[Translated and captioned by ShibaSubs] [Translated and timed by cissy] [Reviewed by soph] Welcome back to Shanghai Share Life! We're sponsored by the exercise app KEEP. KEEP makes burning fat happier! Let's see what happens this episode. Episode 12 (Second Half), Week 12 I'll Give You a CD From the Past -We have a new roommate. -Hello. -Hello. -Hello. How are you? -You also study music? -I haven't technically studied music. Oh, you're... It's...I thought it was a bass. That's a guitar. Yeah, it's a guitar. -I also play the guitar. -Yeah? What kind of guitar? Classical guitar. I'm doing my PhD at MSM, in New York. Showing off. Manhattan School of Music, you're so cool. Come, come, sit. Another musician. Finally, a kindred spirit. -Why don't you sit in the middle? -No worries, you sit in the middle! So your name is... Zhang Ting? I actually remembered it. -How did you know? -She just said. -Oh. -She just said. -Hi. -Your name is... My name's Carmon. Carmon. -I'm a designer. -Oooh, artist. I really love girls who do art. I really love girls who do music. -You're probably younger than me, right? -No. Oh, how old are you? -I'm 27. -I'm 29. -What's your star sign? -Guess. Let's chat a bit. You and I can chat. I'll talk to you. So... as I was saying... Hey, get back here! We're done. You guys have a real "fangirl" vibe. Then...can I ask what your names are? I'm Shirui Sun. Everyone calls me Didi. I'm Xiaobo Pu. Everyone calls me Pupu. Oh, ok, then you can use my nickname too. You can call me ARe. That's what my friends call me. -ARe... "Re" as in "aggravating" [T/N: a pun] ARe. So have you always studied music, or...? No, I'm self-taught. -Then before this you were... -You mean my major? -Yes. -I studied international business. So different! Then why did you want to pick up music...? Because for me it's a thing I've done all my life. I'm...well, I started a band. Like... -An underground band. -Underground band. -What genre? -Psychedelic rock. Cool! Let's see your guitar. Ok. But like, this is an electric guitar. So if it's not plugged in, it probably won't sound very good, it won't have a sound like your classical guitar. But you can still show it to us. If you're curious, you can take a look, but it won't make any sounds. It should make sound, from what I remember. Why are you smiling? Because I love these kinds of awkward scenarios. Yes. The sound is quiet. But I really really want to hear you play it. I really want to hear something by Green Day. Or My Chemical Romance. Can you play that? Please? I love that band. -So do you really want to see my guitar? -I want to! I really really want to see the guitar. Let me see, Let me see. It's...like... it's so heavy compared to mine. -What is he doing? -She'll never show her guitar again. Didn't you want to see her play? Now you're showing off, dude. So like, when did you start learning the guitar? I haven't actually...seriously studied with any kind of teacher. Actually in my genre, you don't have to have to be great at technique. Play one for us! You brought it out already. Well... you just played it. You saw how it is. It's quiet, right? You can still hear some sound. I mean, I play this as part of my band, so... if my band's not here, I can't... How about I accompany you on my guitar? I have my guitar right there. [panelist] Look at this guy. [panelist] It never ends. Wanna try? Um...I think... the two of us haven't vibed to that level yet. No, you know, like... it's only ARe's first day here. I think we should let her rest and-- -Just drop it, she doesn't want to. -Didn't I perform on my first day? She's a girl, we shouldn't pressure her. [panelist] This is so funny. These two clueless guys. Pupu is really something. I'll show you the girls' dorm. He didn't make you mad, right? Pupu? Oh, it's fine. He just, maybe... maybe made me kind of...uncomfortable. Sometimes. Yeah. Maybe because he's always been abroad, he can be kind of forward. Yeah, yeah, like... I can understand this kind of personality. I think you two can get to know each other more. Yeah, like in terms of the guitar, and guitar technique I do have some things I want to ask him about. Because I do really respect these kinds of people who've specialized. But for people like me, I can really only share that kind of headspace with a few particular people. Like, it's like being with family or something. So honestly I would never normally like, casually jam with someone I just met. But maybe my attitude would made him think I'm... condescending, or... But whatever. I don't really care what he thinks of me. You have