0:00:00.000,0:00:22.300 [Music] 0:00:24.610,0:00:27.719 [Music] 0:00:31.900,0:00:37.100 [Music] 0:01:15.799,0:01:20.159 in this year 2025 God is waiting for you 0:01:20.159,0:01:23.240 at the point of real movement this is 0:01:23.240,0:01:26.119 time for real movement listen to the 0:01:26.119,0:01:28.759 crck of conviction in your heart it is 0:01:28.759,0:01:31.920 time to move 0:01:32.920,0:01:34.920 Heavenly greetings in jesus' name thank 0:01:34.920,0:01:36.759 you so much for joining us here live and 0:01:36.759,0:01:39.720 Direct on the University of God we 0:01:39.720,0:01:41.920 actually just came back from the nation 0:01:41.920,0:01:46.600 of South Africa and I just want to take 0:01:46.600,0:01:50.000 this opportunity to say a big thank you 0:01:50.000,0:01:51.759 um for all of those who received us with 0:01:51.759,0:01:54.159 an open heart in South Africa we 0:01:54.159,0:01:56.039 actually entered unannounced and left 0:01:56.039,0:01:57.960 unannounced that's how God wanted it for 0:01:57.960,0:02:01.320 this trip and we did leave a bit of our 0:02:01.320,0:02:04.240 heart there so we want to just let you 0:02:04.240,0:02:06.399 know that don't worry God's time is the 0:02:06.399,0:02:08.599 best you know we're Servants of God and 0:02:08.599,0:02:10.679 we do go where God sends us and this was 0:02:10.679,0:02:12.959 a wonderful time to meet and strengthen 0:02:12.959,0:02:14.519 and build up the faith of our partners 0:02:14.519,0:02:16.200 those who've been supporting the U 0:02:16.200,0:02:18.319 mission and vision from day one to show 0:02:18.319,0:02:20.800 our appreciation of how as the family of 0:02:20.800,0:02:22.680 the University of God you value the word 0:02:22.680,0:02:26.160 of God above all and there will be time 0:02:26.160,0:02:28.680 in the grace of God for a big public 0:02:28.680,0:02:30.360 event so keep 0:02:30.360,0:02:32.200 watching as we give you details about 0:02:32.200,0:02:34.040 that as God puts it in our heart the 0:02:34.040,0:02:36.480 time and the place don't worry South 0:02:36.480,0:02:38.239 Africa you are not forgotten in the 0:02:38.239,0:02:40.239 heart of God we were so amazed at how 0:02:40.239,0:02:42.400 many wonderful fruit there was in South 0:02:42.400,0:02:45.680 Africa and we really enjoyed it and you 0:02:45.680,0:02:48.000 know we actually want to talk today 0:02:48.000,0:02:50.840 about how to live a healthy life how our 0:02:50.840,0:02:54.159 heart can be healthy and starting off in 0:02:54.159,0:02:56.440 the natural you know we also have a 0:02:56.440,0:02:58.800 responsibility there don't we so if you 0:02:58.800,0:03:00.120 can see this I don't know if if you can 0:03:00.120,0:03:04.599 see this wonderful platter um that I'm 0:03:04.599,0:03:07.239 holding here well actually this has got 0:03:07.239,0:03:08.959 some really nice fruit on so you know 0:03:08.959,0:03:11.200 I'm not going to give you a lesson here 0:03:11.200,0:03:13.599 um about what it does in our body but I 0:03:13.599,0:03:15.640 just want to let you know that all of 0:03:15.640,0:03:19.040 this is good for our heart physically 0:03:19.040,0:03:20.760 like if we want to have a healthy heart 0:03:20.760,0:03:23.840 physically we can see here um we've got 0:03:23.840,0:03:27.560 strawberries such a rich um you know 0:03:27.560,0:03:30.680 source of vitamin C we've got all this 0:03:30.680,0:03:32.120 we've got mango we've got orange we've 0:03:32.120,0:03:36.360 got lemon grapes kiwi melon nectarine 0:03:36.360,0:03:38.640 and then this is fish which is really 0:03:38.640,0:03:42.439 good for the heart um we've got bread 0:03:42.439,0:03:46.000 olive oil as well don't miss out the 0:03:46.000,0:03:48.120 olive oil it's really good for the heart 0:03:48.120,0:03:50.879 and then nuts seeds all these things 0:03:50.879,0:03:52.000 what did you have for breakfast this 0:03:52.000,0:03:54.040 morning I hope you have a bit of what's 0:03:54.040,0:03:57.159 on this table um I found I feel like I'm 0:03:57.159,0:03:58.200 in a cooking 0:03:58.200,0:04:01.040 program but actually God put this in our 0:04:01.040,0:04:03.519 heart because we wanted to share with 0:04:03.519,0:04:05.519 you how we can really live a healthy 0:04:05.519,0:04:07.000 life you know so many people start the 0:04:07.000,0:04:08.879 new year with resolutions I'm going to 0:04:08.879,0:04:11.720 cut out carbohydrates I'm going to try 0:04:11.720,0:04:13.400 and lose weight I want to try and be 0:04:13.400,0:04:17.079 more healthy whereas actually the all of 0:04:17.079,0:04:19.359 it it's important to look after our body 0:04:19.359,0:04:23.040 but the best way that we can remain 0:04:23.040,0:04:25.400 healthy and have a healthy heart is to 0:04:25.400,0:04:27.639 actually keep the word of God in our 0:04:27.639,0:04:29.039 heart and we want to talk about that 0:04:29.039,0:04:30.120 today what it means means to have a 0:04:30.120,0:04:32.759 healthy heart but before we delve into 0:04:32.759,0:04:35.120 it I just wanted to share with you this 0:04:35.120,0:04:38.440 beautiful fruit um that we enjoyed in 0:04:38.440,0:04:40.759 the nation of South Africa and you are 0:04:40.759,0:04:42.840 so blessed anywhere you are watching all 0:04:42.840,0:04:44.520 over the world you know it's so easy for 0:04:44.520,0:04:46.919 us to complain about where we live and 0:04:46.919,0:04:48.440 begin to look at oh I wish I lived 0:04:48.440,0:04:50.280 somewhere else whereas actually take a 0:04:50.280,0:04:53.320 moment to thank God for what God has 0:04:53.320,0:04:55.600 given you in wherever you are because 0:04:55.600,0:04:58.919 truly uh then Africa as a continent and 0:04:58.919,0:05:00.600 specifically the nation of South Africa 0:05:00.600,0:05:03.199 wow what a blessed Nation with 0:05:03.199,0:05:06.400 food we want to thank all of you for 0:05:06.400,0:05:08.560 your support we said we went to South 0:05:08.560,0:05:11.600 Africa it wasn't an event we didn't go 0:05:11.600,0:05:15.160 there for an event we went simply to 0:05:15.160,0:05:18.880 thank our family our partners living in 0:05:18.880,0:05:21.479 South Africa for opportunity to see them 0:05:21.479,0:05:24.400 face to face when we started this 0:05:24.400,0:05:26.759 journey 3 years ago we have seen your 0:05:26.759,0:05:30.360 hand your support your love we see how 0:05:30.360,0:05:32.600 dedicated to the word of God that we 0:05:32.600,0:05:34.680 have not labored in vain people are 0:05:34.680,0:05:38.160 growing in faith in maturity and God 0:05:38.160,0:05:39.840 give us the grace after seeing your hand 0:05:39.840,0:05:42.800 to see them face to face and I pray one 0:05:42.800,0:05:45.440 day we will see all of you face to face 0:05:45.440,0:05:47.639 by the grace of God because we are one 0:05:47.639,0:05:51.520 by The Same Spirit of Jesus so when he 0:05:51.520,0:05:54.160 went to South Africa I want to say 0:05:54.160,0:05:56.680 something about that country it's true 0:05:56.680,0:06:00.479 every country has it its challenges 0:06:00.479,0:06:04.319 but that country has a great great great 0:06:04.319,0:06:07.599 great resource and grace of God so every 0:06:07.599,0:06:10.280 country we go we will pray we will pray 0:06:10.280,0:06:12.720 for that country we will pray for the 0:06:12.720,0:06:15.000 blessings of that country the Bible says 0:06:15.000,0:06:16.560 in Jeremiah chapter 0:06:16.560,0:06:19.680 29:7 you should pray because what is 0:06:19.680,0:06:21.960 good for the country it's good for you 0:06:21.960,0:06:25.000 so today the Lord stir our hearts on a 0:06:25.000,0:06:26.400 message you know we don't prepare 0:06:26.400,0:06:28.120 message in advance we trust the Holy 0:06:28.120,0:06:30.800 Spirit to lead us to guide us because he 0:06:30.800,0:06:32.240 is the 0:06:32.240,0:06:35.319 teacher he is the instructor he is the 0:06:35.319,0:06:37.919 commander so today God put in our heart 0:06:37.919,0:06:41.639 to reflect on the state of our 0:06:41.639,0:06:45.440 heart and we we say what is heart you 0:06:45.440,0:06:47.919 know the importance of our heart our 0:06:47.919,0:06:51.800 heart is a fountain our heart is a 0:06:51.800,0:06:55.000 foundation our heart our spirit means 0:06:55.000,0:06:58.080 our heart is the foundation of Our Lives 0:06:58.080,0:07:01.039 that's why God focuses is looks our 0:07:01.039,0:07:03.080 heart any time we come to God God looks 0:07:03.080,0:07:04.160 our heart 0:07:04.160,0:07:07.240 first why because that's the dwelling 0:07:07.240,0:07:10.560 place it's only in our heart that we are 0:07:10.560,0:07:13.039 made to the image and likeness of 0:07:13.039,0:07:16.240 God so she present this 0:07:16.240,0:07:18.800 food let's start by the natural we all 0:07:18.800,0:07:20.440 start by the natural all 0:07:20.440,0:07:23.000 right which one's your 0:07:23.000,0:07:26.520 favorite well you know normally we eat 0:07:26.520,0:07:29.319 three times per day some two some one 0:07:29.319,0:07:32.120 but normally three we take breakfast we 0:07:32.120,0:07:34.840 take lunch and we take dinner why why 0:07:34.840,0:07:37.400 are we eating what's the purpose of 0:07:37.400,0:07:39.759 eating some eat by 0:07:39.759,0:07:42.599 Pleasure some eat because it is a 0:07:42.599,0:07:44.120 necessary function to sustain and 0:07:44.120,0:07:48.199 maintain life yeah to F our body yes but 0:07:48.199,0:07:52.159 we eat every day but do we really care 0:07:52.159,0:07:54.120 about what we 0:07:54.120,0:07:56.319 eat we have a heart we know the 0:07:56.319,0:07:57.879 importance of the human 0:07:57.879,0:08:02.560 heart how many of us have checked their 0:08:02.560,0:08:06.919 heart since it's 1 2 3 4 5 years we just 0:08:06.919,0:08:09.479 take it for granted right our heart is 0:08:09.479,0:08:12.599 beating every day is engine the sustain 0:08:12.599,0:08:15.759 our life but what is the quality of our 0:08:15.759,0:08:18.280 heart you know the heart can be sick we 0:08:18.280,0:08:20.319 have natural sickness 0:08:20.319,0:08:23.840 right but a heart can be wealthy 0:08:23.840,0:08:26.280 healthy what is our role we have a role 0:08:26.280,0:08:29.960 to pray the type of food we eat go go 0:08:29.960,0:08:32.159 into our blood we all 0:08:32.159,0:08:35.680 know just do a blood test we do blood 0:08:35.680,0:08:39.680 test everybody and we see what is in our 0:08:39.680,0:08:42.919 blood what is in our heart and then we 0:08:42.919,0:08:46.560 begin to realize that either we have 0:08:46.560,0:08:49.040 taken the wrong food and that affected 0:08:49.040,0:08:50.880 the health of our heart and what do we 0:08:50.880,0:08:53.680 do we run for solution for medicine but 0:08:53.680,0:08:56.000 the Bible says prevention is better