0:00:01.000,0:00:07.872 The only place we were able to escape[br]it was the river that runs behind our school. 0:00:26.520,0:00:29.432 Near the station,[br]about two miles from the flash, 0:00:29.560,0:00:32.870 Teruko Fujii thought her tram had[br]short-circuited on the overhead cables, 0:00:33.000,0:00:36.390 and that the whole thing was her fault. 0:00:40.120,0:00:42.680 I thought that I'd caused[br]some kind of disaster. 0:00:43.080,0:00:46.595 I thought I'd broken the tram[br]and done something terrible! 0:00:53.080,0:00:56.117 And then I thought, is it a bomb? 0:00:56.840,0:01:00.992 That was when I realised it wasn't me[br]who'd caused all this trouble. 0:01:05.040,0:01:08.635 First I thought only[br]the station area was affected. 0:01:08.760,0:01:10.876 Then I saw people[br]walking towards me with injuries, 0:01:11.000,0:01:13.673 and skin hanging from them. 0:01:18.760,0:01:22.673 Everybody thought, perhaps[br]if I go over there, I could be saved. 0:01:23.760,0:01:26.991 People to the west thought[br]the east might be better. 0:01:27.360,0:01:31.751 People were going in[br]every direction, in total silence. 0:01:38.960,0:01:42.748 Amid all the destruction,[br]there was at least one miracle. 0:01:43.960,0:01:46.474 Eight-year-old[br]Takashi Tanemori was carried 0:01:46.600,0:01:50.832 through the burning city[br]by the soldier who rescued him. 0:01:50.960,0:01:54.669 At last, the soldier reached the river, 0:01:54.800,0:01:57.678 and from the crowds,[br]the little boy heard a familiar voice. 0:02:00.920,0:02:03.480 Somehow my father spotted me! 0:02:05.320,0:02:09.836 I guess he called my name,[br]and maybe I responded, 0:02:10.280,0:02:13.033 and I said, that's my daddy! 0:02:13.280,0:02:20.277 And then he stood straight[br]to the soldiers, 0:02:21.200,0:02:26.718 and then he bowed many, many times[br]to the soldiers, said, thank you!You are saviour! 0:02:39.480,0:02:43.712 Later on, after we were flying back,[br]conversation started about, 0:02:43.840,0:02:48.038 you know, the war being over,[br]as a result of this bombing. 0:02:48.440,0:02:50.476 Despite the number of people we killed, 0:02:50.600,0:02:55.071 we saved multiple numbers[br]over that from being in a war, 0:02:55.560,0:02:58.552 and being killed, on America's side,[br]and on the Japanese side. 0:02:59.760,0:03:03.594 That time, there was such[br]a hatred for the Japanese, 0:03:03.880,0:03:08.112 that the more we killed,[br]the better off we thought we were, 0:03:08.480,0:03:12.109 because that means[br]there's going to be less 0:03:12.240,0:03:14.071 that we're going to have[br]to contend with during the invasion. 0:03:19.840,0:03:24.516 After a six-hour return flight,[br]the Enola Gay reached Tinian Island. 0:03:25.640,0:03:30.873 The following...[br]Three, four, 500 people there. 0:03:31.480,0:03:36.873 And when we got out of the airplane,[br]of course we were all getting out,we're tired 0:03:37.080,0:03:41.437 and I get out, I remember getting out,[br]carrying my oxygen mask,I'm right behind Paul, 0:03:41.840,0:03:45.753 and then some joker[br]calls us to attention. 0:03:45.920,0:03:49.708 I got out of the airplane,like I was told,[br]he pins this thing on my shirt, 0:03:49.840,0:03:53.879 guys are taking pictures of us,I saluted,[br]and after that was over with. 0:03:54.000,0:03:56.275 I'm back to my duty. 0:03:56.440,0:03:59.796 We've got to go to de-briefing,[br]by the intelligence people. 0:03:59.920,0:04:03.435 They had certain things to ask,did you see this,[br]and did you see that, and so forth. 