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This presentation is delivered by the Stanford Center for Professional
What I want to do today is
continue our discussion of Naive Bayes, which is the learning algorithm that
started to discuss in the previous lecture
and talk about a couple of different event models in Naive Bayes,
and then I'll take a brief digression to talk about neural networks, which is
something that I actually won't spend a lot of time on,
and then I want to start to talk about support vector machines,
and support vector machines is
the learning algorithms, the supervised learning algorithm that
many people consider the most effective, off-the-shelf
supervised learning
algorithm. That point of view is debatable, but there are many people that hold that
point of view,
and we'll start discussing that today, and this will actually take us a few
lectures to complete.
So let's talk about Naive Bayes. To recap
from the previous lecture,
I started off
spam classification as the most [inaudible] example for Naive Bayes
in which we would create feature vectors like these, right, that correspond
to words in a dictionary.
And so, you know,
based on what words appear in a piece of email were represented as a
feature vector with
ones and zeros in the corresponding places,
and Naive
Bayes was a generative learning algorithm, and by that
I mean it's
an algorithm in which we model P(X|Y), and for Naive
Bayes, specifically, we
modeled it as product from I equals one
N, P(Xi|Y),
and also we model P(Y),
and then we use Bayes Rule, right, to combine these two together,
and so our predictions,
when you give it a new piece of email you want to tell if it's spam or not spam,
you predict arg max over Y, P(Y|X), which
by Bayes Rule is arg max over Y,
P(X given Y)
times P(Y), okay?
So this is Naive Bayes,
and just to draw attention to two things,
one is that in this model, each of our features
were zero, one, so
indicating whether different words appear,
and the length or the feature vector was, sort of,
the length N of the feature vector was
the number of words in the dictionary.
So it might be on this version on the order of 50,000 words, say. What I want
to do now is describe two variations on this algorithm.
The first one is the simpler one,
which it's just a generalization to if
takes on more values. So, you know, one thing that's commonly done
to apply Naive Bayes to problems where
some of these features, xi, takes on K values rather than just two values,
and in that case,
you actually build,
sort of, a very similar model where P(X|Y)
really the same thing, right,
where now these are going to be multinomial probabilities
rather than Bernoulli's because the XI's can, maybe, take on up to K values.
It turns out, the situation where - one situation where this arises very
commonly is if you have a feature that's actually continuous valued,
and you choose to dispertise it, and you choose to take a continuous value feature
and dispertise it into a finite set of K values,
and so it's a perfect example
if you remember our very first
supervised learning problem of predicting
the price of
houses. If you have the classification problem on these houses, so based on
features of a house, and you want to predict whether or not the house will be sold in the next six
months, say. That's a classification problem, and
once you use Naive Bayes,
then given a continuous value feature
like the living area,
you know, one pretty common thing to do would be take the continuous value living area
and just dispertise it
into a few
- discreet buckets,
and so
depending on whether the living area of the house is less than 500 square feet
or between 1,000 and 1500 square feet,
and so on, or whether it's greater than 2,000 square feet,
you choose the value of the corresponding feature, XI, to be one,
two, three, or four, okay?
So that was the first
variation or generalization of Naive Bayes I
wanted to talk about. I should just check; are there questions about this? Okay.
Cool. And so it turns out that in practice, it's fairly common to use about ten buckets
to dispertise a continuous value feature. I drew four here only to
save on writing.
The second and, sort of, final variation that I want to talk about for Naive Bayes
is a variation that's specific
classifying text documents, or, more generally, for classifying sequences. So the text
document, like a piece of email, you can think of as a sequence of words
and you can apply this, sort of, model I'm about to describe to classifying other sequences as
well, but let
me just focus on text,
and here's
the idea. So the
Naiven a piece of email, we were
representing it using this binary vector value representation,
and one of the things that this loses, for instance, is the number of times that different words
all right? So, for example, if
some word appears a lot of times, and you see the word, you know, buy a lot of times.
You see the word Viagra; it seems to be a common email example. You see the word Viagra a ton of
times in the email, it
is more likely to be spam than it appears, I guess, only once
because even once, I guess, is enough. So let me just
try a different, what's called an event model
for Naive Bayes that will take into account the number of times a word appears in
the email,
and to give
this previous model a name as well this particular model for
is called the Multivariate Bernoulli Event Model. It's not a great name. Don't worry about what
the name means. It
refers to the fact that there are multiple Bernoulli random variables, but it's really - don't worry about
what the name means.
In contrast,
what I want to do now is describe a different representation for email in terms of the
vector, and this is called the Multinomial Event Model, and,
again, there is a rationale behind the name, but it's slightly cryptic, so don't worry
about why it's called the Multinomial Event Model; it's just called that.
