(Cory Doctorow) Thank you very much
So I'd like to start with something of a
benediction or permission.
I am one of nature's fast talkers
and many of you are not
native English speakers, or
maybe not accustomed
to my harsh Canadian accent
in addition I've just come in
from Australia
and so like many of you I am horribly
jetlagged and have drunkenough coffee
this morning to kill a rhino.
When I used to be at the United Nations
I was known as the scourge of the
simultaneous translation core
I would stand up and speak
as slowly as I could
and turn around, and there they
would be in their boots doing this
When I start to speak too fast,
this is the universal symbol --
my wife invented it --
for "Cory, you are talking too fast".
Please, don't be shy.
So, I'm a parent , like many of you
and I'm like I'm sure all of you
who are parents, parenting takes my ass
all the time.
And there are many regrets I have
about the mere seven and half years
that I've been a parent
but none ares so keenly felt
as my regrets over what's happened
when I've been wandering
around the house and seen my
daughter working on something
that was beyond her abilities, that was
right at the edge of what she could do
and where she was doing something
that she didn't have competence in yet
and you know it's that amazing thing
to see that frowning concentration,
tongue stuck out: as a parent, your
heart swells with pride
and you can't help but go over
and sort of peer over their shoulder
what they are doing
and those of you who are parents
know it happens.