Can I ask you something? All that cash... America...Switzerland.. What exactly is 'Hawala' (Money Laundering) Just like Money Exchange for White Money. Similarly for transferring black money.. ..there's 'Hawala' (Money Laundering). Magic. You pay us here and.. Poof! It's transferred to Switzerland. 100 million, it's all here. Excellent. Two hours later, 90 million.. ..will be transferred in your Swiss Bank account. Why only 90 million? 10 million our commission. HaVe pity. I've been newly appointed as the minister. You should haVe pity on your state too. You've been newly appointed minister. 90 million in 15 days is not a small amount. Stop the car. Where are you coming from? Ambala. And where are you headed? Chandigarh. Chandigarh! And what's in the trunk? Speak up. The trunk's open. See for yourself. Bravo. Come, Rambo. Who am I? - I don't know, sir. Bheem Singh Chandel! Why did you stop my car? - l receiVed a tip from control room.. ..that this is a stolen car? The tip was right. Let me go. You didn't let me go. Sir, what do you want me to do with it? Incinerate it! - Why? Don't leave behind a single piece. But, sir's, this is a brand new car. The police are looking for it. I can't keep it. What now? - Arrange for a new car. This time from a different state. Sir, I know a guy who's a pro. He can steal cars like stealing candy from a baby. Where can I find him? - Delhi. How much longer, Babli? I'm unlocking the steering, T2! Be patient! What the.. Watchman! Hey, watchman! Watchman! Hello. 30 seconds, T2. Are you ready? Ready. Watchman, who's car is this? Mr. Dutta's. Go wake him up! What's this nonsense! Mr. Sharma.. - Hey! My sleep's ruined. - Whose inside the car? Who's driving it? Watchman, come here. - Watchman, come here. Hurry up! - Thief! Thief! - Coming, sir. Thief! Catch him. Thief! There he goes. What do we pay you for? - Four...three...two.. Come here. - Stop him. Stop him. - He'll escape. Get up, Chautala. Your snoring is creating a ruckus. It'll drive all the criminals away. Get up. Let me sleep, dear. Boys are returning from the disco drunk. Make some dough. Get up. Shut up. Shut up. You're always objecting. Don't talk nonsense. You married me. You'll have to abide by it. Just two months left for your retirement. Make some dough. Otherwise l'll make you regret it. Someday I'll strangle you in your sleep. I'll strangle you. Go on. - Stupid woman. Saddiram. I told you to fix this door. Go on. Oh no. Cops! Stop. Stop. Take off the glasses. Where are you coming from, son? Office. At this hour? You must be drunk! Your breath smells like onions. Show me your licence. Licence. Babli.. Babli? What kind of a name is that? It's written on the licence, so it must be true. Acting smart. No surname? No. What about father's name? - I don't have a father. Is he dead? I don't know. Is he your father or not? Forget it, uncle. Please. He has no parents. He was raised in an orphanage. He's an orphan. Is that so? - Yes. Is that so? Son, you should've said that before. You're an orphan and I've no children. Surprising. - Surprising, right? Our stories are similar. All units alert! There's been a car theft. Red Vento, no. DL-03-AM-9131. Get going. - All alert! Stolen car, Red Vento, no. DL-03-AM-9131. Rascal, stop the car. Stop at the side. Are you deaf? I said stop the car. Stop the car. Trying to escape with a stolen car. You don't know how to drive. Come on. - Where? - Turn around. Turn around. You bumped the car. Right, right. Stolen car, Red Vento, no. DL-03-AM-9131. Stop. Stop. Stop. The stolen car. That's the stolen car. Back. Back. Back. Stop. Where are you running to? Catch him. Stop. Stop the car. Get off. Why you.. You'll get us killed. Corner him. Corner him. What are you doing? Getting romantic. - Shut up. Follow the car. Take that. Take that. Move aside. They're speeding towards South Block from lndia Gate. Send backup. Drive faster. - l am driving fast. This isn't a Mercedes. Move! Foolish woman. Catch them all. Rascals, drinking and driving. Arrest them. The rascal escaped. He ran away. Babli. "You were born nude." "So what are you ashamed of?" "No mom, dad or faith." "Stern with the wisecracks." "Soft with the innocent." "Just fun all the time, just fun." "Come show everyone, be.." "Open your heart, stick out your chest, be.." "Come show everyone, be shameless." "Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameiess." "Come sway to the beat, be shameiess." "Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameiess." "We're unscrupulous." "We're the devils." "We get high and shout shameless." "We're unscrupulous." "We're the devils." "We get high and shout shameless." "We do aii our deeds." "Without caring about the price." "We never break a promise." "We start it and only we end it." "We'll break all your iilusions." "Come show everyone, be shameless." "Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameiess." "Come sway to the beat, be shameiess." "Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameiess." "Radical! Radical!" "Locking horns is in my blood." "Abnormal! Abnormal!" "l'il give everyone a run for their money." "My gait's unique." "lt makes everyone go crazy." "Every time l rock my legs." "l make the world rock with me." "We're romantic at heart." 'We dazzle you with our moves." "First we try to cajole with love." "Otherwise we declare war." "Anyone we point at, gets drawn to me." "ifwe hurt anyone, we also soothe his pain." "We'll snatch you.." "We'll snatch you from yourself." "Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameiess." "Come sway to the beat, be shameiess." "Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameiess." "We're unscrupulous." "We're the devils." "We get high and shout shameless." "We're unscrupulous." "We're the devils." "We get high and shout shameless." Wow! lt's our new car, ma'am. Mercedes BenZ A-Class. It's hot. I iove it. Maybe your next car! But the one you bought, B-Class, isn't bad either. That's true. Your lease agreement papers are ready, ma'am. Let's go then. Thank you. Congratuiations, ma'am. - Thank you. I'm gonna get you, guys. Slow down, dear. - Why, mom? We're riding a Mercedes! Quiet! Slow down! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! That's called driving. And people say women can't drive. They're absolutely right. - Mom. You can't walk properiy, thank God I bought a car. This isn't a car. It's a short-cut to suicide. Oh my! Just wasting money. You could've bought a scooter. Don't you get it? It's my classmate's wedding. The entire batch is going to be there. Trying to teach me! They ail come in expensive cars, mom. Imported ones. I was the star of my college. You think I'li go on a scooter? We need to show-off a little. Giris shouldn't show-offtoo much. What's this? - What? Mom. - Try not showing off so much. Why don't you get married too? With whom? I need a proper groom. Do you want me to find one? - Forget it. You'll just bring another clerk or accountant.. you did the last time. Tara. Your father was an accountant as weil. But he loved me as much. Mom, you just don't get it. I want class. Class. Status. Respect. Position. Sense of humour. You want Rahul Gandhi. - Why not? He's cute. Pardon me. You can find one yourself. I toid you. Not again. Master. - You're here. Tilu, did you shit again? My child. That's 50000, master. You can count them. - I see. You give all your earnings to us. Save some foryourseif, son. What will I do with money? You're there for me. Now change my underpants. Naughty! Come on. Stop him. Get the ball. Get the ball. Stop him. Get the ball. So, Pele, you're sc***d. Come on, handover the ioliypop. Come on... Babli. You're bound to get hurt while playing. Babli. How long wili you father these children alone? They need a motherto iook afterthem. What ifthey all grow up to be thieves iike you? Babli. How's this? Surprising. T2. - Yes. Look. Fine. Let's jack that one. Not the car, look at the driver. The driver's hot. Not a singie dent ali over the body. Mind your language. She's your sister-in-law. Hello, madam. Your money. No, it's not mine. I see. They're not mine either. Let's share them equally. It doesn't beiong to anyone. By the way, what's your name? You forgot my name so soon? Then sureiy you don't remember phone number and address either. Look, mister. Whoever you are. This way of asking someone's name.. ..through fallen notes is very old. And this hotel's security.. absolutely fresh from the gym. One call and they'li come here to show their efficiency. I think you're upset, beautifui. No. Actually, my friend's getting married.. i am very happy. But you better get lost. I could get upset any moment now. Get it. By the way, thanks for the compliment. Men in Black. She's Mission Impossibie. You can't win over her! Want to bet? Here you go. I Iose. Now get to work. I want this sister-in-iaw. "Ali the boys in my neighbourhood.." "..stare at me from theirwindows." "All the boys in my neighbourhood stare at me from their windows." "But I fooled everyone and tossed my heart to you." "l lost my heart in your Iane." "Don't Iie, no one stares at you." "Whom do you fooi and keep saying?" "l lost my heart in your Iane." "We're kings of our will." "Stealing a heart is easy for us." "My gait's unique." "lt'lI take you a iifetime, to win over me." "Better get it done, get the entry ofyour heart done." "Take my signature, I tossed my heart to you." "l lost my heart in your Iane." "l lost it.." "I lost my heart, darling, in your lane." "I lost my heart, beauty, in your lane." "Youth is so braZen." "Once it passes away, never comes back." "Better get lost, you're such a liar." "There's no truth in your charade." "Come, Iet's take this relation further." "Let's play the game of love, come see me on the rooftop." "I lost my heart, darling, in your lane." "I lost my heart, beauty, in your lane." "All the boys in my neighbourhood stare at me from their windows." "Don't Iie, no one stares at you." "Whom do you fooi and keep saying?" "l lost my heart in your Iane." "I lost my heart, darling, in your lane." "We're lovers, we'Il unite the hearts." "We'll leave you good for nothing." "You like a good struggie." "We're popularfor doing as we piease." "l lost it.." What are you doing? What happened? Something pricked me. Cell phone? Where did that come from? It's okay, T2. Get some sieep. Cell phone. Your batteries are too charged these days. It vibrates every morning. Get married. l can't handle your cell phone every morning. Just because anyone doesn't say a thing.. ..he's spreading this fiith around. Are you done yet? Come out now. Do you want to flush out your intestines? Let me finish, you witch. You'ii develop piles. You should start taking laxatives. - Shut up! Not piles, I'll die of heart-attack first. Forget it. You're thick-skinned. You won't die so easily. I wish you had died earlier.. ..then I could've remarried again. At ieast I would've had a chiId. Ifyou want a child, why don't you adopt one? You're always cussing me. I'il kiil you. Oh my AK 47. You can't sh*t properly, you think you can kili me. Shut up I said. Why do you humiliate me every day? To help build pressure, Chaudhary. You know, every husband in this world.. ..start's sh***ing hearing their wife's name. But why don't you? I'll show you.. Just wait.. I feel fresh, sweetheart. You're my cure to every problem. If it wasn't for your cussing, I could never sh*t in the morning. I'm indebted to you. Now go, get me hot breakfast. I feel light as a feather. feather Aunt. Aunt, did you eat honey before you slept? You're looking so sweet. Don't talk nonsense, Babli. Fine, l've a request. When you come back on the roofto take offyour cIothes.. ..give me a miss cail. I'll come and take off mine as weIl. Shut up, shameless. You're a grownup now, don't you feei ashamed? Nonsense. No manners. i'll beat you. Let's go, T2. How much ionger wili you take? I can't find my socks. I can't wear shoes without my socks. Here. What's this? Padding. The giri's do it. Give's a good impression. You can keep making a good impression. I'll wear my shoes without socks. Return my Rs.100. How can you just find sister-in-law? You don't know her name either. Beauty! That's her name. Beauty! And what's her surname? Parlour? Beauty! Keep at it. You'ii definitely find her on Google. Mister. How much for JACKFRUiT? Rs. 200 a kilo. Fine, 150 for you. What the.. What happened, aunt? Rascal! You made her faint with your increased prices.. ..and tore my shirt. Sir.. - Take that. - What did I do? HelIo. Aunt. Get up, aunt. We'll pay for the stuff. You fool, give me a hand. Come on. That's my home, son. Stop. Stop. Stop, son. This? - Yes. I can't open this door, son. Is it broken? Oh, God! My back's broken. - Slowly, aunt. Slowiy. Come back soon. - Yeah, sit tight. I wish God had given me a son iike you. Not possible at this age, aunt. But you can get a son-in-law. Do you have a daughter? Low-life. Come, son. Keep it on the table. Tara. Tara. - Coming, mom. My knees. You? - You! The one i searched for everywhere.. ..was actually at the back of my torn shirt. What are you doing here? - I'lI tell you. To get my buttons stitched. - This is not a taiior-shop. You have no manners. Like you do. - I.. Walking in a house filled with ladies.. ..with an unbuttoned shirt. - But I.. Where else