0:04:03.560,0:04:06.632 Confirming that we had bombed[br]the right target. 0:04:06.840,0:04:08.876 I said, sure. 0:04:19.360,0:04:24.388 Dr Hida escaped from the rubble of[br]the farmhouse four miles outside Hiroshima. 0:04:24.920,0:04:27.229 After checking on the child[br]he had been treating, 0:04:27.480,0:04:29.789 he headed back towards the city. 0:04:34.480,0:04:39.793 It's about six kilometres[br]to Hiroshima from there. 0:04:40.440,0:04:43.989 When I was halfway there, suddenly[br]a strange creature appeared out of nowhere. 0:04:55.280,0:04:59.637 As it was summer, if it were human,[br]it would have been wearing white. 0:05:00.200,0:05:03.954 What I saw was all black,[br]from top to bottom. Pitch black. 0:05:04.080,0:05:06.230 I though it was strange. 0:05:10.640,0:05:16.954 At the top there was something round,like a head. It had shoulders,something like a body followed. 0:05:19.760,0:05:23.116 But it was like it had no face.[br]It was black. 0:05:24.400,0:05:27.949 The area around the eyes had swollen up,[br]it had no nose, 0:05:28.840,0:05:33.311 the lower half of the face was just mouth![br]It was frightening! 0:05:34.840,0:05:38.276 As a doctor,the first thing you do[br]is take a pulse. 0:05:38.400,0:05:40.868 But when I took his hand,[br]there was no skin. 0:05:41.000,0:05:43.309 There was nowhere I could hold. 0:05:44.000,0:05:49.472 So I stood up, saying, please,pull yourself together,and walked around him. 0:05:52.000,0:05:56.437 This person gave a small shudder,[br]and then he stopped moving. He had died. 0:05:59.480,0:06:03.155 He had fled three kilometres,[br]and then he died there. 0:06:03.480,0:06:07.473 That man was the first fatality[br]caused by the bomb, that I saw. 0:06:12.600,0:06:17.913 Army recruit, Shigeru Terasawa,had been[br]stationed seven milesfrom the centre of the blast. 0:06:20.800,0:06:23.997 His unit was sent to help survivors, 0:06:24.120,0:06:26.714 but they soon[br]faced a terrible conflict, 0:06:26.840,0:06:30.196 between their compassion[br]and their training. 0:06:33.240,0:06:37.119 Even now there are things[br]that I will never forget. 0:06:42.040,0:06:45.112 One is the sound of people[br]begging me for water. 0:06:56.200,0:07:00.432 In those days,we had been told[br]not to give water to the badly burned. 0:07:01.000,0:07:07.155 To tell you the truth,we all had these big,[br]military water flasks on our hips. 0:07:09.480,0:07:13.234 People were begging for water,[br]but we didn't give them any. 0:07:14.280,0:07:17.955 We had been told that if we did,[br]they would die straight away. 0:07:20.240,0:07:23.915 And so I didn't give them any.[br]A lot of people died. 0:07:25.280,0:07:29.319 Now, looking back,[br]I wish I had given them water. 0:07:37.000,0:07:39.878 Burned, and bleeding,[br]in the intense heat, 0:07:40.000,0:07:43.072 people were desperate[br]to find any water they could. 0:07:44.840,0:07:48.389 They fled to the rivers,[br]to pools, and reservoirs. 0:07:48.560,0:07:50.994 Among them, nurse Kinuko. 0:07:54.480,0:07:58.268 I knew there was a pool of water,[br]in the back yard of the hospital. 0:08:02.960,0:08:08.114 Lots of people had already got into the pool.[br]More people had jumped on top of them. 0:08:14.520,0:08:17.080 The people underneath drowned. 0:08:19.920,0:08:25.392 This is one scene I can never forget.[br]I still dream about it. 0:08:43.000,0:08:48.552 Then came a strange deliverance. 