than 0:08:56.000,0:08:57.240 cure 0:08:57.240,0:09:00.440 cure now 0:09:00.440,0:09:03.560 the heart the human heart pump blood 0:09:03.560,0:09:06.680 into our body what is the purpose of the 0:09:06.680,0:09:09.160 blood how it works in our body when 0:09:09.160,0:09:11.399 sometime when we understand how our body 0:09:11.399,0:09:14.000 functions sometime when we understand 0:09:14.000,0:09:16.640 how such or such food can affect us we 0:09:16.640,0:09:18.680 know how to guard against it we know how 0:09:18.680,0:09:20.240 to do the right 0:09:20.240,0:09:23.880 thing the time has come to have 0:09:23.880,0:09:26.920 spiritual alertness awareness of what is 0:09:26.920,0:09:28.360 good for 0:09:28.360,0:09:30.920 us do we really know what is good do we 0:09:30.920,0:09:33.680 care do we know what damages our heart 0:09:33.680,0:09:36.800 do we know what what makes the heart 0:09:36.800,0:09:39.160 sick these things are important for us 0:09:39.160,0:09:42.000 to have a healthy life because our life 0:09:42.000,0:09:43.320 comes from our 0:09:43.320,0:09:47.040 heart right so first I want to explain 0:09:47.040,0:09:48.560 something important to 0:09:48.560,0:09:53.040 you why God always refers to our heart 0:09:53.040,0:09:55.600 what is the importance of our heart to 0:09:55.600,0:09:59.760 the spirit to the father and to Jesus 0:09:59.760,0:10:01.440 remember the message of propheta 0:10:01.440,0:10:05.000 Christianity is all about heart yeah the 0:10:05.000,0:10:08.640 purity of the heart Christianity is all 0:10:08.640,0:10:13.200 about heart the purity of our heart and 0:10:13.200,0:10:15.920 Jesus said in Matthew chapter 5:8 0:10:15.920,0:10:19.720 blessed are the pure in heart they shall 0:10:19.720,0:10:21.720 see 0:10:21.720,0:10:25.440 God purity of heart this mean our heart 0:10:25.440,0:10:27.519 can be impure our heart can be affected 0:10:27.519,0:10:30.200 by what we're taking you 0:10:30.200,0:10:32.839 naturally now let me take you first Ruth 0:10:32.839,0:10:34.440 can you read the book of proverb chapter 0:10:34.440,0:10:36.959 4 let's listen to the proof text of this 0:10:36.959,0:10:41.120 message proverb 4: 20 it's not about 0:10:41.120,0:10:43.200 natural food we are going to the 0:10:43.200,0:10:45.959 spiritual because the question we face 0:10:45.959,0:10:49.560 today is how we feed our spirit how we 0:10:49.560,0:10:52.720 feed our soul what do we take into our 0:10:52.720,0:10:56.639 heart okay proverb chapter 0:10:58.000,0:11:01.120 4 my son give attention to my words 0:11:01.120,0:11:03.760 incline your ear to my sayings do not 0:11:03.760,0:11:06.440 let them depart from your eyes keep them 0:11:06.440,0:11:08.440 in the midst of your heart for they are 0:11:08.440,0:11:10.680 life to those who find them and health 0:11:10.680,0:11:12.480 to all their 0:11:12.480,0:11:15.760 flesh take note of those words keep your 0:11:15.760,0:11:18.240 heart with all diligence for out of it 0:11:18.240,0:11:20.720 spring the issues of life my God can you 0:11:20.720,0:11:23.000 read it again those last two verses I 0:11:23.000,0:11:24.839 think can we put it on the the 0:11:24.839,0:11:27.480 screen put it on the screen can you read 0:11:27.480,0:11:29.600 it again 0:11:29.600,0:11:32.880 my son give attention to my words 0:11:32.880,0:11:34.839 incline your ear to my 0:11:34.839,0:11:37.600 sayings do not let them depart from your 0:11:37.600,0:11:40.920 eyes keep them in the midst of your 0:11:40.920,0:11:43.399 heart for they are life to those who 0:11:43.399,0:11:46.440 find them and health to all their flesh 0:11:46.440,0:11:48.120 who is speaking to 0:11:48.120,0:11:50.920 you God our 0:11:50.920,0:11:53.880 Father who is speaking to you the Holy 0:11:53.880,0:11:57.399 Spirit why God is instructing and giving 0:11:57.399,0:12:03.639 an advice my son pay attention to my 0:12:03.639,0:12:07.720 words incline your ear to my sayings 0:12:07.720,0:12:10.839 that's what the Lord said do not let 0:12:10.839,0:12:13.120 them depart from your eyes you know read 0:12:13.120,0:12:16.199 the Bible keep them in the midst of your 0:12:16.199,0:12:17.600 heart this is what I'm 0:12:17.600,0:12:21.639 coming keep them my words in the midst 0:12:21.639,0:12:25.320 of your heart the word of God can only 0:12:25.320,0:12:28.480 work effectively when it is stored in 0:12:28.480,0:12:31.160 the midst of our heart 0:12:31.160,0:12:34.880 the word of God can only benefit us when 0:12:34.880,0:12:38.720 the word enters our heart that's where 0:12:38.720,0:12:41.760 it works that's where the life of the 0:12:41.760,0:12:45.480 word begin to impact our very nature our 0:12:45.480,0:12:50.079 spirit our mind our soul even our body 0:12:50.079,0:12:51.680 the Lord say verse 0:12:51.680,0:12:58.320 22 for there are life to those who find 0:12:58.320,0:12:59.800 them take 0:12:59.800,0:13:03.800 note God say there is life in the word 0:13:03.800,0:13:06.399 but that life is 0:13:06.399,0:13:10.120 hidden so you need to find it how can 0:13:10.120,0:13:12.279 you find the life in the word what is 0:13:12.279,0:13:13.639 the life in the word the Bible is 0:13:13.639,0:13:20.079 talking about and he said Health to All 0:13:20.079,0:13:24.399 Flesh Health to All Flesh we calling 0:13:24.399,0:13:28.720 God's healing words 0:13:29.279,0:13:30.920 God's 0:13:30.920,0:13:35.560 word is food for your spirit for your 0:13:35.560,0:13:40.120 soul God's word is all Health what is r 0:13:40.120,0:13:42.480 can I ask a question when you say 0:13:42.480,0:13:44.839 someone is good is in good health what 0:13:44.839,0:13:46.959 does it mean how do we know somebody is 0:13:46.959,0:13:50.480 in good health how well if you say 0:13:50.480,0:13:52.079 physically they're in good health well 0:13:52.079,0:13:55.040 it means they their body is healthy 0:13:55.040,0:13:58.320 their system is healthy functioning well 0:13:58.320,0:14:00.040 and 0:14:00.040,0:14:02.639 nothing's irregular everything seems to 0:14:02.639,0:14:06.440 be okay there are some type type of work 0:14:06.440,0:14:08.440 or you go to liin I me they would check 0:14:08.440,0:14:11.000 you thoroughly they would why they would 0:14:11.000,0:14:14.320 do blood test test your un they would 0:14:14.320,0:14:16.079 test everything organic that come from 0:14:16.079,0:14:18.040 your body because there's a trace of 0:14:18.040,0:14:19.000 everything you 0:14:19.000,0:14:22.600 eat whatever we taking go through the 0:14:22.600,0:14:25.320 blood the nutrients of the food we eat 0:14:25.320,0:14:27.480 go through the blood when the doctor do 0:14:27.480,0:14:29.399 a blood test he would take your 0:14:29.399,0:14:32.240 cholesterol he will check all the vitals 0:14:32.240,0:14:35.440 in your blood that means one's input 0:14:35.440,0:14:38.000 will determine the output so when the 0:14:38.000,0:14:40.639 criteria are balanced they say oh this 0:14:40.639,0:14:42.959 man is in good health and you reflect on 0:14:42.959,0:14:44.959 the way you talk on the way you move on 0:14:44.959,0:14:48.720 the way you act so we want to explain 0:14:48.720,0:14:51.240 that in the same way we see in the 0:14:51.240,0:14:54.000 natural our human heart our health in 0:14:54.000,0:14:56.040 the same way we should take 0:14:56.040,0:14:59.120 consideration of our spiritual health 0:14:59.120,0:15:02.680 and the state of our heart God said my 0:15:02.680,0:15:07.800 word is Health to All Flesh the 0:15:07.800,0:15:11.120 question the heart can be sick we know 0:15:11.120,0:15:12.959 but in the spirit your heart being 0:15:12.959,0:15:15.399 Spirit your spirit too can be 0:15:15.399,0:15:17.480 sick and that's the sickness that 0:15:17.480,0:15:19.519 affects every single part of our life 0:15:19.519,0:15:22.360 thank you what are the things we do that 0:15:22.360,0:15:25.120 can cause our heart to be sick what okay 0:15:25.120,0:15:27.600 one of the symptoms of our heart is sick 0:15:27.600,0:15:30.680 a heart that thinks wrongly that thinks 0:15:30.680,0:15:33.360 evil is a heart that is 0:15:33.360,0:15:37.399 sick a heart that is full of 0:15:37.399,0:15:42.600 anger jealousy fits of Rage such a heart 0:15:42.600,0:15:45.000 is sick the fruits of the flesh AB let's 0:15:45.000,0:15:46.480 listen to what Jesus said in the Book of 0:15:46.480,0:15:49.800 Matthew chapter 15: 18 that's why the 0:15:49.800,0:15:52.839 Lord looks our heart to check the state 0:15:52.839,0:15:57.079 of our heart before God give us any 0:15:57.079,0:15:59.279 assignment let's listen to what Jesus 0:15:59.279,0:16:02.600 said the state of our heart the state of 0:16:02.600,0:16:05.440 our heart the health of our 0:16:05.440,0:16:08.240 spirit Matthew chapter 15 verse 18 0:16:08.240,0:16:10.639 listen to what Jesus said to 19 even 0:16:10.639,0:16:13.440 verse 19 but those things which proceed 0:16:13.440,0:16:15.839 out of the mouth come from the heart and 0:16:15.839,0:16:18.120 they defile a man for out of the heart 0:16:18.120,0:16:20.800 proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries 0:16:20.800,0:16:23.240 fornications thefts false witness 0:16:23.240,0:16:25.240 blasphemies these are the things which 0:16:25.240,0:16:28.319 defile a man this is what Jesus 0:16:28.319,0:16:30.199 considers 0:16:30.199,0:16:32.600 when somebody misbehave or say something 0:16:32.600,0:16:35.560 or do something the Lord looks at the 0:16:35.560,0:16:37.199 motivation of the 0:16:37.199,0:16:39.680 heart that's the motivation of the heart 0:16:39.680,0:16:43.600 that makes something good or bad evil or 0:16:43.600,0:16:46.600 righteous that can make the heart good 0:16:46.600,0:16:47.440 or 0:16:47.440,0:16:52.759 bad so the words we speak reveal what is 0:16:52.759,0:16:54.240 in our 0:16:54.240,0:16:58.000 heart if somebody speaks words of anger 0:16:58.000,0:16:59.880 condemnation 0:16:59.880,0:17:03.240 that R mean this heart is on that way 0:17:03.240,0:17:05.520 out of the abundance of the heart the 0:17:05.520,0:17:07.679 mouth 0:17:07.679,0:17:09.880 speak so what are the things that 0:17:09.880,0:17:13.919 damages our heart we know them offense 0:17:13.919,0:17:17.480 offense jealousy resentment anger 0:17:17.480,0:17:20.199 resentment and forgiving Spirit now you 0:17:20.199,0:17:22.319 can see why the devil is using 0:17:22.319,0:17:26.839 circumstances against you because your 0:17:26.839,0:17:29.640 answer reflect the state of your 0:17:29.640,0:17:32.760 heart if you are provoked and you answer 0:17:32.760,0:17:34.840 back and you fight back and you speak 0:17:34.840,0:17:38.200 badly Jesus said the word you speak will 0:17:38.200,0:17:40.160 defile your 0:17:40.160,0:17:42.880 heart that's why Jesus 0:17:42.880,0:17:45.360 