And here's what we're gonna do,
given a piece of email, I'm going to represent my email as a feature vector,
and so my IF training
example, XI will be a feature vector,
XI sub group one, XI sub group two,
XI subscript
NI is equal to the
number of words
in this email, right? So if one of my training examples is an email with
300 words in it,
then I represent this email via
a feature vector
with 300 elements,
and each
of these elements of the feature vector - lets see. Let me just write this as X subscript
These will be an index into my dictionary, okay?
And so if my dictionary has 50,000 words, then
each position in my feature vector
will be a variable that takes on one of 50,000 possible
corresponding to what word appeared in the J position of my email, okay?
So, in other words, I'm gonna take all the words in my email
and you have a feature
vector that just says which word
in my dictionary
was each word in the email, okay?
So a different definition for NI now, NI now varies and is different for every
training example,
and this XJ is now indexed into the dictionary.
You know, the components of the feature vector
are no longer binary random variables; they're these indices in the dictionary that take on a much
larger set of values.
And so
our generative model for this
will be that the joint distribution
over X and Y will be that, where again N is now the length of the email, all right?
So the way to think about this formula is you
that there was some
probably distribution over emails. There's some random distribution that generates the emails,
and that process proceeds as follows:
First, Y is chosen, first the class label. Is someone gonna send you spam email or not
spam emails is chosen for
us. So first Y, the random variable Y, the class label of spam or not spam is generated,
and then having decided whether they sent you spam or not spam,
someone iterates over all 300 positions of the email,
or 300 words that are going to compose them as email,
and would generate words from some distribution that
depends on whether they chose to send you spam or not spam. So if
they sent you spam, they'll send you words - they'll tend to generate words like, you know, buy, and Viagra, and
whatever at discounts, sale, whatever.
And if somebody chose to send you not spam, then they'll send you, sort of, the more normal
words you get in an email, okay? So, sort of, just careful, right? XI here has a very different definition from the
previous event model, and N has a very different definition from the previous event
And so the parameters of this model are - let's see. Phi
subscript K given Y equals one, which
is the
probability that,
you know, conditioned on
someone deciding to spend you spam,
what's the probability that the next word they choose to email you in
the spam email is going to be word K, and
similarly, you know, sort of, same thing - well, I'll just write it out, I guess - and Phi
and just same as before, okay?
So these are the parameters of the model,
given a training set, you can work out the maximum likelihood estimates of the
parameters. So the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters will be
equal to -
and now I'm gonna write one of these, you know, big indicator function things again. It'll be
a sum over your training sets
whether that was spam times the
sum over all the words in that email where N subscript
I is the number of words in email I in your training set,
times indicator XIJ, SK times that I, okay?
the numerator says sum over all your emails and take into account all the emails that had
class label one, take into account only of the emails that were spam because if Y equals zero, then
this is zero, and this would go away,
and then times sum over
all the words in your spam email, and
it counts up the number of times you observed the word K in your spam emails.
So, in other words, the numerator is look at all the spam emails in your training set
and count up the total number of times the word K appeared in this email. The
denominator then is sum over I into our training set of
whenever one of your examples is spam,
you know, sum up the length
of that spam email,
and so the denominator is the total length
of all of the spam emails in your training set.
And so the ratio is just out of all your spam emails, what is the fraction of words in
all your spam emails that were word K,
and that's your estimate for the probability
of the next piece of spam mail
generating the word K in any given position, okay? At the
end of the previous lecture, I talked about LaPlace smoothing,
and so when you do that as
well, you add one to the numerator and K to the denominator, and this is
the LaPlace smoothed estimate
of this parameter,
okay? And similarly, you do the same thing for -
and you can work out the estimates for the
other parameters yourself, okay? So it's very similar. Yeah? Student:I'm sorry. On the right on the top, I was just
what the X of I is, and what the N of -
Instructor (Andrew Ng):Right. So
in this second event model, the definition for XI and the definition for N
are different, right? So here -
well, this is for one example XY. So here, N is the number of words
in a given email,
right? And if it's the I email subscripting then this N subscript I, and so
N will be different for different training examples, and here
XI will be, you know,
these values from 1 to 50,000,
and XI is
the identity of the Ith
in a given piece of email,
okay? So that's why this is
grouping, or this is a product over all the different words of your email
of their probability
the Ith word in your email,
conditioned on Y. Yeah?
Student:[Off mic]. Instructor (Andrew Ng):Oh, no, actually, you know what, I apologize. I just realized that overload the notation, right,
and I shouldn't have used K here. Let
me use a different alphabet and see if that makes sense; does
that make sense? Oh, you know what, I'm sorry.
You're absolutely right.
Thank you. All right. So
in LaPlace smoothing, that shouldn't be
K. This should be, you know, 50,000,
if you have 50,000 words in your dictionary. Yeah, thanks. Great.
I stole notation from the previous lecture and
didn't translate it properly.
So LaPlace smoothing, right,
this is the number of possible values that the random variable XI can
take on. Cool. Raise your hand if
this makes sense? Okay. Some of you, are there
more questions about this?