do you want me to go? - Your mom tore my shirt.. Shut up! Why wouid my mom tear your clothes at this age? Quiet! Let me teli you. I went to the market. It was reaily hot. I felt dizzy and was falling down. My hand got stuck in his shirt. And ail the buttons of this poor boy's shirt broke. And he's such a decent guy, he brought me home. Instead of showing some hospitaiity..'re rebuking him. Right, aunt, this isn't correct. Shall l take off my shirt, or.. ..will you stitch it whiIe i'm wearing it? You're so hairy! Keep your shirt here. I'll get it fixed in a day or two. How am I looking? What's wrong, aunt? FeeIing dizzy again? It reminded me of her papa. He looked handsome just iike you in this shirt. Doesn't he iook handsome anymore? He's dead. It's one of his old shirts. Sorry, aunt. l didn't know. No need to show sympathy. Now get lost. You're so hot. You spit fire. Okay, bye. See you, aunt. - Biess you, son. Do come again. - I will.. Not... Can I say something, beauty? I really Iike hot dames? Wiil you go to the disco with me? Shameless. "Beils...are ringing in my ears." "It was love at first sight." "I couldn't believe my eyes." "I was gripped by fever." "My heartjumped out." "First the angry." "She asked what are you doing here?" "I said I'm so lucky." "The one who brought me here is your mom." "What the.." "We looked everywhere for her." "While she was here ail the time." "Her words were like a cup oftea." "Sweet and hot." "Like onion fritters, seasoned with chiily." "She stormed with anger and threatened me." "But i didn't budge." "I kissed her cheeks." "And her heart melted." "Don't lie. You kissed her?" "Of course I am. After aIl I'm the hero." "Yes, that you are." "What next? - Tune Change." "What the.." "She was standing, so was i." "And she bumped into me." "She came close, heId my hands." "And shied away." "She affectionately helped me wear my shirt." "When she touched me, it tickied my heart." "She even changed your shirt." "You're on.." "She hugged me. I felt a shock." "My heart started singing Do Re Mi.." "She slowly whispered in my ears." "Where were you until now?" "I feil down, got unconscious." "And feit the cool breeZe of love." "Beils...are ringing in my ears." "It was love at first sight." "I couldn't believe my eyes." "I was gripped by fever." "My heartjumped out." "The heartjumped." "The heart raced." "My heart swayed." "My heartjumped, swayed, it raced." Yes, sir. Don't sit like that. Sir's coming. Sir's coming, get up. Get up I said. It's clean. - Shut up! Sir's here. Who are you? T2. Terminator 2! I see. So who's Terminator 1? - At your service, mister. The name's Babli. Babli! Oh yes! I've heard a lot about you. He's Mr. Bheem Singh Chandel. His business in Chandigarh is money laundering. He needs jacked cars. Wiil you do thejob? Payment, no life-threat. Money in advance. Right, sir? Have some sweet. Suck on this. Yes. The deal's done. Just telI us the car modei. When someone's clapping with two hands.. should never put your face in between. It can be disastrous. Sorry. What if I runaway with your money? We'll find you. Oh! Is that real? - What do you think? T2. Gun! Have you Iost your mind? What are you doing? Fan-tastic! It's real. I do myjob with love, not violence. But you can keep this. I'll keep this. Remember one thing. Once i make a deal, I nevertake my money back. I don't return it either. This isn't a loan. It's a deaI. It's a deaI. It's a deal. Come on, get to work. But gently. Now go on... All the best. - Thank you. T2. - Hmmm. Get rid of him. - Who? Where? Him. It'sjust a dog. You were acting so tough in front of Chandei. Now you're scared of a dog. Every man's scared of someone. Get rid of him. Shoo. Bioody dog. You're such a coward. Sit down. Sit where? Yes. Give him a shave. What? But looks iike he's already had a shave. Then do it again. Come on. That will be 200. I'll pay 500. But not here. - Then? She won't come on the balcony. She's gone to her office. How do you know? Everyone knows about Tara Sharma, sir. There'sjust one beautifui giri in this neighbourhood. Talk with respect. She's your sister-in-law. - No need to get furious. Everyone comes to my shop to stare at her. That's okay. Give me her office address. That will be 1000. I'm teiiing you, you cannot go inside. How about now? You're trying to bribe me? Now? This isn't a joke. Now? I.. Sir...we can't allow you without permission. Now? Will you wrap up everything in 15 minutes? Make my visitor's card. Babli. BabIi. Madam. Tara Sharma. - It's there. Hi. You? Wow. Can you see the Qutub Minar? How did you come in? - Through the door. Your shirt's at home. I'll collect it later. Right now, I want to tell you something. - What? I iove you! - What? I swear on mother. Although, I've never seen my mother. But since I saw you..'re the only one I've been thinking about. And today I'm going to express my feelings here. You have one minute. That's enough. Yourtime starts now. My name's Babii. It's a bit strange, but that's it. I don't have any parents, so no surname. I was raised in Jai Hind Orphanage. i studied till 8th Grade, but don't remember a thing. But I'm the best mechanic. A-1. Till now I just loved one person. Myself. But now I wili love you too. And i'll shower all my Iove on you. Until you don't say stop. I live with T2. He's a cute boy. Our orphanage's reaily big. We can live their comfortably after we're married. We can cook together, otherwise there's Masterji. I want two kids. One like you and other handsome like me. Their names will be Rekha and Amitabh. They're my favourites. After that, I'll.. Enough. Aren't you getting a little vulgar? I'il be right back. Two minutes. Security. This is manager Tara Sharma speaking. Come to the 8th floor, now! Hey, guys, listen up. Gather around. Come here. Let me introduce you. His name's Babli. He's an orphan, so he has no surname either. Right? He couidn't pass 8th grade. And he's here proposing marriage to me. You know, he's even decided.. ..the names of our children. Madam. What's wrong, madam? Who do you think you are? Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror? You look like a manner less idiot. What did you think? You'ii say "i Love You" and I'll be floored? How dare you? Security. Throw him out right now. Just get him out. - Yes. - Get lost. You humiliated my iove. But I'm still smiling. Do you know why? - Because you're shameless. I am...what I am. But you're still a kid. Better grow up. I want to spend my life with you. Come on. Move aside. - Come on. Sir. Sir, wait. Keep this. Why? Keep the money, you did yourjob. Yes, but you were heart-broken. I have no heart, only guts. And it never breaks. Keep the money. You didn't pay heed to my advice. She humiliated you, didn't she? Why ask when you know? How about we do some work? Or do we just go back home? - No. We've come this far.. ..we won't go back empty-handed. Oh! Commitment! Babli. Come here. It's a brand new car. You can still smeIl the fresh paint. Let's take this one. Otherwise it will get a tan under the hot sun. Bye, guys. My car. My car was right here, the new red one. Security! Now we'll head to Chandigarh. Security! Here you go, chassis no. Don't scare me. No, ma'am. We don't have your car. I think you shouid go to the police station. Sign here. Is this the FIR? Ask him. He's in-charge. Sir, can I get a receipt of the FIR? Why? - For the insurance. You can'tjust file an FIR so easiIy, dear. It takes time. We'vejust made an entry into the register. Now we'll investigate. What? Investigate! Come here. Keep seated, I'll be right back. - What? The girl's desperate. Build some pressure on her. - Pressure. She'll definitely agree to pay up 10-15000. We'Il buy a microwave oven. 25 liters. Shut up! She's in troubie. We should help her. And you're looking to make some quick dough. You hog on 'biryani' all day. I need some rest in the kitchen as weli. You married me. You couldn't give me a kid.. could at least look after me. You're so corrupt. One day i'll suspend you. Suspend! - Just try. You wilI have to live aIone. I'il move into my mom's home. Mom? Witch! Always taking advantage because I'm a man. Sir. ifyou conduct the investigation soon.. ..then maybe you can find my car. - Yes.. Look, the police will put in their best efforts.. find your car. - Yes. do something as well. What? Do l have to tell you everything? Money! Are you asking for bribe? I want my car back? - Yes.. You're getting furious for no reason. The police can only try. Whether you get your car back or not.. ..depends on the one who stole it. Right? - Yes, sir. Right, Bhagat Singh. - Yes, sir. Yes, sir. See, everyone agrees. Good for nothing! No need to get too romantic. I see. So you're on strike today. What eIse do you expect me to do? Move. You sound so angry. What's wrong? As if you don't know. You bIackmail me into doing ali the wrong things. She was such a sweet girl. I wonder what she might be thinking about me.. ..that what a corrupt officer i am. You maligned my reputation. You're such a fool. You're reputation isn't going to earn you anything. I only say it foryour own interest. You're healthy now. Tomorrow when you retire, ifyou fall sick.. ..won't we need money to look after you? We don't have any children anyway. Again about the chiidren. You humiIiate my manliness intentionally. Let's get tested and find out who's incompetent. Why shouid I get tested? I'm 53 years old. At this age women go through menopause. Don't try to teach me. Men have menopause. How can women get it? - Want to bet? Googie it. Vicky Donor? But 'Menopause' has Men.. No, no, iet's settle this first. Either you get yourself tested or adopt a child. I'm fed up of iistening to your taunts. Get in bed first, your highness, you'ii feei better. No, no, no. We've to take this decision first. Yes. Fine, we'll adopt a kid. Don't get upset. Now climb in. Really, dear. You'll adopt a kid. Swear on me. I want a son. - No, daughter. Son. - Daughter. Don't bargain with me. I want a son. - Done. Now give me a tight hug. Come on. "As the soap slips on my hot body." "The heart craves for young lass." "The cold water feels so thrilling." "Shamelessness drips from the eyes, the iips." 'Because you're shameless.' Hi. Uncle's shirt. Babli. How are you? Wonderfui, aunt. For me? Bless you, son. Aunt. It feels so remorse in here. I can sense sadness in the air! Her car's been stolen, son. - When? Last week. It was parked right outside her office. Brand new Mercedes. She spent all her earnings to buy the car. Someone stole it. And, mom. Why don't you just announce it to the world? This is no charade. She's just telling me. - What do you care? Take your shirt and get out. Just get out. - Tara. Tara, listen. Son, you better leave. It's not yourfault. But ifyou stay here she won't stop crying. Please go... Once we're rich, we'll buy silverwrenches. Bro. BabIi. I'm talking to you. Are you deaf? T2. - Yes. How many cars have we stoien until now? 20 big ones, 5 small ones, 2 imported. Why? You want to pay their taxes? Have you ever thought about those.. ..whose car gets stoien? What else? He gets insurance, we get the car. Tit for tat. The last car we stole. - Yes. That was Tara's car. What? How do you know? Her mother told me. Fine. At Ieast we taught them a lesson. The consequences oftroubiing my Babii. No, T2. That girl's my iove. I love her. I saw her crying today, it really hurt. But you don't have a heart, only guts. But it still pains. People built Taj Mahal to mark their love. Can't I return her car? The car's been sold, bro. It's parked in Chandigarh, refurbished like new. So what? If a stolen car can get to Chandigarh.. ..then it can come back too. Steal again? Why do you buy white bread? You should buy brown bread. - it's okay. What's so great about brown bread? You've been eating white bread since you were a kid. Hi. Mom, walk faster. - Hi, aunt. - I'm walking faster. I can't galIop like a horse. BabIi. HelIo, aunt. Let me carry that. - No need. And stop following me. Get that? I wasn't foilowing you, madam. I just walked up to you from the front. - Yes. Did I ask for help? - Did I help you? l'm talking to aunt. - He's just helping. i hate you, mom. - She's upset again. I'il iighten her mood. Tara, your car's in Chandigarh. See. Didn't I teli you? Your realiy charming, son. - Thank you, aunt. Is this a joke? - No. I swear on your mom. Your car's in Chandigarh, Tara. Come with me, and i can get it back. But, son. How do you know.. ..the car's in Chandigarh? I investigated. I've connections, aunt. What connections? Didn't I teIl you, l'm a car mechanic? Car...mechanic, thieves, spare-part deaIers.. ..they're all connected. We know everything. Why can't the police find out? Police? You expect the thieves to be the protectors? They get a heavy commission. Why wili they find your car? They are ali corrupt, aunt. - Right. Why do i beiieve you? - Don't. You'ii definitely get insurance. Right, aunt. - But.. I just wanted to do a good deed. I iearnt this when I was a kid. We aiways have to face opposite ofwhat we do. Do good and good things wili happen to you. Show compassion and people will remember you. That means, good equaIs good. Compassion equals reminiscence. Get that, beauty. Why do you want to help me? I can't say that in aunt's presence. Shameless. Mom, Iet's go. Let's go. I