9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 1.Title:[br]Kurt Seyit ve Sura 1 Bölüm[br]2.Description:[br]3.2:07 - 2:14[br]Kurt Seyit and Sura[br]ś[br]4.2:15 - 2:35[br]Subtitles brought to you by[br]Kurt Seyit and Sura Team @ Viki[br]5.3:28 - 3:30[br]Don't you dare to shoot.[br]6.3:30 - 3:32[br]We are ambushed, Seyit.[br]7.3:32 - 3:36[br]Petro, I command you![br]8.3:36 - 3:40[br]Until we meet face to[br]face, we will not shoot.[br]9.3:41 - 3:43[br]No!!![br]10.3:44 - 3:47[br]Have we shoot him ?[br]11.4:03 - 4:05[br]Soldier...[br]12.4:06 - 4:07[br]13.4:07 - 4:08[br]14.4:08 - 4:10[br]I can not resign.[br]15.4:11 - 4:12[br]I can not resign.[br]16.4:12 - 4:15[br]Bear it . We bring you[br]to someone. Bear it.[br]17.4:38 - 4:40[br]I've told you not to shoot.[br]18.4:41 - 4:43[br]I thought that he is the enemy.[br]19.4:50 - 4:53[br]I gave you an order![br]20.5:00 - 5:02[br]I thought that he was an enemy.[br]21.5:08 - 5:13[br]Grodno[br]- German FrontDecember 1915[br]22.5:49 - 5:50[br]Don't write that report, Seyit![br]23.5:50 - 5:51[br]Get out of here![br]24.5:51 - 5:53[br]You want me to beg you?[br]25.5:55 - 5:58[br]Petro, you disobeyed my orders![br]26.5:59 - 6:02[br]You have killed[br]your own soldier.[br]27.6:04 - 6:07[br]That's why you have[br]to be punished.[br]28.6:08 - 6:12[br]If you don't write this report, nobody[br]will know. I can stay in my Position.[br]29.6:13 - 6:15[br]Impossible.[br]30.6:15 - 6:19[br]We are in war, Seyit![br]It was an accident![br]31.6:19 - 6:24[br]If you write that report, I'll be finished. Not[br]only I'll lose my title and my Profession,[br]32.6:24 - 6:26[br]but also I'll lose my honor.[br]33.6:29 - 6:31[br]Don't write the report, Seyit.[br]34.6:32 - 6:35[br]Than you will resign.[br]35.6:35 - 6:37[br]What?![br]36.6:43 - 6:46[br]If you want to live with honor,[br]37.6:49 - 6:51[br]you'll write the resign letter.[br]38.7:00 - 7:03[br]Petrograd (Saint[br]Petersburg) 1916[br]39.7:03 - 7:07[br]He never saw his daughter.[br]40.7:17 - 7:19[br]Do you have a job?[br]41.7:21 - 7:25[br]In these days, it's hard to find[br]a job even if you are a man...[br]42.7:25 - 7:27[br]How can I find it?[br]43.7:28 - 7:30[br]You're right.[br]44.7:31 - 7:34[br]Surely you should stay[br]with your children.[br]45.7:56 - 8:01[br]From now on, you'll no longer[br]have to worry. I promise you.[br]46.8:02 - 8:07[br]You are very generous,[br]but I can't accept this.[br]47.8:09 - 8:11[br]Please, Mrs.![br]48.8:11 - 8:19[br]Before I left the army, your husband[br]and I have fought side by side.[br]49.8:20 - 8:22[br]I owe him a lot.[br]50.8:23 - 8:26[br]This is very important to me.[br]51.8:28 - 8:29[br]Thank you a lot.[br]52.8:29 - 8:30[br]No! No, please![br]53.8:30 - 8:33[br]Thank you! -No, please![br]Get up on your feet.[br]54.8:37 - 8:40[br]You will not kneel down[br]in front of anyone.[br]55.8:41 - 8:47[br]You are the wife of our war comrade[br]fought bravely at the front.[br]56.8:48 - 8:53[br]I was transferred to another[br]front. I leave in a few weeks.[br]57.8:54 - 9:00[br]In my absence,[br]lieutenant Borinski[br]58.9:00 - 9:03[br]will continue to[br]take care of you.[br]59.9:04 - 9:10[br]Thank you. In gratitude,[br]I'll always pray for you.[br]60.9:10 - 9:12[br]Excuse us.[br]61.9:12 - 9:15[br]Also, I'll pray for your Family.[br]62.9:15 - 9:18[br]God help us all.[br]63.10:00 - 10:02[br]Sura?[br]64.10:02 - 10:05[br]Yes, dear dad?[br]65.10:11 - 10:13[br]You're not ready.[br]66.10:13 - 10:15[br]I will get ready right away.[br]67.10:15 - 10:17[br]Did you cry perhaps?[br]68.10:18 - 10:22[br]No. The window was open. The[br]snowflakes irritated my eyes.[br]69.10:22 - 10:27[br]I don't want to remember my illness[br]whenever I look at your beautiful sad face.[br]70.10:28 - 10:30[br]Dad![br]71.10:33 - 10:37[br]Please, enjoy yourself a[br]lot at the ball tonight.[br]72.10:37 - 10:41[br]Let the beauty and happiness[br]radiates around us.[br]73.10:50 - 10:53[br]Come on. I'll help[br]you to get ready.[br]74.10:53 - 10:59[br]We must hold on tightly to those pleasures,[br]because the war is so close to us.[br]75.11:02 - 11:04[br]You're right.[br]76.11:05 - 11:10[br]Sura, this will be your first ball.[br]Aren't you excited about it?[br]77.11:10 - 11:16[br]I want you to remember this evening with[br]pleasure. Did we understood each other?[br]78.11:18 - 11:19[br]That's it![br]79.11:22 - 11:27[br]Don't ever forget. These smiling[br]faces are what will cure me.[br]80.11:29 - 11:32[br]Dad...[br]81.11:38 - 11:47[br]Petrograd 1916[br]82.14:23 - 14:24[br]Lieutenant Seyit Eminof.[br]83.14:24 - 14:25[br]My respect.[br]84.14:25 - 14:27[br]When we see you among[br]us, we feel safe.[br]85.14:27 - 14:31[br]I'm always there for you. Ma'am.[br]86.14:33 - 14:35[br]I thank you for this Invitation.[br]87.14:35 - 14:38[br]We have to meet here before[br]you go to the front.[br]88.14:38 - 14:39[br]Yes.[br]89.14:40 - 14:43[br]With your permission.[br]90.14:50 - 14:54[br]Kurt Seyit came, to the[br]joy of the young girls.[br]91.14:57 - 14:59[br]How have you been since[br]we see each other?[br]92.14:59 - 15:02[br]I'm trying to get[br]use to new life.[br]93.15:05 - 15:07[br]In fact, those medals[br]could be very heavy.[br]94.15:08 - 15:10[br]They have added weight on[br]my shoulders, for sure.[br]95.15:11 - 15:15[br]Tuxedo looks good on you.[br]-Is that so?[br]96.15:16 - 15:18[br]I feel lighter.[br]97.15:19 - 15:21[br]Welcome, Kurt Seyit.[br]98.15:24 - 15:27[br]At this moment my eyes can't see[br]anything other than this beauty.[br]99.15:27 - 15:28[br]I am really fascinated.[br]100.15:28 - 15:30[br]I've missed you, Kurt Seyit.[br]101.15:32 - 15:34[br]Me too.[br]102.15:35 - 15:38[br]I am telling you Celil.[br]You are so lucky.[br]103.15:39 - 15:40[br]I know.[br]104.15:40 - 15:43[br]Tonight the most beautiful woman[br]here will be by your side again.[br]105.15:44 - 15:47[br]- Welcome, brother![br]- Glad to find you![br]106.15:48 - 15:50[br]How are you?[br]107.15:50 - 15:52[br]Misa![br]108.15:53 - 15:54[br]Vladimir![br]109.15:54 - 15:55[br]Seyit![br]110.15:56 - 15:59[br]Come on. Let me[br]distribute the Drinks.[br]111.16:08 - 16:11[br]What's yours opinion of[br]that Petro's resign?[br]112.16:11 - 16:13[br]I still can't believe.[br]113.16:13 - 16:16[br]Me too, still can't believe.[br]114.16:16 - 16:18[br]If all the men would[br]have been at the front,[br]115.16:18 - 16:22[br]wouldn't remain no one to take[br]care of economy, my dear friends.[br]116.16:22 - 16:24[br]I will gain lots of[br]bullets for you.[br]117.16:24 - 16:28[br]If you are as successful as a soldier,[br]then we will soon win the war.[br]118.16:28 - 16:29[br]I hope it will be like this.[br]119.16:29 - 16:31[br]In that case, let's[br]toast to Petro.[br]120.16:31 - 16:33[br]To Petro.[br]121.16:33 - 16:38[br]To Petro.