Hello, everybody. I'm back with another Weirdest Make Thrift Buy suggestions episode which I'm now going to be calling Make Thrift Why? thank you Summer for the suggestion and as we had him in the first episode of this and it be highly requested that he make a comeback. I'd like you to all welcome back Luciano! Luciano: [singing] bam bam bam bamm bom bommm! Annika: You did this the first time! Luciano: Bam bom bom bom bom bom bom bom. Annika: I still don't understand what you think this intro music is. Luciano: It's intro music! You just said it! Annika: Luci actually does that every time he walks into a room. So welcome Luciano. Luciano: Ahh - Is my name Luci or Giovanni? Yeah, sorry internet. Thank you for suggesting my return but my name is not Giovanni. Nice try Annika: Sorry. Luciano: It's Luciano. [Both laugh] Annika: So in 2017 in terms of fashion has been a weird one. Now I don't know if it's because um I make weird clothes on this channel So like I get exposed to a lot more of them because people keep sending them to me Or if fashion in 2017 has just kind of lost its collective mind a little bit? But I have gotten a lot of strange requests for just the weirdest clothing, and I wanted to share them all with you and with Luciano. Now Luci hasn't seen any of these yet. So you're going to get his raw unfiltered emotions for these. Um, so... Luciano: notice that we didn't say reactions. Annika: didn't say reactions. Fine brothers. Luciano: this is not a something react video. I'm not reacting! Annika: You just said reacts! Luciano: Ahhhh! Annika: Anyway, are you ready for this? Luciano: I'm ready. Annika: But are you ready for this? Luciano: uuuuuuuuuh Annika: are you ready for this?! Luciano: Ahh - I thought I was. Annika: So here we go, first item. Luciano: First item. Luciano: Monster baaaag Annika: [laughs] Now, this is, I think this is the coolest item I was sent. This is the coolest item in this list. I'm starting off easy - I don't wanna scare you off straight away um what do you think of these? Luciano: I think this is something you would actually make Annika: yeah, Luciano: They're pretty cool. Annika: I think it looks like something from Harry Potter actually. Luciano: Hagrid would be like [strong British accent] "Everyone get your bags out." And Harry would be like "It's chomping me!" *chomp chomp* Annika: Every - oh my God - the things that they give the kids in Harry Potter like they are so unsafe. You don't give an 11 year old kid a book that's going to eat you like - Luciano: J.K. Rowling, what is up? Also, what was up with Fantastic Beasts? Annika: What was up with Fantastic Beasts? Annika: Okay, we have gone off the path. Fashion, fashion! This is a fashion thing. We'll save this for our movie review podcast / channel. Luciano: *Eh? Eh?* [Both laugh] Annika: No, don't make me do that - I have too much work. Alright, so look carefully at this one. Luciano: Oh, it's got double - It's got double sleeves? Annika: Yeah it has double sleeves. Luciano: Yeah, well this is something out of an alien spaceship. Annika:Yeah, I'm not really sure who this is made for. - actually I drew a little picture of the person that this is made for. Luciano: [laughs] Oh very nice yeah. Annika: Like, I don't understand this! They haven't got these the basic anatomy of a human being down! Why have they got two arm holes? Luciano: It's a... I love... Annika: I mean, you obviously have two. Why have they got four arm holes? Luciano: What I love about dumb clothes like this is that the model always has to do super serious model face like - Annika: "I'm wearing something totally normal". Luciano: "How sexy is it that I have a weird jumper on?" Annika: [laughs] Luciano: Yeah, that's weird. And also, what's with the back being longer than the front here? Annika: That's your problem with this? Luciano: [Laughing] I don't know... Annika: Now Luci, I remembered how much you liked bears in the previous episode. Luciano: [Groans] Annika: So this was a suggestion that I got - Luciano: Ehhhh that bear's legs are WAY too long! Annika: [laughs] Annika: So I've got some more bears for you. Luciano: Okay, grrrreat. Annika: Are you ready? Luciano: Mm-hmm. Annika: [Whispers] It's okay. You'll be fine. I'm here with you. We're doing it together. Luciano: [laughs] Annika: I'm sorry! Luciano: We're doing it together--hand, gone! Annika: I love you! Do it again! The moment hasn't passed! Luciano: I'm alone! Annika: I love you! [Whispers] Kiss me! Kiss me! Luciano: [Sounds of discomfort] Luciano: Eww. Oh. Ewww. Annika: How do you feel about this? Luciano: [Laughing] I don't like it! Annika: Why not? I think it looks really cuddly and snuggly. Luciano: It looks like this woman went to sleep on a really hot day surrounded by 200 teddy bears. [Both Laughing] Annika: What and they just melted on to her... Luciano: She woke up and she was like, "Ahhh...AAHHH! AHHH!" [Both laugh] Luciano: She looks like she's gone through a teleporter with a teddy bear at the same time. Annika: Like "The