said you who are bad how can you speak 0:17:45.360,0:17:48.799 good words our heart is a fountain you 0:17:48.799,0:17:51.440 know a fountain like a 0:17:51.440,0:17:55.400 well it's the seat of everything we 0:17:55.400,0:18:00.200 do the heart is the seat of knowledge 0:18:00.200,0:18:01.799 wisdom 0:18:01.799,0:18:05.159 Revelation faith and every good thing we 0:18:05.159,0:18:07.919 do that's why God looks at the heart to 0:18:07.919,0:18:11.200 see the purpose the motivation behind 0:18:11.200,0:18:13.400 our action behind our 0:18:13.400,0:18:16.360 words so when God judges something he 0:18:16.360,0:18:18.400 looks at the motivation of the 0:18:18.400,0:18:22.120 heart so the question is a heart that 0:18:22.120,0:18:25.440 thinks evil is sick a heart that thinks 0:18:25.440,0:18:29.600 negatively is sick H and where can we go 0:18:29.600,0:18:31.400 when a heart is sick only to the heart 0:18:31.400,0:18:33.840 doctor who is Jesus Christ that is it 0:18:33.840,0:18:35.520 when the Mind think negative or the 0:18:35.520,0:18:37.960 heart thinks negative it is 0:18:37.960,0:18:41.480 sickness so now the question is what is 0:18:41.480,0:18:44.000 the cue what is the 0:18:44.000,0:18:47.120 answer Jesus said to 0:18:47.120,0:18:50.720 us what defile a man is not what enters 0:18:50.720,0:18:54.480 but what comes out of our heart mean the 0:18:54.480,0:18:55.960 heart is the Fountain of everything we 0:18:55.960,0:18:58.480 do so we need to check our heart we need 0:18:58.480,0:19:01.320 to make sure the heart is in a good 0:19:01.320,0:19:04.720 State the heart is pure before God the 0:19:04.720,0:19:07.320 purity of heart the righteousness of 0:19:07.320,0:19:09.880 heart that's the gift of God now let me 0:19:09.880,0:19:11.840 go back to the Natural I want to show 0:19:11.840,0:19:13.240 you one just 0:19:13.240,0:19:18.240 one one uh picture can we 0:19:19.360,0:19:22.559 see God has given us everything we need 0:19:22.559,0:19:24.080 to have a healthy 0:19:24.080,0:19:27.200 heart God has given you on everything to 0:19:27.200,0:19:30.000 have a healthy mind no I don't know what 0:19:30.000,0:19:32.400 is the state of your heart today I don't 0:19:32.400,0:19:35.080 know how your spirit I mean your spirit 0:19:35.080,0:19:38.240 is no matter the state of your heart 0:19:38.240,0:19:42.320 today it is possible right now to heal 0:19:42.320,0:19:45.240 your heart to reset your mind to put 0:19:45.240,0:19:47.440 your heart right before God that's why 0:19:47.440,0:19:49.679 Jesus came that's what the Holy Ghost 0:19:49.679,0:19:52.159 come to do in our life no matter the 0:19:52.159,0:19:55.960 state of your heart and mind are you in 0:19:55.960,0:19:59.400 depression are you 0:19:59.400,0:20:01.159 thinking as if you are getting out of 0:20:01.159,0:20:03.960 Faith are you overwhelmed by situation 0:20:03.960,0:20:06.559 are you worried you're worried you can't 0:20:06.559,0:20:08.919 dream you can't read your Bible mean 0:20:08.919,0:20:10.200 your heart is 0:20:10.200,0:20:13.520 sick how can we repair it the repairer 0:20:13.520,0:20:16.159 and the restorer is 0:20:16.159,0:20:19.640 Jesus now let me show you just the 0:20:19.640,0:20:22.200 process we are going to talk about today 0:20:22.200,0:20:25.880 the Holy Spirit uses God's word to heal 0:20:25.880,0:20:27.039 our 0:20:27.039,0:20:30.039 heart the Holy Spirit uses God's word to 0:20:30.039,0:20:33.039 heal our mind that's why our past does 0:20:33.039,0:20:36.240 not matter to God no matter how sick you 0:20:36.240,0:20:39.039 are no matter how bad you 0:20:39.039,0:20:42.000 feel it takes a moment for the spirit of 0:20:42.000,0:20:44.080 God to reset your heart and mind and put 0:20:44.080,0:20:47.159 you to the right truck so let's just 0:20:47.159,0:20:50.280 watch a bit I hope you're able to to see 0:20:50.280,0:20:52.240 the graphic I want to talk about now you 0:20:52.240,0:20:54.480 see on the board I want to show you one 0:20:54.480,0:20:56.880 graphic we all know all of us this is 0:20:56.880,0:20:58.360 not science we're not going to talk 0:20:58.360,0:21:00.120 about we are not scientific we are not 0:21:00.120,0:21:02.520 doctors but we use something in the 0:21:02.520,0:21:04.760 natural to help us understand the things 0:21:04.760,0:21:07.440 of the spirit as Jesus did in The 0:21:07.440,0:21:09.600 Parables when he went to school all of 0:21:09.600,0:21:13.320 us I think you you remember we we 0:21:13.320,0:21:16.720 study we call I know in French I know 0:21:16.720,0:21:19.840 how to say in English the process of the 0:21:19.840,0:21:23.159 food we digest in our body how we 0:21:23.159,0:21:25.080 circulate how it affect our 0:21:25.080,0:21:27.799 blood how it affect our own health if 0:21:27.799,0:21:30.679 you don't eat for two days you become 0:21:30.679,0:21:33.039 weak if you fast for 3 days you don't 0:21:33.039,0:21:35.919 have any energy you can hardly move why 0:21:35.919,0:21:38.919 because your whole body becomes weak 0:21:38.919,0:21:41.200 mean the vital element of Life of 0:21:41.200,0:21:44.600 strength in every part of your your cell 0:21:44.600,0:21:46.240 comes from the nutrient of the food you 0:21:46.240,0:21:50.520 eat am I right no the food you eat go we 0:21:50.520,0:21:53.000 we we swallow the food we enjoy the food 0:21:53.000,0:21:55.000 it go to your stomach and the stomach 0:21:55.000,0:21:56.559 will process 0:21:56.559,0:21:59.159 it the nutrients that 0:21:59.159,0:22:02.960 good we go to our 0:22:03.120,0:22:06.039 blood the iron all the qualities go to 0:22:06.039,0:22:08.880 the blood the vitamins the vitamins we 0:22:08.880,0:22:11.080 thank you very much and all these are 0:22:11.080,0:22:12.720 necessary for your muscle for your body 0:22:12.720,0:22:16.279 to work properly a balance life now 0:22:16.279,0:22:17.640 let's watch I want to explain something 0:22:17.640,0:22:22.039 to you the food God give to his children 0:22:22.039,0:22:24.159 is the word of 0:22:24.159,0:22:27.520 God that's why Jesus said in John 0:22:27.520,0:22:32.320 chapter 6 verse 35 I am the bread of 0:22:32.320,0:22:33.240 life 0:22:33.240,0:22:36.880 life and John 6:54 the Lord say he who 0:22:36.880,0:22:41.919 eats my flesh and drinks my blood has 0:22:41.919,0:22:45.480 what etal life lasting life the bread of 0:22:45.480,0:22:47.480 life he who 0:22:47.480,0:22:51.600 eats my flesh and drinks my blood has 0:22:51.600,0:22:54.039 eternal life that's what Jesus said he 0:22:54.039,0:22:57.000 said what is this man saying H who can 0:22:57.000,0:22:59.320 eat his flesh how can this man give us 0:22:59.320,0:23:02.480 his flesh to eat and his blood to drink 0:23:02.480,0:23:04.679 these are hard 0:23:04.679,0:23:06.880 sayings many people left because they 0:23:06.880,0:23:08.320 couldn't understand and they were 0:23:08.320,0:23:11.440 offended and they left Jesus 0:23:11.440,0:23:14.120 immediately despise all the miracle they 0:23:14.120,0:23:15.400 saw Jesus 0:23:15.400,0:23:17.640 performed that's why if you just follow 0:23:17.640,0:23:20.279 Jesus because of Miracles because of 0:23:20.279,0:23:23.000 signs and wonders it will not it cannot 0:23:23.000,0:23:24.960 keep you following Jesus you have to 0:23:24.960,0:23:27.760 follow Jesus because of the word that he 0:23:27.760,0:23:31.720 says because that word is the one that 0:23:31.720,0:23:34.960 will give you eternal life why they ever 0:23:34.960,0:23:37.919 know Jesus because their heart were 0:23:37.919,0:23:41.559 sick their hearts were sick and Jesus 0:23:41.559,0:23:42.919 want to heal their 0:23:42.919,0:23:45.960 hearts how they reject the medicine of 0:23:45.960,0:23:48.320 Jesus what is the medicine the word of 0:23:48.320,0:23:51.919 life is your heart sick today if your 0:23:51.919,0:23:54.080 heart is sick then you're watching the 0:23:54.080,0:23:57.080 right program today if God has just 0:23:57.080,0:23:59.640 spoke to your heart to click on this 0:23:59.640,0:24:02.320 live podcast today we believe that the 0:24:02.320,0:24:04.320 word of God will heal your heart because 0:24:04.320,0:24:09.440 that's what you need so I I don't care 0:24:09.440,0:24:11.640 about what you are facing in times of 0:24:11.640,0:24:13.559 difficulty that it's impossible nothing 0:24:13.559,0:24:16.720 is impossible my dear brother my dear 0:24:16.720,0:24:21.200 sister mother and father listen to me no 0:24:21.200,0:24:24.919 matter the state of your heart and mind 0:24:24.919,0:24:28.720 today I'm telling you God has has the 0:24:28.720,0:24:32.919 ability and the grace to reset you 0:24:32.919,0:24:35.960 immediately the sickness if you 0:24:35.960,0:24:39.279 pray and our prayers are not answered it 0:24:39.279,0:24:41.159 may be because our heart need to be 0:24:41.159,0:24:43.960 healed because our words need to be 0:24:43.960,0:24:46.200 healed there is a connection between 0:24:46.200,0:24:48.120 your heart and your 0:24:48.120,0:24:50.240 words if my 0:24:50.240,0:24:53.399 words are not according to God's word if 0:24:53.399,0:24:55.559 I speak negatively how can I expect 0:24:55.559,0:24:58.440 God's blessings to my life 0:24:58.440,0:25:00.760 so this bread we 0:25:00.760,0:25:03.600 eat once you eat this bread you swallow 0:25:03.600,0:25:05.799 it it go to your stomach you don't we 0:25:05.799,0:25:08.039 said it last time you have no control 0:25:08.039,0:25:09.480 over what's happening inside your 0:25:09.480,0:25:12.799 stomach the digestive system starts 0:25:12.799,0:25:15.120 working but we don't have any awareness 0:25:15.120,0:25:17.840 of that really it just happens right 0:25:17.840,0:25:20.399 good now let's look at this this this 0:25:20.399,0:25:21.360 this 0:25:21.360,0:25:23.520 graphic when you go to graphic here you 0:25:23.520,0:25:26.600 see you see the heart you see two colors 0:25:26.600,0:25:29.399 you see blue on the left 0:25:29.399,0:25:33.039 and red on the right we have studied at 0:25:33.039,0:25:34.799 school primary school if you remember 0:25:34.799,0:25:37.760 when Secondary School how this blood 0:25:37.760,0:25:39.760 circulation function in our in our 0:25:39.760,0:25:43.440 system we have two system the pulmonary 0:25:43.440,0:25:47.120 circulation and the col systemic down 0:25:47.120,0:25:48.760 okay when I eat 0:25:48.760,0:25:51.279 food the Bible say the food I eat the 0:25:51.279,0:25:54.799 nutrients will go through the blood 0:25:54.799,0:25:56.640 through how do 0:25:56.640,0:25:58.600 youon it's very difficult what to 0:25:58.600,0:26:01.840 pronounce pulmonary capillary vessels 0:26:01.840,0:26:04.480 down or capillary vessels yes this one 0:26:04.480,0:26:07.679 down down we extract the nutrient of 0:26:07.679,0:26:11.360 