0:00:07.984,0:00:09.928 For as long as I can remember, 0:00:09.928,0:00:12.585 I've wanted to travel[br]all around the world. 0:00:12.865,0:00:15.276 But it turns out my favorite places to be 0:00:15.276,0:00:17.101 are the airports. 0:00:17.861,0:00:19.010 I realized this was true 0:00:19.010,0:00:21.581 when I found myself[br]boarding a plane to Seattle 0:00:21.581,0:00:23.507 just to visit their airport. 0:00:23.507,0:00:25.194 (Laughter) 0:00:26.324,0:00:29.680 We often think of the world[br]as a vast place with many unknowns 0:00:29.680,0:00:31.913 and things to learn about culture, 0:00:31.913,0:00:35.320 but sometimes we forget the things[br]that can be the same 0:00:35.320,0:00:37.380 wherever they are in the world. 0:00:37.630,0:00:39.507 Let me illustrate. 0:00:40.167,0:00:42.309 Recently, I was on a plane to India, 0:00:42.309,0:00:43.730 and I was dreaming 0:00:43.730,0:00:45.531 about India things. 0:00:46.221,0:00:47.881 Greyish orange skies. 0:00:47.881,0:00:50.116 The subtropical climate. 0:00:50.426,0:00:51.879 Haggling over rupees 0:00:51.879,0:00:53.626 with an auto rickshaw driver 0:00:53.626,0:00:55.178 in Mumbai. 0:00:55.508,0:00:58.191 But something happened[br]when I arrived in India. 0:00:58.191,0:01:00.052 I didn't haggle over rupees. 0:01:00.052,0:01:02.206 I took a taxi. 0:01:02.936,0:01:05.549 Another time, I was[br]on my way to Barcelona, 0:01:05.549,0:01:08.461 and I was dreaming about Barcelona things. 0:01:08.651,0:01:10.858 Immersed in Gaudi architecture. 0:01:10.858,0:01:12.996 Eating pan con tomate. 0:01:13.066,0:01:15.345 Sipping a tempranillo. 0:01:15.665,0:01:17.567 Something happened there too. 0:01:17.567,0:01:19.511 I didn't sip a tempranillo. 0:01:19.511,0:01:21.538 I ordered a Diet Coke. 0:01:21.538,0:01:22.648 (Laughter) 0:01:22.648,0:01:25.847 And a second Diet Coke to save for later. 0:01:26.697,0:01:30.392 Something happens when[br]we're in unfamiliar situations like these. 0:01:30.392,0:01:32.381 We seek things that are familiar. 0:01:32.381,0:01:35.664 We actually crave things[br]that are familiar. 0:01:36.519,0:01:39.842 Next time you're on a plane,[br]think about some of these things. 0:01:39.993,0:01:41.762 Think about the Diet Coke. 0:01:41.932,0:01:43.294 The tomato juice. 0:01:43.454,0:01:44.722 Christmas. 0:01:44.912,0:01:46.957 Two-ply toilet paper. 0:01:47.267,0:01:48.871 Seat belts. 0:01:49.071,0:01:51.269 Even think about Hollywood movies. 0:01:51.419,0:01:54.479 And think about how these things[br]might remind you of home. 0:01:55.013,0:01:57.246 Maybe you'll find yourself on a plane too. 0:01:57.246,0:01:59.273 Just to visit an airport. 0:01:59.273,0:02:00.711 Thank you. 0:02:00.711,0:02:02.328 (Applause)