Fly?" Yeah, she's actually stuck like... She's stuck in there. That's not her body underneath, it's just teddy bears. Luciano: [sombre voice] She's no longer your mother, she's more teddy bear now than woman! Annika: Yeah, this actually wouldn't - now that I'm thinking about it - wouldn't be that comfortable, like how would you lie down in this? You got little bear noses and eyeballs everywhere. Annika: Okay, well, you thought that was horrific - Here's another bear one for you. Luciano: Yep, yep, yep... Luciano: [Laughing] What is this? Annika: This is high fashion, Luciano Luciano: Wha- [laughing] Annika: You've got a bear on this shoulder and a bear on this shoulder then one - Luciano: And then there's one hanging off the... Annika: But not on the other side. Luciano: The right breast is also a bear. It's like the designer did that outfit and then the last minute was like: Annika: "It needs something else." Luciano: "Oh my God this isn't weird!" "Umm, I'll use these heads of teddy bears!" [both laugh] Annika: "I've got these giant bears hanging around from valentine's day gifts, I'll just decapitate them and stick them on!" Luciano: And they put one on each shoulder and they're like "too symmetrical" Annika: Just one here! Luciano: now it's perfect! Annika: just one growing out of her stomach! Luciano: Yeah, Project Runway. Annika: Oh, okay, so I thought this... Luciano: [snort/laughs] Annika: that this would be good for us? I would like to get it for you and me to wear? Luciano: I immediately saw the zippers, and I was like I would just zip myself out [Both laugh] Zip myself out and leave you with just another... Annika: That would be so sad! Luciano: sleeve hanging sadly down... Annika: But don't you think, don't you think we should get these and? Luciano: yeah? Annika: and forever be connected? Luciano: What is love if not being trapped and not being able to escape? Annika: [outraged laugh] Okay, so we're gonna get to weird jeans territory now. Look closely. Luciano: Ahh what is this. What's...how...you can't put a belt on? [laughs] Annika: Yeah, how would you wear a belt with this? Luciano: Yeah? I mean, I some would describe this as High-fashion, I would describe this as - broken jeans Annika: [laughs] Luciano: Mistake jeans. Annika: I think ASOS, these are from ASOS, right. It's almost like They just got a bunch of kind of messed-up jeans from the factory and they were like: "Okay, wait. Yeah, we'll just roll with this!" Luciano: [laughs] It's - it's weird because it is not big enough to be... Intentional looking like the double arm jumper. Like it just - Annika: It just looks messed up. Luciano: It looks like it was Stuffed up in the factory. Annika: Yeah. Alright, so... Luciano: Nice try ASOS. Annika: We're going down a rabbit hole of um Interesting jeans right now. Luciano: ah, okay. Luciano: this has been a year for it. Annika: Yeah, this is the thing 2017 being the year of fashion just being broken. Luciano: Like those paint splattered jeans. Annika: Oh my God. Don't even get me started on them! Luciano: How much were they? Annika: Like 400 dollars. Luciano: Yeah, good. Mmm. Gooood. Annika: All right, oh, umm so this is a choker. Luciano: No, but it's a jeans button. Annika: Yeah. Luciano: That doesn't look strange, so much as that's just not... good Annika: [laughs] Luciano: Yeah, as soon as I think of that I think of someone with a really big jeans jacket on Luciano: with two of these models heads just poking out instead of hands! [Annika laughs] Annika: Oh my god Next one. Luciano: What? Annika: [Laughing] Yeah. See, what's happened with clothes is that people - the designers - have seemed to have forgotten how human anatomy works. Luciano: [laughs] well it's more like, "Oh, I accidentally left all these jeans on top of the stove and they melted. Annika: [laughs] Annika: I think it's a jacket. Well, this person here who sent it to me said, "I think it's a jacket?" Luciano: Really the weird thing about this is This looks like a horrific mistake - but also looks like it to be pretty hard to make. Annika: Yeah. Luciano: Like, it's like nine pairs of jeans and two jeans jackets. I feel I feel incredibly conservative now. In this normal - Just a standard - Annika: Yeah, you're so boring! What are you doing? Luciano: What is this? This doesn't look melted at all! Annika: It's just nice. Annika: Alright. [laughs] Luciano: Oh, well it's utilitarian: The Butt Zip! For people who need to go to the toilet in a hurry. Annika: Yeah, you know - I think it does have a good utility. Luciano: This - the problem is the time you save on the way into the toilet with the unzip you lose with the very slow and careful rezip. Annika: [laughs] Luciano: so, that you don't like... Annika: You don't catch bits. Luciano:You don't catch any - but... Annika: yeah see my worry with those is that - I don't know. If you were just... walking around, sitting on a train on line or something, someone could just come by and just - Luciano: Yeah Annika: and unzip them, and your pants