wear the red flower the meal is ready Wangsi, the sweet potatoes grow big this year be careful in digging the size of them has nothing to do with my digging I broke it be quick in picking them there you started to dig in the morning but we came in the afternoon . don't rushing us grandma, help us pick them later that is so big it is like a snake dad, does it weigh more than 1kg? yeah so big the sweet potato king come on put it in the other basket you can't carry them. because you have never done such a job before women don't do it . she married to you and you should do the heavy work give it another try be careful it is ok dad, bring a few home to cook here is the microphone. sing wear the red flower I made the necklace for Little Pudding you look good with it carry them it is pretty you are beautiful I got big sweet potatoes. steam them it is also called Zhahongshao here isn't it pretty? cut it I found pork belly in the freezer make steamed pork and sweet potatoe, my dad 's favourite it is about 1kg pork. it is enough ginger, peppercorns , cooking wine and dark soy sauce I have cooked the fermented beans give it a good rub 250g spiced rice powder chili oil add more rice powder it is ready when like this get 6 bowls of it I can finish a bowl alone if there are leftovers, save them for tomorrow put pork on be gentle don't press them spread the extra rice powder on it go steam it it has been one and a half hours check it it is fragrant try it so soft grandma can eat it which do you wanna eat? be careful the meal is ready get 3 bowls first. save the rest for tomorrow dad, it is your favourite how do you think? good good girl grandma, try it. it is big