a strong personality. I feel like Pupu's finally met... someone who... can fix him. No way, no way. Hello. I want to introduce you guys. -This is our new roommate, ARe. -Hello. -And this is Gaogao. -Hello. -We're talking about Pupu. -What happened? Who's Pupu bullying? Well, he didn't quite put one over on me. Pupu is really...I have no words. Our old roommate Ming...she described him as an alien. She's spot on. He not only looks like an alien, but his thought process too... Do you like... do you like guys who use pick-up lines? That's a trigger for me. -Really? -Yeah. -Would you think it's cute, or... -I would think it's ridiculous. And the kind of ridiculous that's... very far from romantic. So...there's really someone who uses pick-up lines? He uses pick-up lines and makes bad jokes. -Who? -Pupu. This guy's really the whole package. [panelist] Stay away from me. Keep that whole package far from me. But even though he's really weird, he's still a good guy. Over time you can... get to know him slowly. So...why did you, like, you know how we all came here with our own reasons. So why did you come here? If you can share a bit. So it's because my day-to-day social circle is tiny. So I wanted to come here to meet some people from different walks of life. Because if I didn't come here, there's no way I would ever meet some of them. Yes, yes, it's totally like that. It feels like Animal Crossing. It's really like a video game, like you can talk to different NPCs. It's super interesting. -I brought my Nintendo Switch. -Me too! -We can play together! -I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I feel like they really have met so many different people in this house. The vibe between the three girls is great. I wish I was a girl so bad. My whole life I've never been that close to someone. I feel like they're so close! And it's only their first day together! That's what girls are like. Wu Jiawen (Carmon) Designer, 29 years old Li Xing (Hao) Manager, 35 years old Sun Shirui (Didi) Student, 20 years old Pu Xiaobo (Pupu) PhD Candidate, 26 years old Gao Qilian (Gaogao) Cosplayer, 25 years old Zhang Ting (ARe) Musician, 27 years old What is this move? -Can you just surrender? -I'm not surrendering! [panelist] Their height difference... Is that for me? There's none for you. Then who's it for? I made it for ARe. [panelist] I'm playing so beautifully, how come I don't get one? What? Nothing. What? You...stop being so rude, okay? She just got here. She doesn't want to play for you straight off the bat, it's very normal, okay? You can't hold everyone up to your own like... standards. Just be friendly, would you? Come eat. Morning. [panelist] He's hilarious. -You made this? -Yeah. Are you eating? Nobody cooked for me, I guess I can only cook for myself. -Are you okay? -I guess I have to cook then. Do you know where the bowls are? I'll look around. [panelist] Why do I feel like he's turned into Tianqi? I'll help you. You're so useless. What are you doing? -I'll do it myself. -Go on, you go. Go talk to her. Good morning. Good morning. You're reading the paper? I'm just brushing up on...current affairs. What is that? An English newspaper? Where'd you get that? It's delivered. A lot of foreigners live around here, so we get a lot of newspapers here. Weird. Don't people usually read the paper of the country they're living in? This paper does have domestic news. It's just written in English. I read in English. It's just become a habit after so many years. Shut up! I read the news in English, I even read the news in French. Bon appétit. Mon ami. Bonjour. Ça va? [panelist] Versailles Boy. [T/N: Versailles=bragging ] Dude, this paper's from May 15, 2020. I'm brushing up on affairs from the past. It's my yearly review. I have to review earlier...you wouldn't understand. But I feel like you read the same paper every single day. Outed. My reading comprehension's not good, I can only read a page a day, okay? [panelist] Those two will tear him apart. Yesterday... we... had a little thing... but... I didn't do it intentionally. It's fine, I understand. I understand. I just, to be honest -- thank you -- -You dummy. I got over-excited yesterday. I rarely get to meet someone like you, someone who plays rock music. I tend to speak kind of bluntly, sometimes I might come off as rude. But...I don't have any problem with you. My first impression of you was that you're really cool. And actually last night I did listen to your stuff, I looked you up online. I'm really into your style. Maybe we can even collaborate together sometime. Sure. Later