0:00:01.520,0:00:06.800 Hi it's Emily from Bite Size Vegan and this is going to be a very different video. 0:00:08.580,0:00:14.520 I'm actually in the process of moving, so I'm in an empty room and I wasn't planning on posting a video today. 0:00:15.260,0:00:17.260 But this is really important. 0:00:19.700,0:00:29.240 I make a very careful and intensive effort on my channel to talk about veganism 0:00:29.240,0:00:32.780 in a way that's relatable and approachable to non-vegans. 0:00:33.660,0:00:40.260 And I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that maybe they just don't know any better. 0:00:40.800,0:00:44.400 They don't know the truth. All of us started there. 0:00:47.820,0:00:57.920 Sometimes things happen and people act in ways that make it very difficult to hold any hope. 0:00:59.600,0:01:09.680 Sometimes there are acts of such utter malice and apathy and cruelty. 0:01:10.500,0:01:15.960 Knowing what goes on every second of every day in this world, and what we're doing to animals 0:01:15.960,0:01:24.980 on such an astounding scale - is very difficult to live with. 0:01:26.260,0:01:35.360 And fighting for them everyday and fighting to educate and bring the information to people. 0:01:36.860,0:01:42.640 You have to hold out hope that someone will listen. That people can change. 0:01:42.640,0:01:45.200 I'm going to share with you what happened, and you might have already seen 0:01:45.200,0:01:51.900 because on Wednesday I posted my kid's video about the zoo. But on Instagram and Facebook, 0:01:51.900,0:01:58.100 before I even posted a link to that video, I shared posts about this because... 0:02:00.440,0:02:02.920 because it's incredibly important. 0:02:03.880,0:02:08.920 So, if you didn't already hear - on Wednesday, a truck turned over in front of Fearmans Pork 0:02:08.920,0:02:13.860 in Toronto, which is where we hold vigils - Toronto Pig Save. 0:02:14.480,0:02:21.520 If you go to this news article you can see that the owner of Fearmans Pork said that, 0:02:21.520,0:02:26.620 "Unfortunately, despite all the efforts, 42 hogs could not be saved." 0:02:28.740,0:02:35.120 What he means is saved in order to be slaughtered. But even in that, it's a lie. 0:02:35.940,0:02:44.960 We can watch the video on this news page where they're bringing the pigs out 0:02:44.960,0:02:48.160 in what seems a pretty orderly fashion. The pigs seem okay. 0:02:50.520,0:02:55.680 If you look at some of the footage from the activists there, tells a little bit of a different story. 0:02:57.320,0:02:58.540 Just listen. 0:03:43.800,0:03:49.300 And believe it or not, that's not even the worst part of this entire thing. 0:03:50.180,0:03:56.420 So, they walked the surviving pigs to their death. They walked them to slaughter. 0:03:57.060,0:04:01.940 They're herding them through the parking lot of the slaughterhouse to get them back 0:04:02.920,0:04:09.660 so they can put them in CO2 chambers that are incredibly painful. 0:04:10.420,0:04:12.660 They'll burn from the inside out. 0:04:13.160,0:04:16.300 Then they'll hang them upside down and bleed them. 0:04:17.740,0:04:21.420 I have videos all over my channel about these chambers. 0:04:22.660,0:04:28.160 They're in the Ireland talk that I just did, I just did a live stream from an England slaughterhouse. 0:04:31.820,0:04:35.100 It's brutal. It's absolutely brutal. 0:04:35.900,0:04:39.020 There's even one pig here who's suffering from a prolapse. 0:04:39.920,0:04:43.260 Still, they're going to make her walk to her death. 0:04:45.320,0:04:47.140 This is a death march. 0:04:49.600,0:04:52.080 If it sounds like a war zone - it is. 0:04:53.280,0:04:55.220 There were some injured pigs. 0:04:56.300,0:05:02.220 Who were not fit to be processed, meaning they couldn't be slaughtered for food. 0:05:05.560,0:05:13.060 They sat in the grass for hours. Steve Jenkins, one of Esther The Wonder Pig's fathers was there. 0:05:14.600,0:05:21.060 And he was begging them to allow him to take the injured pigs to sanctuary. 0:05:22.680,0:05:28.600 Where they could be free. Because they can't slaughter them for food. 0:05:29.380,0:05:34.060 They're not fit for consumption. 