WEBVTT 00:00:00.555 --> 00:00:02.810 Utopian is creating an Open Source economy 00:00:02.835 --> 00:00:06.595 in which contributors to Open Source projects are rewarded for their valuable work. 00:00:07.063 --> 00:00:09.396 This work can come in a variety of forms. 00:00:09.421 --> 00:00:12.984 So to keep things organized Utopian has identified several categories 00:00:13.009 --> 00:00:15.162 into which contributors can submit their work. 00:00:15.821 --> 00:00:18.091 One of these categories is Tutorials. 00:00:18.440 --> 00:00:22.939 Education is at the heart of innovation and to foster learning in the Open Source community 00:00:22.964 --> 00:00:26.497 Utopian is supporting the development of high quality learning resources. 00:00:26.886 --> 00:00:29.695 The Tutorial category is part of this initiative. 00:00:30.147 --> 00:00:34.512 It is crucial that contributions to the Tutorial category be educationally sound. 00:00:34.925 --> 00:00:40.111 Contributions must contain highly engaging, educational and original text and visuals. 00:00:40.571 --> 00:00:44.757 Let’s have a closer look at what makes an excellent tutorial contribution. 00:00:45.212 --> 00:00:50.379 Utopian wishes to maintain consistency of format and quality in all tutorial contributions. 00:00:50.697 --> 00:00:56.031 To achieve this Utopian has provided you with some tools to help in the creation of consistent content. 00:00:57.146 --> 00:01:01.059 First, Utopian has developed a thorough set of general rules and guidelines 00:01:01.084 --> 00:01:03.476 which apply to all contribution categories. 00:01:03.501 --> 00:01:05.922 These must be followed by all contributors. 00:01:06.319 --> 00:01:10.311 Utopian has also created a set of guidelines specific to the tutorials category 00:01:10.336 --> 00:01:13.478 to help contributors create educationally sound content 00:01:13.503 --> 00:01:17.263 and to aid Utopian Moderators in the evaluation of this content. 00:01:17.517 --> 00:01:21.277 Let’s have a closer look at a few of the guidelines for the Tutorials category. 00:01:21.650 --> 00:01:24.711 Your tutorials must address concepts which would be a challenge 00:01:24.736 --> 00:01:27.023 for average learners to figure out on their own. 00:01:27.515 --> 00:01:31.926 Tutorials addressing circuit design and the construction of specific electronic modules 00:01:31.951 --> 00:01:33.785 are a appropriate for Utopian. 00:01:34.222 --> 00:01:36.413 Your lessons should provide skills and knowledge 00:01:36.438 --> 00:01:39.714 which can be applied to a wide variety of creative applications. 00:01:40.108 --> 00:01:43.222 Tutorials teaching concepts which are found in other applications 00:01:43.247 --> 00:01:48.106 or tutorials which focus on how to create content will not be supported by Utopian. 00:01:48.575 --> 00:01:51.644 Along with adhering to the general and category guidelines, 00:01:51.669 --> 00:01:56.112 Utopian has provided a tutorial template to guide you in formatting your submission. 00:01:56.887 --> 00:01:58.720 Let’s have a closer look at the template. 00:01:59.300 --> 00:02:01.226 As you have seen in the guidelines, it is critical 00:02:01.251 --> 00:02:05.433 that you associate your Tutorial contribution with appropriate Github repository. 00:02:06.745 --> 00:02:09.238 In this section of your contribution you will itemize 00:02:09.263 --> 00:02:11.791 each of the concepts you will be addressing in your tutorial. 00:02:12.101 --> 00:02:14.286 These concepts must be substantial 00:02:14.311 --> 00:02:17.446 and not things an average user can figure out themselves. 00:02:17.471 --> 00:02:20.612 While it is important to cover multiple concepts in your tutorial, 00:02:20.637 --> 00:02:25.224 covering too many substantial concepts in one tutorial can be overwhelming for learners. 