[Script Info] Title: [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:14.85,0:00:19.72,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,My early assistants would throw out some paper and I would take it out of the trash. Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.72,0:00:23.07,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,"Why are you throwing this away, you're gonna use it." Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.55,0:00:29.04,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,When I was going to school, you had to write on both sides of the paper on the same paper. Dialogue: 0,0:00:29.87,0:00:35.36,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,So yea, I'm a pack rat, "Ah, I could use that somehow." Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.57,0:00:43.16,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I saw a lot of that in India, how people there would recycle anything. Dialogue: 0,0:00:43.16,0:00:48.02,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,And make something new out of it. You see it a lot in folk art. Dialogue: 0,0:00:48.02,0:00:53.94,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I probably got my... My first lesson probably came from the shredders. Dialogue: 0,0:00:53.94,0:00:58.84,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,You know, you are picking up stuff out of the street, and I would pick up photographs from the street. Dialogue: 0,0:01:04.85,0:01:10.74,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Well, I think if somebody wanted to borrow an imagery and use it, I would be flattered. Dialogue: 0,0:01:13.20,0:01:16.39,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Ha, here's something I worked on. Dialogue: 0,0:01:16.82,0:01:25.92,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I really just don't think imageries should be owned, including my own. Dialogue: 0,0:01:25.92,0:01:34.17,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,If it's part of our world, it's like owning words. How could you own words? I mean it's stuff to use. Dialogue: 0,0:01:37.64,0:01:42.47,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,She was retouched, like... [chuckles]