[br]122.16:38 - 16:41[br]When it will be obvious in[br]which front you will fight?[br]123.16:41 - 16:46[br]Or is it dangerous to share this[br]information with a civilian?[br]124.16:46 - 16:48[br]Probably, after our[br]return from Alusta.[br]125.16:48 - 16:51[br]You are coming with[br]us in any case.[br]126.16:51 - 16:55[br]That's true. Seyit promised that[br]he would take us to Karagol.[br]127.16:55 - 16:58[br]He will introduce[br]us to his family.[br]128.16:58 - 17:02[br]My family will be very happy[br]to meet all me good friends.[br]129.17:02 - 17:07[br]Gentlemen, you can all[br]come, no exception.[br]130.17:07 - 17:09[br]To Alusta.[br]131.17:09 - 17:10[br]To Karagol.[br]132.17:10 - 17:14[br]To friendship.[br]133.17:17 - 17:19[br]Do not make this face Tatya.[br]134.17:19 - 17:21[br]Before we go to Alusta[br]and after we return here[br]135.17:21 - 17:23[br]you will have the time[br]to say goodbye to Celil.[br]136.17:23 - 17:27[br]A few days, are they enough for[br]a separation of many months?[br]137.17:27 - 17:30[br]If you hide me into your[br]heart, it would be enough.[br]138.17:30 - 17:33[br]He steals Seyit's womanizing[br]way in front of him.[br]139.17:33 - 17:36[br]No, this things is been[br]said from the heart.[br]140.17:36 - 17:37[br]I mean your heart[br]141.17:37 - 17:39[br]is even colder and more[br]isolated than Karagol.[br]142.17:39 - 17:43[br]So, it is impossible[br]to understand this.[br]143.17:43 - 17:47[br]I do not need to answer anymore.[br]144.17:51 - 17:53[br]Once we said about womanizing...[br]145.17:53 - 17:55[br]Seyit.[br]146.18:03 - 18:05[br]Excuse me.[br]147.18:11 - 18:13[br]Baroness.[br]148.18:21 - 18:24[br]I've heard that you are[br]leaving very soon from here.[br]149.18:25 - 18:27[br]Yes, it is true.[br]150.18:27 - 18:28[br]I'm going back to Krim.[br]151.18:28 - 18:31[br]I must say goodbye to my family[br]before I go to the front.[br]152.18:31 - 18:37[br]In that case, we don't have[br]much time to say goodbye.[br]153.18:37 - 18:40[br]I will wait for you[br]after the ball.[br]154.18:41 - 18:45[br]With my biggest pleasure,[br]I'll try to come.[br]155.18:55 - 19:10[br]Subtitles brought to you by Kurt[br]Seyit & Sura Team @ Viki[br]156.19:14 - 19:17[br]How nice![br]157.19:17 - 19:21[br]Don't look around so astonished[br]when we got inside, OK?[br]158.19:21 - 19:27[br]Let it not be so obvious that you[br]are at the ball for the first time.[br]159.19:27 - 19:30[br]Is it good this way?[br]160.19:30 - 19:32[br]Don't listen to your sister?[br]Enjoy yourself.[br]161.19:32 - 19:35[br]She was just like that when she[br]got at the ball for first time.[br]162.19:35 - 19:39[br]Daddy![br]163.19:50 - 19:53[br]Will you meet with[br]Constantin inside?[br]164.19:53 - 19:55[br]Shhhh...[br]165.20:04 - 20:06[br]Seyit can not dolca (Dance).[br]166.20:06 - 20:07[br]I think he can't, too.[br]167.20:07 - 20:08[br]It is his field of excellence.[br]168.20:08 - 20:12[br]I think if there is something that Seyit[br]can not do, is the biggest insult for him.[br]169.20:12 - 20:15[br]If only I could understand what[br]are you talking you about...[br]170.20:15 - 20:20[br]Can you kiss the first single girl who will[br]enter this ball's door till 12 o'clock tonight?[br]171.20:20 - 20:22[br]You drunk to much.[br]Take care of yourself.[br]172.20:22 - 20:23[br]He changes the subject.[br]173.20:23 - 20:26[br]Don't change the subject.[br]Can you kiss her or not?[br]174.20:26 - 20:29[br]To kiss a girl, it doesn't[br]requires so many hours.[br]175.20:29 - 20:30[br]You know that.[br]176.20:30 - 20:31[br]This is a bet![br]177.20:31 - 20:34[br]I know, my heart is[br]not as big as yours.[br]178.20:34 - 20:38[br]It needs more time.[br]179.20:38 - 20:40[br]When did you see me[br]running away from a bet?[br]180.20:40 - 20:42[br]Does that mean that[br]you'll accept it?[br]181.20:42 - 20:46[br]I accept.[br]182.20:46 - 20:51[br]I accept.[br]183.20:51 - 20:53[br]Seyit...[br]184.20:56 - 20:58[br]They came.[br]185.21:13 - 21:15[br]You know her?[br]186.21:15 - 21:16[br]Julien Verjenskaya.[br]187.21:16 - 21:19[br]My father's partner.[br]188.21:19 - 21:23[br]And those two are his daughters.[br]189.21:29 - 21:32[br]After our tonight's most[br]valuable guests have come...[br]190.21:32 - 21:38[br]we can go there too, dear.[br]191.21:38 - 21:40[br]The one who got in[br]first is Valentina.[br]192.21:40 - 21:41[br]She's almost engaged.[br]193.21:41 - 21:45[br]And the other one?[br]194.21:48 - 21:50[br]What do you mean?[br]195.21:50 - 21:53[br]Since he didn't say anything,[br]that means she's not engaged.[br]196.21:53 - 21:56[br]The fight is yours, my friend.[br]197.22:02 - 22:06[br]She's very beautiful.[br]198.22:09 - 22:11[br]I hope your trip[br]was not so tiring.[br]199.22:11 - 22:18[br]As my father was explaining all the historical[br]stories, we didn't even notice how the time passed.[br]200.22:18 - 22:21[br]Petro will ruin the game, Seyit.[br]201.22:21 - 22:23[br]Maybe the girl is[br]interested for him.[br]202.22:23 - 22:25[br]If it is like this...[br]203.22:25 - 22:27[br]... this is not my game[br]anyway, my friends.[br]204.22:27 - 22:30[br]With your permission.[br]205.22:30 - 22:35[br]Valentina.[br]206.22:37 - 22:40[br]They suit to each[br]other very much.[br]207.22:40 - 22:42[br]I think so too.[br]208.22:49 - 22:51[br]I have to tell you that the looks don't[br]take the place of a kiss, Seyit.[br]209.22:51 - 22:54[br]You know that the bet[br]ends at 12 o'clock.[br]210.22:54 - 23:00[br]That means that I'll[br]lose this time.[br]211.23:00 - 23:04[br]She's too young for[br]this kind of game.[br]212.23:04 - 23:06[br]This is cheating, my friend.[br]213.23:06 - 23:09[br]Say whatever you want to say.[br]214.23:12 - 23:14[br]She is so innocent to[br]be a part of a bet.[br]215.23:15 - 23:17[br]You give up then?[br]216.23:17 - 23:18[br]Yes.[br]217.23:18 - 23:20[br]Because he is scared.[br]218.23:21 - 23:23[br]She is so beautiful that she[br]makes you forget everything.[br]219.23:23 - 23:26[br]All the other women.[br]220.23:35 - 23:38[br]We have to give[br]meaning to the ball.[br]221.23:38 - 23:42[br]That's Kurt Seyit.[br]222.23:48 - 23:50[br]My respect, lady.[br]223.23:50 - 23:53[br]I am lieutenant Seyit Eminof. If you[br]approve to joy me to this dance,[br]224.23:53 - 23:56[br]I'll be the happiest man[br]at this ball tonight.[br]225.23:56 - 23:59[br]With my pleasure,[br]lieutenant Eminof.[br]226.24:11 - 24:13[br]I cannot believe it.[br]227.24:13 - 24:17[br]Seyit gave up.[br]228.24:25 - 24:27[br]I don't think so.[br]229.24:27 - 24:31[br]I think he wants a[br]decisive victory.[br]230.24:39 - 24:42[br]They left you alone[br]tonight, Sura.[br]231.24:42 - 24:44[br]No, it's not like that.[br]232.24:44 - 24:48[br]As a host, can I ask you[br]for your first dance?[br]233.24:51 - 24:53[br]I'll be glad.[br]234.25:06 - 25:09[br]I remember you like a little[br]girl with red cheecks.