your food and send it to the blood right 0:26:11.360,0:26:14.159 now the blood carry all those thing into 0:26:14.159,0:26:15.399 your 0:26:15.399,0:26:18.159 heart but you see the heart now from the 0:26:18.159,0:26:21.399 heart the blood will be sent to your 0:26:21.399,0:26:25.080 lungs to receive oxygen from your 0:26:25.080,0:26:29.799 lungs and that lungs will send life we 0:26:29.799,0:26:32.240 send oxygen to the blood which is vital 0:26:32.240,0:26:33.480 for the 0:26:33.480,0:26:37.159 life so I'm just summarizing so the food 0:26:37.159,0:26:40.559 you eat will enter your blood we now 0:26:40.559,0:26:43.000 your lungs play a role by sending oxygen 0:26:43.000,0:26:44.720 to your blood and that's what your 0:26:44.720,0:26:46.799 vessel what your what Your Body your 0:26:46.799,0:26:50.279 tissue need to to live now on the blue 0:26:50.279,0:26:53.640 side that's the blood that that have 0:26:53.640,0:26:55.720 been used already that need to be de 0:26:55.720,0:26:58.399 oxygenized there's no Oxygen that blood 0:26:58.399,0:27:00.200 is blue we have to go through the lungs 0:27:00.200,0:27:03.440 and receive oxygen from the lungs and 0:27:03.440,0:27:05.799 then become red and carry the blood with 0:27:05.799,0:27:08.000 oxygen the red side and give life to 0:27:08.000,0:27:11.120 every cell or tissue of your body that's 0:27:11.120,0:27:13.000 cause me to raise my hand to look here 0:27:13.000,0:27:15.240 because I'm all this is going through my 0:27:15.240,0:27:18.559 body without me having any notice of it 0:27:18.559,0:27:20.640 the food I eat is producing enough 0:27:20.640,0:27:23.640 energy to make me to move to live to 0:27:23.640,0:27:26.080 sustain my life and that come from what 0:27:26.080,0:27:28.600 the food you eat 0:27:28.600,0:27:32.120 that comes from the food you eat but 0:27:32.120,0:27:35.840 Jesus said he will eat my flesh and 0:27:35.840,0:27:38.399 drinks my blood has what everlasting 0:27:38.399,0:27:41.120 life so what is good in the natural is 0:27:41.120,0:27:43.200 exactly the same in the 0:27:43.200,0:27:45.799 spirit this is human heart that pump 0:27:45.799,0:27:48.440 blood that feeds life to every cell of 0:27:48.440,0:27:50.120 your body and you move and you 0:27:50.120,0:27:54.799 talk but in the spirit the heart means 0:27:54.799,0:27:57.440 Spirit what is the food of your spirit 0:27:57.440,0:28:00.279 everybody will say the right answer can 0:28:00.279,0:28:02.760 you answer me what is the food of your 0:28:02.760,0:28:04.919 spirit the food of your 0:28:04.919,0:28:07.240 soul the word of God I know that 0:28:07.240,0:28:08.919 everybody will give the right answer the 0:28:08.919,0:28:11.919 word of God but which word of God the 0:28:11.919,0:28:14.880 Living Word of God how do you know the 0:28:14.880,0:28:16.880 word of God is 0:28:16.880,0:28:19.880 living that's the question because it's 0:28:19.880,0:28:22.519 through the spirit of God okay because 0:28:22.519,0:28:25.960 you you're reviewing my my no I'm not r 0:28:25.960,0:28:27.559 i want to interact with you know what 0:28:27.559,0:28:28.760 you say is true 0:28:28.760,0:28:32.559 true the question is the word of God is 0:28:32.559,0:28:35.679 food when he enters my when I eat the 0:28:35.679,0:28:37.760 food who eats the food it's not my mouth 0:28:37.760,0:28:39.600 that eats the food it is my heart that 0:28:39.600,0:28:41.960 eats the 0:28:41.960,0:28:44.960 food when the word of God is 0:28:44.960,0:28:47.240 preached that's why the Bible say faith 0:28:47.240,0:28:49.600 comes from hearing and hearing come from 0:28:49.600,0:28:51.320 what the word of God who is hearing not 0:28:51.320,0:28:53.480 this ear your heart a hearing 0:28:53.480,0:28:58.320 heart so when the word enters your heart 0:28:58.320,0:29:01.880 the right ground the word is translated 0:29:01.880,0:29:04.360 to Spirit it become Spirit that's the 0:29:04.360,0:29:06.080 one that that's the blood we talking 0:29:06.080,0:29:10.279 about Spirit the word BEC spirit and 0:29:10.279,0:29:12.120 that's the word will feed your 0:29:12.120,0:29:16.120 spirit but now that word is not just the 0:29:16.120,0:29:19.600 letter of the word it needs something 0:29:19.600,0:29:22.320 the letter is what lifeless without the 0:29:22.320,0:29:24.960 word life without the spirit what is the 0:29:24.960,0:29:28.600 purpose of Holy Spirit Holy Spirit plays 0:29:28.600,0:29:30.600 the role of your lungs over there let's 0:29:30.600,0:29:34.559 go on top as the lungs bring oxygen into 0:29:34.559,0:29:37.000 the blood which is the vital element of 0:29:37.000,0:29:39.279 Life the Holy Spirit plays the role of 0:29:39.279,0:29:41.360 the Breath of 0:29:41.360,0:29:44.120 Life when the word enters your 0:29:44.120,0:29:46.760 heart the holy spirit will affect it 0:29:46.760,0:29:48.279 with 0:29:48.279,0:29:50.880 life which life are we talking about can 0:29:50.880,0:29:53.799 we go to John chapter 1 let's read from 0:29:53.799,0:29:57.399 verse 14 0:30:01.519,0:30:03.679 and the word became flesh and dwelt 0:30:03.679,0:30:06.440 among us and we beheld his glory the 0:30:06.440,0:30:09.559 glory as of the only begotten of the 0:30:09.559,0:30:12.519 father full of grace and truth John bore 0:30:12.519,0:30:14.880 witness of him and cried out saying this 0:30:14.880,0:30:17.960 was he you hear the word became flesh 0:30:17.960,0:30:19.559 now you understand why Jesus said eat my 0:30:19.559,0:30:22.679 flesh mean eat my 0:30:22.679,0:30:25.640 word let's go to verse one one verse one 0:30:25.640,0:30:28.159 chapter 1 verse one in the beginning was 0:30:28.159,0:30:30.840 the word and the Word was with God and 0:30:30.840,0:30:33.600 the Word was God he was in the beginning 0:30:33.600,0:30:36.519 with God all things were made through 0:30:36.519,0:30:40.039 him and without him nothing was made 0:30:40.039,0:30:43.159 that was made in him was life in the 0:30:43.159,0:30:44.840 word there is 0:30:44.840,0:30:48.159 life and the life was the light of men 0:30:48.159,0:30:50.679 now the light of men Jesus the Bible is 0:30:50.679,0:30:54.080 connecting life and light life and what 0:30:54.080,0:30:57.000 light light let me take it again life 0:30:57.000,0:30:58.480 and 0:30:58.480,0:31:00.440 light that's why Jesus said I am the 0:31:00.440,0:31:03.399 light of the world he who follows me 0:31:03.399,0:31:05.320 will never walk in darkness will have 0:31:05.320,0:31:07.880 the light of life we call it the light 0:31:07.880,0:31:10.000 of 0:31:10.000,0:31:13.120 Life the light of life is the light of 0:31:13.120,0:31:16.279 the spirit is a life of the 0:31:16.279,0:31:19.480 spirit that's why the Bible says when 0:31:19.480,0:31:23.919 the Holy Ghost affect the word with what 0:31:23.919,0:31:27.000 life the breath of life now when the 0:31:27.000,0:31:28.559 word enters your heart and the Holy 0:31:28.559,0:31:31.039 Ghost give life expression if you speak 0:31:31.039,0:31:31.960 that 0:31:31.960,0:31:35.720 word healing takes place if you speak 0:31:35.720,0:31:38.360 that Word of Life Deliverance takes 0:31:38.360,0:31:40.480 place if you speak the word of five 0:31:40.480,0:31:42.440 Miracle takes 0:31:42.440,0:31:45.440 place that's the word of life that's the 0:31:45.440,0:31:48.039 word that brings 0:31:48.039,0:31:51.679 Faith now the question is what is the 0:31:51.679,0:31:54.360 life the state of my heart if the state 0:31:54.360,0:31:56.360 of my heart is 0:31:56.360,0:31:58.480 correct oh my Lord 0:31:58.480,0:32:00.600 it become a tool in the hands of the 0:32:00.600,0:32:02.080 holy 0:32:02.080,0:32:05.279 spirit so when the heart is sick the 0:32:05.279,0:32:07.760 word of God has capacity to refresh your 0:32:07.760,0:32:11.080 mind to refresh your heart to purify it 0:32:11.080,0:32:12.880 it has purifying 0:32:12.880,0:32:15.559 power when you read the word when you 0:32:15.559,0:32:18.159 meditate the word everything negative 0:32:18.159,0:32:20.480 back in your heart be dismantled by the 0:32:20.480,0:32:22.760 power of the word of 0:32:22.760,0:32:27.080 God is your past tormenting you are you 0:32:27.080,0:32:29.519 tormenting by is a sin in your life or 0:32:29.519,0:32:31.760 something is Ving your heart the only 0:32:31.760,0:32:33.919 way to reset your heart your mind is to 0:32:33.919,0:32:37.000 meditate on the word of 0:32:37.000,0:32:39.399 God when the heart pump to the blood 0:32:39.399,0:32:43.000 boom boom boom that's meditation it is 0:32:43.000,0:32:45.960 your spirit that is meditating you have 0:32:45.960,0:32:47.960 no control over the circulation of the 0:32:47.960,0:32:50.440 blood and the movement of your heart you 0:32:50.440,0:32:52.159 have no control over the movement of 0:32:52.159,0:32:53.840 your spirit when you meditate the word 0:32:53.840,0:32:54.760 of 0:32:54.760,0:32:57.480 God so when you meditate when your 0:32:57.480,0:32:59.360 spirit is begin to meditate on the word 0:32:59.360,0:33:03.039 of God it attracts the presence of the 0:33:03.039,0:33:04.679 Holy 0:33:04.679,0:33:07.159 Spirit and when the Holy Spirit Come he 0:33:07.159,0:33:10.240 will affect the word with what life life 0:33:10.240,0:33:12.440 the breath of 0:33:12.440,0:33:15.919 life now means the work of the Holy 0:33:15.919,0:33:19.039 Ghost in the healthy life healthy to All 0:33:19.039,0:33:22.559 Flesh It Starts Here In Your 0:33:22.559,0:33:24.840 Heart when the word enters and the Holy 0:33:24.840,0:33:26.880 Ghost affect of his life that's the word 0:33:26.880,0:33:28.799 we call the word of Revelation 0:33:28.799,0:33:31.600 Revelation Revelation Revelation 0:33:31.600,0:33:33.720 revelation mean light you can see now 0:33:33.720,0:33:36.360 the light between light and life the 0:33:36.360,0:33:38.919 word of life is the word of revelation 0:33:38.919,0:33:41.519 of the holy spirit that reveal to you 0:33:41.519,0:33:43.559 what is in the heart of God what reveal 0:33:43.559,0:33:45.480 to you God's purpose for your life that 0:33:45.480,0:33:48.120 will reveal to you what is to come that 0:33:48.120,0:33:50.399 will reveal to you what is God's opinion 0:33:50.399,0:33:53.039 about your life the cirumstances you are 0:33:53.039,0:33:54.679 going 0:33:54.679,0:33:56.279 through 0:33:56.279,0:34:00.360 now when come to your heart deep in your 0:34:00.360,0:34:04.399 heart there you may not understand it 0:34:04.399,0:34:06.519 you may not react because it's it's 0:34:06.519,0:34:08.720 happened deep inside your 0:34:08.720,0:34:12.639 spirit that's now the this Blood we 0:34:12.639,0:34:15.720 talking about the blood is carried by 0:34:15.720,0:34:19.679 Your Vessel your vein the holy spirit is 0:34:19.679,0:34:23.240 The Giver of all life