cool moustache Wario try messin wi the Mad Monk ye'll be sorry, yo hou mony dictators daes it tak tae turn an empire intae a union o ruinous states it's a defame whit ye did tae yer ain fowk yer daddy battert ye like a dug an' nou yer evil ye're frae Georgia sweet Georgia an' the history beuks unfold ye as a messed up mither fucker bent in the mynd wha bug a superpouer but he peyed the price wi the enless crockanition o Roushie lifes gif yer the man o steel Ah spit kryptonite big dick mystic kent tae hypnotise Ah coud end ye wi a whisper tae yer wife Leuk intae ma ees ye pervertit witch see the saul o the man wha mad mither Roushie his bick Ye think Ah gie a fuck about ma wife? ma ain son got lockit up in preison an' Ah didnae save his life ye got aff easy whan they preserved that moose cock Ah'd leave yer craig in a kinch in a trench an' shuitit yer hail faimily shuitit aw yer warlock freinds shuitit ony yin wha selt ye pierogi shuitit stairve ye for days tae ye dwyne awa