♪ (music) ♪ The caption's alright Joe, read's plain enough. They'll buy 'em like hotcakes! Better get another pressman, the soldiers will be leaving. Nah, they won't be leaving for over a week. The army is parcelling off the horses and wagons to the soldiers. Anything they can use to work on the farms when they get down home. General Lee gaves his orders this morning. Hup, hey, hey, hoy! Hey yippy, hup, hup! Ah, come on, Hopalong, we never will get home! What are you doing, Jim? Retreating or advancing on the enemy? - We don't know! - Climb up here. You'll never get home on that jag. Thanks, Captain! ♪ (blows horn) ♪ Must've been full or corn liquor when you picked hiim out. I just took what they handed me. After straddling mules for four years, I'll sure enjoy a steady seat. Somehow, I can't get used to the war being over. Whatever you think about it, we're going home. Hope I never hear another shot fired, as long as I live. And you're going to Kentucky! I married into a feuding family, but I'm not raising my children to become targets for a bunch of bushwhackers. I'm going to move the family west. - Just on account of the feuding? - Yes. A man can have some respect for his neighbors out there.