[br]235.25:09 - 25:11[br]You surprised me[br]tonight very much.[br]236.25:11 - 25:14[br]You were not that older yourself[br]237.25:14 - 25:16[br]when you were throwing[br]raisins to the girls.[br]238.25:16 - 25:19[br]Really?[br]239.25:19 - 25:22[br]I remember with shame.[br]240.26:36 - 26:42[br]Everything was very nice.[br]241.26:42 - 26:44[br]Isn't that right, Sura?[br]242.26:44 - 26:46[br]Yes, it was.[br]243.26:46 - 26:49[br]I hope you aren't disappointed[br]with your first ball.[br]244.26:49 - 26:51[br]No, not at all.[br]245.26:51 - 26:54[br]I have a lots of fun.[br]246.26:54 - 26:56[br]There is no man that will say[br]that you didn't dance with him.[br]247.26:57 - 27:03[br]You were dancing[br]the whole night.[br]248.27:09 - 27:16[br]Can I ask you[br]something personal?[br]249.27:17 - 27:21[br]How did you feel when you[br]first saw Constantin?[br]250.27:21 - 27:25[br]What do you mean?[br]251.27:25 - 27:27[br]I mean...[br]252.27:31 - 27:33[br]I mean, when you saw him...[br]253.27:33 - 27:35[br]... did many stars[br]slip in front of you?[br]254.27:36 - 27:37[br]Did you blur for a while?[br]255.27:37 - 27:40[br]Did million of ants[br]walked inside you?[br]256.27:40 - 27:43[br]Ants?! Phh...[br]257.27:43 - 27:45[br]Did your heart beat right here?[br]258.27:45 - 27:47[br]Sura, I think you[br]have lost your mind.[br]259.27:47 - 27:49[br]Please, Tina, I'm curious.[br]260.27:49 - 27:52[br]Did you wished to[br]look at him forever?[br]261.27:52 - 27:55[br]Dear, some things can be[br]talked, you know that.[br]262.27:55 - 27:58[br]Ok.[br]263.27:59 - 28:02[br]Say only this then.[br]264.28:02 - 28:05[br]When your looks were crossed...[br]265.28:05 - 28:11[br]did your heart beat like crazy?[br]266.28:11 - 28:12[br]Sura, shame on you.[br]267.28:12 - 28:15[br]Some things are between[br]those two that lived it.[br]268.28:15 - 28:19[br]A third person doesn't[br]have to know them.[br]269.28:19 - 28:23[br]I want to know how does[br]it feel when I feel it.[br]270.28:23 - 28:24[br]Look dear...[br]271.28:24 - 28:26[br]You are not a kid anymore.[br]272.28:26 - 28:31[br]Act like a young lady, please.[br]273.28:31 - 28:35[br]Good night.[br]274.28:43 - 28:46[br]The same to you.[br]275.29:42 - 29:46[br]That's it... The Black Sea...[br]276.29:46 - 29:50[br]The proud Black Sea.[br]277.29:51 - 29:52[br]Wonderful...[br]278.29:52 - 29:55[br]I can't find words in[br]front of this view.[br]279.29:55 - 29:57[br]This really a[br]paradise, Kurt Seyit.[br]280.29:57 - 30:02[br]Amazing... If I where you,[br]while living in Petrograd...[br]281.30:02 - 30:07[br]I would think to take advantage[br]of the beauty of my homeland.[br]282.30:07 - 30:11[br]One day, I'll do that,[br]just like my father did.[br]283.30:11 - 30:13[br]Come on. Our stuffs[br]arrived before we do.[br]284.30:14 - 30:17[br]Your father will ger worried.[br]285.30:46 - 30:49[br]Father...[br]286.30:58 - 31:02[br]Every time you get[br]back is a celebration.[br]287.31:02 - 31:07[br]Every time you come back,[br]I become more proud.[br]288.31:25 - 31:27[br]Thank God, my son.[br]289.31:27 - 31:28[br]Mom.[br]290.31:28 - 31:32[br]My child, my child.[br]291.31:45 - 31:46[br]Brother.[br]292.31:47 - 31:49[br]Osman.[br]293.31:52 - 31:54[br]Welcome, brother.[br]294.31:54 - 31:57[br]It is nice to see[br]you again, my lion.[br]295.31:58 - 31:59[br]You grew so much, man.[br]296.31:59 - 32:04[br]I missed you so much.[br]297.32:05 - 32:08[br]- Hello.- Welcome.[br]298.32:08 - 32:09[br]Come here, come.[br]299.32:10 - 32:14[br]Brother. Thank God.[br]300.32:14 - 32:16[br]Thank you God, we came[br]back safe and sound.[br]301.32:16 - 32:19[br]Let me introduce you.[br]302.32:19 - 32:21[br]My fellow soldiers.[br]303.32:21 - 32:26[br]That they stand next[br]to me in front...[br]304.32:26 - 32:29[br]Vladimir.[br]305.32:29 - 32:35[br]Mikhael.[br]306.32:35 - 32:40[br]Petro. You have[br]already met Petro.[br]307.32:42 - 32:45[br]Colonel Eminof...[br]308.32:45 - 32:49[br]I am very pleased to[br]see you again, sir.[br]309.32:49 - 32:51[br]Welcome.[br]310.32:51 - 32:53[br]You honored us too.[br]311.32:54 - 32:58[br]Please, please. Our house[br]is your house too.[br]312.33:00 - 33:02[br]Osman, how are you my friend?[br]313.33:02 - 33:04[br]Very well...[br]314.33:06 - 33:07[br]Petrograd 1916[br]315.33:07 - 33:09[br]Don't be sad, my love.[br]316.33:09 - 33:11[br]It will have to be a test[br]control after some days.[br]317.33:11 - 33:14[br]I'll go to the operation.[br]My worries will be over.[br]318.33:14 - 33:16[br]The best doctor in Rusia will do[br]the operation on your father.[br]319.33:16 - 33:17[br]You don't have to worry.[br]320.33:17 - 33:21[br]Ten days after the operation[br]we'll get back home.[br]321.33:21 - 33:25[br]Doctor said that you'll have to stay in[br]the hospital for some time, dear dad.[br]322.33:25 - 33:29[br]I am not sure I want[br]to accept that.[br]323.33:29 - 33:33[br]Till the doctors allow it, we won't[br]get back to Kislovodosk, daddy.[br]324.33:33 - 33:35[br]Don't worry for the[br]girls, Julien.[br]325.33:35 - 33:36[br]Trust them to me...[br]326.33:36 - 33:40[br]For as long as you will be at the[br]hospital, they will be my guests.[br]327.33:40 - 33:42[br]Today we bring your[br]suitcase from the Hotel[br]328.33:42 - 33:47[br]to our house.[br]329.33:47 - 33:49[br]A car will be always[br]at your disposal.[br]330.33:49 - 33:53[br]You can visit your father in the[br]hospital whenever you want.[br]331.33:54 - 33:56[br]Sura! Tina![br]332.33:56 - 33:58[br]I know that you are[br]sad very much.[br]333.33:58 - 34:00[br]To lift your father's moral,[br]334.34:00 - 34:02[br]you must show moral[br]on your faces.[br]335.34:02 - 34:07[br]It's too shame if you don't enjoy[br]this beautiful country, isn't it?[br]336.34:07 - 34:12[br]Varon Konstantin got also the permission for[br]a while to stay here with us for my father.[br]337.34:12 - 34:13[br]Very nice.[br]338.34:13 - 34:17[br]Petro will join you when he[br]returns from the Eminofs'.[br]339.34:24 - 34:25[br]My respect, my ladies.[br]340.34:26 - 34:28[br]I'm lieutenant Seyit Eminof.[br]341.34:28 - 34:31[br]If you approve to joy me to this dance, I'll[br]be the happiest man at the ball tonight.[br]342.34:31 - 34:35[br]With great pleasure,[br]Lieutenant Eminof.[br]343.34:38 - 34:41[br]When you will be out of the hospital,[br]you will always take walks together.[br]344.34:41 - 34:46[br]These Eminof...[br]345.34:46 - 34:47[br]The one who was at the dance.[br]346.34:47 - 34:52[br]Yes, you should have met[br]lieutenant Seyit Eminof.[br]347.34:52 - 34:53[br]He is one of the best[br]officer's of the Tsar.[br]348.34:53 - 34:56[br]He comes from Krim. A[br]handsome young man.[br]349.34:56 - 34:58[br]That means, our beloved[br]Petro is now on Krim?[br]350.34:58 - 35:01[br]Yes, they are friends[br]351.35:01 - 35:04[br]since the time they served[br]in military school together.