0:08:48.680,0:08:53.151 Dark raindrops began to fall[br]from the clouds above the burning city. 0:08:58.200,0:09:02.273 We opened our mouths, and drank it.[br]Our throats were parched, 0:09:02.880,0:09:06.236 but it was difficult to capture[br]the rain into our mouths. 0:09:12.320,0:09:16.029 The rain had been made[br]black by ash and smoke 0:09:16.160,0:09:19.277 which had been sucked into[br]the rising mushroom cloud. 0:09:19.600,0:09:22.751 When these ashes mixed with cool,[br]humid air in the upper atmosphere, 0:09:22.880,0:09:26.236 they formed thick, black raindrops, 0:09:26.360,0:09:29.477 and fell back down on to the city. 0:09:32.760,0:09:34.671 The drops of rain were big enough to hurt, 0:09:34.800,0:09:37.234 when they hit your skin. 0:09:38.000,0:09:42.710 It descended in a torrent. Black fluid flowed[br]where the rain fell. 0:09:43.400,0:09:45.755 It was raining black fluid. 0:09:50.000,0:09:54.118 What the people[br]who drank the rain didn't realise, 0:09:54.240,0:09:57.038 was that it was highly radioactive. 0:09:59.720,0:10:03.156 In time, it would poison many thousands. 0:10:23.240,0:10:25.196 On the day the bomb was dropped, 0:10:25.320,0:10:29.108 President Truman was still[br]travelling home from Europe. 0:10:31.680,0:10:35.116 On our way back, on the Augusta,[br]returning to Washington, 0:10:35.240,0:10:38.277 we were on the edge of our chairs, 0:10:38.400,0:10:42.188 because we expected any day:[br]any time, any day, 0:10:42.320,0:10:44.311 to have a flash from the War Department[br]that the first bomb had been dropped. 0:10:44.600,0:10:49.628 And on August 6th,as we were one day out from Norfolk,that flash came. 0:10:53.480,0:10:55.471 George Elsie decoded the telegram 0:10:55.600,0:10:59.070 that brought the news[br]to President Truman on the Augusta. 0:10:59.640,0:11:02.279 When something like that came,[br]we would walk in to him immediately, 0:11:02.400,0:11:04.197 we would interrupt[br]whatever he was doing. 0:11:04.400,0:11:07.472 He happened to be having lunch with the crew,[br]at that point. 0:11:10.120,0:11:13.112 I took it to Truman,[br]who showed it to Secretary Burns, 0:11:13.240,0:11:16.198 and to Admiral Leyhey,[br]and Truman announced to the ship's crew 0:11:16.320,0:11:18.675 this great accomplishment. 0:11:21.200,0:11:26.320 We have dropped a single bomb[br]on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, 0:11:27.040,0:11:31.318 with the power of 20,000 tons of TNT. 0:11:32.080,0:11:35.277 The city has been completely destroyed! 0:11:36.840,0:11:42.437 There was cheering, cheering by the crew,and by[br]the officers,when he read it in the officers' mess. 0:11:46.560,0:11:50.473 The Augusta was one of the ships[br]that was destined for the Pacific, 0:11:50.600,0:11:54.718 and would have been involved in the invasion.[br]The crew knew that. 0:11:55.360,0:12:00.718 Just about everybody who was in Europe knew[br]that they would be headed for the Pacific, 0:12:00.840,0:12:02.751 and an invasion of Japan. 0:12:03.000,0:12:05.878 So they were just as[br]overjoyed as the President was, 0:12:06.000,0:12:08.594 that this damned thing is over! 0:12:08.760,0:12:12.639 We hope this will be[br]a warning to the Japanese military! 0:12:14.160,0:12:16.958 Come on, boys, we're going home! 0:12:18.280,0:12:20.157 He was eager to get home, 0:12:20.280,0:12:24.956 because he was sure that the[br]Japanese surrender would come very soon. 0:12:27.280,0:12:28.918 In case there was any doubt, 0:12:29.040,0:12:32.589 Truman spelt it out to[br]the Japanese High Command. 