when we go to the 0:34:23.240,0:34:26.159 book of 2 Corinthians chapter 3: 6 Ruth 0:34:26.159,0:34:29.000 can you help us 2 Corinthians CH 3 from 0:34:29.000,0:34:30.079 verse 0:34:30.079,0:34:32.879 6 who also made us sufficient as 0:34:32.879,0:34:35.079 Ministers of the New Covenant not of the 0:34:35.079,0:34:37.240 letter but of the spirit for the letter 0:34:37.240,0:34:39.320 kills but the spirit gives life the 0:34:39.320,0:34:43.399 letter kills but the spirit gives life 0:34:43.399,0:34:45.040 when you look at the the drawing I show 0:34:45.040,0:34:47.960 you before the blue side where the blood 0:34:47.960,0:34:50.919 that have no oxygen that blood has to go 0:34:50.919,0:34:53.079 back to the lungs to receive 0:34:53.079,0:34:56.560 oxygen now when the Holy Ghost come the 0:34:56.560,0:34:58.680 Breath of Life Will will bring life to 0:34:58.680,0:34:59.400 your 0:34:59.400,0:35:03.680 words and that life is a light of 0:35:03.680,0:35:06.920 Revelation the light of Revelation 0:35:06.920,0:35:08.520 that's why the Bible says in 2 0:35:08.520,0:35:11.760 Corinthians chapter 4:6 Let's Go 2 0:35:11.760,0:35:12.920 Corinthians chapter 0:35:12.920,0:35:15.800 4:6 for it is the god who commanded 0:35:15.800,0:35:18.160 light to shine out of Darkness who has 0:35:18.160,0:35:20.720 Shone in our hearts to give the light of 0:35:20.720,0:35:23.440 the knowledge of the glory of God in the 0:35:23.440,0:35:26.079 face of Jesus Christ you have heard that 0:35:26.079,0:35:28.160 read it again please 0:35:28.160,0:35:31.119 for it is the god who commanded light to 0:35:31.119,0:35:34.119 shine out of Darkness who has Shone in 0:35:34.119,0:35:36.040 our hearts to give the light of the 0:35:36.040,0:35:38.480 knowledge of the glory of God in the 0:35:38.480,0:35:41.400 light of the knowledge of the glory of 0:35:41.400,0:35:44.599 God the light of knowledge the light of 0:35:44.599,0:35:47.320 Revelation the light of 0:35:47.320,0:35:49.480 understanding so the purpose of the word 0:35:49.480,0:35:51.440 of God in our heart in our spirit is to 0:35:51.440,0:35:53.880 bring revelation of the mind of God 0:35:53.880,0:35:55.560 revelation of the heart of God 0:35:55.560,0:35:57.240 revelation of the plan of God for your 0:35:57.240,0:35:59.800 life so you no longer walk in darkness 0:35:59.800,0:36:01.200 about your 0:36:01.200,0:36:04.240 future so your spirit need to feed on 0:36:04.240,0:36:06.560 the word of Revelation to know the mind 0:36:06.560,0:36:09.599 of God so that you can you can think 0:36:09.599,0:36:14.280 right speak right and act right how can 0:36:14.280,0:36:16.720 I think right when I meditate in the 0:36:16.720,0:36:18.880 word of God when the Holy Spirit come 0:36:18.880,0:36:21.800 and gives me Revelation I will think the 0:36:21.800,0:36:23.760 Deep Thoughts of Christ word of 0:36:23.760,0:36:25.800 Revelation can come word of Prophecy can 0:36:25.800,0:36:28.160 come solution to your problem can come 0:36:28.160,0:36:30.480 come because you hear God clearly 0:36:30.480,0:36:33.560 speaking in your heart now when 0:36:33.560,0:36:35.440 Revelation come in your heart the work 0:36:35.440,0:36:37.560 of the Holy Ghost we start the work of 0:36:37.560,0:36:41.319 helper we start to understand that 0:36:41.319,0:36:44.760 revelation we have dreams we have word 0:36:44.760,0:36:47.160 that we need to understand the meaning 0:36:47.160,0:36:50.599 of it in our lives that's the light when 0:36:50.599,0:36:52.720 Revelation come if Will shed a light in 0:36:52.720,0:36:55.119 your mind the light of understanding 0:36:55.119,0:36:56.880 your eyes of understanding become 0:36:56.880,0:36:59.280 illuminated by the spirit telling you 0:36:59.280,0:37:01.000 this is the meaning this is the meaning 0:37:01.000,0:37:02.400 this is the meaning it will come to your 0:37:02.400,0:37:04.359 mind to your heart spontaneously by the 0:37:04.359,0:37:06.160 spirit of God it means your heart your 0:37:06.160,0:37:07.960 conscience is awake so that means your 0:37:07.960,0:37:11.040 heart is healthy right true when your 0:37:11.040,0:37:12.960 heart is healthy mean your conscience is 0:37:12.960,0:37:16.280 healthy is a life then that only then 0:37:16.280,0:37:18.440 you will begin to hear the inner voice 0:37:18.440,0:37:20.560 of the Holy Spirit In Your 0:37:20.560,0:37:23.560 Heart what cause your heart to be free 0:37:23.560,0:37:26.200 from what damage is it free from sin 0:37:26.200,0:37:28.440 free from anger free from from all these 0:37:28.440,0:37:31.079 thing a free heart will bring the light 0:37:31.079,0:37:32.720 of revelation of the spirit of God 0:37:32.720,0:37:34.839 because your conscience will be able to 0:37:34.839,0:37:38.400 hear the inner voice when it comes 0:37:38.400,0:37:40.760 you'll be able whether it's by dream or 0:37:40.760,0:37:43.720 by a word to say yes this is God 0:37:43.720,0:37:46.400 speaking to me and that's the work of 0:37:46.400,0:37:49.720 Holy Spirit once Revelation come he will 0:37:49.720,0:37:52.280 give you understanding once 0:37:52.280,0:37:54.240 understanding come now you begin to 0:37:54.240,0:37:56.880 think right you begin to act right 0:37:56.880,0:37:58.400 because Holy Ghost will help you to 0:37:58.400,0:38:01.280 express that faith on the outside you 0:38:01.280,0:38:03.040 will not be the one Speaking he will 0:38:03.040,0:38:04.640 speak through 0:38:04.640,0:38:07.880 you so you think right when the Holy 0:38:07.880,0:38:10.839 Ghost inspire you you speak right when 0:38:10.839,0:38:12.640 it gives you 0:38:12.640,0:38:15.720 expression so now how can we have a 0:38:15.720,0:38:17.960 healthy heart think right and act right 0:38:17.960,0:38:19.920 it can only happen when the word 0:38:19.920,0:38:21.240 dominate your 0:38:21.240,0:38:23.680 heart when he dominates your heart he 0:38:23.680,0:38:25.280 will dominate your 0:38:25.280,0:38:27.880 mind once he dominate your mind it will 0:38:27.880,0:38:30.200 affect your behavior your conduct and 0:38:30.200,0:38:34.480 every action you do in in Simplicity if 0:38:34.480,0:38:37.599 your heart and your mind are filled with 0:38:37.599,0:38:39.960 the word of the Holy Spirit you will 0:38:39.960,0:38:42.359 speak that word at all time you will 0:38:42.359,0:38:44.280 speak the word of faith you will do what 0:38:44.280,0:38:45.119 is 0:38:45.119,0:38:48.359 right okay every day we have 0:38:48.359,0:38:50.640 choices should I marry this person 0:38:50.640,0:38:52.200 should I do this we don't know what to 0:38:52.200,0:38:55.400 do what do you do engage your heart feed 0:38:55.400,0:38:56.839 your heart with the word of God and 0:38:56.839,0:38:59.240 meditate on the promise of God while you 0:38:59.240,0:39:01.079 meditate while you meditate while you 0:39:01.079,0:39:03.240 meditate while you meditate meditated 0:39:03.240,0:39:06.160 God gives you a clear light light of 0:39:06.160,0:39:08.440 Revelation and understanding of that 0:39:08.440,0:39:11.040 situation when you listen to your 0:39:11.040,0:39:13.200 conscience your conscience will never Li 0:39:13.200,0:39:13.800 to 0:39:13.800,0:39:18.119 you if you face a wrong person a person 0:39:18.119,0:39:22.040 that have bad motivation your heart get 0:39:22.040,0:39:24.440 worry you know that there's a there's a 0:39:24.440,0:39:26.720 red how do you call it red light red 0:39:26.720,0:39:29.359 light 0:39:29.440,0:39:32.040 ask for wisdom don't rush into decision 0:39:32.040,0:39:33.040 but when the Holy Ghost give you 0:39:33.040,0:39:37.480 approval there's peace of heart peace of 0:39:37.480,0:39:40.040 heart peace that yes this is the right 0:39:40.040,0:39:42.440 thing to do and the Holy Spirit will act 0:39:42.440,0:39:44.760 upon you to give you conviction that yes 0:39:44.760,0:39:46.800 this is true for me this is the person 0:39:46.800,0:39:48.920 this is it holy ghost will give you that 0:39:48.920,0:39:50.920 Revelation that conviction of heart 0:39:50.920,0:39:53.000 that's why the Bible say he convict of 0:39:53.000,0:39:56.119 sin of righteousness and of judgment so 0:39:56.119,0:39:58.760 he gives you life of Revelation he give 0:39:58.760,0:40:00.680 you life by understanding he give you 0:40:00.680,0:40:03.440 life by acting right speaking right in 0:40:03.440,0:40:05.560 the line with God's word that's the work 0:40:05.560,0:40:09.160 of Holy Spirit let's go to Job chapter 0:40:09.160,0:40:11.800 33:4 and job 0:40:11.800,0:40:15.599 32:8 I want you to understand that what 0:40:15.599,0:40:17.880 we are saying seems complicated it is 0:40:17.880,0:40:19.599 not complicated when the Holy Spirit 0:40:19.599,0:40:20.400 takes 0:40:20.400,0:40:22.920 over it's not something we do by mental 0:40:22.920,0:40:24.920 imagination that's the work of the Holy 0:40:24.920,0:40:27.319 Spirit we understand how much we need 0:40:27.319,0:40:30.359 need the helper from above 0:40:30.359,0:40:32.400 mhm job 0:40:32.400,0:40:35.160 33:4 the spirit of God has made me and 0:40:35.160,0:40:37.599 the breath of the almighty gives me life 0:40:37.599,0:40:40.160 H the breath of the almighty gives me 0:40:40.160,0:40:43.160 life it gives life to your blood the 0:40:43.160,0:40:46.920 oxygen that the bre the lungs give to 0:40:46.920,0:40:48.440 the Blood Holy Ghost give you breath of 0:40:48.440,0:40:50.359 life to the word of life it affect your 0:40:50.359,0:40:55.480 word with life H with the word of Life 0:40:55.480,0:41:00.240 blood is a symbol of life know Leviticus 0:41:00.240,0:41:03.160 17:1 as blood is the symbol of 0:41:03.160,0:41:05.640 Life the bread of life is the symbol of 0:41:05.640,0:41:07.000 your spiritual 0:41:07.000,0:41:10.119 life that's why and it's always moving 0:41:10.119,0:41:11.400 as well you know when you see something 0:41:11.400,0:41:14.240 that's stagnant that's cold it's it you 0:41:14.240,0:41:15.760 know it's not a symbol of life but when 0:41:15.760,0:41:17.960 something is warm it's always moving you 0:41:17.960,0:41:20.480 know when you do exercise when you walk 0:41:20.480,0:41:22.319 your your blood is rushing through your 0:41:22.319,0:41:25.000 veins everything is moving everything is 0:41:25.000,0:41:26.640 is working and that's how it should be 0:41:26.640,0:41:28.760 with our spiritual life we should always 0:41:28.760,0:41:31.640 be working be be be moving the spirit of 0:41:31.640,0:41:33.599 God meditating on that word of God 0:41:33.599,0:41:35.440 that's pumping the blood spiritual blood 0:41:35.440,0:41:37.240 through our veins that's is it medit 0:41:37.240,0:41:39.160 that's so don't get stagnant that's the 0:41:39.160,0:41:42.560 purpose of meditation so please we allow 0:41:42.560,0:41:46.040 the Holy Spirit as this