when I bring my amp here, we can do something. Great, I really am interested in hearing you guys play, and learning. When we get a chance I can teach you about jazz history. Oh, no need. In college I skipped every music history class. Then I'll give you a recap. -She rolled her eyes just now. -Yeah. So jazz, in just the last few hundred years, encompasses not only popular "swing jazz" or the type of West Coast jazz we hear in coffee shops. Jazz actually has a very early origin. Before it became popularized with New Orleans Dixieland-- "The call and response", right? Correct. And Chicago Dixieland-- Since we're going to be jamming tonight... then I should go get ready now. -Wait, I'm not done. We're going to go prepare tonight's equipment, okay? And then afterwards we'll listen to your music history lesson. Do the dishes. We haven't...we haven't even gotten to swing yet, okay? [panelist] You're laughing now, but... [panelist] This is comedy gold. Too funny. My god. When did Pupu get so funny? Was he doing that on purpose just now, or... He said "wait, I haven't gotten to...". It felt like he was just trolling. It wasn't serious, like "they're leaving but I haven't finished yet". He probably knows he's being a little ridiculous. Yeah, he's putting it on. I have no words, he's reached peak bragginess. He only knows basic French words. He didn't say anything impressive. But I think Pupu is kind of endearing. That's endearing, you think? -Tell the truth. -Really. I would cuss him out, if he were my friend. I feel like I have friends like him. -Like... Wang Jianguo [T/N: a famous comedian] No, he's just a weirdo! I'm sorry. I have friends who are weird like that. But when you really-- when you really get to know them, you'll understand them. And they're really funny. Really. I feel like ARe's perspective on him has changed. I don't agree. He's a good guy though, I mean he was annoying the night before. But later he actually went and looked up her band. That's his tactic-- if someone doesn't play for him, he'll look them up online. That was really bad. They met and he said, I played, now you play. Terrible. Yeah, that was bizarre. He's too obsessed with the damn guitar. But when you meet a performer, it's normal to look them up online. You meet a performer who won't play for you, you're like, I'm looking you up! I like your performance style, tomorrow we can do a collaboration! Wei Daxun, you won't act for me?? Tonight I'm gonna watch your movies! But in that scene just now, we could really tell that Gaogao likes Pupu. Yes. Huh? Where did you guys see that? -How can she not like him? -How can she not? She made him breakfast, and he's like "Where's mine?" She teased him. "Yeah, I didn't make you one." Yeah, and he tried to make his own and she was like "you're so useless". She has a crush on him. And she even got up to help him. -Yeah. Isn't this just normal roommate talk? Of course not! A roommate's never treated me like that. She's had roommates. Roommates don't act like this. Yeah. And think about it. Gaogao is the reason ARe doesn't hate Pupu at this point. This guy aggravates people, but Gaogao insults him back. It relieves tension. People won't hate him as much. They're gonna get together. They're in love. No way, just now when they were eating, all the little jabs Pupu made at ARe... Gaogao also felt that too. She was glaring at him too. But she loves him. She's glaring out of concern for him. Okay, now I see why I've been single all these years. -You don't see their sparks? -I completely don't see it. Gaogao's glare was totally like, "I can't believe it, I told you not to say this." But no, when the three girls were chatting, Gaogao cut in and said Yeah, Pupu's like this and that. But Gaogao excuses him at the end. "He's a good guy". -"He's a good guy". -Yeah. You didn't notice that bit? What she really wanted to say was that last bit. She insults him because she likes him. If she really hated him she would just ignore his comments. Let him stew there in his own awkwardness. Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely. If she didn't like him she would let him feel awkward. -Really? -Really. Alright. What am I supposed to say to that? Alright. Just wait, they're gonna get married. Let's watch the next part. If that happens I'm just gonna die. If they actually get together. Do you always wear a suit to work? I always wear a suit. I've never worn a suit before. -Yeah? -It feels so uncomfortable. It's supposed to restrict you. It stops you from gesturing too much. [panelist] They seem so close now. [panelist] Like father and son. Like this. Good? Great. Hurry, finish your breakfast. Are you all prepared? How's your self-intro? I think it's...alright, but I still feel a little bit nervous. It's normal to be nervous! It keeps you on your toes. If I had to play a game of basketball right now I think I'd do pretty well. [panelist] He's smushing his egg. -Good morning. -Morning. -There's congee over there. -Ok. Are you busy today, Carmon? Yeah, I'm going to the studio soon. She likes the look of him today. Sit down, eat. It's your first day...of what again? Internship. I'm interviewing first. -Interview first. Let's hope you get it. -I have to get it first. You tied this tie yourself? No, no, Hao tied it for me. I can't really tie it. -Wait, are you slouch-shouldered? -What's slouch-shouldered? Just like this... slanted. [panelist] Hao eating his egg... I'm gonna write on the board. Is slouch-shouldered bad or good? It's nothing. What does "slouch-shouldered" mean? Some people have straight shoulders, some have slouching ones. I've never worn this kind of stuff. I'm not used to it. It feels so tight in this area. I'm using the restroom. -Let me take a picture. -For my first time in a suit. -I can't really pull off this outfit. -No, you look handsome. I'm giving you a lucky clover. Like this -- good luck. Ok, thanks. Then I'm gonna get ready. Good luck! Good luck! Bye! [panelist] He's going with Didi? They're going together. Mister Yu? -Sorry about that, we made you wait. -Long time no see. This is my roommate from Shanghai Share Life. His name's Sun Shirui. Hello, sir. So I'll thank you ahead of time for giving some feedback on Didi's interview. Sure. Then good luck to you. Do your best. Ok? Thank you, Mr. Yu. Then I...Mr. Yu, I'll sit... You can sit there. So I heard Hao say that you're interested in a law internship. Mhm, yes. Then alright. So what's your overall understanding of the law profession? After I really learned about it and got to know it more, I feel like it's pretty interesting. And I've also watched a few TV dramas about lawyers. So I think being a lawyer seems really cool. Like...you help people fight for justice. So I think that sounds interesting. [panelist] That applies to so many jobs. [panelist] Yeah. I'll look at your experience now, and ask some personal questions. You're a Division I National Athlete. Do you think you've learned skills from your career as an athlete that might transfer over to help you succeed in law school? I think it helps a lot. To be a lawyer, you first have to believe in yourself. If you don't even believe in yourself, I think...when you have cases, or when you help people fight lawsuits, you probably...won't do a great job. Let's say, hypothetically, you're an intern at some law firm. Your managing lawyer gives you an assignment. He wants you to personally deliver some legal documents to a certain judge. You've been dialing this judge's contact number, but you just can't get through. So now, you're at the courthouse but security won't let you in. Can you tell me what you would do in this scenario? So my first thought is firstly, I need to remain calm. And then...first, I'd call... I'd call my... I'd keep trying a few times, but if he still doesn't pick up, I would try calling my manager and see what he says. Let's discuss another problem. Suppose you're handling a criminal defense case. Your client already confessed to the crime. As his lawyer, you know that his case has insufficient evidence. You want to enter a plea of not guilty. How would you approach discussing this with your client? Sir, I uh... I don't know, like Based on traditional thinking, isn't the customer always right? Sure, then let's just skip this question for now. Personally I feel like this type of answer will... will reflect poorly on you in an interview. Firstly, in a typical law firm, when your manager gives you a task, the presumption is that you'll tackle the problem independently. Your first reaction was to call for help. This doesn't show good critical thinking. As for the second question, in that scenario, you have to put your own expertise first. If you believe there are conditions for a not guilty plea, you have to state your position to the client. And you have to be persuasive. You have to make a case. For these two textbook questions, your answers were...not satisfactory. Then let's do the last question. What do you believe is the most important thing you should do before going to an interview at a law firm? I think the most important thing to prepare is probably my self-introduction. Alright. If