Yeah. Student:On LaPlace smoothing, the denominator and the plus A is the number of values that Y could take? Instructor (Andrew Ng):Yeah,
let's see.
So LaPlace smoothing is
method to give you, sort of, hopefully, better estimates of their probability
distribution over a multinomial,
and so
was I using X to Y in the previous lecture?
in trying to estimate the probability over a multinomial - I think X
and Y are different. I think -
was it X or Y? I think it was X, actually. Well - oh,
I see, right, right. I think I was using a different definition
for the random variable Y because
suppose you have a multinomial random variable, X
which takes on - let's
use a different alphabet. Suppose you have
a multinomial random variable X which takes on L different values, then
the maximum likelihood estimate
for the probability of X,
PFX equals K,
will be equal to, right,
the number of observations.
The maximum likelihood estimate for the
probability of X being equal to K will be the number of observations of X
equals K divided
by the total number of observations
of X,
okay? So that's the maximum likelihood estimate.
And to add LaPlace smoothing to this, you, sort of, add one to the numerator,
and you add L to the
where L was the number of possible values that X can take on.
So, in this case,
this is a probability that X equals K,
and X can take on 50,000 values if 50,000 is the length of your dictionary; it may be
something else, but that's why I add 50,000 to the denominator. Are there other questions? Yeah. Student:Is there a specific
definition for a
maximum likelihood estimation of a parameter? We've talked about it a couple times, and all the examples
make sense, but I don't know what the, like, general formula for it is.
Instructor (Andrew Ng):I see. Yeah, right. So the definition of maximum likelihood - so
the question is
what's the definition for maximum likelihood estimate? So actually
in today's lecture and the previous lecture when I talk about Gaussian Discriminant Analysis I
was, sort of,
throwing out the maximum likelihood estimates on the board
without proving them.
The way to actually work this out is
to actually
write down the likelihood.
So the way to figure out all of these maximum likelihood estimates is to write
the likelihood of
the parameters, phi K given Y being
zero, phi
right? And so given a training set,
the likelihood, I guess, I should be writing log likelihood
will be the log of the product of I equals one to
know, parameterized by these things, okay?
Where PFXI, YI, right, is given by NI, PFX, YJ given YI. They are
- well,
I'll just drop the parameters to write this
more simply - oh, I just put it in - times PFYI, okay?
So this is my log likelihood,
and so the way you get the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters
is you -
so if given a fixed training set, given a set of fixed IYI's,
you maximize this in terms of
these parameters, and then you get the maximum likelihood estimates that I've been writing
So in a previous section of today's lecture I wrote out some maximum likelihood estimates
for the Gaussian Discriminant Analysis model, and
for Naive Bayes,
and then this - I didn't prove them,
but you get to, sort of, play with that yourself in the homework problem as well
and for one of these models, and you'll be able to verify that when
you maximize the likelihood and maximize the log likelihood
that hopefully you do get the same formulas as what I was drawing up on the board, but a way is to
find the way
these are derived is by maximizing this, okay? Cool. All right.
that wraps up what I wanted to say about - oh,
so that, more or less, wraps up what I wanted to say about Naive Bayes, and it turns out that
for text classification, the Naivent
model, the last
Naivent model,
it turns out that almost always does better than
first Naive Bayes model I talked about when you're applying it to the
specific case - to the specific of text classification,
one of the reasons is hypothesized for this is that this second model,
the multinomial event model,
takes into account
the number of times a word appears in a document, whereas the former model
I should say that in truth
that actually turns out not to be completely understood why the latter
model does better than the former one for text classification, and, sort of,
researchers are still
debating about it a little bit, but if you
ever have a text classification problem, you know, Naive Bayes Classify is probably
by far, the best learning algorithm out there,
but it is
relatively straightforward to implement, and it's a very good
algorithm to try if you have a text classification problem, okay? Still a question? Yeah. Student:So the second model is still positioning a variant, right? It
care where the words are. Instructor (Andrew Ng):Yes, all right. Student:And, I
mean, X variable, if my model like you had exclamation in, does
that usually
better if you have enough data?
Instructor (Andrew Ng):Yeah, so the question is, sort of, the second model, right? The second model, the multinomial event model actually doesn't care about the ordering of the words.
You can shuffle all the words in the email, and it does exactly the same thing.
in natural language processing, there's actually another name; it's called a Unique Grand
Model in natural language processing,
and there's some other models like, sort of,
say, higher order markup models that take into account some of the ordering
of the words. It turns out that for text classification, the models
like the
bigram models or trigram models,
I believe they do only very slightly better, if at all,
but that's when you're applying them to text classification, okay? All right.
So the next thing I want to talk about is to start again to discussion of
non-linear classifiers. So
it turns out
- well, and so the very first
classification algorithm we talked about was logistic regression, which
had the forming form for
you can think of this as
predicting one when
this estimator probability is greater or equal to 0.5 and
predicting zero,
when this is less than 0.5,
and given a training set, right?
