WEBVTT 00:00:10.063 --> 00:00:13.966 Today I want to start my talk 00:00:13.966 --> 00:00:17.356 with a story of my own bubble. 00:00:17.365 --> 00:00:21.557 When I say 'bubble', you might wonder what is this and what I'm talking about. 00:00:21.817 --> 00:00:25.236 Almost more than 20 years ago, when I was eight years old, 00:00:25.236 --> 00:00:29.381 I went to a local food market with my mum and dad. 00:00:29.381 --> 00:00:31.769 It was a very cold winter day. 00:00:32.823 --> 00:00:36.768 We were driving our green Hyundai Accent car, which was in trend at the time. 00:00:37.268 --> 00:00:41.073 My parents went into the market to shop for groceries while I stayed in the car. 00:00:41.159 --> 00:00:45.041 I was sitting in the car and listening to music, relaxing, 00:00:45.041 --> 00:00:47.131 not even paying attention to the cold. 00:00:47.897 --> 00:00:51.601 But there was a girl outside, the same age as me. 00:00:51.608 --> 00:00:56.477 She had no hat or gloves in that freezing cold weather 00:00:56.477 --> 00:00:59.858 and was holding a younger sibling in those little hands. 00:01:00.168 --> 00:01:02.013 At first, I didn't pay much attention. 00:01:02.013 --> 00:01:04.663 I thought: "Okay, it's just a poor girl standing there", 00:01:04.663 --> 00:01:06.513 and kept enjoying the music in the car. 00:01:06.513 --> 00:01:08.985 But 20 minutes, 30 minutes passed. 00:01:09.255 --> 00:01:13.485 She wasn't simply standing there, doing nothing. 00:01:13.485 --> 00:01:17.910 She was begging for money from those who were passing by. 00:01:17.952 --> 00:01:21.355 Most of the people who were passing seemed to be annoyed by her 00:01:21.365 --> 00:01:23.295 and walked faster to avoid interaction. 00:01:23.295 --> 00:01:28.445 Looking at this, I suddenly felt uncomfortable. 00:01:28.506 --> 00:01:30.720 What has she done wrong 00:01:30.766 --> 00:01:34.429 to be standing outside in the cold, 00:01:34.429 --> 00:01:37.634 holding such heavy load on her tiny back. 00:01:37.830 --> 00:01:42.902 What have I done to deserve sitting in a warm car, 00:01:42.902 --> 00:01:47.169 waiting for my parents to bring bags full of food while listening to music. 00:01:47.628 --> 00:01:49.566 What is the difference between us? 00:01:49.692 --> 00:01:52.618 Why and how has this difference emerged? 00:01:52.618 --> 00:01:55.081 I felt so bad at the time. 00:01:55.440 --> 00:01:58.761 Looking back now, I think that 00:01:58.761 --> 00:02:04.041 perhaps, my choice of becoming a social researcher 00:02:04.041 --> 00:02:08.105 was dedicated to understanding this difference. 00:02:09.864 --> 00:02:12.621 Even today, the story of the bubble still continues. 00:02:12.816 --> 00:02:16.648 Last year, I was standing in a bank to transfer money 00:02:16.648 --> 00:02:19.789 when I noticed this poster on the wall. 00:02:19.789 --> 00:02:22.029 [Dear citizens, beware of theft!!!] 00:02:22.029 --> 00:02:24.158 Looking at that poster, 00:02:24.158 --> 00:02:26.875 I thought the bubble hasn't burst. 00:02:26.910 --> 00:02:29.351 The poster said: 00:02:29.376 --> 00:02:35.022 "Dear citizens, beware of theft!" 00:02:36.350 --> 00:02:39.207 What this poster shows is that 00:02:39.222 --> 00:02:42.548 we see this boy selling magazines or gums 00:02:42.548 --> 00:02:45.185 as though he was a criminal. 00:02:45.185 --> 00:02:47.915 And people like us with jobs and a decent life 00:02:47.915 --> 00:02:50.815 who can afford to go to a cafe for a cup of tea 00:02:50.815 --> 00:02:55.097 should beware of these kids and protect ourselves from them. 00:02:55.097 --> 00:02:57.845 This poster wasn't only put up in this bank, 00:02:57.845 --> 00:03:01.099 but also in cafes, restaurants, department stores and everywhere. 00:03:01.099 --> 00:03:04.890 How many of you have passed by these posters? 00:03:04.895 --> 00:03:07.631 How many of us haven't noticed them? 00:03:09.804 --> 00:03:12.330 So the first question arising from this is 00:03:12.926 --> 00:03:18.737 why are we living in the kind of society where a small boy is working at night, 00:03:18.739 --> 00:03:22.756 doing hard labour and being called a thief? 