you're going to go interview at a law firm, your first step should be to thoroughly research that firm. Get an idea of what they do. You should know what they're looking for before you face them. It'll probably work much better than just blindly presenting your own profile. It plays a much bigger role in whether you successfully get the offer. It's okay. You're still young, you're a second-year. You'll have lots of opportunities. Alright, I understand, sir. -Hey, Hao. -How was it? Your little brother over there was a little...off the mark. Off the mark? Just now I just casually asked him a few questions. All his answers were... not great, to be honest. He's really young, you know, he's only played basketball before this. That's actually good. From my understanding, former athletes often make fast learners. And they're resilient when facing challenges. So just now I kind of gave him an earful. -Uh huh. -He was very open to feedback. -He can take the heat. -A lot of kids like this just fall apart. He did alright. So this is a strength. -Right. -All the technical stuff can be learned. The important thing is that his attitude, and his overall character are pretty good. -Understood. I'll talk to him then. I'll make him brush up on the technical stuff. I hope he'll improve. And I hope there may be a chance down the line. When he's a little more mature. I hope there might still be a chance to learn from you here. -Sure. -Later on. Sure. You're the man, right? When you put it like that, of course it's no problem. [panelist] Hao is amazing. [panelist] Hao's awesome. How do you feel about things? I feel like my answers were just like this resume. A blank sheet. Totally useless. I think it's really normal. You're still a second-year. So don't lose heart. You know your weaknesses, and that's enough. -Alright? -Ok. Thank you Brother Hao. -You dumb kid. -For teaching me this lesson again. I said to prep and you didn't, you made me look bad, okay? -I-- -At least answer 1 question! -I'll buy you lunch later, okay? -Oh, like you have money. I'll prep, I'll prep. I want to hear your thoughts. Li Dan? What are you laughing at? Just...Didi's interview performance. -Terrible. -Terrible. -So bad. You're detained at the door, what do you do? "I'd call my manager." -"I've seen a few TV dramas." -My dream is to live the TV drama. Only actors can say that. "I've seen a lot of TV dramas." I hope everyone has learned not to say that kind of thing in an interview. Listen up, listen up. Hao, how come your hair is... you styled your hair upwards today. Yeah, it's been a while since I did it this way. I think it looks good any way you do it. Ever since you did my makeover I haven't combed my hair this way. Don't you think it's kind of miraculous, like... you know...do you remember how when you first moved in? Like...you know, how like all the housemates all thought that the two of us had nothing in common? -Yeah. But it turns out the two of us got the closest. Yeah. And... so really, I... I'm really grateful that you...like-- What's up with you? Wait! I have something to tell you. It's just...I've made a decision. I'm going to, um... leave the house tomorrow. Why? It's so sudden... You know, because of... you know. It's okay. You know that Carmon, and Didi too... I care about both of them a lot. And... I really mean it, I really wish Carmon well. And I really, I really wish Didi well too. But... it turns out I can't quite bring myself to wish them well as a couple. I feel like you don't have to force yourself to wish anyone well. Like, since you really liked her a lot, it would be impossible to really do that completely. See? It's you. You're the only one who understands me. Right? I'm really so...it's so much pressure, you know? And every day...every day I have to see them together. I still feel really bad. I obviously really wish you would stay here a little longer. But I think, if you'd be happier if you left here, I support you leaving. I feel like you should put your happiness first. You know me the best in the end, right? -I've always known you best. -Yeah. Oh, there's another thing I have to ask you to help with. I recorded a song. I wanted to give it to... -Carmon. -Carmon, right. Psychic. You can give it to her after I leave. -Ok. -Ok? Then tomorrow, I'm just gonna tell everyone it's for work reasons. -This is our secret. -Yeah. It's our secret. Got it? -I'm toasting mine. -Can you toast two for me too? -Sure. -'cause I need toast for mine too. -Sure. -Teacher Wu, what are my instructions? -You have to open this, then-- Hello. -Business