[br]352.35:04 - 35:05[br]Is that so?[br]353.35:05 - 35:10[br]Seyit's father, Mehmet Mirza Eminof, was[br]one of the most important Tsar's officers.[br]354.35:10 - 35:13[br]Now, his son is[br]following his steps.[br]355.35:13 - 35:17[br]They live in the south, in[br]their farm located in Alusta.[br]356.35:49 - 35:50[br]Even in hamam your voice[br]doesn't come out.[br]357.35:50 - 35:52[br]God bless you, Petro.[br]358.35:52 - 35:54[br]Let it be this way.[br]359.35:54 - 35:55[br]You continue, my friend.[br]360.36:06 - 36:10[br]Are there places to[br]go out at night here?[br]361.36:10 - 36:11[br]Can't it be possible?[br]362.36:11 - 36:14[br]We can only shut him[br]with entertainment.[br]363.36:14 - 36:16[br]Was it at least nice?[br]364.36:16 - 36:17[br]When you come, you will see.[br]365.36:17 - 36:19[br]You have given your word, Petro.[br]366.36:19 - 36:20[br]You have to quit this things.[br]367.36:20 - 36:22[br]Without knowing, with whom did[br]you bind me a promise to wed?[br]368.36:22 - 36:25[br]Everybody was saying that[br]you will get married[br]369.36:25 - 36:28[br]with your father's[br]partner's young daughter.[br]370.36:28 - 36:31[br]What was her name? The most[br]beautiful of all, Sura.[br]371.36:31 - 36:34[br]She is still a child.[br]372.36:34 - 36:39[br]He doesn't say the girl didn't pay attention[br]to him, he says she's still a kid.[br]373.36:58 - 37:00[br]Are we going to eat more?[br]374.37:00 - 37:05[br]Of course it's festival for us.[br]375.37:05 - 37:09[br]Our sons have returned healthy.[br]376.37:09 - 37:12[br]This table will not be[br]empty till you guys leave.[br]377.37:12 - 37:18[br]Wonderful, I swear I don't have[br]any objection against it captain.[br]378.37:18 - 37:23[br]When are you returning[br]to the front side?[br]379.37:23 - 37:30[br]Soon.[br]380.37:30 - 37:33[br]Did you filter the[br]coffee madame Zahide?[br]381.37:33 - 37:34[br]Our sons would like[br]to drink coffee now.[br]382.37:34 - 37:36[br]It's already on stove.[br]383.37:36 - 37:39[br]Well the, let us drink our[br]coffee at the other room.[br]384.37:39 - 37:41[br]Ok. Let's drink father.[br]385.37:41 - 37:44[br]Help yourself.[br]386.37:51 - 37:53[br]My mom.[br]387.37:59 - 38:01[br]Thank you for the food mom. (Literally; "Health to year hands[br]mom" so that she stays healthy and continues with cooking)[br]388.38:01 - 38:03[br]I am so happy my Seyit.[br]So happy.[br]389.38:03 - 38:05[br]I am so happy to.[br]390.38:07 - 38:08[br]No go.[br]391.38:08 - 38:13[br]Clearly your father can't wait[br]to ask you about the front side .[br]392.38:16 - 38:18[br]Osman.[br]393.38:18 - 38:20[br]Don't go please my son[br]394.38:20 - 38:21[br]Let the elder talk.[br]395.38:22 - 38:25[br]Dear mom. But I also am[br]not a child anymore.[br]396.38:26 - 38:29[br]Alloud me to stay a bit more[br]with my brother please?[br]397.38:30 - 38:32[br]All right.[br]398.38:35 - 38:38[br]Voices coming from Moscow[br]is annoying people.[br]399.38:38 - 38:41[br]Work places are being plundered[br]400.38:41 - 38:47[br]There are a different groups[br]increasing against Czar.[br]401.38:47 - 38:48[br]Yes, we also hear that.[br]402.38:48 - 38:51[br]There are some small and[br]short cracked noices.[br]403.38:51 - 38:55[br]How can you call the things happening[br]in Moskova small and short Seyit?[br]404.38:55 - 38:58[br]Oppositely there voices are[br]getting stronger. Soon..[br]405.38:58 - 39:02[br]Soon or later nothing[br]will happen.[br]406.39:02 - 39:04[br]Only 50 soldiers will be[br]enough to shut them up.[br]407.39:04 - 39:05[br]You are so right.[br]408.39:05 - 39:07[br]What kind of devilish act is it to bring unrest[br]inside when the army is having war everywhere.[br]409.39:07 - 39:10[br]What kind of devilish act is it to bring unrest[br]inside when the army is having war everywhere.[br]410.39:10 - 39:12[br]What kind of devilish act is it to bring unrest[br]inside when the army is having war everywhere.[br]411.39:12 - 39:18[br]Well then.. Why did you wrote a[br]letter of resignation Pedro?[br]412.39:22 - 39:23[br]It didn't happen[br]suddenly actually.[br]413.39:23 - 39:26[br]I was thinking of it for[br]a long time before.[br]414.39:26 - 39:31[br]While I was about to[br]quit, war broke out.[br]415.39:32 - 39:34[br]I stayed in front for a[br]couple of months, but...[br]416.39:34 - 39:37[br]I decided that I can be more[br]helpfull with other things and..[br]417.39:37 - 39:42[br]You resigned when the army needed[br]good educated soldiers the most.[br]418.39:42 - 39:46[br]I was not a good soldier[br]as you are, Vladimir.[br]419.39:50 - 39:52[br]I felt it like this and I quit.[br]420.39:53 - 39:56[br]This is nonsense. It is a very[br]wrong decision.Very wrong.[br]421.39:57 - 39:58[br]I certainly agree with you, sir.[br]422.39:58 - 40:03[br]I think that everybody[br]should live as he wants.[br]423.40:03 - 40:07[br]A person should stay at the[br]place he wants to stay[br]424.40:07 - 40:11[br]and should do the things he[br]wants to do on this world.[br]425.40:12 - 40:15[br]But ofcourse without forgetting his[br]responsibilities for his country.[br]426.40:25 - 40:45[br]Subtitles brought to you by Kurt[br]Seyit & Sura Team @ Viki[br]427.41:07 - 41:09[br]Sura, you still[br]didn't choose a book?[br]428.41:09 - 41:12[br]You scared me to death.[br]429.41:12 - 41:14[br]Are you mixing up[br]people's stuffs?[br]430.41:14 - 41:18[br]Of course not! I was just[br]looking at the pictures...[br]431.41:18 - 41:20[br]Everyone is ready to sleep.[br]Let's go to bed to.[br]432.41:20 - 41:23[br]Ok, I am choosing a[br]book and I am coming.[br]433.41:23 - 41:25[br]Don't get late because[br]I am so tired also.[br]434.41:25 - 41:28[br]Ok, you go and I am coming.[br]435.43:04 - 43:07[br]Did that come from Tsar Nikola?[br]436.43:07 - 43:13[br]Yes. He believes already that[br]you will be a great soldier.[br]437.43:32 - 43:36[br]So this is the[br]famous trunk?- Yes.[br]438.43:36 - 43:41[br]Incredible.[br]439.43:41 - 43:44[br]Everytime I open it's lid I get as[br]excited as the first time I touched it.[br]440.43:44 - 43:48[br]You have so many things to be[br]proud of to praise yourself.[br]441.43:48 - 43:50[br]I'm jealous of you.[br]442.43:51 - 43:55[br]You also have everything I have.[br]443.44:01 - 44:04[br]Even more of you.[br]444.44:07 - 44:13[br]I envy you sleeping deeply[br]and comfortable at nights.[br]445.44:53 - 45:01[br]Ma'am, I am lieutenant Seyit Eminof. If you offer me[br]this dance, I will be the happiest man in the ball.[br]446.45:01 - 45:05[br]With a big pleasure,[br]lieutenant Eminof.[br]447.45:50 - 45:51[br]Sura?![br]448.45:51 - 45:56[br]Nothing happened, nothing[br]happened, Tinucka. Good night.[br]449.46:23 - 46:26[br]Now we know why Seyit always[br]runs over to this place.