00:03:23.158 --> 00:03:26.966 Second, why are we living in a society 00:03:26.966 --> 00:03:29.225 where we have to be cautious of children? 00:03:29.915 --> 00:03:30.923 I've tried this. 00:03:30.923 --> 00:03:33.445 Most people answer these questions in similar ways. 00:03:33.445 --> 00:03:36.935 Because these kids' parents 00:03:37.011 --> 00:03:39.859 weren't able to succeed in their lives, 00:03:39.859 --> 00:03:42.674 so it's these kids' parents' fault. 00:03:44.032 --> 00:03:47.648 Let's imagine one of these parents' name is Turuu. 00:03:48.431 --> 00:03:50.904 What we say about Turuu is that he's lazy, 00:03:50.904 --> 00:03:53.821 he likes to live on social welfare, he drinks a lot, 00:03:53.821 --> 00:03:56.384 he doesn't work hard enough, also may be when he moved 00:03:56.384 --> 00:03:58.551 from the countryside to the city 00:03:58.551 --> 00:04:01.273 he didn't think through and so on. 00:04:01.574 --> 00:04:03.714 People may think in different ways. 00:04:04.155 --> 00:04:09.304 So by making these kinds of statements we conclude that this person 00:04:09.304 --> 00:04:16.116 is living in his own bubble, not depending on other socio-economic conditions. 00:04:16.116 --> 00:04:18.753 And because the individual is not trying hard enough, 00:04:18.753 --> 00:04:21.419 we conclude that it's his own personal problem. 00:04:21.950 --> 00:04:26.104 However, there are thousands, millions and even billions of people in the world 00:04:26.104 --> 00:04:28.112 who live in similar conditions as Turuu. 00:04:28.165 --> 00:04:31.415 It would be wrong to assume that this poverty exists 00:04:31.415 --> 00:04:36.526 because individuals like Turuu are not trying hard enough, 00:04:36.526 --> 00:04:39.790 as if they wanted to live in sub-standard conditions. 00:04:39.790 --> 00:04:44.696 On the contrary, let's imagine that Turuu is a very successful man, 00:04:44.720 --> 00:04:48.520 and most of the members of our society are doing well and 00:04:48.520 --> 00:04:50.063 succeeding in their lives. 00:04:50.063 --> 00:04:52.552 Here we conclude that it's not just because Turuu is 00:04:52.552 --> 00:04:55.056 a hard-worker and an achiever that he's doing well. 00:04:55.056 --> 00:04:58.186 Instead, our society is conducive and has the right socio-economic 00:04:58.186 --> 00:04:59.976 conditions to make people successful. 00:05:00.476 --> 00:05:04.462 What this tells us is that we can't just sit comfortably inside our own bubbles 00:05:04.462 --> 00:05:07.352 and judge another person as isolated from the society. 00:05:07.352 --> 00:05:09.953 We shouldn't conclude that the problem is just his own. 00:05:09.953 --> 00:05:13.247 Since this phenomenon [poverty] is too common in our society, 00:05:13.247 --> 00:05:16.214 there should be something wrong beyond what we can see. 00:05:16.214 --> 00:05:20.608 Now, what is the current situation of poverty and people like Turuu in Mongolia? 00:05:20.635 --> 00:05:25.191 Is it similar to what we have imagined? 00:05:26.249 --> 00:05:29.486 Today there are 634,000 people living in poverty in Mongolia. 00:05:30.914 --> 00:05:34.885 Poverty means not being able 00:05:34.885 --> 00:05:39.422 to afford their basic needs including food. 00:05:40.220 --> 00:05:42.885 These are people who spend less than 00:05:42.885 --> 00:05:47.027 140,000 MNT [60 USD] per month, as of 2014. 00:05:47.585 --> 00:05:50.715 Today, 20 percent of Mongolian population is living in poverty. 00:05:51.658 --> 00:05:53.409 In fact, it's more than 20 percent. 00:05:54.710 --> 00:05:58.338 If we hypothetically increase the existing poverty line 00:05:58.338 --> 00:06:01.748 by 50,000 MNT [26 USD] from 146,000 to 196,000 MNT, 00:06:01.748 --> 00:06:07.348 then 40 percent of the population would be classified as living in poverty. 