my sister said 0:41:46.040,0:41:48.240 say holy spirit take over meditation 0:41:48.240,0:41:50.760 gives me a clear light when your heart 0:41:50.760,0:41:52.480 we need to engage our heart with the 0:41:52.480,0:41:55.359 helper with the Holy Spirit then we 0:41:55.359,0:41:58.640 meditate whatever situation happen bring 0:41:58.640,0:42:01.880 it to God by meditation and wait till 0:42:01.880,0:42:05.880 the Lord gives you a clear light we all 0:42:05.880,0:42:10.760 know in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 ver 7: 0:42:10.760,0:42:12.480 when Paul was having the thone in his 0:42:12.480,0:42:16.160 flesh 12 ver7 he run to Jesus because it 0:42:16.160,0:42:17.079 was 0:42:17.079,0:42:19.599 painful he cried for the Lord to remove 0:42:19.599,0:42:20.440 that 0:42:20.440,0:42:24.240 pain but the Bible says he pray one two 0:42:24.240,0:42:27.839 3 four times until the say hey oh 0:42:27.839,0:42:32.440 my grace is sufficient for you he knew 0:42:32.440,0:42:35.160 God's position in the matter and 0:42:35.160,0:42:37.240 immediately he receives strength to 0:42:37.240,0:42:38.599 endure that 0:42:38.599,0:42:40.800 situation when the Holy Spirit reveal 0:42:40.800,0:42:42.200 you the purpose of God you don't be 0:42:42.200,0:42:44.960 afraid anymore when God is aware of your 0:42:44.960,0:42:47.680 situation no matter what happens God is 0:42:47.680,0:42:49.280 in 0:42:49.280,0:42:52.440 control God may allow it for a purpose 0:42:52.440,0:42:54.680 that purpose it come to you when 0:42:54.680,0:42:56.559 understanding come when job was in the 0:42:56.559,0:42:59.040 midst of suffering he lost everything he 0:42:59.040,0:43:03.280 said I know that my redemer lives H I 0:43:03.280,0:43:05.599 know I'm only being tested I would come 0:43:05.599,0:43:07.920 out like gold because he 0:43:07.920,0:43:10.160 understood God's position in that 0:43:10.160,0:43:11.800 situation he was 0:43:11.800,0:43:14.119 facing there's something that okay is it 0:43:14.119,0:43:17.160 Rihanna Rihanna commented oh my goodness 0:43:17.160,0:43:19.040 I blame myself so many times for being 0:43:19.040,0:43:21.200 judgmental now I know it's the Holy 0:43:21.200,0:43:24.079 Spirit I think uh she was referring to 0:43:24.079,0:43:26.920 what Rim was saying about how you know 0:43:26.920,0:43:29.800 you you your spirit will your conscience 0:43:29.800,0:43:32.680 when it's awake when it's healthy you 0:43:32.680,0:43:34.280 know you will sense when whether 0:43:34.280,0:43:36.440 something's right or something's wrong a 0:43:36.440,0:43:37.920 situation that's right or wrong and you 0:43:37.920,0:43:39.599 follow that leading you know that's why 0:43:39.599,0:43:41.359 we need the wisdom of God in order to 0:43:41.359,0:43:43.119 communicate that you know we're Servants 0:43:43.119,0:43:45.880 of God and as Servants of God I always 0:43:45.880,0:43:48.000 remember there's a message Prophet T 0:43:48.000,0:43:50.440 Joshua gave where he said you know it's 0:43:50.440,0:43:53.480 it's a it's an insult to God when we say 0:43:53.480,0:43:54.920 exactly oh I know what I'm going to be 0:43:54.920,0:43:56.800 doing every day for the next week the 0:43:56.800,0:43:58.800 next month and next year what about 0:43:58.800,0:44:01.319 Consulting God what about okay if the 0:44:01.319,0:44:04.119 Lord Wills if the Lord Wills okay I'm a 0:44:04.119,0:44:06.440 servant of God I have to find out from 0:44:06.440,0:44:09.920 God first I can't tell you yes yet 0:44:09.920,0:44:11.720 because I have to find out from God and 0:44:11.720,0:44:15.119 sometimes it's very difficult in this 0:44:15.119,0:44:17.920 practical world we live in um to balance 0:44:17.920,0:44:20.240 that but we have to remember first and 0:44:20.240,0:44:23.800 foremost we are Servants of God and 0:44:23.800,0:44:25.079 that's why I just want to encourage 0:44:25.079,0:44:27.119 Rihanna with that you know the isue of 0:44:27.119,0:44:29.160 being judgmental no it's the holy spirit 0:44:29.160,0:44:30.520 that will give you that discretion 0:44:30.520,0:44:32.559 discernment in your heart but wisdom of 0:44:32.559,0:44:34.960 God is required in how to carry that out 0:44:34.960,0:44:38.880 and how to communicate it um wisely and 0:44:38.880,0:44:42.520 that's why we need the wisdom of God so 0:44:42.520,0:44:45.440 I want to add to the brother that said 0:44:45.440,0:44:49.599 uh is Cher he say but how to meditate 0:44:49.599,0:44:51.400 can you give us a practical example with 0:44:51.400,0:44:53.599 one verse of the Bible okay let me take 0:44:53.599,0:44:56.040 you to the book of Psalm chapter 0:44:56.040,0:45:00.200 39 verse one it says I will guard my 0:45:00.200,0:45:04.040 ways lest I sin with my tongue you hear 0:45:04.040,0:45:05.440 what you say 0:45:05.440,0:45:09.800 before I will guard my ways lest I sin 0:45:09.800,0:45:11.480 with my 0:45:11.480,0:45:14.240 tongues I will restrain my mouth with 0:45:14.240,0:45:17.079 the muzzle me I will put my hands on my 0:45:17.079,0:45:19.920 mouth I don't want to speak negatively 0:45:19.920,0:45:21.960 that's why if you must 0:45:21.960,0:45:25.160 speak think first meditate first yeah 0:45:25.160,0:45:27.640 pause first before you speak till God 0:45:27.640,0:45:29.720 give you the right position before you 0:45:29.720,0:45:31.880 speak before you command before you 0:45:31.880,0:45:36.480 judge he said verse Psalm 0:45:36.480,0:45:39.960 39:1 I said I will guard my ways lest I 0:45:39.960,0:45:42.480 sin with my tongue I will restrain my 0:45:42.480,0:45:45.960 mouth with a muzzle while the wicked are 0:45:45.960,0:45:50.319 before me verse two I was mute with 0:45:50.319,0:45:55.000 silence I held my peace even from good 0:45:55.000,0:45:57.800 and my sorrow was Stir Up 0:45:57.800,0:46:02.760 H my heart was hot within me while I was 0:46:02.760,0:46:05.520 meditating the fire burned and I spoke 0:46:05.520,0:46:06.760 with my 0:46:06.760,0:46:10.640 tongues what does it mean the Bible 0:46:10.640,0:46:13.880 says in Proverbs chapter 16 ver one the 0:46:13.880,0:46:16.800 preparation of the heart is from man but 0:46:16.800,0:46:19.640 the word of mouth is from the Lord your 0:46:19.640,0:46:22.160 duty is to prepare your heart to take 0:46:22.160,0:46:24.440 care of your heart by meditating on the 0:46:24.440,0:46:27.400 word of God and the Holy H ghost will 0:46:27.400,0:46:29.680 give you Revelation expression the word 0:46:29.680,0:46:32.280 out what to pray for and that's the way 0:46:32.280,0:46:35.280 out so meditation is not something 0:46:35.280,0:46:37.280 intellectual it is your spirit your 0:46:37.280,0:46:38.240 heart that 0:46:38.240,0:46:41.000 meditates what you do fill your heart 0:46:41.000,0:46:43.160 with the word of God in the beginning 0:46:43.160,0:46:45.520 you think you think you think you think 0:46:45.520,0:46:48.800 you think it it's not bad just that we 0:46:48.800,0:46:50.720 explain go to the message we gave last 0:46:50.720,0:46:53.520 time concerning the conversion room we 0:46:53.520,0:46:56.359 explained that in detail I just did a 0:46:56.359,0:46:58.839 summary when you chew the food in your 0:46:58.839,0:47:01.119 mouth is you have thinking here I think 0:47:01.119,0:47:03.160 the title on YouTube was how to cook 0:47:03.160,0:47:05.200 Faith or something yes and when you 0:47:05.200,0:47:07.440 swallow it in your 0:47:07.440,0:47:09.480 stomach the wood enters your stomach you 0:47:09.480,0:47:11.319 don't have any job to do that's 0:47:11.319,0:47:13.280 meditation when the wood enters your 0:47:13.280,0:47:16.079 heart your heart begin to act on that 0:47:16.079,0:47:17.880 word spontaneously without even you 0:47:17.880,0:47:21.280 having any awareness of it your blood is 0:47:21.280,0:47:23.559 moving in your blood do you think the 0:47:23.559,0:47:25.280 have you be any awareness of the blood 0:47:25.280,0:47:27.839 circula in your body do you have any 0:47:27.839,0:47:29.280 awareness of your heartbeat since you 0:47:29.280,0:47:31.200 were born that is 0:47:31.200,0:47:33.880 meditation it's beyond the conscious of 0:47:33.880,0:47:36.319 your mind that's why when you go to bed 0:47:36.319,0:47:38.800 after reading your Bible after soaking 0:47:38.800,0:47:41.280 your heart with something you sleep you 0:47:41.280,0:47:44.359 begin to have dreams vision and singing 0:47:44.359,0:47:46.400 in the spirit when you are sleeping at 0:47:46.400,0:47:48.599 night mean your heart never stopped 0:47:48.599,0:47:50.880 sleeping your heart never stopped 0:47:50.880,0:47:53.280 thinking and speaking that's where the 0:47:53.280,0:47:55.359 realm of meditation is your heart that's 0:47:55.359,0:47:57.680 the seat of meditation of Revelation 0:47:57.680,0:48:00.200 knowledge of wisdom of everything in 0:48:00.200,0:48:03.880 your heart now the question is we are 0:48:03.880,0:48:05.880 speaking to be heard by God not to be 0:48:05.880,0:48:08.680 heard by man that's why we speak God's 0:48:08.680,0:48:12.040 language at all time we speak the word 0:48:12.040,0:48:13.359 comes from the Holy Ghost the word that 0:48:13.359,0:48:15.920 is pure what is lovely that's what we 0:48:15.920,0:48:17.960 meditate Philippians chapter 0:48:17.960,0:48:21.160 4:8 your answer should be seasoned by 0:48:21.160,0:48:24.520 Grace your behavior your attitude should 0:48:24.520,0:48:26.960 reflect Christ character 0:48:26.960,0:48:28.720 you don't need to fight you need to 0:48:28.720,0:48:31.400 insult anybody speak whatever is lovely 0:48:31.400,0:48:33.760 whatever is pure you can only do that 0:48:33.760,0:48:36.040 when the Holy Ghost is guiding you 0:48:36.040,0:48:38.680 leading you when your heart is in the 0:48:38.680,0:48:40.359 right mood when the state of your heart 0:48:40.359,0:48:41.359 is 0:48:41.359,0:48:44.160 perfect then it become an instrument of 0:48:44.160,0:48:46.119 the spirit of humility the spirit of 0:48:46.119,0:48:47.960 wisdom the spirit of 0:48:47.960,0:48:51.119 God and now when the light come to your 0:48:51.119,0:48:53.079 understanding you will not be worried 0:48:53.079,0:48:55.400 anymore you will not be afraid anymore 0:48:55.400,0:48:56.760 because you understand this is just for 0:48:56.760,0:48:59.319 for a while once you understand your 0:48:59.319,0:49:01.200 situation under control you will not 0:49:01.200,0:49:04.040 have any depression you will calm 0:49:04.040,0:49:06.119 because you know the God has shown you 0:49:06.119,0:49:09.240 the way out it will surely come to pass 0:49:09.240,0:49:12.400 so what do we need to do at this moment 0:49:12.400,0:49:16.319 we realize that the health our spiritual 0:49:16.319,0:49:20.160 health is the word of God the word of 