Logistic regression
will maybe do grade and descends or something or
use Newton's method
to find a straight line that
reasonably separates the positive and negative classes.
But sometimes a data set just can't be separated by a straight line, so is there
an algorithm
that will let you
start to learn these sorts of non-linear division boundaries?
And so how do you go about getting a non-linear classifier? And, by the
way, one cool result is that remember when I said - when we talked
about generative learning algorithms, I said that
if you assume Y given X is
exponential family,
right, with parameter
A, and if you build a generative learning algorithm using this, right, plus
one, if this is A to
one. This is exponential family
with natural parameter A to zero,
right. I think when we talked about Gaussian Discriminant Analysis, I said that if this holds true,
you end up with a logistic posterior. It
actually turns out that a Naive Bayes model
actually falls into this
as well. So the Naive Bayes model actually falls into this exponential family as well, and,
under the Naive Bayes model, you're actually
using this other linear classifier as well, okay?
So the question is
how can you start to get non-linear classifiers?
And I'm going to talk about one method today
which is - and
we started to talk about it very briefly which is
taking a
simpler algorithm like
logistic regression
and using it to build up to more complex non-linear classifiers, okay? So
to motivate this discussion,
I'm going to use the little picture - let's see. So suppose you have features X1,
X2, and X3,
and so by convention, I'm gonna follow
our earlier convention that X0 is set to one,
and so I'm gonna use a little diagram like this
to denote
logistic regression unit, okay? So
think of a little picture like that, you know, this little circle as denoting a
computation note
that takes this input, you know, several features and then it outputs another
number that's X subscript theta of X, given by
a sigmoid function,
and so this little computational unit -
well, will have parameters theta.
Now, in order to get non-linear division boundaries, all we need to do -
well, at least one thing to do is just
come up with
a way to represent hypotheses
that can output non-linear division boundaries, right,
and so
this is -
when you put a bunch of those little pictures
that I drew
on the previous board,
you can then get
what's called
a Neural Network in which you
think of having my features here
and then I would feed them to
say a few of these little
sigmoidal units,
and these together will feed into yet another sigmoidal unit, say,
which will output
my final output H subscript theta of X, okay? And
just to give these things names, let me call
the values output by these three intermediate sigmoidal units; let me call them A1,
A2, A3.
And let me just be
completely concrete about what this formula represents, right? So
each of these
units in the middle will have their own associated set of parameters,
and so the value A1 will be computed as
of X transpose,
and then some set of parameters, which I'll write as theta one, and similarly, A2 will be computed as G of X transpose theta
and A3 will be
G of X transpose,
theta three,
where G is the sigmoid function, all right? So G of Z,
and then, finally, our hypothesis will output
G of
theta four, right? Where, you
know, this A vector
is a vector of A1,
A2, A3.
We can append another one to it at first
if you want, okay? Let
just draw up here this - I'm
sorry about the cluttered board.
And so H subscript theta of X,
this is a function
of all the parameters theta one
through theta four,
and so one way to learn parameters for this model
is to
write down the cost function,
say, J of theta
equals one-half sum from Y equals one to
M, YI minus H subscript theta of
squared, say. Okay,
so that's our familiar
quadratic cost function,
and so
one way to learn the parameters of an algorithm like this is to just use gradient
to minimize J of theta as a function of theta, okay? See, in the phi
gradient descent
to minimize this square area, which
stated differently means you use gradient descent to make the predictions of your neural
network as close as possible
to what you observed as the labels in your training
set, okay? So it turns out green descent on this neural network is a specific name, the
that implements grand descent is called back propagation, and so if you ever hear that all that
means is - it just means gradient interscent on
a cost function like this or a variation of this on the neural network
that looks like that,
and -
well, this algorithm actually has some advantages and disadvantages, but let me
actually show you. So, let's see.
One of the interesting things about the neural network is that
you can look at what these intermediate notes are computing, right? So
this neural network has what's called
a hidden layer before you then have the output layer,
and, more generally, you can actually have inputs feed
into these
computation units, feed into more layers of computation units, to even more layers, to
more layers, and then finally you have an output layer at the end
And one cool thing you can do is look at all of these intermediate units, look at
units and what's called a hidden layer of the neural network. Don't
worry about why it's called that. Look
at computations of the hidden unit
and ask what is the hidden unit computing the neural network? So
to, maybe, get a better sense of neural networks might be doing, let me show you a
video - I'm gonna switch to the laptop - this is made
by a
friend, Yann LeCun
who's currently a professor at New York University.
Can I show a video on the laptop?
So let me show you a video
from Yann
LeCun on a neural network that he developed for Hammerton Digit Recognition.
There was one other thing he did in this neural network that I'm not gonna talk about called
a Convolutional Neural Network
that - well,
his system is called LeNet,
and let's see. Would you put
on the
laptop display? Hum,
actually maybe if -
or you can just put on the screen on the side; that would work too
if the big screen isn't working.
