See, this is why I started the game now. Because I think we just get thrown right in - Oh my god, we actually just get thrown right into it. Okay. Okay. So, uh... First thing that I notice, I'm short. Already at a disadvantage. Like, look at how big this backpack is next to me, so... Mmkay. I'll figure it out. Oh, hello! I just had to look down. Okay. Wait, can I - Okay. Oh, okay, good. I can pause it. One second, uh... Do they not have... Do they have captions in this? Does anyone know? Look at my resolution. Do they have subtitles in this? Audio... They do not, I don't think. Okay. That's fine. They're in the game? Oh. Okay. Oh, it's on the book. Wait. It's on the book. I'm an idiot. Okay, sorry. Sorry. It's in the book. I'm really stupid. I heard text and then I was expecting it to show up at, like, the bottom. It's in the book. Okay. That makes a lot more sense. Okay, sorry, sorry. I'll stop. The house, okay. That makes so much more sense. Oh, okay. Oh, Shift is zoom. Okay. And so is Ctrl. Alright. Isn't that the house from Hello Neighbor? Oh, sorry. Okay. Wasn't allowed inside half the rooms. Okay, that sucks. I'm 98% sure that's just the house from Hello Neighbor. Ooh, mailbox. What's going on here? Oh. [laughs] I mean, if we still have the house, they must not have been that bad. You know. We're fine. We're good. "Could you turn it up?" Okay. I will turn up the game. Alright. Wait, how do I - okay, there we are. Alright, cool. Okay. Sorry to hear that. Oh, there go the - okay. Alright. Hey, thank you for the ten Tier 1s right after the - Okay. I do like the way that they're doing the words. Oh? Okay, do I go down here, or up there? Okay, a choice, I'm gonna go this way. I swear, if text pops up that just say "wrong way", I started to go the completely wrong direction. I'm gonna be really upset. The game is loud. Okay. Wait, okay. Okay. Everyone's saying "down". Well, guess what? I went up. Alright? Oh, deer! Wait - no, am I -? I'm right about that. That is a deer. Okay. Where'd that deer - how'd that deer...? How'd that deer just, like, run? Did it like, jump? Okay, I'm sorry, I'm just... I'm really confused. Uh-huh? You inherited a whole house? That's awesome! What? If I inherited a house... Okay. No, I'm sorry, but, like, a whole house? Renovate it and then live in it, or sell it or something, especially when it looks like that. I'm gonna be real, a little bit of it is impractical, but... It's fine. Okay. I'm sorry, I'm really just being an idiot in, like, a... You know when you watch, like, a movie - Oh, sorry. Okay. It's like, you know when you watch a movie with your friends, and then there's just one person that just never shuts up. That's just what I'm doing right now. That is just exactly what I'm doing right now. Okay, I'm sorry about that. I'm just gonna keep on - Oh, missing kid. Okay, Milton's missing. Is there anything in here? No, okay. I'm just not gonna shut up over this, and there's gonna be - oh. [laughs] Okay. Oh, I'm sorry about that. That's rough. Okay. I keep on getting interrupted when I'm trying to - okay. But, like, it is a story game after all, so. Oh, well, okay. Can I - oh, wait, can I look? Hello? Oh, yo, they've got one of those - They've got one of those, like, those old people things! You know? Look! They've got one of those old people things where they show it in the old commercials where it just shows them slowly going up the stairs. That's awesome. I've always wanted one of those. You know? I wanted to get one in a one-story house. [laughs] You know, just having a railway system in my house would just be awesome. I would love that. I'd just get to sit down and then just move everywhere. Be great. Y'all know what I'm talking about. It's like the old commercial where it shows the old lady slowly going up the stairs. I'm not old. I just don't wanna walk. That's the thing. I just don't wanna walk everywhere. Like, in my house. Okay. Okay, we're fine. Oh? Hello? Oh, am I just crawling in? Okay. That's fair. Okay. Stop calling me old. I'm 18. It's not bad, okay? That's not a bad thing. My body's already deteriorating. Alright. Light switch. Why? Okay. Doesn't a - no. Oh, okay, what? First time in years, what? Oh, that's nice. I'm happy for you, Edith. You're Edith, right? I'm Edith, right? Oh, nevermind. Okay, sorry. Sorry about that. That pot's looking at me odd. Okay. Alright. [laughs] Okay. What is this? Oh my god. Gonna make an apple pie using salmon. That's just awful. Okay. And then this? That's fair. I've been there. I have been there, where only one restaurant delivers, so it's all you have. I have had the same - whenever I order something now from my food place, I always get the same sandwich. Like, they're sick - oh, sorry. Okay. Why'd you leave? Okay. Alright. I need to stop talking so much. I don't know - I'm just in a very talkative mood right now. So I feel like I need to talk, but then that's, like, the worst thing for a story game. That's the worst thing to do for a story game. I should listen and take in the story, but instead I'm just like, " Oh yeah, I remember when I did that!" Not the bomb part, but the ordering food part. Oh. Okay. So we have a