0:49:20.160,0:49:23.240 life that word will refreshes your heart 0:49:23.240,0:49:25.960 refreshes your mind heal your heart heal 0:49:25.960,0:49:29.359 your mind and heal your past you will 0:49:29.359,0:49:31.880 stop thinking negatively about the past 0:49:31.880,0:49:34.079 you will stop thinking negatively about 0:49:34.079,0:49:37.280 those you heard hurt you and when your 0:49:37.280,0:49:39.240 heart is refreshed by the word you have 0:49:39.240,0:49:41.920 capacity to say no to sin no to anger no 0:49:41.920,0:49:43.839 to jealousy not to Revenge you will 0:49:43.839,0:49:46.040 speak the words that are pure and God 0:49:46.040,0:49:49.040 will bless those 0:49:49.040,0:49:50.960 words so we are talking about our 0:49:50.960,0:49:52.480 spiritual 0:49:52.480,0:49:56.160 life the neglect of your heart is the 0:49:56.160,0:49:58.000 neglect of your 0:49:58.000,0:50:01.000 peace the neglect of your heart is the 0:50:01.000,0:50:03.839 neglect of your blessings because your 0:50:03.839,0:50:05.440 heart carries all the blessings for 0:50:05.440,0:50:08.079 heaven yeah that's what that that verse 0:50:08.079,0:50:11.280 says in Proverbs 4: 23 keep your heart 0:50:11.280,0:50:14.480 with all diligence for out of it spring 0:50:14.480,0:50:17.359 the issues of life so that is what we're 0:50:17.359,0:50:18.720 talking about today how to have a 0:50:18.720,0:50:21.000 healthy heart because everything flows 0:50:21.000,0:50:23.960 from that every single thing we're in 0:50:23.960,0:50:26.960 2025 the year of real movement it's time 0:50:26.960,0:50:29.720 to check your heart don't go any we just 0:50:29.720,0:50:32.880 entered February right now don't allow a 0:50:32.880,0:50:34.880 day more a second more a minute more 0:50:34.880,0:50:36.960 before you make sure your heart is 0:50:36.960,0:50:38.799 healthy because it's your heart that's 0:50:38.799,0:50:40.280 going to is the engine that's going to 0:50:40.280,0:50:42.960 carry you through this year with Jesus I 0:50:42.960,0:50:45.240 want to say some Faith what you said can 0:50:45.240,0:50:47.359 you move without receiving any order 0:50:47.359,0:50:50.000 from God we need the corresponding power 0:50:50.000,0:50:53.359 of the holy spirit in everything we do 0:50:53.359,0:50:55.920 you need suggestion from the spirit 0:50:55.920,0:50:58.359 intimation from him Revelation from him 0:50:58.359,0:51:00.480 before you do anything that's the light 0:51:00.480,0:51:02.880 of revelation we are talking 0:51:02.880,0:51:06.400 about when everything seems dark 0:51:06.400,0:51:08.960 difficult and you see no way 0:51:08.960,0:51:12.839 out sit back in silence engage your 0:51:12.839,0:51:15.079 heart with the Holy Spirit and begin to 0:51:15.079,0:51:18.960 meditate in God's word when you do that 0:51:18.960,0:51:21.599 before you realize it revelation will 0:51:21.599,0:51:23.839 come understanding will come from the 0:51:23.839,0:51:25.960 spirit of God and peace will invade your 0:51:25.960,0:51:27.799 heart this the greatest way to know that 0:51:27.799,0:51:30.040 God has answered your prayer 0:51:30.040,0:51:32.400 peace when you meditate till peace take 0:51:32.400,0:51:35.000 over your heart mean God is in 0:51:35.000,0:51:37.599 control nothing to worry 0:51:37.599,0:51:42.799 about so please God said attend pay 0:51:42.799,0:51:44.160 attention to my 0:51:44.160,0:51:47.680 word mean engage your heart not your 0:51:47.680,0:51:50.799 mind your focus your heart focus on the 0:51:50.799,0:51:55.400 word incline your ear to my saying not 0:51:55.400,0:51:59.200 these ears the ears of your spirit your 0:51:59.200,0:52:01.720 conscience how does it happen by 0:52:01.720,0:52:05.359 meditating he say do not let them depart 0:52:05.359,0:52:06.799 from your 0:52:06.799,0:52:09.240 eyes keep them in the midst of your 0:52:09.240,0:52:11.319 heart keep reading even if you don't 0:52:11.319,0:52:13.440 understand keep meditating even you 0:52:13.440,0:52:15.960 don't understand because Revelation come 0:52:15.960,0:52:18.400 first understanding come 0:52:18.400,0:52:21.359 after Holy Spirit Will Never abandon you 0:52:21.359,0:52:24.720 be patient be patient he's saying there 0:52:24.720,0:52:27.920 are life for those who find it 0:52:27.920,0:52:30.720 the life of Revelation in your heart for 0:52:30.720,0:52:32.839 those who can discern it how do you find 0:52:32.839,0:52:34.880 it how do we discern it with our 0:52:34.880,0:52:36.960 conscience and you have to Value it 0:52:36.960,0:52:39.280 that's what makes you find it you know 0:52:39.280,0:52:40.559 sometimes when we talk about the fact 0:52:40.559,0:52:42.720 that God is hidden the greatest treasure 0:52:42.720,0:52:44.040 and something in the 0:52:44.040,0:52:46.720 open do you value it do you value the 0:52:46.720,0:52:48.079 word of God do you value the greatest 0:52:48.079,0:52:50.200 treasure that God has given us that's 0:52:50.200,0:52:52.160 how you will find it because I always 0:52:52.160,0:52:54.440 remember the words um Prophet Joshua 0:52:54.440,0:52:56.240 told us he said that to seek the kingdom 0:52:56.240,0:52:58.680 is to have the kingdom as long as you're 0:52:58.680,0:53:00.680 seeking the kingdom of God you have the 0:53:00.680,0:53:02.880 kingdom of God the presence of Jesus in 0:53:02.880,0:53:04.880 your heart the minute you stop thinking 0:53:04.880,0:53:06.200 you think you've arrived you think you 0:53:06.200,0:53:08.040 have it all you think you've attained 0:53:08.040,0:53:09.079 that 0:53:09.079,0:53:13.440 spiritual level then it's falling from 0:53:13.440,0:53:16.880 your your fingers you have to seek 0:53:16.880,0:53:19.480 because then you will find and so where 0:53:19.480,0:53:21.960 do you lay value what what's valuable in 0:53:21.960,0:53:24.119 your sight if you if you value the word 0:53:24.119,0:53:27.839 of God then you'll find it your heart 0:53:27.839,0:53:31.280 must be at its best for the Holy Spirit 0:53:31.280,0:53:33.240 to speak through you to give you 0:53:33.240,0:53:34.319 understanding and 0:53:34.319,0:53:37.040 Revelation so 0:53:37.040,0:53:39.480 please Satan brings 0:53:39.480,0:53:42.359 situation to afflict us 0:53:42.359,0:53:45.440 physically emotionally and spiritually 0:53:45.440,0:53:47.839 never allow that to happen situation 0:53:47.839,0:53:51.400 come on the outside to touch this body 0:53:51.400,0:53:53.599 to make you be afraid and you begin to 0:53:53.599,0:53:56.119 think negatively you begin to be worried 0:53:56.119,0:53:58.400 em tions and affect your spirit that's 0:53:58.400,0:54:00.880 the way of the devil flesh to Spirit but 0:54:00.880,0:54:03.400 God say from inside and outside from 0:54:03.400,0:54:06.240 your spirit Revelation come 0:54:06.240,0:54:07.839 understanding come you stop being afraid 0:54:07.839,0:54:09.160 and you speak the word of faith on the 0:54:09.160,0:54:13.119 outside so words of Life are the word 0:54:13.119,0:54:16.440 that produces faith and that's how you 0:54:16.440,0:54:18.319 know you have a healthy F Heart Right 0:54:18.319,0:54:20.160 absolutely because you mentioned that 0:54:20.160,0:54:21.880 the Bible says my righteous shall live 0:54:21.880,0:54:24.240 by faith yes the Bible say the book of 0:54:24.240,0:54:27.599 Hab chapter 2:4 my righteous and live by 0:54:27.599,0:54:31.760 faith and Paul quoted this in Galatians 0:54:31.760,0:54:36.200 3:1 Paul quoted it in Romans chapter 1:1 0:54:36.200,0:54:40.160 17 and Hebrews chap 10:38 my righteous 0:54:40.160,0:54:42.079 shall live by faith for the New 0:54:42.079,0:54:45.079 Testament to quote this three times mean 0:54:45.079,0:54:48.280 God's kind of lifestyle is 0:54:48.280,0:54:51.240 faith faith cannot take a day 0:54:51.240,0:54:54.640 off just as the heart continues to pump 0:54:54.640,0:54:57.760 blood uh your faith can never take a day 0:54:57.760,0:55:01.280 off you eat three times a day how many 0:55:01.280,0:55:03.319 times did you feed your spirit that's my 0:55:03.319,0:55:05.280 question today that's why our heart is 0:55:05.280,0:55:06.400 sick 0:55:06.400,0:55:08.440 today we took our 0:55:08.440,0:55:11.160 breakfast we took lunch we're about to 0:55:11.160,0:55:14.640 take dinner how many time have you fed 0:55:14.640,0:55:15.559 your 0:55:15.559,0:55:18.160 soul how many time have you allowed the 0:55:18.160,0:55:20.359 Holy Spirit to inspire with 0:55:20.359,0:55:24.000 life how many time did you you are 0:55:24.000,0:55:27.559 stifling your spirit your spirit is 0:55:27.559,0:55:30.880 stifled that's why our flesh becom 0:55:30.880,0:55:33.240 strong when he say take more of me Holy 0:55:33.240,0:55:35.200 Spirit give me more of you what are you 0:55:35.200,0:55:38.160 saying me take more of my natural 0:55:38.160,0:55:39.880 strength give more of your strength more 0:55:39.880,0:55:42.359 of your Revelation more of your life 0:55:42.359,0:55:45.200 feed your spirit by meditating on a 0:55:45.200,0:55:46.960 verse of the 0:55:46.960,0:55:50.400 Bible when you meditate life will come 0:55:50.400,0:55:53.280 from the spirit of God faith will come 0:55:53.280,0:55:54.400 understanding will come strength will 0:55:54.400,0:55:56.839 come just by meditating on the word and 0:55:56.839,0:55:58.839 speak in the word of faith it is a 0:55:58.839,0:56:00.799 spiritual strength you may not feel it 0:56:00.799,0:56:03.319 on the outside but when your heart begin 0:56:03.319,0:56:06.160 to be at peace say yes God has spoken 0:56:06.160,0:56:09.520 God speaks to us today that still small 0:56:09.520,0:56:13.200 voice of the spirit of God if your mind 0:56:13.200,0:56:17.960 is alert you will hear it it is still it 0:56:17.960,0:56:20.240 is small but it comes to your heart 0:56:20.240,0:56:23.359 straight once you hear it you will doubt 0:56:23.359,0:56:25.960 anymore and that's the Greatest Secret 0:56:25.960,0:56:27.280 so 0:56:27.280,0:56:30.240 your spiritual life Health to All Flesh 0:56:30.240,0:56:32.000 Health to your spirit your soul to your 0:56:32.000,0:56:34.240 body comes through the Living Word of 0:56:34.240,0:56:37.079 God he sent forth his word and he heal 0:56:37.079,0:56:39.280 them the first place we need to be 0:56:39.280,0:56:41.240 healed is our 0:56:41.240,0:56:43.839 heart then our mind need to be healed by 0:56:43.839,0:56:46.119 being renewed by the understanding of 0:56:46.119,0:56:47.880 God's word then it will affect your 0:56:47.880,0:56:50.039 flesh and everything about you you will 0:56:50.039,0:56:51.799 think right you will speak right you 0:56:51.799,0:56:54.599 will act right sometime you want to take 0:56:54.599,0:56:56.240 a food that's not good for you that's 0:56:56.240,0:56:58.319 spirit of God me tell you don't eat this 