don't want to talk to him. Tara. Go to Chandigarh. There's no harm in trying. Cars get stolen all the time, mom. They aren't found so easily. But you are getting yours back. What if he rapes me? - Shut up. Don't taIk nonsense! I'm your mom. I've years of experience. My heart says Babli's naughty.. ..but he's not bad at heart. Take the name of God and go with him. Yes. Happy birthday to us! Happy birthday to all of us! Happy birthday to us! It's nice. - Come on, start eating. Here you go, cake. - Wow! Wow! - Today is my happy birthday. Whose? - All of us. We were raised in an orphanage. Fatherless and loneIy. No one knows when their birthday is. So we celebrate it on the same day. Eat it. - So sweet. Happy birthday. - Take a bite. - Taste it. That's it. You see, son. I'm on a diet. God bless your figure, aunt. You're looking so sweet, I want to marry you. What do you say? - ShameIess. Thank you, aunt. T2. - Yes. Is shameless a bad word? - No. It's a compliment. Hello. - Tara Sharma speaking. I'm ready to go to Chandigarh. Can you come home tomorrow at 11 o'clock? BabIi. HelIo. What's wrong with him? Hey, Sleeping beauty! Hi. Are we traveiing in this open jeep? - Yes. We both are going to drive. Taking turns. Couidn't we take a bus? No, that's below my standard. Hello, aunt. - Biess you, son. For you. - Thank you. Best of luck to you, go. Lollypop? Take it. It's anti-boring. Look, Babli. i know you're going out ofyour way to help me. But better teli me if you want something in return. From you? - Yes. What can you give... ...a handsome hunk like me? A tight siap. Mind your manners. I won't be fooled by you. You're in my car. When will you come in my arms? Know your stature? - Why? What's wrong? I've a nice job. l don't beg. Mechanic. Mechanics are doctors. Doctors of cars. Poiiticians, ministers, fiim-stars, businessmen. I treat everyone's car. I just don't have a giass office iike you do. So what? No reputation either. - Who needs that? In my line ofwork, you need only two things. Courage and talent. And i've both. You're so arrogant about yourjob, aren't you? Why do you hate myjob so much? Fine. Marry me. I'll change my entire life for you. So, will you? Keep your eyes on the road. Shameless. "When I saw you, I realiZed sweetheart." "That love's craZy." Tara. What the.. What are you doing here? Staring at you. Why? I've been slogging since morning.. ..while you're comfortabiy snoring away. Come on. Change seats. You were sleepy, weren't you? Not anymore. Look ahead. That's where I'm looking. What a view. I think honey runs through your veins, not biood. You're so beautiful. Like ca...shew! There, l got permission to see. Your name shouid've been 'Shameless'. - Done. You're Tara Sharma, and I'm Babii Besharam. Good. But someday every giri.. ..has to take on her husband's name. You're a Sharma until now. Now you'll be 'Besharam'. Put on your glasses. If i see your eyes again, I'll crash this car. "How do I convey the condition of my heart?" "Do i teli you...or keep it to myself, what do l do?" "Your heart's so heipless." "It's shameless, doesn't pay heed." "It's good for nothing." "You make my heart restless." "Why do I love you?" "How do I convey the condition of my heart?" "Do i teli you...or keep it to myself, what do l do?" "Your heart's so heipless." "It's shameless, doesn't pay heed." "It's good for nothing." "You make my heart restless." "Why do I love you?" "I wonderwhy your heart' love with me?" "There are others the iine." "I can't stop my heart, no matter how much i try." "I try to scare it, but it pays no heed." "It's completely floored by you." "Try to think something new." "Say something new." "You make my heart restless." "Why do I love you?" "You make my heart restless." "Why do I love you?" Tara. Tara, your car. Your car. That's not mine. My number plate's of Delhi. The number piate's been changed. Stop the car. How do you know? I changed the number, wouldn't l know? Stop the car. What the.. Tara, control. You stole my car? l hope you don't mind sharing a bed with me. How dare you? - No need to sulk. I'm justjoking. My room's different. Be honest, Babli. How many cars have you stolen till now? Honesty can't give you a square meaI, madam. It does to me. Just tell me. No. You can't bear you. Aren't you ashamed? - You caIl me shameiess. Babli, I'm being serious. - l'm serious as weil, Tara. Who are you to point a finger at me? Just because you make more money.. ..and studied in an English college.. think you can judge me? What's the point in knowing, what I did and why? Whatever I did, I couldn't teli right from wrong. i had no parents or family to teach me. What did you want me to do for earning a square meal? Don't i have a right to live? So you resorted to stealing. It was desperate times. But I didn't do it to become rich. I stole cars only to satiate my hunger. Mine and other orphans like me.. ..whose parents leave them to die. I did what i thought was right. Nothing can ever justify any wrong deed. Did you ever think about that? That's why I am in love with you, Tara. You're the only one who's showing me the right path. I want to leave everything for you. Turn into a descent man. Wiil you give me a chance? "I wonder why every happiness.." " seems incomplete?" Hi. "Why didn't i realise, you were missing in my iife?" I iove you. "Yes, I do. Yes, I do." "You touched my heart, with your love." "It's you. Only you." Marry me. I can change my entire life for you. "It's you. Only you." "What I thought was sadness, now seems bliss." He's naughty, but good at heart. "You should've said it, because i couldn't say it." "Yes, I do. Yes, I do." "You touched my heart, with your love." "It's you. Only you." "Come, give me a hug." "Let's erase this distance." "Don't make me yearn any ionger." "O ShameIess, don't be shy." "My heart's falien for you." "Beloved." "You touched my heart, with your love." "It's you. Only you." Bheem Singh Chandel. Chandigarh's Money Laundering mafia King. He's a powerful guy. And you...wili steal my car back wearing this suit? Ali the successful thieves in the worId wear a suit. Those who don't get apprehended. You look nice in these clothes. Some things are more valuable than clothes. But you won't understand. BabIi. Will you come back? I'il be waiting. HelIo. Where to? Chandel sir. The minister's sent a parcel. There in the office. Hey. Where are you going? Hey. Catch him! Why you.. Hey! Get down, you.. Catch the rascal. Who are you? Your pant. - i see. Go, Rambo. Hey! Troubling a girl. Charge.. He isn't here. l think he's blown-up. - He can'tjust blow-up. Find him. Look. Slowly. Siowiy. I tried to stop you. Stop being James Bond. I