00:06:08.154 --> 00:06:11.764 That means on top of the 20 percent who are currently classified as poor, 00:06:11.764 --> 00:06:15.231 another 20 percent is living in vulnerable conditions 00:06:15.231 --> 00:06:18.091 where they might fall into poverty easily. NOTE Paragraph 00:06:18.091 --> 00:06:23.924 As such in total 40 percent of us live under vulnerable conditions today. 00:06:24.891 --> 00:06:26.200 Moreover, nearly 80 percent 00:06:26.319 --> 00:06:29.291 of Mongolian population spend 00:06:29.626 --> 00:06:32.602 less than 400 thousand tugrugs [212 USD] per month. 00:06:32.602 --> 00:06:34.865 Only 20 percent spend more than 400 thousand. 00:06:36.201 --> 00:06:39.914 Those who spend more than 400 thousand per month are less vulnerable to shocks 00:06:40.074 --> 00:06:44.049 such as price increase and they have more or less secure lives. 00:06:44.701 --> 00:06:48.601 The remaining 80 percent are people who might be affected 00:06:48.601 --> 00:06:50.831 by various financial and personal crises. 00:06:53.088 --> 00:06:54.820 Let's look at another statistics. 00:06:54.820 --> 00:06:58.185 Today we say that our society is free and equal, 00:06:58.185 --> 00:07:01.985 everyone can work hard and achieve what they deserve. 00:07:02.341 --> 00:07:06.129 If we imagine our society as evenly distributing income and expenses, 00:07:06.382 --> 00:07:09.392 wealth distribution should look like this. 00:07:09.392 --> 00:07:12.256 What do you think the current situation is in Mongolia? 00:07:13.983 --> 00:07:21.062 The top two ladders of the society altogether 00:07:21.561 --> 00:07:26.823 occupy 70 percent of the total expenditure in Mongolia. 00:07:27.306 --> 00:07:32.543 The remaining three ladders combined occupy only 30 percent. 00:07:32.994 --> 00:07:37.108 More importantly, the lowest ladder occupies only seven percent. 00:07:38.645 --> 00:07:40.549 We can see from this 00:07:40.549 --> 00:07:43.189 to what extent has income inequality increased. 00:07:44.586 --> 00:07:47.742 So it shows that when we say that Turuu is the one at fault, 00:07:47.742 --> 00:07:50.022 he is the one who has problems, 00:07:50.027 --> 00:07:53.548 we are thinking inside our bubble. 00:07:55.185 --> 00:07:57.458 Now, we should ask why so many people are poor, 00:07:57.582 --> 00:08:01.613 why so much inequality has been created in our society, 00:08:01.657 --> 00:08:07.186 and whether our explanations to these questions are done 00:08:07.256 --> 00:08:10.477 inside or outside the bubble. 00:08:10.919 --> 00:08:15.275 I want to tell you three most common answers. 00:08:15.354 --> 00:08:18.907 The first answer is that people are unequal anyways 00:08:19.511 --> 00:08:22.764 which is human nature. 00:08:23.005 --> 00:08:27.029 But in contrast to this belief, many studies worldwide and in Mongolia 00:08:27.835 --> 00:08:31.683 show that people almost naturally desire equality. 00:08:32.341 --> 00:08:35.082 Nobody says I'm living in better or worse 00:08:35.082 --> 00:08:37.132 conditions than that person. 00:08:37.462 --> 00:08:42.439 Yet there is one condition where we accept inequality. 00:08:42.439 --> 00:08:45.949 This is when the notion about fairness is considered. 00:08:47.983 --> 00:08:49.268 Fairness. 00:08:49.805 --> 00:08:53.214 In other words, today Turuu worked less than me, 00:08:53.290 --> 00:08:54.841 so he should earn less than me. 00:08:54.841 --> 00:08:57.913 I worked harder than him, so I should earn more than him. 00:08:57.913 --> 00:09:01.994 It would be unfair if Turuu earns the same as me even though he worked less than me. 00:09:01.994 --> 00:09:03.450 That's unfair. 00:09:04.688 --> 00:09:08.276 Unfortunately, our understanding and interpretation about fairness 00:09:08.276 --> 00:09:10.203 is not always fair itself. 00:09:10.203 --> 00:09:11.203 Let me take a simple example. 00:09:11.203 --> 00:09:13.261 In India, the caste system 00:09:13.261 --> 00:09:16.030 allows most people to think that it's fair that some people 00:09:16.030 --> 00:09:18.696 should be wealthy just because they are deemed to be born 00:09:18.696 --> 00:09:20.234 from the head of the divinity, 00:09:20.234 --> 00:09:23.994 whilst others should be poor because they were born from the foot of divinity. 