trip? -You got a sec? Come. Sure. Good morning. Business trip, Brother Hao? When are you getting back this time? A while. Hurry. You're dressed so suave today! -It's just for work. -I'll just bring the pan over. Give that a a rest! It's time to gossip. Gossip? About who? He said it's time to gossip. I wanted to just share something with everyone. So...I'm planning to graduate from Shanghai Share Life. I'm leaving. It's because, well, I've already told you guys more or less. Because I want to return to my hometown to undertake a new project. And... I want to take what I've learned at various stages of life, in various cities and bring it back home. Hao... you can't fool me. You're going on a business trip, you're just lying. You'll be back in two days. You're lying. You can't fool me. So this is it, for now. Alright? I've been working for ten years now, and I've always felt very... I've always felt very detached and aloof. And...I treasured my solitude. Being alone was my way of coping with the world. But then, after I came to this house, I got to make so many different friends. Everyone's brought so much joy to my life. We've had great times, and gone through so many different experiences. I'm so grateful for all of you for coming on this journey with me. I've truly grown so much in this time. This has been one of the most special experiences I've had in my life. I've never experienced anything like it. I've learned so much from each and every one of you. But thinking back on it, my biggest takeaway has been learning how to... let myself wholeheartedly become part of a group, without holding back. And... we've gone through ups and downs, but all in all it's been a wonderful time. Thank you all. Let's go! I'm going. Hey, why are you crying? What're you crying for? I said don't cry! You especially, don't cry! Right. Alright, alright, I'm going. Come on, you. Let's go. It's okay, give me a hug. It's okay! Be happy. What's this? You look like you're pregnant. It's okay, don't worry. Cheer up! We'll see each other soon. I'm so glad we met. And those two...? That rascal. Don't you wanna see Hao off? [panelist] Didi can't handle this situation. This is my letter to you. And some... random junk, stuff you would like. -Yeah. -To remember me by. I love this kind of stuff. Yeah, and this for washing your face. I thought you'd like it. Oh, you strap it to your hand like this, right? -Winnie the Pooh. -Nice. -My Winnie the Pooh is perfect for you. -Ok. -I'm headed out! -Ok. Bye! Bye, bye. I'm off. Bye! You can still see him! You can go see him anytime. You're acting like you're never going to see him again! Hi. What's up? Brother Hao asked me to give this to you. You can listen to it. -You gotta listen to it. -Oh, I will. -Okay. -I'm going then. Okay. "Rain on the Eaves" Composer: A-Fu (Sodagreen) Lyrics: Hao Writing this song was a lot harder than I thought. In these lyrics I've tried to put down everything I wanted to say to you. [I wanted to write you a song] [Because a letter would be too sad.] [But my heavy heart weighs me down, and my tempo and rhythm drag.] -Hello. -Hello. [I wanted to write a song for us.] [Is it really so wrong?] [I feel my heart beating fast, afraid that passers-by would catch on.] -It's pretty good. -Yeah? It's good. [Who would have thought?] [You'd choose a future with him instead.] [I can't hold it back anymore.] [I'll use all my courage to sing to you...] I'm drawing you. I'm so nervous like this! [The kindness of fate, like rain on the eaves] [Drew me to you] [Our fast-beating hearts, not a beat apart] [Just for an interlude.] [It doesn't matter, we'll meet again.] [I'll accept this loss with serenity] [As flowers blossom in spring, in my loneliness I'll sing] [a song for that one name... in the youth's heart engraved.] -Hao is such a good guy. -That destroyed me. That was painful. Hao was a truly great guy. -A saint. -I feel so sad. I feel like the "dad" has left the house. When Hao first came to the house, I remember you said we might see our first upper-class member, like a true elite, successful persona. I didn't expect him to become so childish. He even wrote a little song. Those lyrics he wrote were tragic. "The name engraved in the youth's heart." He really exceeded our expectations. Such a good person. I suddenly feel like I'm really not a good person. I'm petty, compared to him. I'm too selfish. I'm bad. We're all gonna repent now? What's up? I have an expo in a few days. I'm editing some of my photos for promos. Wow, you can edit photos? Is the bar for photo editors so low? Anyone can