Dear tourists from Japan, who is about to visit Taiwan, should really be careful!! Hi there, I am Sayurin, the host of Sayulog! From last weekend until 25th of Jan Me and my two Japanese YouTuber friends with one friend we were sightseeing in many places in Taiwan. This time, the places we were going to is Taipei Taichung Tainan and Kaohsiung. First guests I am introducing is Mr.Takaine a.k.a. Mr. Muscle. And the other one is Mr.Kenichi, Mr.Kenichi's channel talks more about food information. Of course, he is really a huge fan of Taiwan. When we went to Tainan, we happened to meet Mr.Muscle's friend, Mr. Jeil. Mr, Jeil also loves bodybuilding. This time, I want to share something with you guys. Since I lived in Taiwan for nearly... for nearly two and a half years. During this period, there were so many Japanese friends asking me: "Sayuri, There's no winter in Taiwan, huh?" "It's always been hot, right? The temperature in the South is the same as in Okinawa, right?" See? So, many Japanese believed deeply that Taiwan is literally a no winter Southern Country. (finger wagging.) And then, I felt Mr. Keni knew more about Taiwan, and he believed there is winter in Taiwan. However, Mr.Muscle and Mr. Jeil believed there is 100% NO winter in Taiwan. They don't feel cold at all. Before Mr.Muscle came to Taiwan, I already told him: "Hey, Mr.Muscle, Today I'm in a Uniqlo Jacket and wearing lots of thick clothes." But he said: "You must be exaggerated! It won't happen in Taiwan, There's no winter in Taiwan." (smiling) After that, on the first day of the trip at Taipei, Mr.Muscle, Mr.Kenichi, and I were filming, We spent lots of time shooting outside, and Mr.Muscle got a cough because he was in a short pant. At that moment, Mr.Muscle was like "Ah! There's a winter in Taiwan!" At that time, he convinced that there is winter in Taiwan. However, the impressive thing I found on Mr.Muscle is that he got a cough on the first day of the trip at Taipei. He healed on the fourth day! I was overwhelmed. I started to realize that people who do a lot of workouts can have a very strong immune system to fight against viruses. And the other guest, Mr.Jeil, Mr.Jeil joined our journey when we traveled to Tainan, but Mr.Jeil came from Kaohsiung to Tainan, and Tainan is more north than Kaohsiung right? Therefore Mr.Jeil felt the temperature in Tainan is no difference with in Kaohsiung. Hence taking a train from Kaohsiung to Tainan takes approximately 1 hour. I felt like the temperature in the night in Tainan is colder than in Kaohsiung. I felt cold when seeing the sunset and Mr. Jeil had the same feeling. (Smiling) However, Mr.Jeil's brother loves Taiwan so much, He often travels to Taiwan for many many times. So I felt like when Mr.Jeil and his brother came together, he must learn from his brother about how to wear cloth properly here. (slapping) So, I realized that many Japanese have a serious misunderstanding about having no winter in Taiwan. To be honest, I had the same feeling when I lived in Japan. However, in the last year which is 2017, I traveled to Kenting alone, and I shocked. Because I froze in February in Taipei, but when I move to the most south part for five, six hours there were so many people in swimming pool in Kenting swomming pool? swamming pool? sweemming pool? swwwwmmmmmmm poollll? (my pronunciation lost my way...) (slapping) There were so many people lying on the beach, and having fun in the ocean. (smile) Although Taiwan is as big as Kyushu in Japan, I felt like temperature in the North of Taiwan and in the South of Taiwan is totally different. and in the South of Taiwan is totally different. So I am desperately sharing this information to all my viewers. If you want to come to Taiwan, the temperature in January is quite comfortable for travelers to visit. Since Taipei is colder in the end of Jan. If you want to come to Taipei, you must prepare down coat, and also when in Taichung. When you visit Tainan, it proper to bring lightweight down coat when you are outside. As for Kaohsiung, hmm... how to say that? it could be cold at noon. Which means there is a winter in Taiwan! THERE IS A WINTER IN TAIWAN! IT's important so I say to say twice! And so is Okinawa. Ok, I must remind you, people living in Japan who want to visit Taiwan shouldn't really underestimate the winter of Taiwan! It's super duper cold~~~~~~