00:09:24.107 --> 00:09:26.687 Is this fair? Not at all. 00:09:28.086 --> 00:09:29.861 The second commonly used explanation 00:09:29.861 --> 00:09:32.811 is that our country is poor, 00:09:32.811 --> 00:09:35.583 we are barely surviving. 00:09:36.433 --> 00:09:37.809 This is a wrong assumption. 00:09:37.809 --> 00:09:41.543 Our country is now a middle-income country. 00:09:42.042 --> 00:09:44.902 Our economy has been growing steadily 00:09:44.902 --> 00:09:47.464 for more than a decade. 00:09:48.174 --> 00:09:51.366 Accordingly, the social welfare spending has also been increasing. 00:09:51.680 --> 00:09:54.701 Yet Turuu or those poor 40 percent of population 00:09:54.718 --> 00:09:59.428 can't still benefit from this growth. 00:09:59.450 --> 00:10:03.262 So despite economic growth we are left with a significant portion of our society 00:10:03.262 --> 00:10:04.982 living in or very close to poverty. 00:10:04.982 --> 00:10:06.341 Let's see the next example. 00:10:07.513 --> 00:10:10.864 Are poorer people indeed lazy 00:10:10.864 --> 00:10:13.945 and not trying hard enough in their lives? 00:10:14.278 --> 00:10:18.025 To see whether it's true I want to take an example of successful young people. 00:10:18.025 --> 00:10:20.554 Not long ago, I've been reading some articles. 00:10:20.554 --> 00:10:22.841 Including those that were also viral on Facebook. 00:10:22.841 --> 00:10:25.989 We are all very proud of the young people who graduated or studying 00:10:25.989 --> 00:10:28.909 at Harvard or MIT, and share these posts. 00:10:28.909 --> 00:10:30.606 They are all outstanding. 00:10:30.706 --> 00:10:33.475 So quite a few of them were interviewed. 00:10:33.475 --> 00:10:35.039 I've read all of them. 00:10:35.039 --> 00:10:39.466 They were asked to share the ingredients of their success. 00:10:39.649 --> 00:10:41.560 The common ingredients were 00:10:42.471 --> 00:10:44.388 "to dedicate yourself and work harder" 00:10:44.388 --> 00:10:47.284 or "good knowledge of English". 00:10:48.274 --> 00:10:50.964 We should be proud of these kids? 00:10:53.472 --> 00:10:55.618 (Applause) 00:10:57.976 --> 00:11:00.838 And now let's look at the drivers of their success 00:11:00.838 --> 00:11:05.108 from a broader societal perspective. 00:11:06.257 --> 00:11:08.114 What we see here is that 00:11:08.318 --> 00:11:12.238 there are many factors behind their success. 00:11:12.409 --> 00:11:14.473 At least these kids are healthy, 00:11:14.747 --> 00:11:16.971 they are studying in private schools, 00:11:17.083 --> 00:11:22.100 they don't need to look after a sick father or mother, 00:11:22.436 --> 00:11:24.748 they can afford to pay the tuition fee and so on. 00:11:25.146 --> 00:11:29.727 In other words, these kids are already very close to success, 00:11:29.740 --> 00:11:34.000 and with a little hard work they can climb to seemingly high points on our ladder. 00:11:35.412 --> 00:11:39.229 In contrast, those people mentioned earlier 00:11:39.416 --> 00:11:43.202 who make up around 60 - 70 percent of the population at the bottom of the ladder 00:11:43.207 --> 00:11:47.168 are not able to get to the same level of the ladder if they work equally hard. 00:11:47.229 --> 00:11:50.412 Because their social barriers are very high 00:11:50.780 --> 00:11:52.236 like the one we see here. 00:11:52.564 --> 00:11:55.632 So one might be asking, what are these barriers? 00:11:55.861 --> 00:11:59.609 Why can't one work harder and climb up the ladder? 00:11:59.609 --> 00:12:01.305 There are so many factors. 00:12:01.305 --> 00:12:05.397 For example, quality education and health services. 00:12:05.699 --> 00:12:09.548 Because these people don't have sufficient education, don't have necessary skills. 00:12:09.568 --> 00:12:12.058 Because they don't have skills, they can't find job. 00:12:12.058 --> 00:12:14.524 They don't have work then they don't have salaries. 00:12:14.524 --> 00:12:15.689 No salaries, no savings. 