just edit photos? I have nothing to say to you. Wow, you're speechless? -Watch it, you. -What are you doing? If you throw that expensive camera at me, it'll be your loss. Throw it, come on. Look at you, you're so weak, you can't even. What're you doing? Going out? I'm training. I have a match soon. Not like you with a fake job. What are you even doing? You're going to do someone's makeup? Do their outfit? Or picking up an outfit? I'm going to work! I'm doing serious work, okay? Work? You call that work? -Carmon. -Hi. -Wow, you're both wearing orange today. -Oh hey, are you free tomorrow? Tomorrow? What's up? Come to my match. I'm playing tomorrow. Come watch you lose? Watch me win! Watch my alley-oop dunks! You're not inviting us? You? Why would I invite you? Us. The rest of us. Why aren't you inviting us? I only want her. You don't think we'd want to go? Just asking, are you playing favorites? I'm not playing favorites. I... Then why didn't you invite the rest of us, just Carmon? Why are you even asking me, because you're jealous? -What? -I don't like you at all. Jealous? Come on. Don't flatter yourself. Don't be mean, come on. I'd sooner be jealous of Pupu than of you. It's over! You see that? I might actually lose this. I think I might lose. Whatever, I don't care. Why're you back so late? Training? Well, I have a match coming up soon. It's... Right, I've heard about this match. I invited Carmon. And I really want to do well, since it's a match and she'll be watching. If I don't play well, she'll think I suck and it wasted her time. It's no big deal. Look how much you've practiced already. Enough about me. I found out something big today. So this morning I was getting ready for practice. And Carmon came down, so I invited her to my contest. And Gaogao asked why didn't I invite her. So I was teasing her like, are you jealous because of me? Just teasing, you know? Just playing around, joking. And then I discovered a shocking secret. [panelist] What a storyteller. I think she likes you. -There's no way. -She definitely likes you. I saw through her. She said, "I'd sooner be jealous of Pupu than of you!" Let me think for a sec. Hm. It's not an impossibility. I have no words. Is Pupu a human being? He's such a troll. I'm thinking, there was one time I called her by the wrong name. Really, it's not uncommon to forget someone's name. Right? Uh, it's not that common. But she really threw a fit. And then lately she's been really friendly to me. She's always trying to get me to play Just Dance, or watch anime. She definitely likes you. It's so hard! That's what he's thinking. So many girls like me. He's too funny. Why am I just so attractive? Hilarious. -This guy Pupu is really... -Pupu's a comedic figure. A comedic master. His comedic timing is perfect. So right now does Pupu think that Gaogao likes him? Yes, the two of them both think Gaogao likes him. Men are always so naive, yet so self-confident. I feel like I always see that sentence in my social media. -I agree! -Well said! -Well said! -Well said!! What you just described has been our downfall for so many of us. That sentence was bad karma. Don't do evil things. [TN: an idiom] So funny. So? Do you concede? -I'm not conceding. -Still? That's not love. This can easily turn. They just think she likes him. Even Didi can see it, you still can't see it? Don't you think he's kind of flattering himself right now? I'll be honest -- I'm having a hard time seeing Pupu as a man. I just can't understand him. His thought process? Like an alien. Didn't they say that? Yeah. So you guys really think Gaogao likes him? -She likes him so much! -She does. But right now I'm unsure if Pupu likes Gaogao. I can't tell at all. -Yeah. -He said "not an impossibility." It was super detached. Yeah. -Like he wasn't talking about himself. -Yeah. He's never thought about it. He doesn't seem to have feelings. It's hard to say what will happen. Yeah. I'm just confused, anyways. Maybe the fans can break it down. Didi invited Carmon to the game. Carmon will definitely go. Now that Hao is gone, there's nothing to hide. To make up for the regret of not watching Binshen's game that time. Yeah. -Your memory is good. -Binshen's been gone for ten years. You're still... Binshen: [sneezes] "Who said my name?" [TN: sneezing = being gossiped about] But how is watching basketball romantic? Because she's a girl who lives in an anime world. So she loves to go watch her favorite person compete. Nice. Then let's wait for the next episode. See you next episode! Bye. [Translated and timed by cissy] [Reviewed by soph]