hi, this project is about taking one potato, growing it and when i have several potatos grown by myself take at least one of them and cook it in a solar cooker i would also like to tell the experience through the internet to make a small party the project is called "Papas Solares" or, in English, "One Hot Potato" meaning it's just one potato and also referring to "hot potatos" meaning those things nobody wants to be responsible for but in this case I'd like to be responsible for growing and cooking and eating one single potato I'd like to do this with other people if possible I'd like to do it with the people from a local initiative a hackerspace (shared workshop) where we might perhaps include other elements and not just the solar cooker we might include a solar panel to convert sunlight to electricity to feed a computer to let us take video of the event and share it through the internet other people may want to bring their own ingredients i'll do one potato but anyone can bring more potatos, meat, fish, eggs groceries or whatever they want if you want to get in touch I'm in twitter as @ImaCan (Spanish) or @lucasgonzalez (English) and, remember, the date is June 21st 2014 the start of (northern hemisphere) Summer, and a Saturday the goal is to have fun together but of course before that we need to do quite a few things we need to build prototypes of the solar cooker there's a lot of information on the internet and books about how to build them we need recipes we need to know how to grow potatoes (I'm a urbanite and hence clueless) and we'll have to get things done if we want to be there on June 21st maybe other people will do other projects or more people will join in or maybe we'll do it alone, but it doesn't matter each of us does what they can do greetings and thanks for your time see you next time!