799 --> 00:22:23,679 desire 617 00:22:23,679 --> 00:22:26,799 and to focus to walk in those things and 618 00:22:26,799 --> 00:22:29,200 nothing else 619 00:22:29,200 --> 00:22:34,159 yeshua amen