Let's see. I'm
just trying to think, okay, how do I keep you guys entertained while we're waiting for the video to come
on? Well, let me say a few more things about neural network.
So it turns out that
when you write a quadratic cost function like I
wrote down on the chalkboard just now,
it turns out that unlike logistic regression,
that will almost always respond to non-convex optimization problem,
and so whereas for logistic regression if you run gradient descent
or Newton's method or whatever,
you converse the global optimer.
This is not true for neural networks. In general, there are lots of local optimer
and, sort of, much harder optimization problem.
neural networks, if you're, sort of, familiar with them, and you're good at making design choices
like what learning rate to use, and
how many hidden units to use, and so on, you can,
sort of, get them to be fairly effective,
there's, sort of, often ongoing debates about, you know, is this learning algorithm
better, or is that learning
algorithm better? The vast majority of machine learning researchers today seem to perceive
support vector machines, which is what I'll talk about later,
to be a much more effective off-theshelf learning algorithm than neural networks.
This point of view is contested
a bit, but so neural networks are not something that I personally use a lot right
now because there's a hard optimization problem and you should do so often verge,
and it actually, sort of works. It, sort of, works reasonably
well. It's just
because this is fairly complicated,
there's not an algorithm that
I use commonly or that my friends use all
time. Oh, cool. So but let me just go and show you an example of neural network, which was for many years,
you know, the most effective learning algorithm before support vector
machines were invented.
So here's Yann LeCun's video, and -
well, there's actually audio on this too, the soundboard. So I'll just tell you
what's happening.
What you're seeing is a trained neural network,
and this display where my mouse pointer is pointing, right, this big three
the input to the neural network. So you're showing the neural network this image, and it's
trying to recognize what is this.
The final answer output by the neural network is this number up here, right
below where it says LeNet-5,
and the
neural network correctly recognizes this image as a three,
and if you look to the left of this image,
what's interesting about this is
the display on the left portion of this is actually showing the
intermediate computations of the neural network. In other words, it's showing you
what are the hidden layers of the
neural network computing.
And so, for example, if you look at this one, the third image down from the top,
this seems to be computing, you know, certain edges into digits,
right? We're just computing digits on the
right-hand side of the bottom or something
of the input display
of the input image, okay?
So let me just play this video, and you can see
of the inputs and outputs of the neural network, and
are very different fonts. There's this robustness to
right. Multiple
that's, kind of, cool. All
just for fun, let me show you one more video,
which was - let's
see. This is another video from the various CV's, the machine that changed the world, which
was produced by WGBH
corporation with British Foreclass Incorporation,
and it was aired on PBS a few years ago, I think.
I want to show you a
video describing the NETtalk
Neural Network, which was developed by Terry Sejnowski; he's a
And so NETtalk was actually one of the major milestones in the
history of neural network,
and this specific application
is getting the neural network to read text.
So, in other words, can you show a
piece of English to a computer
and have the computer read,
sort of, verbally produce sounds that could respond
to the
reading of the text.
And it turns out that in the history of AI and the history of machine learning,
this video
created a lot of excitement about neural networks and about machine learning. Part of the
reason was that Terry Sejnowski had the foresight to choose
to use,
in his video,
a child-like voice talking about visiting your grandmother's house and so on. You'll
see it in a second,
and so
this really created the perception of - created
the impression of the neural network being like a young child learning how to speak,
and talking about going to your grandmothers, and so
on. So this actually
helped generate a lot of excitement
within academia and outside academia on neural networks, sort of, early in the history
of neural networks. I'm just gonna show you the video.
[Begin Video] You're going to hear first
what the network sounds like at the very beginning of the training, and it won't
sound like words, but it'll sound
like attempts that will get better and better with
time. [Computer's voice] The network
takes the letters, say the phrase, grandmother's house, and
makes a random attempt at pronouncing it. [Computer's
Grandmother's house. The
phonetic difference between the guess and the right pronunciation
is sent back through the network. [Computer's
Grandmother's house.
By adjusting the connection strengths after each attempt,
the net slowly improves. And,
finally, after letting it train overnight,
the next morning it sounds like this: Grandmother's house, I'd like to go to my grandmother's
Well, because she gives us candy.
Well, and we - NETtalk understands nothing about the language. It is simply associating letters
with sounds.
[End Video] All right. So
at the time this was done, I mean, this is
an amazing piece of work. I should say
today there are other
text to speech systems that work better than what you just saw,
and you'll also appreciate getting candy from your grandmother's house is a little bit
less impressive than talking about the Dow Jones falling 15 points,
and profit taking, whatever. So
but I wanted to show that just because that was another cool,
major landmark in the history of neural networks. Okay.
