Hello all
I'm Evildea. Your god
and today I'm going to the Esperanto-house
Hello Dmitry
How are you?
Really good
And you?
Good enough
Did you receive my message?
No, about what?
About the last version of
the program
and also ... also ...
about the language festival?
I'll need to check afterwards
So, all the info is there and
you can
yes, you can prepare you speech
So, I'm now at the Esperanto house
and I guess that I should let you
know why I'm here
First, it's because of Trevor Steel
the famous Esperanto author is here
he intends to speak about something,
I don't know what
besides that, tomorrow
is the language festival
Yes, and I know, again
a language festival
In fact, there's four
language festivals this year
and I need to go to all of them
Tomorrow, very year
my time ...
I'll place the time here
Chuck Smith and I will be
by ... what is the name?
I've forgotten
Movada Vidpunkto
It's a podcast
and we will just discuss Amikumu
So, of course, I invite you
to that
and besides that, I'm not the only
I often see people say
"Are there other YouTubers?"
In fact, there are many in the
Esperanto community
but I want to mention two
So, here's the first and here's
the second
The first does vlogs like me
the second does sketches
So, I recommend that you
sub to them both
because I like them
and that is all
now I'll find Trevor Steele
Ah I need to see that, where?
No ... no ... no ...
Not there?
Ok ... ok ... ok ...
Ah yes, chocolate
Oh my, we need to clean this
there's ants there
Yes, I have chocolate
Dmitry bought me chocolate
because ... one sec ...
because when ever I'm here
I whinge to Dmitry,
"Where's the chocolate?"
I only come for the choloate
So, today he bought me chocolate
So, I want to speak about something
because Dmitry just bought
it to my attention
it occurred not to long ago
An Esperanto speaker contacted
him and said
"I watched one of Evildea's films
and I was very offended because he
did something that was crazy
in the film
and can he edit it"
Of course, my films are
somewhat crazy
In fact, they're often
extremely insane
I believe the majority of people
like to watch my channel because
it's not your usual
Esperanto safe space.
It's somewhat strange but also
young, hip, cool I guess
So, I want censure myself
over those things
So, if you think that you
don't like something
just say so in the comments
because I won't change it.
So, I'm here with my young friend
he's an Esperanto speaker
Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Terry Manly
and I became an Esperanto speaker
25 years ago
I'm 26 years old
Oh ha! thanks for that.
You don't live in Sydney, right?
In Armadale
In Armadale
That is half, almost half the way between
Sydney and Brisbane
but you need to go by the
inland route
Ok, so you came here just for
Trevor's speech?
Ok good
She's now in Korea
and she can't find another person
who will present Korean
and after that, we lost Joe
because she came ... and the
festival will take part
in the Korea Cultural Center
however, we don't have Korea there
Yes, but speaking a language
doesn't mean
you can present it right?
Yes, however I expected
we would certainly
have Korea in the
Korea Cultural Center
Yes, I guess
That spy, what are you doing?
So, here's my new friend
I think that we might have met
but I can't remember
It was a long time ago, I think
Okay, good; so did you want to
introduce yourself to my viewers
So, my name is Mateo
and I like in the Blue Mountains
So, because of that I can't frequent
Esperanto events, meetups often
So, are there Esperanto speakers
or just you?
in the mountains?
Previously, there was Alan Turvey
an yes, he now lives north of Sydney
They moved
So, you're alone
Yes, it seems ...
but you're not soft
Up to now, I haven't met
Esperanto speakers
in the Blue Mountains
That's unfortunate, however
I guess
you've come here for the speech?
For that and to meet other
Esperanto speakers
it's a long time
Yes, a long trip
to meet again
Good, thanks
So, Trevor just finished his speech
He spoke in English.
That's why I didn't film it
but it was interesting;
it was about his trip by foot
from Brisbane to Darwin
and that took more than
three months
So, unfortunately you couldn't
hear it
Ignore the camera
It isn't here
So, I expected that your speech
was going to be interesting
however ...
however, it wasn't interesting
I'll cap myself
Hello fans
Ok, I'll put the camera away
So, I'm now at the end of the night
and I need to head home
So, I'll just say good bye
to all the participants here
So, cya and cya
Ok, cya
Catch ya
So, I'm now home
and I just had a shower
I just wanted to say one last thing
before I finished this film
and that, that lately I haven't
done that many films because
I've jut been really occupied with
You can't imagine how much work
I need to do with Chuck Smith
he's a slave driver
So, that's all
So, if you've liked this film
Like it. Share it around.
Sub to my channel
if you haven't already
and I'll see you all in the next film
and if you're not there
my cat will find you ...
I want to show you my cat
but he just ran away
So, that's all