[br]450.46:26 - 46:28[br]It's really a splendid place.[br]451.46:28 - 46:30[br]Does all this place belong[br]to Eminof's family?[br]452.46:30 - 46:33[br]The mill that we are going to is the[br]border. Seyit is waiting for us there.[br]453.46:33 - 46:37[br]The rest of the territory[br]will be showed by himself.[br]454.46:37 - 46:40[br]What happend there? The[br]car flipped over I guess?[br]455.46:40 - 46:42[br]hiaaa! -jaa[br]456.46:46 - 46:48[br]Get well soon. What happend?[br]457.46:48 - 46:51[br]Sir, God have sent you.[br]Please help.[br]458.46:51 - 46:52[br]What happend?[br]459.46:52 - 46:56[br]We have to bring the midwife to our home[br]quickly. Our bride is giving birth.[br]460.46:56 - 46:59[br]But unfortunately the car flipped[br]over the wheel is broken.[br]461.46:59 - 47:03[br]Ok Ok. Come quickly come. [br]- Thank you sir.[br]462.47:03 - 47:06[br]Help me.[br]463.47:06 - 47:09[br]Slowly..[br]464.47:09 - 47:12[br]Continue to the mill, I[br]will catch you guys up.[br]465.47:12 - 47:16[br]You know the house right? [br]- Yes yes we are close.[br]466.47:16 - 47:18[br]Ok. Let's Seyit not wait.[br]467.47:18 - 47:21[br]We will send you help.[br]Thank you sir. Thanks.[br]468.47:21 - 47:26[br]Actually she still had time but clearly[br]something happend, the baby is coming early.[br]469.47:26 - 47:28[br]Bear with it my daughter.[br]470.47:32 - 47:36[br]( breath )[br]471.47:36 - 47:40[br]Mother.[br]472.47:40 - 47:43[br]Sister the midwife is coming.[br]473.47:43 - 47:47[br]Come come midwife what[br]took you so long?[br]474.47:47 - 47:50[br]Don't ask what happend.[br]The car flipped over.[br]475.47:50 - 47:54[br]Please save my sister the[br]baby is coming wrongly.[br]476.47:54 - 47:57[br]Come Come.[br]477.47:59 - 48:01[br]May Allah help this sir.[br]He came as Godsend.[br]478.48:01 - 48:03[br]Go inside .[br]479.48:04 - 48:06[br]Madam![br]480.48:08 - 48:13[br]If you need a car or anything then send a[br]message to the neighbour farm to the Eminoff's.[br]481.48:13 - 48:17[br]Thanks.[br]482.48:40 - 48:43[br]You came from a far way..[br]483.48:43 - 48:47[br]You came from a difficult road, you are[br]tired of course you will sleep like this.[br]484.48:48 - 48:51[br]It was Eminoff's son[br]who brought her right?[br]485.48:55 - 48:58[br]He's such a handsome man.[br]486.48:58 - 49:02[br]He's upright on the horse.[br]He hold my arm.[br]487.49:03 - 49:09[br]And said lady if you need something[br]tell me about, to Eminoff's farm.[br]488.49:10 - 49:16[br]So noble, such a gentleman.[br]489.49:16 - 49:20[br]You can see he's Czar's soldier[br]by the way he stands and talks.[br]490.49:20 - 49:26[br]That should be Kurt Seyit. Lady Zahide is[br]preparing for days saying "my son is coming".[br]491.49:27 - 49:28[br]Look. His name is Seyit.[br]492.49:28 - 49:31[br]Why are you telling me?[br]Like I care.[br]493.49:47 - 49:49[br]Seyit.[br]494.49:54 - 49:55[br]My burning heart[br]495.49:55 - 50:01[br].. is my love star.[br]496.50:01 - 50:07[br]You are my only love,[br]my burning heart.[br]497.50:07 - 50:15[br]There will never[br]be someone else..[br]498.50:15 - 50:18[br]My heart..[br]499.50:18 - 50:21[br]is lifeless and cold[br]500.50:21 - 50:24[br]like this dark lake.[br]501.50:25 - 50:27[br]Is that right , Kurt-Seyit?[br]502.50:27 - 50:30[br]Don't know. You[br]will tell us that.[br]503.50:30 - 50:36[br]In my heart there is one[br]big gunshot on the moment.[br]504.50:36 - 50:39[br]And nothing else is there.[br]505.50:40 - 50:42[br]Nothing is there.[br]506.50:43 - 50:46[br]OK straighten up now. We are[br]getting close to the house.[br]507.50:47 - 50:49[br]I want to go back.[br]508.50:49 - 50:52[br]You will return if you can[br]find your way of course.[br]509.50:52 - 50:57[br]You know the way right? Yeah yeah you[br]know. Come on bring me back to my blondy.[br]510.50:57 - 51:01[br]No way that your father will accept them[br]to enter the house. What are going to do?[br]511.51:01 - 51:04[br]We will do the thing we did[br]when we returned drunk.[br]512.51:10 - 51:22[br]513.51:40 - 51:47[br]This is the only thing that will bring[br]us to our senses. Are you guys ready?[br]514.51:51 - 51:55[br]Here is the black lake![br]- Let's see.[br]515.52:02 - 52:04[br]I 'll make you pay for this[br]Seyit. -It's so cold..[br]516.52:04 - 52:06[br]Swim swim.. You[br]will warm up soon.[br]517.52:06 - 52:09[br]518.52:09 - 52:11[br]It helped really good.[br]519.52:14 - 52:16[br]Are we alive?[br]520.52:16 - 52:18[br]No. I'm in heaven on the moment.[br]521.52:18 - 52:21[br]This is a beautiful place.[br]522.52:22 - 52:25[br]Does all journeys end[br]like this around here?[br]523.52:27 - 52:29[br]Yes.[br]524.52:31 - 52:35[br]Summer - Winter it's[br]our habbit with Celil.[br]525.52:41 - 52:44[br]Well then let's[br]promise each other.[br]526.52:45 - 52:52[br]If we will return wih a victory as hero[br]soldiers, let's do this again then.[br]527.52:52 - 52:56[br]Promise?[br]528.53:02 - 53:04[br]Promise??- Promise![br]529.53:04 - 53:08[br]Promise?- Promise![br]530.53:13 - 53:15[br]Petro.[br]531.53:23 - 53:26[br]Promise![br]532.53:36 - 53:41[br]If.. If you return with[br]victory from the front side[br]533.53:42 - 53:46[br]we will do this again.[br]534.55:46 - 55:51[br]Enemy. I thought.[br]535.56:18 - 56:24[br]The rebels on the north are[br]suitig on interrests of enemies.[br]536.56:24 - 56:29[br]They create opportunities for[br]them to plunder and burn.[br]537.56:31 - 56:33[br]Could you find who they are?[br]538.56:33 - 56:36[br]Hunderds of families are eating[br]bread (earning money) from my land.[br]539.56:36 - 56:42[br]You want water but you also are doing[br]everything to dry it up.That can't happen.[br]540.56:43 - 56:48[br]And? Is there a lady who will be sad[br]behind you when your leaving to the front?[br]541.56:49 - 56:51[br]There isn't father.[br]542.57:04 - 57:06[br]But who knows?[br]543.57:06 - 57:09[br]Your age for playing[br]around is gettig over..[br]544.57:09 - 57:14[br]What do I say always?[br]545.57:14 - 57:18[br]You will have girlfriends[br]in Moscow and Petrograd.[br]546.57:18 - 57:25[br]You will have fun with them, laugh[br]with them, be friends with them.[br]547.57:25 - 57:31[br]But at the end you will[br]surely marry a Turkish girl[br]548.57:35 - 57:38[br]This is my state.[br]549.57:39 - 57:44[br]And in the end you will be[br]moving here, to our land.[br]550.57:47 - 57:50[br]Of course, my father.[br]551.58:28 - 58:36[br]Dear mom. With twittering birds I can tell you[br]that my fathers operation went very well.[br]552.58:36 - 58:40[br]According to the doctors, his[br]structure is really strong.[br]553.58:40 - 58:48[br]They don't allouw us to stay with him. But we[br]can enter his room with Tina alternatingly.[br]554.58:54 - 58:58[br]We are treatend very[br]well at the Borinsky's .[br]555.59:00 - 59:07[br]That our aunt and uncle will come[br]to see us gets us very agitated.