are off. You got no pants on. Luciano: Yeah, well you have pants on, Luciano: You have chaps on. At that stage. Annika: You'd better be wearing underwear underneath. Luciano: If you don't wear underwear underneath these jeans... it's intentional. You're a thrill seeker. Annika: Do you want to know how much these cost how much? Luciano: how much? Annika: $1,160. Luciano: fair enough. Luciano: You know what - Annika: it's a it's a new engineering marvel! of course it's gonna cost - Luciano: It's not a new engineering marvel! Annika: [laughs] That's just like saying a car with 25 wheels is a new engineering marvel. It's excess! It's not needed! Annika: So you might have seen these? They um... they are the clear jeans from Topshop? Luciano: I might have seen these? - when Would I have seen them?! Luciano: This is the problem with clear clothing: it's clear for 30 seconds until Perspiration makes it opaque. Annika: Yeah. I mean I discovered that with my clear knee mom jeans - Luciani: Yeah, it's like saying to the world, would you like to know how sweaty my legs are? Annika: yeah. [laughs] Luciano: and this models wearing running shoes? Luciano: She's advocating exercising in these jeans! Annika: you wanna move onto the next one? Luciano: Okay. Luciano: [bursts out laughing] Luciano: The give up jeans! Annika: [laughs] Luciano: The jeans that give up below the knee. [laughing] Luciano: What- they're $470!! Why are they so expensive? Annika: Because it's new engineering feats that have never be done before! Annika: Again, they've mistaken the anatomy of Humans. Luciano: hmm. Annika: For having six foot long legs. Luciano: [laughs] yeah! The designer was like: Humans are 18 feet tall, right? [laughing] Luciano: I can't remember. Should we measure? I'll go from memory. Annika: [laughs] Luciano: Okay. Annika: Wait for it... Luciano: Ohhh. Luciano: The double jeans. It's kind of useful! Annika: How is it useful?! Luciano: Coz you've got 4 pockets instead of 2! Annika: sure... Annika: But you don't really need 2 flys! Luciano: it's like- Annika: Or 2 crotches! Luciano: Yeah, Annika: Again, this is made for the anatomy of a being that is not human Luciano: yeah. Luciano: specifically an awesome alien with double crotch Annika: Yeah! - Wait - awesome, huh? Annika: [laughs] Luciano: What! That's pretty awesome in my opinion. Annika: Sorry, I won't kink-shame you. Luciano: [outraged laugh] What! Hey! Luciano: Yeah, well it's kind of like bringing back the cargo pants Annika: Is it though? Luciano: coz you've got the 4 pockets - it's a sneaky backdoor way to get cargo pants back in. Annika: I don't recall cargo pants having 2 crotches though. Luciano: [laughs] Annika: And these are $417. Luciano: Of course they are. Annika [laughs] I really want to see someone wearing these in real life. Luciano: Yeah Annika: God I want to see someone wearing these in real life. Luciano: Again like the casual look the model is doing. Annika: casual look with the white t-shirt. Luciano: I love it. Yeah. Luciano: whaaaat? Annika: Flip 'em 'round, you got a dress! Luciano: It's like Willy Wonka's wonderful world of jeans. Luciano: Like, it's like he went into a jeans factory instead of a chocolate factory And was like - squeedle squorb! Jeans can be anything! Annika: I actually - Can I say something controversial? Luciano: what. Annika: I don't hate this. Luciano: Yeah well that is controversial. Annika: these are $445. Luciano: well - Annika: It's called, the 2 Jeans Dress! Luciano: You know what - whatever floats your boat. Some people have got more money than sense. What I love is that it looks like you're waiting for somebody else to get in the other end. Annika: [laughs] Luciano: So you can just the top halves of two people... [Annika]: What, like Cat Dog? Luciano: Cat Dog! This, THAT'S who these jeans are for. Cat dog. Annika: This is made for cat dog. Luciano: But for a cat dog where one half wants to wear a dress and one half wants to wear pants. Luciano: Are you a double-ended monstrosity and either end can't agree on something to wear? Luciano: "I want to wear a dress!" "I want to wear jeans!" Annika: Well your problems are solved with the 2 jeans dress! Luciano: [laughs] Luciano: only $445! Annika: well, it is for 2 people. Luciano: And I guess it's a specialist item. Annika: Yeah, and if you yeah, if you break it up between the two of them, it's only like... Annika: $222.50... Luciano: Yeah. Luciano: Still not good. Annika: [laughs] okay. So we're about halfway through this list, and we've been going for a long time, So I think we need a break. Annika: [laughs] Or we're going to lose our minds? Annika: so I think we're going to break this up into a 2 parts episode? And we'll go and get some food, have a drink, come back... Luciano: okay. Annika: or...maybe we won't do that maybe we'll just keep going and pretend that we've had a break... Luciano: What is this? Is this what we do on our break? Annika: Yep. Do a dance. Luciano: Okay. Annika: Okay. Um... Annika: bye! Luciano: Byeeee.