So let's switch back to the chalkboard,
and what I want to do next
tell you about Support Vector Machines,
okay? That, sort of, wraps up our discussion on neural
networks. So I started off talking about neural networks
by motivating it as a way to get
us to output non-linear classifiers, right? I don't really approve of it. It turns out
you'd be able to come up with non-linear division boundaries using a neural
like what I drew on the chalkboard earlier.
Support Vector Machines will be another learning algorithm that will give us a way
to come up with non-linear classifiers. There's a very effective, off-the-shelf
learning algorithm,
but it turns out that in the discussion I'm gonna - in
the progression and development I'm gonna pursue, I'm actually going to start
off by describing yet another class of linear classifiers with linear division
and only be later, sort of, in probably the next lecture or the one after that,
that we'll then
take the support vector machine idea and, sort of, do some clever things to it
to make it work very well to generate non-linear division boundaries as well, okay?
But we'll actually start by talking about linear classifiers a little bit more.
And to do that, I want to
convey two
intuitions about classification.
One is
you think about logistic regression; we have this logistic function that was outputting
the probability that Y equals one,
and it crosses
this line at zero.
So when you run logistic regression, I want you to think of it as
an algorithm that computes
theta transpose X,
and then it predicts
one, right,
if and only if, theta transpose X is greater than zero, right? IFF stands for if
and only if. It means the same thing as a double implication,
and it predicts zero,
if and only if, theta transpose X is less than zero, okay? So if
it's the case that
theta transpose X is much greater than zero,
the double greater than sign means these are much greater than, all right.
So if theta transpose X is much greater than zero,
you know, think of that as a very confident
that Y is equal to one,
right? If theta transpose X is much greater than zero, then we're
gonna predict one then moreover we're very confident it's one, and the picture for
that is if theta
transpose X is way out here, then
we're estimating that the probability of Y being equal to one
on the sigmoid function, it will
be very close to one.
And, in the same way, if theta transpose X
is much less than zero,
then we're very confident that
Y is equal to zero.
wouldn't it be nice - so when we fit logistic regression of some of the
classifiers is your training set,
then so wouldn't it be nice if,
for all I
such that Y is equal to one.
We have
transpose XI is much greater than zero,
and for all I such that Y is equal
we have theta transpose XI is
much less than zero,
okay? So wouldn't it be nice if this is true? That,
essentially, if our training set, we can find parameters theta
so that our learning algorithm not only
makes correct classifications on all the examples in a training set, but further it's, sort
of, is very confident about all of those correct
classifications. This is
the first intuition that I want you to have, and we'll come back to this first intuition
in a second
when we talk about functional margins, okay?
We'll define this later. The second
intuition that I want to
and it turns out for the rest of today's lecture I'm going to assume
that a training set is linearly separable, okay? So by that I mean for the rest of
today's lecture, I'm going to assume that
there is indeed a straight line that can separate
your training set, and we'll remove this assumption later, but
just to develop the algorithm, let's take away the
linearly separable training set.
And so
there's a sense that out of all the straight lines that separate the training
set, you know, maybe that straight line isn't such a good one,
and that one actually isn't such a great one either, but
maybe that line in the
middle is a much better linear separator than the others, right?
And one reason that
when you and I look at it this one seems best
is because this line is just further from the data, all right?
That is separates the data with a greater distance between your positive and your negative
examples and division boundary, okay?
And this second intuition, we'll come back to this shortly,
about this final line
that I drew being, maybe, the best line
this notion of distance from the training examples. This is the second intuition I want
to convey,
and we'll formalize it later when
we talk about
geometric margins of our classifiers, okay?
So in order to describe support vector machine, unfortunately, I'm gonna
have to pull a notation change,
and, sort
of, unfortunately, it, sort of, was impossible to do logistic regression,
and support vector machines,
and all the other algorithms using one completely consistent notation,
and so I'm actually gonna change notations slightly
for linear classifiers, and that will actually make it much easier for us -
that'll make it much easier later today
and in next week's lectures to actually talk about support vector machine. But the
notation that I'm gonna use for the rest
of today and for most of next week
will be that my B equals Y,
and instead of be zero, one, they'll be minus one and plus one,
and a development of a support vector machine
we will have H,
have a hypothesis
output values to
the either plus one or minus one,
and so
we'll let G of Z be equal to
one if Z is
greater or equal to zero, and minus one otherwise, right? So just rather than zero and
one, we change everything to plus one and minus one.
And, finally,
whereas previously I wrote G subscript
theta of X equals
G of theta transpose X
and we had the convention
that X zero is equal to one,
right? And so X is an RN plus
I'm gonna drop this convention of
letting X zero equals a one, and letting X be an RN plus one, and instead I'm
going to parameterize my linear classifier as H subscript W, B of X
equals G of
W transpose X plus B, okay?
And so
just now plays the role of
theta zero,
and W now plays the role of the rest of the parameters, theta one
through theta N, okay? So just by separating out
the interceptor B rather than lumping it together, it'll make it easier for
to develop support vector machines.