[br]556.59:08 - 59:14[br]My dear mom. Valentina and mine only[br]sadness is the longing for you all.[br]557.59:14 - 59:21[br]You wrote that nina is bad tempered[br]because she misses our father and us.[br]558.59:21 - 59:28[br]I am praying for my father to be healthy[br]soon. I'm praying to return to our home.[br]559.59:28 - 59:35[br]I'm closing my eyes and thinking of yours[br]and Nina's scent and breathing it in.[br]560.59:35 - 59:44[br]My dear mom. My father is getting better day[br]by day. He's eating his food. Don't worry.[br]561.59:45 - 59:52[br]A news to make you happy: it's so clear that Constantiene[br]love my sister and will make her very happy.[br]562.59:52 - 59:57[br]He's a really ellegant person. I[br]leaved the best news for last.[br]563.59:57 - 60:02[br]The doctor says that my father can leave[br]the hospital at the end of the month.[br]564.60:02 - 60:06[br]This means that we will be[br]after 20 days with you.[br]565.60:11 - 60:13[br]Here father.[br]566.60:15 - 60:20[br]Write a letter. Tell us where[br]your front place will be.[br]567.60:20 - 60:25[br]Of course father. I will write.[br]Don't worry.[br]568.60:25 - 60:33[br]Your food for the journey are in the bags[br]my son. It will be good till Pedrograd.[br]569.60:36 - 60:40[br]May Allah be thankful mom.[br]Thank you.[br]570.60:41 - 60:43[br]Madame Eminoff.[br]571.60:46 - 60:50[br]Everyday was like a festival.[br]We are grateful.[br]572.60:50 - 60:53[br]Go and come back healthy.[br]573.60:56 - 60:58[br]Seyit brother. Yes?[br]574.60:59 - 61:02[br]This little wants to say[br]farewell to his uncle.[br]575.61:02 - 61:06[br]Little? Who are you calling[br]little?? Give him to me.[br]576.61:06 - 61:07[br]Take him.[br]577.61:08 - 61:13[br]Look at this side. This side.[br]578.61:13 - 61:19[br]You can see from this young mans eyes[br]whay kind of strong soldier he will be.[br]579.61:20 - 61:23[br]And he fits you so well Seyit. (He's[br]trying to say he'll be a good father)[br]580.61:26 - 61:31[br]Of course leave and return and we will[br]have time to talk about that stuff.[br]581.61:32 - 61:36[br]Right my son?[br]582.61:36 - 61:40[br]Let's hope for the best father[br]583.61:41 - 61:43[br]Take him Hava.[br]584.61:46 - 61:52[br]Osman. Come and let us[br]farewell eachother.[br]585.61:53 - 61:54[br]Goodbye brother.[br]586.61:55 - 61:59[br]Did you grow so much that you[br]can't kiss your brother?[br]587.62:02 - 62:05[br]Osman.. Osman.[br]588.62:05 - 62:08[br]Osman![br]589.62:10 - 62:13[br]Osman![br]590.62:19 - 62:21[br]Tell me what's your problem?[br]591.62:21 - 62:31[br]You act like a grownup person to a baby and when[br]it's my turn you act like I'm a little boy.[br]592.62:31 - 62:33[br]Brother.[br]593.62:34 - 62:38[br]Brother I'm begging you, let[br]me come with you to the front.[br]594.62:38 - 62:40[br]Look I grew up.[br]595.62:40 - 62:45[br]I want to be soldier to. Please.[br]596.62:53 - 62:55[br]You have to stay here Osman.[br]597.62:55 - 63:01[br]We need man to protect and[br]defend this place too.[br]598.63:01 - 63:07[br]If everyone will leave this place and go. What[br]will happen? Our land our country will be empty.[br]599.63:07 - 63:09[br]Then someone else will[br]come and sit down.[br]600.63:09 - 63:15[br]And then we will not have a land to[br]return and say "this is where I belong".[br]601.63:15 - 63:19[br]My mom, Mahmud.[br]602.63:19 - 63:24[br]Mahmud's kid, his wife,[br]603.63:25 - 63:29[br]even my father are in care of[br]you. Do you understand me?[br]604.63:30 - 63:35[br]You are my eye here.[br]605.63:35 - 63:39[br]Until I'm back. Do[br]you understand me?[br]606.63:39 - 63:42[br]Good for you.[br]607.63:45 - 64:00[br]Subtitles brought to you by Kurt[br]Seyit & Sura Team @ Viki[br]608.64:03 - 64:05[br]Tina..[br]609.64:12 - 64:15[br]This one. - Okay.[br]610.64:16 - 64:21[br]I missed my aunt and uncle very much,[br]hope they will come before the dinner.[br]611.64:22 - 64:24[br]I also missed them much.[br]612.64:24 - 64:28[br]Tonight we will have[br]visitors, Pedro is back.[br]613.64:28 - 64:32[br]He will join the dinner[br]together with his friends.[br]614.64:37 - 64:39[br]Who will be there?[br]615.64:39 - 64:42[br]I don't know.[br]616.65:05 - 65:06[br]Bravo![br]617.65:08 - 65:13[br]The ladies who are enlightening our house[br]wit there beauties joined us also.[br]618.65:13 - 65:15[br]Good evening.[br]619.65:17 - 65:20[br]Seeing you again is[br]suck a happiness.[br]620.65:20 - 65:22[br]Welcome, Petro..[br]621.65:23 - 65:26[br]Welcome to your home.[br]622.65:26 - 65:29[br]Believe me not any return[br]made me this happy.[br]623.65:29 - 65:31[br]You are so polite.[br]624.65:31 - 65:37[br]This night our table will have[br]valuable gasts, let me introduce you.[br]625.65:37 - 65:41[br]I'm a big fan of you. I had the luck[br]to watch you in Moskou one time.[br]626.65:41 - 65:43[br]I'm glad, you are so polite.[br]627.65:43 - 65:47[br]They will be for a year on stage in[br]Pedrograd. What a luck isn't it?[br]628.65:47 - 65:48[br]Super.[br]629.65:48 - 65:53[br]Let me introduce you to muy[br]friends. Celil Kamilof.[br]630.65:53 - 65:59[br]Mikail Sorokin.[br]631.65:59 - 66:02[br]Vlademir Sarinkof.[br]632.66:03 - 66:06[br]I realized I forgot[br]these in the car.[br]633.66:25 - 66:29[br]And... Lieutenant Seyit Eminof.[br]634.66:33 - 66:36[br]I brought you vodca's[br]that we are making[br]635.66:36 - 66:41[br]with our own hands in Alusta.[br]636.66:41 - 66:46[br]So finally we can also meet[br]Eminof's famous vineyard.[br]637.66:46 - 66:51[br]Seyit let me introduce you[br]to Valentina Verjenskaya.[br]638.66:53 - 66:57[br]- Respects lady.- Nice[br]to meet you, sir.[br]639.67:00 - 67:04[br]And Alexandra Verjenskaya.[br]640.67:11 - 67:15[br]We have come across before.[br]641.67:17 - 67:21[br]I couln't have the honor[br]to meet you then.[br]642.67:23 - 67:25[br]I am pleased...[br]643.67:43 - 67:45[br]Are you excited for[br]the show Tatia?[br]644.67:45 - 67:49[br]Yes I am so excited. I'm back at[br]this beautiful city after a year.[br]645.67:49 - 67:52[br]I am honored with gifts from[br]the Tsar. I'm so happy.[br]646.67:52 - 67:54[br]But we won't be[br]here unfortunately.[br]647.67:54 - 67:56[br]When are you leaving?[br]648.67:56 - 67:59[br]Next week General needs[br]to be in Moskow.[br]649.67:59 - 68:01[br]You aren't even taking[br]the problems serious.[br]650.68:01 - 68:03[br]General is going to Moskow.[br]651.68:03 - 68:05[br]It's not what you are thinking.[br]652.68:05 - 68:08[br]Anyway. Let's not[br]return to that subject.[br]653.68:08 - 68:11[br]And you Sura. Will you[br]be here at the day?[br]654.68:11 - 68:15[br]If we won't return till then I[br]will be really happy to watch you.[br]655.68:15 - 68:23[br]Then..Allow me to join you[br]on this special night lady.[br]656.68:26 - 68:29[br]General.. Madame..