Well its really great to be here. What we're going to be looking at tonight is the question whether the Gospels are based on eye-witness testimony and I want to be presenting some old and some new evidence that the Gospels are indeed based on eye-witness testimony But I want to begin with a fellow Brit: CS Lewis, the author of the Chrinicles of Narnia Who made and argument about the person of Jesus. And he said that when we look at the sort of claims Jesus makes about who he is, we either have to say that he is the Lord, that he is Liar or that he is a lunetic. Because his words can't just be written of as the words of a very great person. Because a very great person doesn't make such claims. doesn't attribute so much to himself. But what we found is that in recent years, people have added to those three possibilities another one: that Jesus is in fact Legend So we want to ask the question whether the Gospels are in fact reliable. I want to go to a sceptic source: Bart Erhmann, one of the most famous, prominante sceptics within the US at the moment very accomplished biblical scolar, says this about the Gospels: What do you suppose happend to the stories about Jesus over the years as the were told and retold, not as disinteresdd news stories reported by eyewitnesses but as propaganda meant to convert people to faith, told by people who had themselves heard them fifth or sixth- or nineteenth-hand? Did you or you rkids ever play the tlephone game at a party? well the telephone game in britain, we call: Chinese wispers you're probably not allowed to call it that over here but thats what we call it over there and no one minds! Now you know the way the telephone game works. Its a game specially set up to corrupt the message so you know that you can laugh. So there are various rules, for instance you have to wisper, that ensures that the message gets curropted Your only allowed to say it once, so that ensures that the message gets corrupted You're only allowed to hear it from one person… Why should I use that as an analogy for how Christiany spread early one? I prefer the analogy of Karate. Now have you ever heard that Karate must be becoming corrupted because it's being taught from one person to another? No! Because you know that Karate is full of discipline and when people teach things, they teach it carefully there are checks and balances to make sure things get passed on I think that is a far better analogy. But we're going to come back to this later, whether Christianity could have begun through something like the Telephone game. But the first thing we're going to do is look at where the Gospels were written. Now the Gospels, according to earliest Christ tradition there are about where they were written say generally that they weren't written in the land of origin. Which is Israel, Palestin. I'm not making a political point when I'm using either of those words. OK? I'm just talking about a location, ok?