So - yes. Student:[Off mic]. Instructor
(Andrew Ng):Oh, yes. Right, yes. So W is -
right. So W
is a vector in RN, and
is now a vector in RN rather than N plus one,
and a lowercase b is a real number. Okay.
Now, let's formalize the notion of functional margin and germesh margin. Let me make a
I'm going to say that the functional margin
of the hyper plane
with respect to a specific training example,
stands for with respect to -
the function margin of a hyper plane WB with
respect to
a certain training example, XIYI has been defined as Gamma
Hat I equals YI
times W transpose XI
plus B, okay?
And so a set of parameters, W, B defines
classifier - it, sort of, defines a linear separating boundary,
and so
when I say hyper plane, I just mean
the decision boundary that's
defined by the parameters W, B.
You know what,
if you're confused by the hyper plane term, just ignore it. The hyper plane of a classifier with
parameters W, B
with respect to a training example
is given by this formula, okay?
And interpretation of this is that
YI is equal to one,
then for each to have a large functional margin, you
want W transpose XI plus B to
be large,
And if YI
is equal minus one,
then in order for the functional margin to be large - we, sort of, want the functional margins
to large, but in order for the function margins to be large,
if YI is equal to minus one, then the only way for this to be big is if W
transpose XI
plus B
is much less than zero, okay? So this
captures the intuition that we had earlier about functional
margins - the
intuition we had earlier that if YI is equal to one, we want this to be big, and if YI
is equal to minus one, we
want this to be small,
and this, sort of,
practice of two cases
into one statement that we'd like the functional margin to be large.
And notice this is also that
so long as YI times W transpose XY
plus B, so long as this is greater than zero,
that means we
classified it correctly, okay?
And one more definition, I'm going to say that
the functional margin of
a hyper plane with respect to an entire training set
going to define gamma hat to
be equal to
over all your training examples of gamma hat, I, right?
So if you have
a training set, if you have just more than one training example,
I'm going to define the functional margin
with respect to the entire training set as
the worst case of all of your
functional margins of the entire training set.
And so for now we should think of the
first function like an intuition of saying that we would like the function margin
to be large,
and for our purposes, for now,
let's just say we would like
the worst-case functional margin to be large, okay? And
we'll change this a little bit later as well. Now, it turns out that
there's one little problem with this intuition that will, sort of, edge
us later,
which it actually turns out to be very easy to make the functional margin large, all
right? So, for example,
so as I have a classifiable parameters W and
B. If I take W and multiply it by two and take B and multiply it by two,
then if you refer to the definition of the functional margin, I guess that was what?
Gamma I,
gamma hat I
equals YI
times W times transpose B. If
I double
W and B,
I can easily double my functional margin. So this goal
of making the functional margin large, in and of itself, isn't so
useful because it's easy to make the functional margin arbitrarily large
just by scaling other parameters. And so
maybe one thing we need to do later is add a normalization
For example, maybe
we want to add a normalization condition that de-norm, the
alter-norm of
the parameter W
is equal to one,
and we'll come back to this in a second. All
right. And then so - Okay.
Now, let's talk about - see how much
time we have, 15 minutes. Well, see, I'm trying to
decide how much to try to do in the last 15 minutes. Okay. So let's talk
about the geometric margin,
and so
the geometric margin of a training example -
[inaudible], right?
So the division boundary of my classifier
is going to be given by the plane W transpose X
plus B is equal
to zero, okay? Right, and these are the
X1, X2 axis, say,
we're going to draw relatively few training examples here. Let's say I'm drawing
deliberately few training examples so that I can add things to this, okay?
And so
assuming we classified an example correctly, I'm
going to define the geometric margin
as just a geometric distance between a point between the
training example -
yeah, between the training example XI,
and the distance
given by this separating
line, given by this separating hyper plane, okay?
That's what I'm going to define the
geometric margin to be.
And so I'm gonna do
some algebra fairly quickly. In case it doesn't make sense, and read
through the lecture notes more carefully for details.
Sort of, by standard geometry,
the normal, or in other words, the vector that's 90 degrees to the
separating hyper plane
is going to be given by W divided by
the norm of W; that's just how
planes and high dimensions work. If this
stuff - some of this you have to use, take a look t the lecture notes on the
And so let's say this distance
gamma I,
okay? And so I'm going to use the convention that
I'll put a hat on top where I'm referring to functional margins,
and no hat on top for geometric margins. So let's say geometric margin,
as this example, is
gamma I.
That means that
this point here, right,
is going to be
XI minus
gamma I times W
over normal W, okay?
W over normal W is the unit vector, is the length one vector that
is normal to the separating hyper plane,
and so when we subtract gamma I times the unit vector
from this point, XI, or at this point here is XI.
So XI minus,
you know, this little vector here
is going to be this point that I've drawn as
a heavy circle,
okay? So this heavy point here is
XI minus this vector,
and this vector is gamma I time W over norm of W, okay?