00:02:25.613 --> 00:02:28.272 If you have numerous concepts which need to be addressed 00:02:28.297 --> 00:02:32.500 you may consider creating multiple tutorial submissions to cover the learning materials. 00:02:32.786 --> 00:02:36.705 In this section of your submission you must list all the software and hardware requirements 00:02:36.730 --> 00:02:38.633 for learners to complete your tutorial. 00:02:38.824 --> 00:02:41.705 Indicate the level of skill and knowledge a learner must possess 00:02:41.730 --> 00:02:43.558 in order to complete your tutorial. 00:02:43.583 --> 00:02:47.591 Here you will provide highly detailed text and images for your tutorial. 00:02:47.869 --> 00:02:50.297 You need to address each of the substantial concepts 00:02:50.322 --> 00:02:53.310 and provide supporting information to aid the learners. 00:02:53.844 --> 00:02:56.965 Utopian encourages the development of sequential tutorials 00:02:56.990 --> 00:03:00.008 to thoroughly cover the concepts of Open Source project. 00:03:00.033 --> 00:03:05.037 Any code samples and supplementary content can be placed in your personal Github repository. 00:03:05.649 --> 00:03:08.605 There are two subcategories of the tutorial category: 00:03:08.748 --> 00:03:12.417 Code writing contributions and end-user focused contributions. 00:03:12.751 --> 00:03:17.587 Code writing contributions must provide clear sequential instruction on programming concepts. 00:03:17.612 --> 00:03:19.662 As you introduce concepts and techniques 00:03:19.687 --> 00:03:22.656 you must clearly explain how and why you are using them. 00:03:22.890 --> 00:03:24.545 Code writing can be complex 00:03:24.570 --> 00:03:27.814 so it is important to be thorough and sequential in your instruction. 00:03:28.187 --> 00:03:32.947 End-user focused tutorials are focused on complex functions of Open Source applications. 00:03:33.304 --> 00:03:37.350 As with code writing contributions, these submissions must be sequential and thorough. 00:03:37.866 --> 00:03:40.449 When selecting a topic for your tutorial contribution 00:03:40.474 --> 00:03:44.069 you must insure that your content provides educational value to the community. 00:03:44.538 --> 00:03:47.528 Research existing learning resources related to your topic 00:03:47.553 --> 00:03:51.458 and avoid submitting content which is already addressed sufficiently elsewhere. 00:03:52.316 --> 00:03:56.132 Choose topics which you are both knowledgeable in and passionate about. 00:03:56.157 --> 00:04:00.315 Consider your audience and create content which is suited to their learning needs. 00:04:00.340 --> 00:04:03.208 Once you have researched and chosen a topic for your tutorial 00:04:03.233 --> 00:04:06.934 it is time to create your contribution with your favourite Steem interface. 00:04:06.959 --> 00:04:09.842 First choose an appropriate title for your contribution. 00:04:10.128 --> 00:04:13.710 Using the tutorials template, create the body of your contribution. 00:04:13.735 --> 00:04:17.572 Be sure to include all the required information outlined in the template. 00:04:17.596 --> 00:04:20.053 Tagging your contribution is very important. 00:04:20.077 --> 00:04:26.369 Your first tag must be utopian-io and your second tag must be tutorials. 00:04:26.394 --> 00:04:28.013 Before you publish your contribution 00:04:28.038 --> 00:04:31.071 proof read everything to insure that there are no mistakes. 00:04:31.096 --> 00:04:33.989 Once you’re happy with your contribution it’s time to post. 00:04:34.014 --> 00:04:36.956 Education is at the heart of the Open Source community. 00:04:36.981 --> 00:04:40.548 Your contributions to the Tutorial category will empower learners 00:04:40.573 --> 00:04:43.587 to use and develop new Open Source applications 00:04:43.612 --> 00:04:46.571 and in turn strengthen the community around us.