[br]657.68:29 - 68:36[br]Will you allow me to escort[br]precious Alexandra Verjenskaya?[br]658.68:38 - 68:41[br]If she wants it of course.[br]659.68:41 - 68:46[br]This will be a great[br]happiness lieutenant Eminof.[br]660.68:50 - 68:51[br]Thank you...[br]661.68:53 - 68:57[br]Then.. Let me keep my[br]promise for tomorrow[br]662.68:57 - 68:58[br]and let's see the city together.[br]663.68:58 - 69:02[br]Thank you, but we accompany[br]our father at daytime.[br]664.69:02 - 69:09[br]Hmm I am sure that he wil not say something[br]about you missing for a couple hours.[br]665.69:17 - 69:48[br]Subtitles brought to you by Kurt[br]Seyit & Sura Team @ Viki[br]666.71:25 - 71:28[br]Will I not be able to[br]listen to your voice?[br]667.71:44 - 71:47[br]I really started to[br]wonder about your voice.[br]668.71:51 - 71:54[br]Say something...[br]669.71:56 - 71:58[br]Ask something...[br]670.72:11 - 72:14[br]Why do they call you Kurt ?[br]671.72:21 - 72:24[br]At our Kirim.[br]672.72:26 - 72:29[br]They believe that[br]babies who cry much[br]673.72:29 - 72:34[br]are afraid of wolfs howl.[br]674.72:36 - 72:41[br]Only if they are givin the name Kurt (which[br]means wolf) they will overcome this fear.[br]675.72:44 - 72:48[br]Then you weere a[br]baby who cried much[br]676.72:49 - 72:56[br]Yes. After all, my voice after some time,[br]it turned to be like wolf's voice.[br]677.73:10 - 73:14[br]- Are you cold? Shall we[br]leave? - Yes let's go.[br]678.73:14 - 73:17[br]Isn't anyone hungry?[br]679.73:22 - 73:24[br]I'm hungry as a wolf.[br]680.73:26 - 73:29[br]That also is a statement special[br]to us. (A thing Turks say)[br]681.73:29 - 73:32[br]Well then gather together.[br]682.73:33 - 73:35[br]What will you say about[br]going to my home?[br]683.73:35 - 73:40[br]Don't forget Seyit saying "what will you[br]say?" means "I don't want objection".[br]684.73:40 - 73:46[br]Yesterday night I told them to prepare[br]dinner.But... If you don't want to..[br]685.73:49 - 73:53[br]I am curious about a[br]wolf's living place.[br]686.75:00 - 75:03[br]You played wonderful Valentina.[br]687.75:07 - 75:10[br]A year later, at our own house[br]688.75:10 - 75:14[br]you will play just like[br]this to our guests.[br]689.75:18 - 75:22[br]- And empty glasses? [br]- I will take care of it.[br]690.75:25 - 75:29[br]- You played so beautifully.[br]- Thank you very much.[br]691.75:36 - 75:38[br]He's thinking about[br]the war (front).[br]692.75:41 - 75:45[br]Don't look at the hapiness of[br]Celil. (his mind is somewhere else)[br]693.75:55 - 75:58[br]They are going to war of course.[br]694.75:58 - 76:03[br]They are sad about everything[br]they will leave behind.[br]695.76:08 - 76:10[br]Thank you.[br]696.76:26 - 76:29[br]It was a really beautiful day.[br]Thank you for everything.[br]697.76:29 - 76:32[br]It was my pleasure.[br]698.76:32 - 76:35[br]We have lot's of time.[br]We will do it again.[br]699.76:35 - 76:41[br]Thank you for everything. Lieutenant[br]Eminof see you at the shownight.[br]700.76:41 - 76:43[br]I will excitedly wait for it.[br]701.76:43 - 76:46[br]With your permission. Sura.[br]702.76:48 - 76:51[br]- Goodbye.- Goodbye.[br]703.76:51 - 76:55[br]I want to talk to you[br]alone , do you have time?[br]704.76:56 - 76:58[br]Of course.[br]705.77:14 - 77:16[br]Shuruchka !...[br]706.77:27 - 77:32[br]The front you guys will be[br]fighting has become definite.[br]707.77:32 - 77:40[br]So.. Why didn't you[br]tell it the whole day?[br]708.77:40 - 77:49[br]I didn't want to ruin your mood.[br]709.77:49 - 77:54[br]You will battle at Galicia.[br]710.78:03 - 78:06[br]This was what you[br]were afraid of right?[br]711.78:06 - 78:09[br]The Ottoman army will be there[br]712.78:09 - 78:15[br]siding with Austria in the war.[br]713.78:15 - 78:18[br]I killed a Russian[br]by mistake Seyit.[br]714.78:18 - 78:21[br]That such a heavy thing.[br]715.78:21 - 78:26[br]And now you have to fight[br]Turks knowing about it.[br]716.78:26 - 78:29[br]Who knows how many people will[br]get killed by your bullets..[br]717.78:29 - 78:30[br]... by your orders.[br]718.78:31 - 78:33[br]A really difficult[br]situation is waiting you.[br]719.78:33 - 78:38[br]May God help you.[br]720.78:38 - 78:44[br]I hope I will not meet[br]those army corps.[br]721.78:49 - 78:53[br]May Allah protect me[br]from battling them.[br]722.79:20 - 79:25[br]It's clearly that[br]you are affected.[br]723.79:25 - 79:27[br]Don't show your feelings[br]that much my sister OK?[br]724.79:27 - 79:31[br]We just met him.[br]725.79:31 - 79:37[br]I want to get to know him.[br]726.79:37 - 79:40[br]I can't help it Tina. I'm[br]so excited for the ball.[br]727.79:41 - 79:46[br]For the first time I will be[br]going to such a splendid night.[br]728.80:00 - 80:14[br]Subtitles brought to you by Kurt[br]Seyit & Sura Team @ Viki[br]729.80:15 - 80:20[br]Pedrograd will be the[br]city of my first love.[br]730.80:40 - 80:42[br]Is it daytime?[br]731.80:42 - 80:46[br]Oh no sura is joining us.[br]732.80:46 - 80:50[br]Sorry I made you wait.[br]733.80:50 - 80:55[br]We can wait decenia's for[br]this beauty my Lady.[br]734.81:04 - 81:06[br]Lieutenant Eminof.[br]735.81:06 - 81:10[br]Said he's sorry and[br]can't join us.[br]736.81:13 - 81:15[br]Tsar Nikolay called...[br]737.81:16 - 81:19[br]So this is because[br]of a big force.[br]738.81:20 - 81:23[br]I would quit my job in place of[br]739.81:23 - 81:28[br]leaving such a[br]beautiful lady alone.[br]740.81:28 - 81:32[br]You shouldn't give up on your[br]attachments this quickly dear Pedro.[br]741.81:32 - 81:36[br]Loyalty is the greatest[br]promise you can give someone.[br]742.82:10 - 82:14[br]Sura I'm sorry I also[br]have to leave you alone.[br]743.82:14 - 82:16[br]I need to go and see them.[br]744.82:17 - 82:20[br]Please. You are the host today.[br]745.82:20 - 82:22[br]I will try to come[br]before the first break.[br]746.82:22 - 82:27[br]I'm happy. This place[br]is like a temple.[br]747.84:03 - 84:10[br]I will make you forgive[br]me for this night.[br]748.85:13 - 85:16[br]Do you know?[br]749.85:16 - 85:19[br]I could watch you breathless[br]750.85:19 - 85:22[br]my whole lifetime.[br]751.85:22 - 85:24[br]Sura![br]752.85:30 - 85:32[br]I hope I am not disturbing you.[br]753.85:32 - 85:37[br]No, of course not.[br]Come and sit please.[br]754.86:21 - 86:24[br]Sura...[br]755.86:25 - 86:30[br]You are so pure and beautiful...[br]756.87:39 - 87:44[br]It was a macnificent performans dear[br]Tatia While watching I was under spell.[br]757.87:44 - 87:48[br]I'm under that spell for years.[br]758.87:48 - 87:51[br]Thank you.- It was like I was[br]on the stage together with you.[br]759.87:51 - 87:53[br]Like I was a part of the show.[br]760.87:53 - 87:55[br]I felt the passion in my heart[br]761.87:56 - 87:58[br]It's was really[br]beautifully magnificent.[br]762.87:58 - 88:00[br]You are so polite Sura.