0:12:33.800,0:12:37.429 It was to spare the Japanese people[br]form otter destruction 0:12:37.920,0:12:42.152 that the ultimatum of July 26th[br]was issued at Potsdam. 0:12:43.160,0:12:46.436 Their leaders promptly[br]rejected that ultimatum. 0:12:47.240,0:12:52.519 If they do not now accept our terms,[br]they may expect a rain of war,from the air, 0:12:52.720,0:12:56.156 the like of which has never[br]been seen on this earth. 0:13:08.080,0:13:11.277 Late that afternoon, the mayor of Hiroshima, 0:13:11.400,0:13:13.994 issued his own proclamation. 0:13:16.360,0:13:21.036 The present catastrophe is the result of[br]a horrible and inhuman air raid. 0:13:24.480,0:13:28.871 The enemy's intention is clearly to undermine[br]the fighting spirit 0:13:29.000,0:13:31.150 of the Japanese people. 0:13:32.840,0:13:36.389 Citizens of Hiroshima,[br]the damage is great, 0:13:37.320,0:13:40.357 but that is only to[br]be expected during a war. 0:13:41.280,0:13:45.592 Keep up your spirits. Do not lose heart. 0:14:34.440,0:14:38.831 The morning after the bomb,[br]a full-scale rescue effort began. 0:14:40.640,0:14:45.077 Squads of soldiers from surrounding garrisons[br]were drafted in to help. 0:14:47.840,0:14:50.195 They collected the dead bodies and[br]disposed of them 0:14:50.320,0:14:52.629 before disease could spread. 0:14:57.360,0:15:00.557 The wounded were quickly[br]taken away for treatment. 0:15:03.320,0:15:07.996 Makeshift hospitals were set up,although[br]there were only a handful of medical staff. 0:15:12.000,0:15:15.629 Dr Hida found himself[br]treating 3,000 survivors 0:15:15.760,0:15:17.990 in a village outside Hiroshima. 0:15:22.600,0:15:25.797 At first we had no medicine,[br]no equipment. 0:15:26.640,0:15:29.632 There was nothing we doctors could do. 0:15:29.920,0:15:34.152 However, we gathered up some things,[br]and started treating the burns. 0:15:38.000,0:15:40.833 Nurse Kinuko had an extraordinary escape. 0:15:43.960,0:15:48.351 I don't know whether I was[br]unconscious for hours or for days. 0:15:51.680,0:15:55.753 When I did come round,[br]I thought, so, I'm still alive. 0:15:56.000,0:15:59.037 God must have given me strength. 0:16:02.280,0:16:06.956 She woke to find that[br]she had been thrown into a mass grave. 0:16:09.080,0:16:13.073 After I crawled out of the hole,[br]I managed to cross the road, 0:16:13.200,0:16:15.668 to get to the entrance of the hospital. 0:16:18.520,0:16:22.752 It took me a terribly long time,[br]as I could not stand, 0:16:22.880,0:16:26.156 nor lift my arms,[br]or move them to the side. 0:16:29.640,0:16:31.471 I crawled like an insect, 0:16:31.640,0:16:34.473 and finally reached[br]the hospital entrance. 0:16:40.160,0:16:43.789 Dr Hinoki from the pharmacy spotted me,[br]and exclaimed, 0:16:43.960,0:16:45.154 you're still alive! 0:16:50.080,0:16:53.516 He picked me up,[br]and carried me to the surgery area. 0:17:00.160,0:17:04.278 The corridor was full of people[br]lying side by side. 0:17:10.200,0:17:17.117 This was where they operated on me, 0:17:17.480,0:17:19.948 and removed all of the large pieces[br]of glass that were stuck in me. 0:17:29.280,0:17:33.637 All over the city, relatives searched[br]the ruins for signs of survivors. 0:17:38.320,0:17:42.757 Before midday,[br]my friend's father came to get us. 0:17:48.360,0:17:51.397 But my friend,[br]who had escaped from the bank with me, 0:17:51.520,0:17:53.954 turned out to have a broken spine. 