00:12:15.689 --> 00:12:17.798 No savings, no investment in their own life. 00:12:18.528 --> 00:12:21.395 As such that person is trapped into poverty. 00:12:22.699 --> 00:12:27.396 But today we, the ones standing at the top of the ladder 00:12:27.396 --> 00:12:30.860 and inside our bubbles, are pointing down 00:12:30.866 --> 00:12:34.113 to the people who are at the bottom and telling them to work harder 00:12:34.113 --> 00:12:38.493 as if we have ever worked ourselves out of the situations they find themselves in. 00:12:39.428 --> 00:12:43.737 The main reason poverty and other social issues persist is 00:12:43.755 --> 00:12:48.032 the big gap in society and structural differences 00:12:48.032 --> 00:12:51.142 and I'm trying to show this situation through this picture. 00:12:57.006 --> 00:13:02.446 Again, the story is not finished. 00:13:02.478 --> 00:13:05.248 We've just criticised people from inside our bubbles. 00:13:05.901 --> 00:13:08.621 Our imagination about society is 00:13:08.807 --> 00:13:15.092 created only within our limited social boundary. 00:13:15.553 --> 00:13:20.166 Looking at the results from this study, 00:13:20.186 --> 00:13:22.436 our own trust and cooperation with others 00:13:22.436 --> 00:13:32.525 is limited by our parents, friends and relatives. 00:13:33.025 --> 00:13:37.245 In other words, we are still operating inside a bubble. 00:13:38.708 --> 00:13:42.378 So what can we do to burst this bubble? 00:13:42.810 --> 00:13:45.060 Rather than just sitting here and complaining, 00:13:45.060 --> 00:13:46.460 we should look for solutions. 00:13:46.460 --> 00:13:48.509 There are two things that need to be done. 00:13:48.509 --> 00:13:51.839 First, we need to remove social barriers or, in other words, 00:13:51.839 --> 00:13:53.989 narrow the gaps in this ladder, 00:13:53.989 --> 00:13:57.219 so that those people at the bottom can move up the ladder. 00:13:57.219 --> 00:13:59.789 We need to make social reform. 00:13:59.789 --> 00:14:03.919 But what is constraining this social reform from happening is that we - 00:14:03.949 --> 00:14:06.699 the young people who are the future of Mongolia- 00:14:06.909 --> 00:14:10.879 still remain in our bubbles, if we don't burst them, this change will never happen. 00:14:11.848 --> 00:14:15.834 Let's reduce the height of the ladder with the two arrows pointing 00:14:15.834 --> 00:14:17.697 and provide equal opportunity. 00:14:17.697 --> 00:14:21.557 Next, let's burst our bubbles. 00:14:21.557 --> 00:14:26.317 (Applause) 00:14:26.456 --> 00:14:28.622 This is a picture of a bubble 00:14:28.788 --> 00:14:31.944 where we blame or praise the individual 00:14:31.944 --> 00:14:37.311 and imagine the individual as isolated from the rest of the society. 00:14:37.311 --> 00:14:43.676 We should become the young professionals who don't blame the individual 00:14:43.676 --> 00:14:47.273 but rather who try to see the underlying reasons and conditions for problems 00:14:47.273 --> 00:14:52.453 in a much broader way based on evidence, research and using our intelligence. 00:14:53.133 --> 00:14:56.375 Then why should we burst our bubble and what change can this bring? 00:14:56.375 --> 00:15:01.652 Like this picture I'm showing you right here, 00:15:01.652 --> 00:15:07.071 we want a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to move up there 00:15:07.071 --> 00:15:13.325 and reach success and a society with adequate structure. 00:15:13.325 --> 00:15:18.976 The basis of creating this kind of society is that we ourselves leave our bubble. 00:15:18.976 --> 00:15:24.082 All of us, to burst this bubble, like I was trying to convince you earlier, 00:15:24.082 --> 00:15:26.500 rather than seeing Turuu or someone else's success 00:15:26.500 --> 00:15:32.573 or failure through the matter purely of personal effort, 00:15:32.573 --> 00:15:37.248 we should learn to ask ourselves 00:15:37.520 --> 00:15:39.917 do we have skills to see the society as a whole? 00:15:39.917 --> 00:15:40.928 Thank you. 00:15:40.928 --> 00:15:43.918 (Applause)