[br]763.88:00 - 88:03[br]I'm not acting friendly,[br]I'm being honest.[br]764.88:03 - 88:06[br]No, I witnessed[br]765.88:06 - 88:09[br]the beautiful pearls dropping of[br]your eyes. You got richer with them.[br]766.88:09 - 88:12[br]The river should[br]be higher tonight?[br]767.88:12 - 88:14[br]You guys are so cute.[br]768.88:31 - 88:34[br]Allow me.[br]769.88:35 - 88:37[br]I will be back.[br]770.88:42 - 88:45[br]With your permission.[br]771.89:18 - 89:20[br]Dear Katja?. -Baroness?[br]772.89:20 - 89:23[br]You managed to make[br]everyone admire you again.[br]773.89:23 - 89:25[br]Congratulations[br]774.89:25 - 89:28[br]Let me introduce you[br]to out new friend.[br]775.89:28 - 89:32[br]Glad to meet you, you can[br]call me Sura Baroness.[br]776.89:32 - 89:34[br]Me to little lady.[br]777.89:34 - 89:37[br]I will steal this nights[br]important guest for a bit.[br]778.89:37 - 89:40[br]-Of course. The whole salon[br]wants to celebrate Tatia.[br]779.89:40 - 89:42[br]Tatja.[br]780.89:42 - 89:50[br]I will be with you after a while.[br]Don't be worried about me.[br]781.89:50 - 89:53[br]Is this your first visit to[br]Petrograd dear Alexandra?[br]782.89:53 - 89:58[br]Yes. Or No. I came before but I was to[br]little I don't remember it anymore.[br]783.89:58 - 89:59[br]We can count it as[br]my first visit yes.[br]784.89:59 - 90:01[br]A difficult season to travel.[br]785.90:01 - 90:03[br]Yes, ours was necessary.[br]786.90:03 - 90:07[br]Because of my fathers illnes. Ah yes I[br]heard about it. Hope he will get wel soon.[br]787.90:07 - 90:10[br]Thank you. But he's[br]better now right?[br]788.90:10 - 90:13[br]Yes. So.. then you[br]will leave soon?[br]789.90:14 - 90:18[br]We will return next week.[br]790.90:24 - 90:28[br]What a pity Kurt Seyit and[br]Kamilof are also leaving.[br]791.90:28 - 90:32[br]Yes it's like that. - They have[br]such a colorful lifestyle.[br]792.90:32 - 90:34[br]If I was able to reborn I would[br]want to be in there place.[br]793.90:34 - 90:36[br]Why?[br]794.90:36 - 90:38[br]Look at them.[br]795.90:38 - 90:43[br]They are handsome,[br]noble, they have money.[br]796.90:43 - 90:46[br]They are in service of the Tsar.[br]797.90:46 - 90:50[br]Plus they are surrounded[br]with noble and rich woman.[br]798.90:50 - 90:59[br]Believe me the things they[br]have lived can fill a book.[br]799.90:59 - 91:02[br]Do you know them so well?[br]800.91:02 - 91:09[br]I know him more than you[br]think, my beloved Sura.[br]801.91:09 - 91:11[br]Did my words annoy you?[br]802.91:11 - 91:14[br]Of course not.[br]803.91:14 - 91:17[br]I am sorry.[br]804.91:17 - 91:22[br]Sometimes I forget that I have[br]a young girl in front of me.[br]805.91:22 - 91:29[br]With your permission. I have[br]to go next to my sister.[br]806.91:35 - 91:39[br]Mrs Alexandra, will you[br]permit me this dance?[br]807.91:39 - 91:44[br]I am sorry, Baron. The lady[br]has promissed me this dance.[br]808.91:44 - 91:47[br]In fact, all tonight's dances.[br]809.91:47 - 91:52[br]I am sorry, lieutenant.[br]810.92:12 - 92:14[br]Am I the reason of the[br]clouds in your eyes?[br]811.92:14 - 92:19[br]Of course not.[br]812.92:21 - 92:25[br]From now on I will never[br]leave you alone, ma'am.[br]813.92:25 - 92:28[br]I will be very pleased.[br]814.92:52 - 93:00[br]The park in your eyes looks like[br]it can burn the whole night.[br]815.93:00 - 93:02[br]You neglect me and I get angry.[br]816.93:02 - 93:04[br]I am guilty.[br]817.93:04 - 93:09[br]But I will do whatever it takes,[br]in order to make you happy.[br]818.93:09 - 93:16[br]I will take it as a promise.[br]819.93:49 - 93:56[br]Do you feel cold?[br]820.93:56 - 93:58[br]But you are trembling.[br]821.93:58 - 94:06[br]- I don't feel[br]cold.- Aren't you?[br]822.94:08 - 94:11[br]Sura, you are so beautiful...[br]823.94:13 - 94:17[br]This beautiful face is what i[br]have missed more than anything...[br]824.94:18 - 94:22[br]More familiar.[br]825.95:32 - 95:37[br]I wish I could stay[br]in this moment.[br]826.95:37 - 95:39[br]While you are in my arms...[br]827.95:39 - 95:42[br]While I am kissing you...[br]828.95:42 - 95:47[br]I would like to stay in that moment. I would[br]like to freeze and stay in that moment.[br]829.95:47 - 95:51[br]Then till eternity,[br]830.95:51 - 95:53[br]in my arms[br]831.95:53 - 96:00[br]kissing me.[br]832.96:00 - 96:03[br]Seyit![br]833.96:03 - 96:05[br]Oh, I am sorry.[br]Weren't you alone?[br]834.96:05 - 96:08[br]I am sorry. Ours are[br]looking for you.[br]835.96:09 - 96:11[br]They want us to raise[br]the glass of victory.[br]836.96:11 - 96:15[br]- Eh, Misa...- Go, please.[br]837.96:29 - 96:33[br]Wait here.[br]838.96:42 - 96:46[br]You are at the place where I[br]dreamed you to be for weeks.[br]839.96:46 - 96:49[br]You are in my arms.[br]840.96:51 - 96:54[br]These wonderful lips,[br]were in my lips.[br]841.96:54 - 96:59[br]Don't make your friend wait.[br]842.97:21 - 97:24[br]In the end you are in[br]the place he wanted.[br]843.97:25 - 97:30[br]He said it with his own mouth.[br]His lips on your lips.[br]844.97:30 - 97:32[br]What you did is a[br]shame, Barones.[br]845.97:32 - 97:36[br]Whatever two people live is[br]personal and only for those two.[br]846.97:36 - 97:39[br]I agree that it has[br]to be personal.[br]847.97:39 - 97:42[br]Ah Sura...[br]848.97:42 - 97:46[br]You are so young, so pure.[br]849.97:47 - 97:49[br]What are you doing Barones?[br]Please...[br]850.97:49 - 97:52[br]I am trying to save you from a[br]real wolf(Kurt), young girl.[br]851.97:53 - 97:56[br]Seyit loves to play[br]games with girls.[br]852.97:56 - 97:58[br]You don't know that you[br]are a price of bet.[br]853.97:58 - 98:03[br]Barones, are you aware of what you are telling[br]me? How could you talk like this with me?[br]854.98:04 - 98:07[br]He bet with his friends[br]that he will kiss you.[br]855.98:08 - 98:09[br]And he won.[br]856.98:09 - 98:13[br]Sura! I was looking[br]for you everywhere.[br]857.98:13 - 98:17[br]And now he is celebrating his[br]victory with his friends.[br]858.98:17 - 98:23[br]My lady... Have a nice time.[br]859.98:27 - 98:29[br]Sura![br]860.98:29 - 98:32[br]Who and whose victory[br]is celebarating?[br]861.98:32 - 98:39[br]You... Sura, are you ok?[br]You are trembling.[br]862.98:40 - 98:42[br]One glass more.[br]863.98:42 - 98:47[br]Come one gentlemen[br]Let me leave now.[br]864.98:48 - 98:52[br]Really Petro. Let's not play[br]any other games with Seyit.[br]865.98:52 - 98:55[br]His beautiful princess[br]is waiting for him.[br]866.98:56 - 98:59[br]Ok then. To love.[br]867.98:59 - 99:01[br]In this I will drink[br]with pleasure.[br]868.99:01 - 99:05[br]Then, to love and to the beautiful[br]ladies who bind our heads.[br]869.99:05 - 99:10[br]To beautiful ladies.[br]870.99:20 - 99:41[br]Subtitles brought to you by Kurt[br]Seyit & Sura Team @ Viki 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000