0:17:57.840,0:18:02.960 She died a week later.[br]She was a year younger than me. 0:18:04.160,0:18:08.472 I am nearly 80 years old now,[br]but she was only 18 at the time. 0:18:08.600,0:18:12.309 whenever I think of her,[br]she is still 18 years old. 0:18:13.480,0:18:16.358 She was a very pretty, gently person. 0:18:27.320,0:18:30.630 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:18:30.760,0:18:34.753 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:18:35.480,0:18:37.675 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:18:43.800,0:18:49.113 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:18:50.560,0:18:54.792 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:18:57.400,0:19:04.556 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:19:05.480,0:19:08.153 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:19:13.600,0:19:16.194 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:19:16.720,0:19:19.837 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:19:20.000,0:19:22.434 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:19:28.360,0:19:30.954 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:19:35.080,0:19:38.675 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:19:38.800,0:19:42.713 - Untranslated subtitle - 0:19:53.880,0:19:56.269 Three days after the Hiroshima bomb, 0:19:56.400,0:19:59.870 despite all the destruction,[br]Japan still hadn't surrendered. 0:20:00.480,0:20:04.871 A second bomb was made ready,[br]and Truman issued another warning. 0:20:06.400,0:20:10.871 The world will note that the first atomic bomb[br]was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. 0:20:11.160,0:20:15.915 If Japan does not surrender, 0:20:16.040,0:20:18.156 bombs will have to be dropped[br]on more industries. 0:20:26.440,0:20:30.672 I urge Japanese civilians to leave[br]industrial cities immediately, 0:20:30.880,0:20:33.553 and save themselves from destruction. 0:20:35.560,0:20:39.348 I realise the tragic significance[br]of the atomic bomb. 0:20:40.200,0:20:43.397 Having found the atomic bomb,[br]we have used it. 0:20:44.120,0:20:49.240 We have used it against those who attacked us,[br]without warning, at Pearl Harbour. 0:20:49.480,0:20:51.789 Against those who have starved, and beaten, 0:20:51.920,0:20:55.310 and executed American prisoners of war. 0:20:55.440,0:20:59.672 Against those who have abandoned all pretence[br]of obeying international laws of warfare. 0:21:02.080,0:21:05.152 We have used it in order to[br]shorten the agony of war, 0:21:05.280,0:21:10.274 in order to save the lives of thousands[br]and thousands of young Americans. 0:21:25.160,0:21:29.915 A second bomb was intended[br]for the city of Kokura, 0:21:30.200,0:21:33.112 but it was too cloudy,[br]so the plane moved on to Nagasaki. 0:21:34.400,0:21:38.393 Desperately short of fuel, 0:21:38.520,0:21:40.715 the crew released the bomb,[br]despite more clouds. 0:21:42.080,0:21:45.436 The bomb missed the aiming point,[br]and fell into a valley. 0:21:46.040,0:21:48.600 This time there was no firestorm, 0:21:48.720,0:21:52.315 but even so,[br]more than 50,000 people were killed. 0:21:57.680,0:22:02.037 The Supreme War Direction Council in Tokyo[br]was meeting on the same day. 0:22:02.240,0:22:05.118 By now, the Russians had[br]declared war on Japan. 0:22:05.760,0:22:08.194 Then came the news from Nagasaki. 0:23:36.640,0:23:40.394 Then, Prime Minister Suzuki[br]did something unheard of. 0:23:40.760,0:23:44.389 He asked the Emperor to break the deadlock,[br]and make a decision. 