0:05:37.000,0:05:38.840 But they wouldn't allow it. 0:05:41.400,0:05:48.180 They wouldn't even show the mercy to these defective, injured pigs. 0:05:48.960,0:05:53.860 So, what they did instead, is they killed them. 0:05:54.680,0:05:56.280 They executed them. 0:05:58.020,0:06:01.580 Out in the open. Trying to hide it with cardboard. 0:06:03.200,0:06:04.960 These are the final moments. 0:06:07.700,0:06:10.800 This might be the only time that she's ever felt the grass, 0:06:11.920,0:06:14.500 and seen the sun, and the sky. 0:06:19.600,0:06:22.800 You can see the bolt gun in his hand. 0:06:24.100,0:06:25.860 They're trying to hide it. 0:06:31.280,0:06:32.840 He just shot her. 0:06:36.840,0:06:38.120 She's convulsing. 0:06:41.860,0:06:47.720 She's writhing in pain. And they're trying to hide this with cardboard. 0:07:42.900,0:07:53.580 So then, they take her carcass and they load her into a bin so they can throw her in the dumpster like garbage. 0:07:54.140,0:07:58.580 These pigs were still alive. They could have healed. 0:07:59.220,0:08:01.540 They just were too injured to walk. 0:08:02.360,0:08:08.740 And one of the laws is that pigs have to be able to walk themselves to their death. 0:08:09.580,0:08:14.660 There is no justification for this. This is murder. 0:08:17.380,0:08:23.660 There were people there willing, ready, wanting to take them to safety. 0:08:26.140,0:08:29.740 To take them somewhere where they could live out their life. 0:08:31.900,0:08:34.340 And they couldn't even allow that. 0:08:35.100,0:08:42.160 Couldn't even give these pigs that much mercy. They weren't going to use them. 0:08:42.160,0:08:46.020 They weren't going to slaughter them. They're just going to throw them in the dumpster. 0:08:46.440,0:08:50.880 And what you're seeing now is those who didn't survive the crash. 0:08:51.100,0:08:59.300 All of those who died in the truck in pain, screaming, trapped. 0:09:00.000,0:09:05.220 And just imagine - what if this was people? What if this was even dogs? 0:09:06.200,0:09:08.360 How would we react differently? 0:09:15.460,0:09:21.700 If you wonder how this could happen, if you're wondering how people could be so heartless 0:09:22.360,0:09:25.960 why can't they just at least let these two pigs go? 0:09:27.000,0:09:36.040 If you can't comprehend how this is possible but you still eat meat, dairy, eggs, 0:09:36.340,0:09:38.400 you've answered your own question. 0:09:40.500,0:09:46.420 This wouldn't be happening if we weren't asking for it to happen. 0:09:48.220,0:09:51.420 This is the supply to our demand. 0:09:52.760,0:10:01.040 It doesn't matter how humane, free-range, cage-free, this is what you're supporting. 0:10:03.240,0:10:06.120 I would encourage you to educate yourself. 0:10:06.120,0:10:10.100 There's links down in the video description, all of the information is there. 0:10:10.520,0:10:13.960 The truth is there. It's not even that well-hidden. 0:10:14.580,0:10:20.460 It doesn't matter how far you are from the slaughterhouse, or if you don't hear their cries. 0:10:21.740,0:10:25.920 They're marched to their death for your breakfast, 0:10:27.020,0:10:28.580 for your sandwich. 0:10:31.020,0:10:40.580 They're shot on the side of the road, executed and thrown in a dumpster for your sausage. 0:10:42.600,0:10:47.640 The main reason they're trying so hard to get those pigs out of the truck 0:10:48.540,0:10:52.620 is to make sure they don't lose their inventory. 0:10:53.940,0:10:59.540 Try to reduce lost profits. Get them out of there as soon as possible 0:10:59.540,0:11:02.340 so they're still alive so we can kill them. 0:11:03.820,0:11:07.960 That's the insanity of our system. 0:11:10.520,0:11:17.860 There's no excuse. There is no way to justify this. 0:11:18.660,0:11:22.100 Please see the links, how to get involved, how to educate yourself. 0:11:24.180,0:11:27.460 It's not rocket science. Stop eating animals. 0:11:29.540,0:11:34.200 Bear witness to the reality. See the truth. Stop ignoring it. 0:11:35.260,0:11:38.380 You don't have to look far, it's all around you. 0:11:39.660,0:11:42.960 It's all around you, every moment of every day. 0:11:44.860,0:11:46.860 It doesn't have to be this way. 0:11:50.440,0:11:52.160 Make your choice.