wouidn't have tried.. ..ifyou girls didn't like James Bond. I didn't know dogs like him as weIl. James Bond always does his job. He doesn't runaway iike you do. Hello, madam. I'm a thief, not a butcher. Dogs have a soui too. And anyway, I went there to get your car. What happened? Look, Babli. You don't have to take this risk for getting the car. If something happens to you, then.. Then? Suicide cancel. It's not much ofwork.. ..but I'll have to get it cleaned from inside. No problem. Deliver the car by evening. - Yes. The boss is in a bad mood. - Fine. it'li be done. Jogi. Give him the keys. Thank you. Let's go. Hello. - Bhure, business looks good. You're working on expensive cars. BabIi, where are you? Don't look here and there. Look in the direction of your heart, straight. Babli. - Yes. I'm taking the car back. We can do this the easy way, or else.. What the.. There's no place for violence in our business. It runs in a peacefui manner. And, I haven't harmed you in anyway. Try to understand. If i give you this car, Chandei will kill me. Ifyou don't, I wiil kiil you. But why? I give you business. I'm...the chicken that lays the golden eggs for you. Dead chicken is more profitable these days. Ask how? - How? Live chicken, Rs. 100.. And 'Tandoori' chicken.. - 300. So? Now you decide, what you prefer? Bro. You're the frying pan, and Chandei's the fire. Look, ifthe car's stolen from my place.. ..then Chandel wiIl kill me brutaily. Try to understand. I've small kids. They wiil be orphaned. Let them grow up first. What are you doing? If I steal the car from somewhere else.. ..wilI it still be a problem? - What? If I steal the car from somewhere else.. ..wilI it still be a problem? - No probIem. Just let me return the car to Chandei. My dear, I'm clear. Fine. Make me a duplicate key. And your kids won't be orphaned. Thank you. - Get lost. That's the key to myjeep. It's banged up, but not stolen. - Okay. Get it repaired and deiiver it to Delhi. - Okay. We'll settle it there. Sir, I've repaired the car. The windscreen's original. Sir, keys. They're coming. Come on. Come in, when I call you. Ok. We'll jack the car as soon as that oaf moves. He won't budge we'li have to make him. Hi. Aren't you Timmy? Mr. Chandel's right-hand. You're just like I heard. What do you want? What does a beautiful woman.. ..want from a handsome hunk like you? What? Protection, Tommy. Protection. Where did you get that strength from? Great, isn't it? It'lI come in handy once we're married. Shut up! Open the car. Yes! What happened? Shocked. - That's okay. I'm really happy today. I can definitely give you one shock. Do it again. - What? That thing you just did now. It feIt so familiar. Please. Puncture. What the.. Tara. Bhura! Sir, you. On a scooter? What now? - What else? Tyre change, start the car. Straight to Delhi. And the money? - It's black money. Now they're ours. We can donate it to the orphanage. Taiking like a thief again. Hey, I didn't steal it. It's a blessing from God. Consider it a wedding gift. Don't keep iooking for opportunities.. ..Iike a lowly-guy. Get it. Fine, sorry. We'll throw it away. - No! We'll take it to the police. - Very good. You shouid've been the Prime Minister ofthis country. You can definitely eradicate corruption. You even smelI of honesty. Get up. Get up. Rascal. Get up. One more. Where's my money, Bhura? Sir, what money? I don't know what you're saying. No, no, no.. The car you sold me has been stolen. What? - l'm sure you know that. The car's been stolen. I reaily don't know. - i see. Well, that's okay. You don't know. It was a stoien car, it got stolen again. But there was money in the trunk ofthe car. Where's the money, Bhura? I really don't know, sir. I didn't steai your car. - I know you didn't. Bhura. You really have the nerve. Your friends who stole the car.. ..they were such foois to leave the scooter behind. I cailed the RTO. Do you know who the scooter belongs to? - Who? It's stoien. And...there's just one stolen car dealer in town. You! Now.. Hello. - Bhura. Babli speaking. All okay? Yes. Where are you, Babli? I'm on my way. I found the car, so I wanted to thank you. And repay your favour too. You're my friend after all. How? How? How? I found a bag filled with notes in the car. Consider it your return gift. Come back. There's no reverse gear in my life. Once i'm on my way, I never turn back. Ifyou want the money, come to Delhi. And listen, come soon. The bag's reaily heavy. - Babli.. HelIo. Out of network. "Sweetheart, take offthose glasses." "Look eyes." "Sweetheart, take offthose glasses." "Look eyes." "Come on...come on." "Without you I'll aiways be a bacheIor." "Come on...come on." "Without you I'll aiways be a bacheIor." "Go away, go away." "Go take a look at yourself in the mirror." "Don't try to fool me." "Go take a look at yourself in the mirror." "Don't try to fool me." "Come on. Come to me." "Don't show attitude." "Go away." "Try your iuck with someone else." "Come on...come on." "Without you I'll aiways be a bacheIor." "Come on...come on." "Without you I'll aiways be a bacheIor." "Go away, go away." "Go take a look at yourself in the mirror." "Don't try to fool me." "Go away, go away." "Go take a look at yourself in the mirror." "Don't try to fool me." "Hey girl, you're so lovely." "Your gait's such bomb." "Hey Romeo, don't be fooled." "My gaits also explosive." "Since I iost my heart, luck has shined on me." "Go away, don't come after me." "Why...why...why do you whistle?" "My heart's racing iike an engine." "Why...why...why do you whistle?" "My heart's racing iike an engine." "Go away, go away." "Don't break the signal." "Hit the brakes, stop right there." "Go away, go away." "Don't break the signal." "Hit the brakes, stop right there." "Take a peak in my heart." "You will find your image." "You can play with my emotions aii you want." "But you will definiteiy say 'I love you' in the end." "I'm the star, this is my fiIm." "I'm going to marry you." "Go away, your dreams will never come true." "You tried, but couldn't find one." "There's no one like me." "Get iost, don't try to trick me." "Come on...come on." "Without you I'il always be a bacheior." "Come on...come on." "Without you I'll aiways be a bacheIor." "Go away, go away." "Go take a iook at yourseif in the mirror.. Don't try to fool me." "Go away, go away." "Go take a look at yourself in the mirror." "Don't try to fool me." "Come on. Come to me." "Don't show attitude." "Go away." "Try your iuck with someone else." How was it? - Uncie. You've grown old, but you still sing kiddy songs. I...the heart's still young, son. Don't you know any patriotic song? Like 'Sare Jahan Se Achcha'? He