0:23:46.880,0:23:50.475 Emperor Hirohito told them he wanted to[br]end the suffering, 0:23:50.600,0:23:53.114 and bear the unbearable. 0:23:55.920,0:23:57.273 Four days later, 0:23:57.400,0:23:59.152 radical soldiers attempted a coup, 0:23:59.280,0:24:01.919 to prevent the surrender. They failed. 0:24:03.760,0:24:07.912 At dawn on the day that Emperor Hirohito[br]was to broadcast an announcement 0:24:08.040,0:24:11.316 to the Japanese people[br]that the war was over, 0:24:11.480,0:24:15.029 General Anami prepared to end his life 0:24:15.160,0:24:17.674 in the time-honoured tradition of seppuku. 0:24:27.400,0:24:29.834 His suicide note read: 0:24:29.960,0:24:34.033 "My death is my apology for my great crime. " 0:24:47.640,0:24:53.510 The war was over.[br]At last the troops were going home. 0:24:55.280,0:24:57.794 There was jubilation around the world. 0:25:12.880,0:25:16.668 But then, came something that would[br]forever change perception of the bomb. 0:25:16.800,0:25:22.079 It started in the hospitals. 0:25:27.840,0:25:30.957 A mysterious illness began to spread. 0:25:31.080,0:25:35.949 I noticed it from about the fourth day.[br]Of course, it had been there all along, 0:25:36.280,0:25:40.159 but I thought people[br]were dying of severe burns. 0:25:43.960,0:25:48.112 The woman who lost her children in the fires,[br]Shigei Hiratsuka, and her husband, 0:25:48.240,0:25:51.676 were amongst those affected. 0:25:53.880,0:25:57.873 They lined my bed up next to my husband's,[br]and took his test first. 0:25:59.320,0:26:03.233 When they had taken enough blood for[br]the sample,they withdrew the needle. 0:26:08.080,0:26:12.995 But the blood wouldn't stop.[br]Nothing worked, whatever they did. 0:26:14.720,0:26:18.759 Even when they applied pressure,[br]he carried on bleeding. 0:26:20.040,0:26:23.032 During this time, purple spots began[br]breaking out 0:26:23.160,0:26:25.310 all over my husband's body. 0:26:25.760,0:26:28.991 He then vomited[br]a large amount of brown liquid. 0:26:30.560,0:26:34.633 Afterwards he went limp,[br]and died an hour later. 0:26:36.360,0:26:38.794 He had managed to survive that far, 0:26:38.920,0:26:41.388 but then even he was taken away from me. 0:27:02.520,0:27:06.229 Her husband was one of thousands 0:27:06.360,0:27:08.316 who would die from[br]this new and untreatable condition. 0:27:12.560,0:27:17.475 They were rotting. It was necrosis.[br]There were no white blood cells, 0:27:17.600,0:27:20.876 so the blood had no power[br]to fight against infection, 0:27:21.000,0:27:22.877 and so, suddenly, the rotting set in. 0:27:23.000,0:27:25.639 In the end, the hair would start to fall out. 0:27:26.040,0:27:29.396 When you put your hand[br]on the patient's head, 0:27:29.520,0:27:31.795 tufts of hair would come away in your hand. 0:27:35.360,0:27:38.318 It emerged that those[br]who were worst affected 0:27:38.440,0:27:40.874 had been close to the hyper centre, 0:27:41.000,0:27:45.516 or had swallowed radioactive material,[br]like the people who drank the black rain. 0:27:53.720,0:27:57.872 In hindsight, we realised[br]that it was radiation, 0:27:58.000,0:28:00.036 but at that time,[br]we didn't know what it was. 0:28:01.160,0:28:04.755 Radiation sickness has become the single[br]most disturbing legacy of the bomb. 0:28:07.720,0:28:11.998 American scientist had always known[br]the bomb would produce radiation, 0:28:12.240,0:28:16.438 but the scale of the after effects[br]came as a shocking surprise. 