0:56:58.319,0:57:00.799 but you hear his voice you want to take 0:57:00.799,0:57:02.599 something something your said no don't 0:57:02.599,0:57:03.920 eat don't eat it don't take it don't 0:57:03.920,0:57:06.440 take it that's him he's concerned about 0:57:06.440,0:57:08.559 your flesh he's concerned about your 0:57:08.559,0:57:11.280 spirit he concerned every Department of 0:57:11.280,0:57:12.359 our 0:57:12.359,0:57:16.319 lives so to live a healthy life to live 0:57:16.319,0:57:20.760 a life of Faith a life of righteousness 0:57:20.760,0:57:23.559 will need the word of God this word of 0:57:23.559,0:57:26.200 God we're talking about is foundational 0:57:26.200,0:57:28.240 that's the parable of the Soul let your 0:57:28.240,0:57:29.599 heart eat the 0:57:29.599,0:57:31.960 word let your heart listen to the word 0:57:31.960,0:57:34.599 of the holy spirit in your spirit as you 0:57:34.599,0:57:39.599 do it one day one day you will realize 0:57:39.599,0:57:42.400 the inner voice of God in your heart is 0:57:42.400,0:57:43.720 that you are learning a language you 0:57:43.720,0:57:46.359 don't know in the beginning it's tough 0:57:46.359,0:57:48.520 it's tough but all of a sudden 0:57:48.520,0:57:49.960 understanding will come without opening 0:57:49.960,0:57:51.520 the dictionary that's the work of Holy 0:57:51.520,0:57:53.440 Spirit the work of the Holy Ghost start 0:57:53.440,0:57:56.240 with Revelation in our heart and then it 0:57:56.240,0:57:58.760 carries it in the understanding by 0:57:58.760,0:58:01.520 opening the eyes of our understanding to 0:58:01.520,0:58:03.359 understand what we are reading Ephesians 0:58:03.359,0:58:05.000 chapter 1 verse 0:58:05.000,0:58:08.680 17 once we understand we can apply the 0:58:08.680,0:58:11.799 word and that is conviction that this is 0:58:11.799,0:58:14.720 good for me that is Faith and the spirit 0:58:14.720,0:58:17.599 will prompt you to act okay you don't 0:58:17.599,0:58:20.599 have job some telling you why can't you 0:58:20.599,0:58:22.160 apply for 0:58:22.160,0:58:25.760 job that thought where does it come from 0:58:25.760,0:58:28.359 or you enter vehicle don't enter 0:58:28.359,0:58:30.119 something is disturbing you listen to 0:58:30.119,0:58:32.319 your mind listen to your heart if you 0:58:32.319,0:58:34.000 learn to listen to your heart if your 0:58:34.000,0:58:36.160 mind is set the spirit of father will 0:58:36.160,0:58:38.039 lead you and you will begin to think 0:58:38.039,0:58:40.079 right you begin to speak right to act 0:58:40.079,0:58:41.599 right that's when our heart is 0:58:41.599,0:58:43.920 controlled by the Holy Spirit absolutely 0:58:43.920,0:58:45.839 that is why what we need to do yielding 0:58:45.839,0:58:48.000 your heart over to the word of the Holy 0:58:48.000,0:58:52.079 Ghost makes the word a reality on the 0:58:52.079,0:58:55.039 outside so your heart need 0:58:55.039,0:58:57.200 healing you have to say that last one 0:58:57.200,0:58:58.599 again make sure you write that down 0:58:58.599,0:59:01.359 yielding our heart to the word of God 0:59:01.359,0:59:04.000 makes the word of God a reality yes it's 0:59:04.000,0:59:05.599 only when we yield our heart to it that 0:59:05.599,0:59:08.400 it becomes real in our life yield your 0:59:08.400,0:59:10.200 heart to the word of God by meditating 0:59:10.200,0:59:13.440 on it day and night and then you become 0:59:13.440,0:59:15.640 godm minded word minded mean the word 0:59:15.640,0:59:17.359 will dominate your heart if will 0:59:17.359,0:59:19.079 dominate your mind if will dominate your 0:59:19.079,0:59:21.520 words and whatever you say comes to pass 0:59:21.520,0:59:24.400 blessing will overflow so are you are 0:59:24.400,0:59:26.119 you healthy are you living a heal 0:59:26.119,0:59:28.960 healthy life what is the state of your 0:59:28.960,0:59:30.760 heart have you done a spiritual health 0:59:30.760,0:59:32.680 check make sure you do that because you 0:59:32.680,0:59:34.079 can look at someone on the outside and 0:59:34.079,0:59:36.720 think oh that person maybe they don't 0:59:36.720,0:59:38.319 seem to be overweight maybe they seem to 0:59:38.319,0:59:40.559 be looking okay you don't know what's 0:59:40.559,0:59:42.960 happening inside of them you don't know 0:59:42.960,0:59:44.359 what's happening in their arteries in 0:59:44.359,0:59:46.599 their veins or in their heart we don't 0:59:46.599,0:59:49.760 know but God can see everything that's 0:59:49.760,0:59:52.559 happening inside our heart and in order 0:59:52.559,0:59:54.640 for us to have a healthy heart we need 0:59:54.640,0:59:57.039 to make sure that that that word of God 0:59:57.039,0:59:59.960 is at the center of our life so please 0:59:59.960,1:00:02.079 also make sure that you also live a 1:00:02.079,1:00:04.359 healthy life physically as well be 1:00:04.359,1:00:07.079 careful of what you're taking be careful 1:00:07.079,1:00:09.880 of what you eat that's important one's 1:00:09.880,1:00:12.920 input will determines the output the 1:00:12.920,1:00:14.559 question I'm saying if you want to check 1:00:14.559,1:00:16.319 the state of your heart what kind of 1:00:16.319,1:00:19.559 dream do you have when you 1:00:19.920,1:00:23.319 sleep what kind of dream I experienced 1:00:23.319,1:00:25.480 that will give you a clue to the state 1:00:25.480,1:00:26.960 of your mind the 1:00:26.960,1:00:29.520 heart what kind of thoughts are running 1:00:29.520,1:00:31.520 through you thoughts of 1:00:31.520,1:00:34.240 accusation thoughts of 1:00:34.240,1:00:36.720 Despair once you have these kind of 1:00:36.720,1:00:38.079 thoughts you need to capture your 1:00:38.079,1:00:40.400 thoughts by yielding your heart over to 1:00:40.400,1:00:42.839 the word of God Satan is a 1:00:42.839,1:00:45.680 liar he inject your heart and mind with 1:00:45.680,1:00:46.720 negative 1:00:46.720,1:00:49.000 thoughts those negative thoughts if you 1:00:49.000,1:00:51.079 build up in your heart and you act on it 1:00:51.079,1:00:52.000 he's 1:00:52.000,1:00:56.000 happy but what you need to do think what 1:00:56.000,1:00:57.839 is right by meditating on the Promises 1:00:57.839,1:01:01.559 of God speak it out because Faith 1:01:01.559,1:01:03.359 requires that you speak first before you 1:01:03.359,1:01:05.799 said happen even if you're in the midst 1:01:05.799,1:01:08.559 of poverty I am blessed I am rich Jesus 1:01:08.559,1:01:10.920 Is My Lord you have to speak speak to 1:01:10.920,1:01:12.920 your GI speak by faith and before you 1:01:12.920,1:01:15.039 realize it you will see help coming in 1:01:15.039,1:01:18.119 Jesus name take care of your heart for 1:01:18.119,1:01:21.079 That's The Well of 1:01:24.280,1:01:28.319 life you already what people are 1:01:30.240,1:01:33.280 writing you are not 1:01:33.280,1:01:36.000 seriousy what about eating pig meat is 1:01:36.000,1:01:38.920 it good for us to eat man of God the 1:01:38.920,1:01:41.400 Bible says clearly in the New Testament 1:01:41.400,1:01:43.720 whatever food you give you sanctify in 1:01:43.720,1:01:46.599 the name of Jesus you can eat it Jesus 1:01:46.599,1:01:49.240 said what defile you is not what enter 1:01:49.240,1:01:52.039 your mouth what comes from your heart 1:01:52.039,1:01:56.760 does it thank you exactly 1:01:56.760,1:01:59.240 so man of God can I change the state of 1:01:59.240,1:02:01.480 my heart in the dreams physically I 1:02:01.480,1:02:04.160 easily let go and forget but what I 1:02:04.160,1:02:06.520 dream I'm angry again you just need 1:02:06.520,1:02:07.960 somebody to pray for you to be 1:02:07.960,1:02:10.319 disconnected from that Spirit of 1:02:10.319,1:02:13.119 anger you can be afflicted by a spirit 1:02:13.119,1:02:14.799 that doesn't mean you are possessed but 1:02:14.799,1:02:17.200 you need prayer to disconnect from those 1:02:17.200,1:02:19.400 negative thoughts but the best way to to 1:02:19.400,1:02:21.400 put an end it is to meditate the word of 1:02:21.400,1:02:23.079 God in your heart before you 1:02:23.079,1:02:25.480 sleep then you meditate God's way before 1:02:25.480,1:02:26.440 you sleep 1:02:26.440,1:02:28.960 self Deliverance 1:02:28.960,1:02:31.440 happen self Deliverance when the word 1:02:31.440,1:02:33.480 begin to purify you you see clearly you 1:02:33.480,1:02:35.279 don't experience nothing anymore 1:02:35.279,1:02:37.279 selfhealing happen when your heart is 1:02:37.279,1:02:38.960 healed you are healed 1:02:38.960,1:02:41.319 indeed when your heart is purified you 1:02:41.319,1:02:44.319 are pure indeed that self self blessing 1:02:44.319,1:02:46.920 selfhealing comes when your heart is 1:02:46.920,1:02:50.279 right before God thank you everything 1:02:50.279,1:02:52.400 becomes in perspective you know when you 1:02:52.400,1:02:54.079 look at Jesus Christ everything else 1:02:54.079,1:02:56.000 when you focus on him everything else is 1:02:56.000,1:02:57.799 in its proper perspective so that's what 1:02:57.799,1:03:00.319 we need in order to live a healthy life 1:03:00.319,1:03:02.880 so don't just read the word meditate on 1:03:02.880,1:03:05.480 it that's the process of digestion when 1:03:05.480,1:03:08.200 you meditate turn it over it will run 1:03:08.200,1:03:10.680 into your spirit like blood the Holy 1:03:10.680,1:03:12.599 Ghost will add life to it before you 1:03:12.599,1:03:15.599 realize it your mind is renewed and your 1:03:15.599,1:03:18.640 heart is at peace so remember you can 1:03:18.640,1:03:21.760 eat all this wonderful healthy food here 1:03:21.760,1:03:23.440 you can eat it every day of your life 1:03:23.440,1:03:25.319 but if you don't take care of your heart 1:03:25.319,1:03:27.440 if you don't take care of the spiritual 1:03:27.440,1:03:29.079 health of your heart 1:03:29.079,1:03:31.799 then what's the essence of that it has 1:03:31.799,1:03:35.200 to be accompanied with the word of God 1:03:35.200,1:03:36.640 in your heart that must be the 1:03:36.640,1:03:38.640 foundation so thank you so much for 1:03:38.640,1:03:41.559 joining us today um on this podcast all 1:03:41.559,1:03:43.720 about having a healthy heart whatever 1:03:43.720,1:03:46.079 hindrance in your heart we ask God to 1:03:46.079,1:03:48.000 break that wall between your heart and 1:03:48.000,1:03:50.839 the spirit of God toet your heart right 1:03:50.839,1:03:55.599 and to see life clearly in Jesus name 1:03:57.940,1:04:15.349 [Music] 1:04:17.670,1:04:20.769 [Music] 1:04:24.950,1:04:30.150 [Music] 1:05:08.880,1:05:13.240 in this year 2025 God is waiting for you 1:05:13.240,1:05:16.359 at the point of real movement this is 1:05:16.359,1:05:19.160 time for real movement listen to the 1:05:19.160,1:05:21.839 clock of conviction in your heart it is 1:05:21.839,1:05:25.640 time to move