knows 'Chikni Chameii'. - Yes. Right. Show him. Is this what they teach you in police? I don't want to be your son. Don't get angry, son. Don't get angry. We'll learn what they teach in television. Isn't that right, Warden? What can I say? It's the rule. You can adopt Bablu only if he gives consent. We don't force children. Not at all. Say yes, son. I'll get you admitted in the poIice force. IPS officer. I don't want to be an officer. I want to be a mechanic. Mechanic? - Yes. Like brother Babli. Babli? - Yes, Babli. He's one ofthe kids. He's an exceilent mechanic. He's been blessed by the Lord. He lives with us, right here. I see. See. We're home. Come on. How are you, Aslam? T2. Come on. Run along. Come in. Consider it your own home. Stupid. Get lost. That's my room. - Shut up. My mattress is full of springs. Gives out a great sound. Yes? Who are you? Yourfather. Inspector Chuibui Chautala. And she's your mother. Head Constable Bulbul Chautala. You forgot your kin realiy soon, Babli. Want a slap? You can tell your tale at the station. So it's this car. - Sir, I've stopped steaIing. Where did you get this car from? Did your father gift it to you? Sir, this was my carthat was stolen. You're coming along to the station as weli. The police couldn't find your stolen car.. ..then how did you find it? - Correct. Absoluteiy correct. - Get in. Drive. Move back. Or I'll slap you. Her car. We'li see. Straight to the station. Wasn't that Babli in the car? - Yes. Is he offto somewhere? The police arrested him. Where's Babli? Sir...the police just arrested Babli. Chautaia sir. Just wait and watch. I've made a strong report. He'il definitely be jailed for seven years. Or my name isn't Chautaia. - Sir. Wait and watch. Chautala sir. - Stop yeIling. Ifyou swallow a mosquito, i'il charge you for murder. Sir, please let him go. He's turned to a new ieaf. - No, he hasn't. He's gotten worse. He stoIe a stolen car. He didn't do anything wrong. You should thank him. I came to you as well. But being the police you don't do yourjob. Instead you ask for bribe. You should be ashamed. You are so corrupt. Teil me one thing. Can't we end this corruption with something? How much? Enough to make us helpless.. ..and close your iover's file. Money! ChuIbui. Money! Money! Money! My Money! Money! What happened? - Get Iost. Give your salutations and go home. We managed to get you out with great difficuity. Come on. Thank you, sir. Sir.. - Go on. Let's get out before they change their mind. Come on. Let's go. What did you do? They didn't let me go for free. I gave them Chandel's money. All of it? - What do you care? You always ruin everything. What will I tell Bhura? Make an excuse. It wasn't his money. You should be thankfui that you got out. You're no life-saver. Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! I guess you want to go home now? Your mom must be waiting. Go on then. You got your car. What eIse do you want? Go BabIi. Won't you give me a hug? I'm sorry. It took time for me to recognise you. You're a nice man. Goodnight. BabIi. One more thing. I know I'm spoilt, bitter, stubborn. I've attitude. But l know how to iove too. I iove you. I was shying away till now. Won't you make me shameless? T2, I.. - Didn't I tell you, BabIi? If you try to run with my money, I will find you. Chandel. Where's T2? - Right here. With us. We're showing him our hospitality. Listen. Timmy. I know he's in pain, I'm sure you're too. Listen, let T2 go. I.. I wili return your money. - Great. Don't think too much. Come meet me at the same place we met before. And hurry up. The other chiidren from the orphanage are waiting here too. Masterji! Bablu! Munna! Abdul. Tilu. Masterji! Bheem Singh Chandel was here. He took T2 and the other children. Did you steal his money? Return his money, son. Or he'lI kilI ali the children. 173, 174, 175, 176.. I think it's more than 30 million in here. Great going, Chautaia. This is a big retirement bonus foryou. Don't be crazy. - 177.. You're 53 years old. - 178, 179.. You can't endure all this happiness. Go away, get some sleep. 180, 181.. - She's lost it. 182, 183, 184, 185, 186.. What did you break? Down. Down. Who is it? Who is it? - They'll beat you. Come face me ifyou're a man. Don't hide like a giri. She heard it. Why you.. Come out.. She has a gun. - Don't be scared. Cover me. Why did you ieave this here? BabIi, I won't spare you. - First free yourself. I'm a police officer. You're a burden on this earth. Let me go. Ali that money's made you swell up. You'ii rot in heil. Don't insuIt me. I'm inspector ChuIbul Chautala. Shut up! Insult you. Just because you're Chuibui.. ..doesn't exactly make you fearless. You got to show courage for that. I request you. Let me go. - Fatty. I'm not raping you. Rascal. Babli, i will scream. Bulbul. Let me go. Try to understand. This is a serious matter. - What? The chiidren of my orphanage are in danger. And it's all because ofyou and this money. I'm going to do a good deed. After that I'll earn an honest Iiving. Come on, bIess me. First, let me go. Thank you. Now don't scream. Let me go. BabIi. You wilI never Iearn. Once a thief, aiways a thief. You're one too. Thief. - Shut up. Get in. What have you done? Free him. Otherwise i will shoot you. Free him. Untie me. - How dare you? Hurry up. Untie me. Untie me. - Chautaia. Are you okay? - Yes, yes. Bravo. - Breathe. Breathe. Just like Baba Ramdev. Rascal. You almost kiiied my husband. I wili kili you. Kili you. - Stop, Bulbul. Stop. Hand me the gun. I'm the inspector. Kill him. You have humiliated me, Babli. I wiIl show you. Now be honest. Where are the children? Where are the children? Chandel abducted them. He's the money-iaundering king of Chandigarh. This money beIongs to him. - Liar. I swear on my mom. But you don't have a mom. Fine, I swear on you. You're like my mom too. - No, no. No, I don't beiieve him. Chautala, don't get emotional. He's playing with our emotions. How can you ever be a mom? You don't care about those children? What are you doing? You believe him. - Shut up! I always Iet you influence me and do wrong things. Your hungerfor money.. BabIi. Take the money. ChuIbui. Don't you believe me? - Quiet. I'm going with Babii. I'm not iistening to you. You're pointing a gun at me. So it's come to this now. Am I not your kin? We'll settle this later. It's time to save the children. I'il go call control room, Babli. You go. What's this? I'il miss you, Chulbui. Forgive me. Take me along. We're not going on a picnic. It's been so Iong. I never realised that I married a man. For the first time you're going on a dangerous mission. I want you to fight like a man. Give me a good luck