0:28:45.120,0:28:49.511 Today Hiroshima is a thriving city[br]of over a million people. 0:28:53.720,0:28:57.599 Japan, too, has been transformed[br]into a prosperous country 0:28:57.720,0:29:00.757 that has renounced the use of war entirely. 0:29:10.560,0:29:13.950 Although no one has used[br]a nuclear weapon since, 0:29:14.080,0:29:18.073 arguments continue as to the[br]morality of dropping the bomb. 0:29:18.240,0:29:22.472 Was it really necessary?[br]Could it have been avoided? 0:29:26.800,0:29:28.836 The nation had no rice to eat, 0:29:29.000,0:29:31.912 people had not eaten[br]white rice for a whole year. 0:29:32.120,0:29:34.918 How could such a country go to battle? 0:29:35.040,0:29:39.670 The Americans knew that, very well,[br]and still dropped the atomic bomb. Why? 0:29:39.800,0:29:45.272 It was an experiment!They knew that[br]the bomb had enormous explosive power. 0:29:46.280,0:29:50.273 What they did not know was[br]how much damage the radiation would cause. 0:29:50.400,0:29:53.870 Some scientists thought they knew,[br]but they had not tested it, 0:29:54.000,0:29:58.516 so they made an experiment, to find out,[br]by testing it on human beings. 0:29:59.440,0:30:04.230 The final decision that resulted in[br]the two bombs, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 0:30:04.520,0:30:08.069 was not made in Potsdam, 0:30:08.200,0:30:13.228 it wasn't made by Truman,[br]it was made by the Japanese militarists 0:30:13.400,0:30:17.632 when they rejected any opportunity[br]to surrenderjust their armed forces, 0:30:17.960,0:30:21.270 and save further massive loss of life. 0:30:27.160,0:30:30.118 Today there are just a few places that 0:30:30.240,0:30:32.117 bear the scars of August 6th 1945. 0:30:35.440,0:30:37.795 There are burn marks on trees, 0:30:40.720,0:30:44.474 the shadow of a vaporised man, left on stone. 0:30:47.840,0:30:50.673 First hand memories are fading too. 0:30:52.800,0:30:56.475 Akiko Takakura, the bank clerk, 0:30:56.600,0:31:01.230 who had been just 260 metres[br]from the hyper centre, 0:31:01.360,0:31:04.113 is one of the last witnesses[br]to the full horror of the bomb. 0:31:06.760,0:31:10.116 There is a department store called Sogo,[br]in Hiroshima, 0:31:10.320,0:31:13.198 where I stop sometimes for tea. 0:31:15.480,0:31:18.711 From the tearoom, 0:31:18.840,0:31:21.832 I can see the road from the bank[br]to the drill ground, where we escaped. 0:31:27.360,0:31:30.796 I see old people[br]walking happily down the street. 0:31:31.000,0:31:34.834 Young people holding hands,[br]and enjoying each other's conversation. 0:31:35.200,0:31:39.398 Children holding their parents' hands,[br]and looking happy. 0:31:45.600,0:31:48.797 And I think about those awful scenes[br]that I experienced, many years ago, 0:31:48.920,0:31:52.959 now, and all the people[br]that lost their lives. 0:31:54.800,0:31:59.555 I think to myself, what was all that?[br]Did it really happen? 0:32:07.800,0:32:11.554 Every year, on 6th August,[br]there are ceremonies 0:32:11.680,0:32:14.353 to recall what took place on that day, 0:32:14.920,0:32:17.832 to make sure that[br]these events are never forgotten, 0:32:17.960,0:32:19.916 or repeated. 0:32:22.520,0:32:28.117 At sunset, tens of thousands of candles[br]are released on the river in Hiroshima, 0:32:28.960,0:32:34.432 each candle representing[br]the soul of one of the dead. 0:32:35.432,0:32:45.432 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org