0:00:00.000,0:00:02.600 [intro music] 0:00:05.720,0:00:08.860 Hi, it’s Annika here! And[br]today I’m going to teach you how to make 0:00:08.870,0:00:13.700 some of your very own jewellery, specifically[br]this watermelon brooch. The things you will 0:00:13.700,0:00:19.560 need are some modelling clay, a brooch pin,[br]some paint (you’ll need white and the primary 0:00:19.560,0:00:24.400 colors), a glossy finishing medium (such as[br]Mod Podge), a permanent marker, some craft 0:00:24.400,0:00:29.490 glue, a butter knife, some paint brushes,[br]and an oven. The first thing you need to do 0:00:29.490,0:00:35.870 is preheat your oven to 150°C. Keep your[br]workspace clean by putting down some newspaper 0:00:35.870,0:00:40.470 and then use something like a plastic cutting[br]board for your clay. Roll your clay into a 0:00:40.470,0:00:50.079 ball and then squash it into a flat circle[br]shape. Then take out a knife and cut out a 0:00:50.079,0:00:54.809 slice that kind of looks like a pizza wedge.[br]You’re trying to make it look like a watermelon 0:00:54.809,0:01:00.030 slice. You can smooth out the edges by using[br]a little bit of water and your fingers. Now 0:01:00.030,0:01:03.230 you can place them on a baking tray and pop[br]them into the oven. I made three just because 0:01:03.230,0:01:07.340 it seemed like a waste to have the oven on[br]for a tiny piece of clay. You’ll need to 0:01:07.340,0:01:11.680 have it bake for 10 to 15 minutes. While you’re[br]waiting, you can mix up your paints. Now if 0:01:11.680,0:01:16.670 you remember correctly from primary school,[br]to get pink you mix red and white… And to 0:01:16.670,0:01:21.080 get get green, you mix blue and yellow. This[br]saves you having to buy a whole bunch of different 0:01:21.080,0:01:27.440 colored paints. 10 to 15 minutes later, your[br]clay pieces should be dry and -- ow! -- wait 0:01:27.440,0:01:31.500 for them to cool down before touching them.[br]Don’t worry if the clay cracked a little 0:01:31.500,0:01:36.750 bit while baking -- that’s just an artistic[br]touch! Take your pink paint, and paint ⅞ 0:01:36.750,0:01:42.490 of the watermelon pink. (Don’t forget the[br]sides.) Once the pink is dry, paint the top 0:01:42.490,0:01:47.170 bit green. And if you’re lazy like me and[br]don’t like waiting for the paint to dry, 0:01:47.170,0:01:52.490 then pop it back in the oven. Now when the[br]paint is completely dry, get your permanent 0:01:52.490,0:01:59.880 marker and draw some watermelon seeds. Then[br]coat the whole thing with a layer of glossy 0:01:59.880,0:02:05.009 finish, like Mod Podge. And again, if you’re[br]impatient about the drying process, you know 0:02:05.009,0:02:09.539 what to do. Then blob a little bit of craft[br]glue onto the back of your watermelon and 0:02:09.539,0:02:17.670 stick on a brooch pin. And that’s really[br]all that it takes! Now don’t feel limited 0:02:17.670,0:02:22.360 to watermelon either. You could turn the same[br]shape into a pizza… Or you could do totally 0:02:22.360,0:02:29.430 different shapes and make a peapod… Or a[br]pumpkin… Or a banana… Or a gyoza… 0:02:29.430,0:02:33.760 I think I may be hungry. And it doesn't have[br]to be a brooch either, you could make it into 0:02:33.760,0:02:42.200 a ring or a hairclip. You can find these things[br]at craft stores. This video is supported by 0:02:42.200,0:02:45.830 Birdee Magazine. If you haven’t[br]heard of Birdee before, then make sure you 0:02:45.830,0:02:54.180 check them out. As always, if you try this[br]out then hashtag… #diyannika on Instagram 0:02:54.180,0:02:57.010 to show me how you went. So, good luck and[br]I’ll see you all next time!