hug. I'll show you what a man I am. Come on. Bulbul. From here i'll have to go aione. My Bluetooth's switched on. I'll give a sign as soon as l get the kids. This is my service weapon. I'm handing it to you on my risk. Keep it, it might come in handy. I do myjob with love, not weapons. Aren't you scared? They have weapons. And i've your blessings. Have faith. I'il return victorious. Go. Where are the children? Walk straight. Teli me, Timmy. i won't runaway. He's with some Timmy. Babli. - Babli. Babli. Babli. Babli. - Move on.. Move on.. I see everyone. But where's Chandei? Here. 10-15 men, everyone's carrying weapons. But still, you're holding the children captive in the cabin above. Show some humanity. The chiidren are in the top cabin. Here's your money and car keys. Won't you ask why i did it? What's the point? You made a mistake. And in our business.. ..there's just one punishment for mistakes. Death. Don't i know? I watch movies too. But what's the point. You've the car and money. Nowjust to satisfy your ego.. will first kiil me, then T2, then the kids. Why commit this sin? You're a businessman, right? Think. I'll advice you a new climax. Let the kids go. I'il be your slave. Like Tommy. The difference is you pay him. But I'll make money for you. I make 1-1.5 miIlion a month. My expenses are 50000. The rest is yours. 1.5 million in a month. So in a year that's.. 18 million. - Correct. How much in five years? 90 miIlion. And interest too. Well done. Oh no. - What happened? That Babli turned on us. He joined hands with Chandel. That's not true, sir. BabIi's aiways kept his promise. He will never do such a thing. We'll know. What are you thinking? I'm a talented guy. My fingers are magical. I can steal your stuff right below your eyes.. ..and you won't know. Like...this. Stop. Stop. Listen to me. Stop. This is your gun, Tommy. - What nonsense. Check it. Idiot. Tommy, shoo. I could've shot him. But...i'm a romantic guy. I don't like bloodshed. I did this only to show my taient. Sorry. If i let the kids go and you runaway? You can kidnap me again. Kill me. Don't you see? These chiidren are my life. I wouldn't have come here in the first place. Why? Think, sir. Let the children go. Great, Chandei sir. Fantastic, sir. For the first time in history.. ..hero and villain compromised. And there was no climax. Right. Say it together children. Glory to.. - Bheem Singh Chandel. Everyone say.. Giory to.. - Bheem Singh Chandel. Say it together.. Giory to.. - Bheem Singh Chandel. Police? Take the kids. Go up. Come on. Beware people. Police gives you one chance. Hand over.. You dare trick me and call the police. l wili.. - l dint caii police Fire! Get down. Down! Come on. BabIi. Let's go. Let's go. T2. Load the kids. Get the kids out of here. - And you? I gave Chautala sir my word. I can't leave him in danger. Go on. - BabIi. Let's go. Rascal. Corner them. Buibui, run! You ruined everything, Chautala sir? Why did you have to barge in like Dharmendra? Quiet! You're pIaying a double game with us. You were joining hands with Chandei. I heard everything over the phone. It was a iie, Chautala sir. Otherwise why would i let you overhear it? i'm on your side, try to use your brains. Stop. Come out everyone and throw down your weapons. Or this woman bites the dust. Come on. Hoid fire. Hold. Bulbul's my only wife. What do I do? Give me the gun. - Why? Do you want to save her? - Yes. What will you do? Have you seen 'Sholay'? I wili throw you at his knees.. ..and you throw dust in his eyes. - How? WelI done, Tommy. You did great. You've got the queen and I got the king. If anyone fires now, the police wiil be the first to die. Come out, everyone. Come on. Sir, ali okay? Throw down your weapons. Do it. Apologise to him. What are you looking at? Shoot him. Why you.. Shoot him. Sir, I think we're out of buIlets. Really? Charge! Wait. I'm floored. How did you suddenly turn into Sunny Deol? Hurry up. We'll use this in our Maruti. Rascals. There he comes. Throw stones at him. Hit him. I think he's seen 'Gadar' too many times. Rip it. Stop. Let go. Let go. You dare hit an elderly woman. I don't care. Chautala madam. Only cowards attack from the back. How about a round with the father as well. Take that! Are you okay, Bulbul? - Babli. Are you okay? Thank you for trusting me. Here's the money. What wiii we do with ail this money? You keep it. it will help you in raising these kids. Right? Don't you two want anything? - We do. We want you. Take me tojaii. - Not thejaii. We want to take you home. Why? We want to adopt you. - Me. Madam, i weigh 80 kiios. You can't lift me in your arms now. Don't act smart. You can't refuse us. No one showed you the right path sternly.. ..that's why you took this wrong path. Today onwards, you've to stop aii your shenanigans ..because you're going to live with us. That's your punishment. Say yes. Even your face matches with mom. And ifthey arrest you.. We'Il be lonely. You don't get it, T2. Chautala sir, I'm shameiess. I don't get time from having fun, dancing and singing. I won't be abie to adjust with you. We'll adjust with you. We'll be shameiess. You can...test us. Fine. Get ready. Four...three...two.. "It's nine o'ciock, we're ready." "With two pegs of booZe down." "It's nine o'ciock, we're ready." "With two pegs of booZe down." "Once you're high, you can't get down." "It's crazy." "Let's sway out of control." "Squander all the money you got." "We're as sweet as we're stubborn." "Let's raise our hands and sway." "Let's sway to the beat." "Let's raise our hands and sway." "You may be a star...but we're no novice either." "Let's raise our hands and sway." "Let's sway to the beat." "Let's raise our hands and sway." "This isn't the time to stop." "it's no crime to dance out of control." "Scream and shout and make a ruckus." "This isn't the time to stop." "it's no crime to dance out of control." "Scream and shout and make a ruckus." "Our hearts have united." "Our destination's one." "Hold my finger and adorn the ring." "Knock me out with your eyes." "Move to the beat without the rhythm." "We're rustic, as we're modern." "Let's raise our hands and sway." "Let's sway to the beat." "Let's raise our hands and sway." "You may be a star...but we're no novice either." "Let's raise our hands and sway." "Let's sway to the beat." "Let's raise our hands and sway." "Let's drink and.. - And sway." "Rock your feet.. - And sway." "Set the place on fire.. - And sway." "Let's speed up.. - And sway." "Let's drink and.. - And sway." "Let's shake and.. - And sway." "Let's be shameless.. - And sway." "Let's raise our hands and sway." "Let's sway to the beat." "Let's raise our hands and sway."