Hi. My name is Red Durkin and I want to ask you a question. When was the last time you looked at your bookcase and said to yourself: "I don't know how many more of these books by trans authors I can fit on my shelves! I'm DROWNING IN BOOKS BY TRANS AUTHORS! Why won't they stop publishing them??" I'm going to go ahead and guess never. Never ever. Never ever nvr Never never never ever have you ever said that or thought that. Probably. Let's say you're a trans author, how often do you think to yourself "I wish these publishing companies would just stop throwing offers at me! I'm not a machine! I just can't keep up with the demand for it! Somebody help me!" Noover nver never not once in your entire life. That's where Topside Press comes in. Topside Press is the first for and by trans people publishing company. Where trans publisher meets trans authors and magic happens. And in order to help us get the magic started, we are working on our initial innaugural publication. Which will be a collection of short literary fiction from trans authors. Now it doesn't have to be about trans people, it doesn't have to be about trans issues, it just has to be from trans authors and it has to be literary fiction. The deadline for submission is August 31st (2011), and you can go to www.topsidepress.com to learn more about submitting. Now considering the very real possibility that you are either not an author or not trans, here's what you can do to help: YOU can can slather THIS all over the internet. I understand that this is not exactly the recipe for a viral video, but please, SPREAD THE WORD, and, if you're able to and eligible, please submit something. And besides this initial publication, we have some real meaningful longterm goals. So please, check us out, share this all over the internet, find us on facebook, favourite us there. Find us on Twitter, follow us there. Do whatever you do on Tumblr, I really don't understand it, but do it, do it, do it you understand it, and it'll be great. www.topsidepress.com Check it out. Check us out. Have a great day. Goodbye. Forever. Not really forever. But, yknow, goodbye for now. Bye.