And so
because this heavy point is on the separating hyper plane,
right, this point
must satisfy
W transpose times
that point
equals zero,
right? Because
points X on the separating hyper plane satisfy the equation W transpose X plus B
equals zero,
and so this point is on the separating hyper plane, therefore,
it must satisfy W transpose this point - oh,
excuse me. Plus B is equal
to zero, okay?
Raise your hand if this makes sense so far? Oh,
okay. Cool, most of you, but, again,
I'm, sort of, being slightly fast in this geometry. So if you're not quite sure
why this is a normal vector, or how I subtracted
this, or whatever, take a look at the details in the lecture notes.
And so
what I'm going to do is I'll just take this equation, and I'll solve for gamma, right? So
this equation I just wrote down,
solve this equation for gamma
or gamma I,
and you find that -
you saw that previous equation from gamma I -
well, why don't I just do it?
You have W transpose XI plus
I times W transpose W over norm of W;
that's just equal to gamma
times the norm of W
W transpose W
is the norm
of W squared, and, therefore,
is just - well,
transpose X equals, okay?
And, in other words, this little calculation just showed us that if you have a
training example
then the distance between XI and the separating hyper plane defined by the
parameters W and B
can be computed by this formula, okay? So
the last thing I want to do is actually
take into account
the sign of the - the correct classification of the training example. So I've
been assuming that
we've been classifying an example correctly.
So, more generally, to find
the geometric
margin of a training example to be
gamma I equals YI
times that thing on top, okay?
And so
this is very similar to the functional margin, except for the normalization by the
norm of W,
and so as before, you know, this says that so long as -
we would like the geometric margin to be large, and all that means is that so
long as
we're classifying the example correctly,
we would ideally hope of the example to be as far as possible from the separating
hyper plane, so long as it's on the right side of
the separating hyper plane, and that's what YI
multiplied into this does.
And so a couple of easy facts, one is if the
norm of W is equal to one,
the functional margin is equal to the geometric margin, and you see
that quite easily,
and, more generally,
the geometric margin is just equal
to the functional margin divided by the norm of W, okay? Let's see, okay.
And so one final definition is
so far I've defined the geometric margin with respect to a single training example,
and so as before, I'll define the geometric margin with respect to an entire training set
as gamma equals
min over I
of gamma I, all right?
And so
the maximum margin classifier, which is a precursor to the support vector machine,
is the learning algorithm that chooses the parameters W and B
so as to maximize
the geometric margin,
and so I just write that down. The
maximum margin classified poses the following optimization problem. It says
choose gamma, W, and B
so as to maximize the geometric margin,
subject to that YI times -
this is just one way to write it,
subject to - actually, do I write it like that? Yeah,
There are several ways to write this, and one of the things we'll
do next time is actually - I'm trying
to figure out if I can do this in five minutes. I'm guessing this could
be difficult. Well,
so this maximizing your classifier is the maximization problem
over parameter gamma
and B, and for now, it turns out
that the geometric margin doesn't change depending on the norm of W, right? Because
in the definition of the geometric margin,
notice that we're dividing by the norm of W anyway.
So you can actually set the norm of W to be anything you want, and you can multiply
W and B by any constant; it doesn't change the geometric margin.
This will actually be important, and we'll come back to this later. Notice that you
can take the parameters WB,
and you can impose any normalization constant to it, or you can change W and B by
any scaling factor and
replace them by ten W and ten B
and it does not change the geometric margin,
okay? And so
in this first formulation, I'm just gonna impose a constraint and say that the norm of W was
and so the function of the geometric margins will be the same,
and then we'll say
maximize the geometric margins subject to -
you maximize gamma
subject to that every training example must have geometric margin
at least gamma,
and this is a geometric margin because
when the norm of W is equal to one, then
the functional of the geometric margin
are identical, okay?
So this is the maximum margin classifier, and it turns out that if you do this,
it'll run, you know, maybe about as well as a - maybe slight - maybe comparable to logistic regression, but
turns out that
as we develop this algorithm further, there
will be a clever way to allow us to change this algorithm to let it work
in infinite dimensional feature spaces
and come up with very efficient non-linear classifiers.
there's a ways to go before we turn this into a support vector machine,
but this is the first step.
So are there questions about this? Yeah.
Student:[Off mic]. Instructor (Andrew Ng):For now, let's just say you're given a fixed training set, and you can't - yeah, for now, let's just say you're given a
fixed training set, and the
scaling of the training set is not something you get to play with, right?
So everything I've said is for a fixed training set, so that you can't change the X's, and you can't change the
Y's. Are there other questions? Okay. So all right.
Next week we will take this, and we'll talk about authorization algorithms,
work our way towards turning this into one of the most effective off-theshelf
learning algorithms,
and just a final reminder again, this next
discussion session will be on Matlab and Octaves. So show up for that if you want
to see a tutorial.
Okay. See you guys in the next class.