0:00:00.000,0:00:02.777 This is called, “Decisions that Define Us” 0:00:04.839,0:00:09.005 We have decided, that teaching the Gospel [br]without demonstrating it is not enough 0:00:10.416,0:00:14.321 Good preaching, good doctrine,[br]being good people is not enough 0:00:15.980,0:00:19.086 We’ve decided that having a good[br]church club is not enough 0:00:19.754,0:00:22.189 Good fellowship – it’s not enough 0:00:22.629,0:00:26.089 Just being a member of that club[br]is not enough 0:00:26.826,0:00:31.032 We’ve decided that having good bible[br]studies is good, but not good enough. 0:00:31.655,0:00:34.068 That just making it to heaven [br]is not our goal 0:00:34.368,0:00:38.238 And that knowing about God without[br]truly knowing and experiencing God 0:00:38.238,0:00:40.273 is meaningless. 0:00:41.295,0:00:44.042 We’ve decided that having good programs[br]is not enough, 0:00:44.242,0:00:48.279 That change without transformation[br]is intolerable 0:00:49.415,0:00:52.252 And that staying the same [br]is not an option. 0:00:53.484,0:00:56.320 We’ve decided that gifting [br]without character is futile 0:00:57.959,0:01:02.081 We’ve decided that singing songs[br]without worshipping is hollow 0:01:02.081,0:01:05.700 And having meetings without [br]God showing up is pointless 0:01:06.730,0:01:11.128 We’ve decided that having faith[br]without works is not enough 0:01:11.128,0:01:14.185 And having works without love[br]is not acceptable 0:01:14.975,0:01:17.776 That our function comes out [br]of our relationship 0:01:17.776,0:01:21.116 1) with the Father and[br]2) with each other. 0:01:22.296,0:01:24.916 We have decided that reading[br]about the book of Acts 0:01:24.916,0:01:27.888 without living the book of Acts[br]is unthinkable. 0:01:29.060,0:01:31.722 We’ve decided that [br]confident faith is good, 0:01:32.800,0:01:34.192 bold faith is better. 0:01:35.989,0:01:40.568 We’ve decided that hearing about the [br]Holy Spirit without experiencing Him 0:01:41.545,0:01:42.367 is silly. 0:01:44.175,0:01:49.007 That believing in His presence without[br]seeing it manifested in signs and wonders 0:01:49.773,0:01:51.080 is hypocrisy. 0:01:52.647,0:01:56.805 That believing in healing without [br]seeing people healed is absurd. 0:01:57.293,0:02:01.053 and that believing in deliverance [br]without people being delivered 0:02:01.053,0:02:03.157 is absolutely ridiculous. 0:02:04.398,0:02:10.528 We’ve decided to be Holy Spirit filled, [br]Holy Spirit led, and Holy Spirit empowered 0:02:10.528,0:02:13.499 Anything less doesn’t work for us. 0:02:14.698,0:02:18.572 We have decided to be the ones [br]telling the stories of God’s power, 0:02:18.572,0:02:21.040 not the ones hearing about them. 0:02:23.143,0:02:26.881 We have decided that living saved, [br]but not supernatural, 0:02:26.881,0:02:31.751 is living below our privilege [br]and short of what Christ died for. 0:02:33.957,0:02:37.374 We have decided that we’re a battleship,[br]not a cruise ship 0:02:38.726,0:02:40.926 An army, [br]not an audience 0:02:41.452,0:02:44.297 Special forces,[br]not spectators 0:02:44.963,0:02:47.700 Missionaries,[br]not club members. 0:02:48.915,0:02:52.773 We have decided to value[br]both pioneers and settlers 0:02:52.773,0:02:58.197 Pioneers to expand our territory [br]and settlers to build on those territories 0:02:58.197,0:03:00.371 But we are not squatters – 0:03:01.277,0:03:05.752 People who take up space others have[br]fought for without improving it. 0:03:07.222,0:03:10.882 We have decided to be infectious[br]instead of innocuous 0:03:11.988,0:03:14.725 Contagious instead of quarantined 0:03:15.795,0:03:18.132 Deadly instead of benign. 