Hari ini ialah tentang mencabar penampilan dan tanggapan keekstreman dan kenormalan. Hari ini ialah pelajaran dalam melupakan. Dan Today is about challenging appearances and assumptions of extremism and normality. Today is a lesson in unlearning and what better way to unlearn than to start our journey at the end and to work our way back to the beginning. And what better way to question what's accepted as good and normal than with something as wholesome and everyday as a glass of milk. The source of milk is no big secret, it comes from cows. But that's about as far back as most people trace milk's journey to our refrigerated grocery cases. Most of us grow up thinking that cows are made to be milked. We may think that they have a constant supply of milk, or even that they need to be milked to relieve pressure. Well, let's look at this critically for a moment. Cows are mammals, just like us. And mammals produce milk for one reason: to feed their babies. Cows carry their babies for nine months, just like we do. They lactate to feed their babies, just like we do. And after weaning they stop producing milk, just like we do. So in order to have a constant supply of cow's milk for human consumption, we neew