grandma. We have a brother that works at the cannery. Okay. Again, these pots are just looking at me weird. I keep on having a double take every single time I look at one of these things. Alright. Oh. That's uncomfortable. Ooh. The house sank? There go the - wait - Hold on. The house sank? "Flood"? That's - I wouldn't call it the house sinking. Oh, wait, did it break off and fall into the sea? Is that what happened? I wanna know how the house sank. That's the real mystery here. You know? That's what I wanna know. Okay, in here? Oh, okay. Alright. Honestly, all things considered, I'd live in a house like this. I like the books everywhere, despite, like, I never read. I would live in a place like this. I would, you know? Alright, what's in here? Oh, wait, whoops. Wait, no, go back to it. Go back. Aw. Oh. Okay. Okay, we're learning more. So the house was built by the grandpa. The grandma was gonna be put in a nursing home, and then everyone was like, "No." Brother works at the cannery. And that's what we've got so far. That's your Ranboo Story Lore Recap. And also, everyone else is just gone, apparently. Oh, is that me? Which one is me? Kinda looks like a young Marty McFly in the middle. I don't know if it's, like, the jacket, but. Alright. We'll figure it out. Alright. Oh, that's cool. Okay. Oh, what's this? Can I see? Hello? Oh... [nervous laughter] okay. I am not going in the library then. [laughter] Okay. [laughs] Can't riff off of that one. That one's just sad. Alright. Oh, okay. Alright. Okay. Okay. Let's see. Let's look into everyone's room. Okay, so we have another person now. So the brother is missing. I don't know if it's the can brother or the not-can brother. I'm not sure. So he was, like, missing. This girl died in 1947. Grandma, nursing home. Grandfather built the house. Other person just drilled holes in everything. Okay. Oh, Molly was ten. Oh, that's really - that's... That's really sad, actually. Oh, what's this? Okay. Will this work? Oh! It works! Okay. I gotta, like, move my arm up. Okay. Whoa. So it's just... Okay. Did you have a plan? Okay. Oh, we're in the room! So we're in Molly's room now. Okay. Oh. Okay. Oh, that's actually great. I would do that. Alright. Huh. Okay. Okay. So Edie is another person. Someone in chat just said "Prepare for a trip." Kinda worried. Oh, that's really sad. Okay. Let's see what this is all about. Oh. I don't like that that is highlighted. I don't like the fact that that is highlighted. Can that no longer be highlighted after the sentence "something to eat", please? Oh, pumpkin. Okay. I'll eat the pumpkin. Oh, the gerbil food. Oh, thank god. Oh, thank god. I thought we were gonna eat the gerbil. I... Oh. I thought we were - oh. Gerbil food. I thought that we were gonna eat the gerbil. I thought for a second that it was just gonna put us right in there. Oh my god. I need some water. I need some water after that. My god. I got so worried that we were gonna actually have to eat the gerbil. Okay, let's eat this pumpkin, though. Oh, that's not a real pumpkin. That's true, actually. Why would she have a pumpkin. Alright. So... So, mom, not the best. The gerbil food? Don't mind if... Yeah, sure, eat the gerbil food. Alright. Cool. Alright. Now back to sleep. Not back to sleep? Oh, door's open. Okay. Let's see what's this. Oh no. Oh, oh no. Oh, this is - oh. Oh. Why - no. Those aren't real. Those aren't real! Why would you eat those? Oh, that's no good. Why is the toothpaste high - not the toothpaste. No, I'm not eating the tooth - Uh-huh. I swear to god if you eat the bird, alright? If you eat the bird, I - oh, please don't eat the bird. Please don't eat the - nope. Not eating the bird. Not eating the bird. Nope. Not eating - not eating the bird. Nope. How do I - I can - how do I get anything else - I have to have a snack somewhere that is not a bird! Oh, oh god. Oh no. Oh, I have to continue the story. Oh, god. Oh, okay. We're okay. Oh, no, don't go through. Don't go through the window. Don't... What? What? Hello? Someone just said "eat the toothpaste". I'm not gonna eat the toothpaste. That'll kill me. Now I'm a cat for some reason. Okay. Okay. It's a dream? Oh, okay. It's a dream. Oh, thank god. It's okay. Yeah, it has to be a dream or something. [grunts] Ah, okay. I'm really confused. Okay. Okay, I gotta pounce. [grunts] Aw, it's not working. Okay, okay. I can do this. Okay. Okay. Um... Okay, okay, how do I... How do I get up there? Okay, over there, I think. Then [grunts] Alright, so... I think I've accepted the fact - I think that we glossed over the fact that I am now a cat a bit too quickly, if I'm entirely honest. I'm still really confused as to how that's happening. Very agile. That's interesting. Gotcha! Oh. Stupid bird. [grunts] You've gotta be kidding me. Get over here. Yeah, see, I'm upset now. I'm upset. "How did it happen?" I don't know. Ah, gotcha! Oh... Yeah, I'm gonna - Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. Uh-huh. Okay. Oh, okay! So it is gonna be eaten. Oh, that's lovely. That's great. No, that's... Okay. Okay. [grunts] There we go. And now I'm an owl! Sure. Okay. I'm an owl now. Let's just accept that and then move on. Rabbits! Come on! Get em! Get em! Yeah! Oh, god. Yes! Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, my god - oh, that is just going down the hatch. Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh, no, you need to chew. You need to chew. "Lore update?" I don't know how to update this. I do not know how to update this, I'm gonna be real. I do not know how to update this. Oh! A rabbit! A momma one! Die! Get em! Yeah! [laughs] This is awful. Uh-oh. Stop eating. Stop eating! And now you're a shark in the - okay. [laughs] No! [laughs] [grunts] Wait, I can't move! Wait - There we are. Oh, sorry. Just lemme roll down this hill. [laughs] What the hell? Whee! Ah, person! Go, go, go, go, go. How do I go down? How do I go down? Okay, this way. "Where did we go wrong"? I don't know. Those berries did something, I think. Eat it. No! The seal! No! The seal! Get over here! I feel bad, but then I'm like, " Oh yeah!" My thirst for blood just outranks everything else right now. Oh! Where'd you go? It's like, bruh! Come on. Let me get you. I gotta get you. Come on. You jumped out of the water? What the hell is this? I'm a... I am a singlar tentacle now. [laughs] I don't - okay. [laughs] I don't - Sorry, I've just been silent for the past thirty seconds because of this. Okay. Where do I go? Oh, hello. Oh, I'm moving. Okay. This is awful. This is the worst sound - I'm gonna become a cannibal, you say? This is perhaps the worst sound that I have ever heard. Just in my life. Gonna eat people now. I'm gonna eat people. Yep, real quiet. Yep, quiet. [triumphant shout] Yes! I just ate a whole dude. I just ate a whole dude. Welcome, everyone. Welcome to the stream, by the way. If you're first joining, I ate some berries and now I'm a sea monster. So, you know, having a... I'm having a time. Okay. [sailor singing] Heh-heh-heh. I'm gonna getcha. Guys, I don't know how to - I do not know how to commentate this. I am just a tentacle monster. [sailor shouts] I'm - I - Okay, lets go. Lets just - ah, you didn't see anything, buddy. You didn't hear anything either. Alright, on my way. "You're not you when you're hungry." Okay, listen. That was good. Alright, that one was good, but... [laughs] " You're not you when you're hungry" is actually a perfect way to describe what's going on. [laughs] Like, that is legitimately just a perfect way. Like "you're not you when you're hungry, you're a giant tentacle monster with a thirst for blood! Get 'em, boys!" Whoo! Alright. What was it? [laughs] Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. [gasps] Gonna go - oh... Into the pipe? Alright. Oh! That's not how toilets work! I am sure that there is a lot more to that. I am fairly certain that it is not just a drop down. Am I gonna eat... Am I gonna... Am I gonna eat mys... Am I gonna eat mysel - ? Now, hold on. Am I... Am I going to eat myself? Is that what is going to happen? [ominous music] Okay. Okay. I'm gonna... Okay. So I'm under my own bed. What happened there? What - What happened there? What... Wait. I'm really confused. Was it just poisoning? Is that - ? Okay. Alright. She... So... Died from getting eaten by herself. That is... That's... Definitely one of the ways to go, I guess. Alright. Okay. Alright. Sure. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. Now, the thing is, right, if it was really the berries, then why on earth - ? Okay. Thank you. Anyway, I was talking, okay, so calm yourself, wall text. Why would you have hallucinogenic berries in a bathroom with a toddler? Right? Why would you, as a decorator, knowingly put edible, hallucinogenic berries in a toddler's room, and then not only that, but constantly send the toddler to bed without dinner and then expect everything to go okay? "She was ten?" That's not a toddler? That is a toddler. I would call ten a toddler. I would call ten a toddler. What is ten then? What is ten? No, tell me. What is ten then? "A toddler is like, one to two years old"? [laughs] A child. I know it's a child! But there's sub-categories. Fine, fine. It was a child. My point still stands, alright? That is not the part that we should be focusing on right now, alright? That is nowhere near the part that we should be focusing on, okay? Alright? Oh - [gasps] Wait, the cat... Oh, hello. Can I - okay, I can't walk off. Uh-huh. Okay. Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay, so this is the grandma that we were like, " Let's put her in a home," and then, like, one person was like, " Let's put her in a home," and then the rest were like, not. So that's that one. That's all I remember from this person. Is that great-grandma Edie? Is that her? Is that h - wait, no. I'm pretty sure... Wait, no. Wait, no, that is definitely not... Wait, no, it couldn't be - Is that great-grandma Edie? I can't tell. I'm gonna be real, I cannot tell. No? Are you sure? Are we 100% sure? Okay. It says Odin. Oh my god! [laughs] I am so dumb! [laughs] I am so stupid! Actually! How do I... How on Earth do I function in society in general? I was looking up right here, there's a name right there, and I'm just like, "Is that the grandma?" And then I look - all it took was thirty degrees down, and then... Oh my god. Okay.