0:03:19.720,0:03:23.603 We have decided to be radical lovers[br]and outrageous givers 0:03:24.671,0:03:28.906 We have decided that we’re a[br]mission station, not a museum 0:03:30.171,0:03:32.081 Therefore, 0:03:32.081,0:03:33.583 we honor the past, 0:03:33.583,0:03:35.783 but we don’t live in it. 0:03:36.883,0:03:39.718 We live in the present[br]with our eyes on the future 0:03:40.694,0:03:47.260 We see past events, success and failures[br]as stepping stones, not stop signs 0:03:48.131,0:03:52.060 We pursue learning [br]in order to be transformed, 0:03:52.060,0:03:55.499 not learning in order to know. 0:03:57.003,0:04:00.005 We are people of engagement,[br]not observation 0:04:00.774,0:04:05.512 We focus on what could be,[br]not on what is or has been 0:04:06.897,0:04:10.082 We are not limited to the [br]4 walls of this building 0:04:10.082,0:04:13.554 Our influence is not [br]restricted by location 0:04:14.302,0:04:17.160 Not even the nations are ‘out of bounds’ 0:04:18.092,0:04:22.362 We are more concerned about[br]how many we send out into the world, 0:04:22.362,0:04:26.000 Than how many we convince[br]to come into the building. 0:04:27.222,0:04:30.070 This building is meant to be filled,[br]and it will be 0:04:30.330,0:04:33.540 But it will not be the measure[br]of who we are, 0:04:33.540,0:04:35.708 or the measure of our effectiveness 0:04:36.811,0:04:40.046 We raise up world-changers, [br]not tour-guides 0:04:41.043,0:04:44.539 We train commandos,[br]not committees 0:04:45.119,0:04:48.522 We are people of our destiny,[br]not our history 0:04:50.756,0:04:55.162 We have decided that it’s better to fail[br]while reaching for the impossible 0:04:55.162,0:04:59.163 that God has planned for us [br]than succeed in settling for less 0:05:00.704,0:05:05.942 We have decided that nothing short of [br]"His kingdom come, and His will be done 0:05:05.942,0:05:09.443 in our world as it is in heaven"[br]will satisfy 0:05:11.677,0:05:14.207 We have decided: we will not be satisfied 0:05:14.212,0:05:17.295 until our world freaks out, and cries out: 0:05:17.295,0:05:21.249 “those who have turned the world upside[br]down have come here too” (Acts 17:6) 0:05:22.694,0:05:27.595 These are some of the decisions[br]that define who we are as a community 0:05:27.595,0:05:29.564 and how we live our lives. 0:05:30.930,0:05:35.099 These decisions are not destinations[br]but rather journeys 0:05:36.153,0:05:38.671 Journeys along an ancient path, 0:05:38.671,0:05:40.882 We’ve not found some new way, 0:05:40.882,0:05:44.944 but rather rediscovered the path[br]as old as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob 0:05:45.979,0:05:50.877 The same path followed by Moses,[br]Joshua, Caleb, Paul, John, and Peter 0:05:52.202,0:05:55.024 A path followed by [br]the first century church 0:05:55.754,0:06:00.060 A church that revolutionized the culture[br]of the 1st century and beyond. 0:06:01.120,0:06:04.802 It’s a path that will impact [br]the world we live in today 0:06:05.132,0:06:07.757 It’s a path of bold faith 0:06:07.757,0:06:11.601 Believing that what God says[br]is really true and acting on it 0:06:12.225,0:06:15.843 It’s a path of outrageous generosity 0:06:15.843,0:06:19.249 Giving our life away in order to[br]demonstrate his kingdom 0:06:20.262,0:06:22.616 It’s a path of radical love 0:06:22.616,0:06:26.520 Loving God with everything in us[br]and our neighbor as ourselves 0:06:27.235,0:06:30.159 It’s a path of liberty,[br]freedom and healing 0:06:30.690,0:06:32.787 On this path, 0:06:32.787,0:06:37.565 you will find significance,[br]purpose and destiny 0:06:38.477,0:06:41.367 It’s a path less traveled, however 0:06:43.717,0:06:46.739 It’s not a path only available[br]to a select few 0:06:47.558,0:06:50.338 But to whosoever will may come 0:06:51.459,0:06:54.065 It’s for people of every [br]nation, tribe and tongue 0:06:54.065,0:06:57.149 For those in any occupation or vocation. 0:06:57.619,0:06:59.795 No matter where you are[br]on your life journey, 0:06:59.795,0:07:03.256 there’s room on this path for you.