0:00:09.778,0:00:11.548 Thinking about how it all started [br] 0:00:11.548,0:00:13.838 and the beginnings[br]of what brought me here today, 0:00:13.918,0:00:16.533 I realised it happened [br]because of my biggest fault: 0:00:16.543,0:00:18.728 I never plan anything in my life. 0:00:19.398,0:00:22.379 I am walking chaos 0:00:22.379,0:00:25.609 which my husband Luka is trying[br]to put in some sort of order. 0:00:26.059,0:00:28.692 So, this was the chaos, 0:00:28.692,0:00:30.693 and this is my husband Luka. 0:00:31.143,0:00:34.104 There are moments in life [br]when you need to make plans, 0:00:34.104,0:00:37.271 just as at one point we had to start[br]planning in Are You Syrious, 0:00:37.271,0:00:39.445 or we would have fallen apart. 0:00:39.505,0:00:41.560 But there are times, and this was one, 0:00:41.580,0:00:43.922 when you have to react[br]immediately from the heart. 0:00:43.922,0:00:46.861 What is there to think about[br]when you need to feed the hungry, 0:00:46.861,0:00:49.187 put clothes on their back,[br]give them information, 0:00:49.187,0:00:51.350 and, most importantly, love. 0:00:51.350,0:00:53.984 What prompted me to start doing something 0:00:53.984,0:00:57.091 was when in mid-August last year 0:00:57.221,0:01:00.687 my father suggested[br]we host a Syrian family 0:01:00.687,0:01:03.826 in a vacant property we had. 0:01:04.226,0:01:08.365 I started asking around,[br]but got no reply. 0:01:08.365,0:01:11.142 Everyone was just writing [br]sad posts, posting sad statuses, 0:01:11.142,0:01:14.740 but no one was taking any action. 0:01:15.180,0:01:17.856 At that time, the route [br]did not pass through Croatia, 0:01:17.856,0:01:20.254 but I couldn't bear to watch[br]what was happening. 0:01:20.254,0:01:22.094 I told Luka we had to do something, 0:01:22.214,0:01:26.024 we couldn't just sit and watch[br]what was going on around us. 0:01:26.024,0:01:30.050 I posted on Facebook that we [br]were collecting donations in our garage 0:01:31.590,0:01:34.744 and a few days later,[br]our garage was full of donations 0:01:34.744,0:01:37.018 and they were spilling over into our flat. 0:01:37.018,0:01:39.902 People we had never seen before[br]started arriving, 0:01:39.902,0:01:43.220 and our friends spent hours[br]in front of our garage, 0:01:43.220,0:01:45.691 sorting and packing clothes for the field. 0:01:46.411,0:01:48.893 I often say "we" 0:01:48.893,0:01:51.085 because none of this would have happened 0:01:51.175,0:01:53.132 if it had not been for us: Luka, myself, 0:01:53.232,0:01:56.861 and all the wonderful people who decided[br]to do something just as we had done. 0:01:56.861,0:01:59.743 I borrowed our first van[br]from my company, 0:01:59.743,0:02:01.771 filled it with donations 0:02:01.771,0:02:05.259 and set out with my dear friend Selma. 0:02:05.739,0:02:09.339 Our first encounter with refugees [br]was at the Serbian-Hungarian border 0:02:09.339,0:02:14.015 where we met[br]thousands of people in a field 0:02:14.015,0:02:16.744 with no electricity, water, [br] 0:02:16.744,0:02:21.731 or any official organised help 0:02:21.731,0:02:24.773 and with only a handful [br]of volunteers to help them. 0:02:24.773,0:02:27.362 The scene was truly horrendous. 0:02:27.362,0:02:30.601 We did what we could to help, [br]but it amounted to almost nothing. 0:02:31.661,0:02:33.766 On the way back,[br]we stopped at a gas staton 0:02:33.766,0:02:36.720 and looking in the direction[br]of the forest near the motorway, 0:02:36.750,0:02:40.932 we saw a family of eight,[br]with a baby in their arms, 0:02:40.932,0:02:42.811 frantically running around. 0:02:43.361,0:02:46.303 We approached them [br]and asked if we could help. 0:02:46.303,0:02:49.745 They said a man had taken 1500 Euros 0:02:49.745,0:02:52.185 to take them from Szeged to Budapest, 0:02:52.185,0:02:54.899 which is a distance[br]of around 170 kilometres. 0:02:54.899,0:02:58.145 He told them to hide in the bushes[br]while he was at the gas station, 0:02:58.175,0:02:59.975 but he didn't come back. 0:03:00.575,0:03:03.355 Our logical reaction [br]was to tell them to get in 0:03:03.635,0:03:05.660 and we would take them to Budapest, 0:03:05.720,0:03:07.790 where they could take a train to Austria. 0:03:08.550,0:03:11.210 Five minutes after we set out, 0:03:11.210,0:03:14.292 there was a deathly silence. 0:03:14.292,0:03:16.849 We were terrified [br]that they had suffocated. 0:03:16.849,0:03:20.213 But they were so exhausted,[br]they had fallen asleep. 0:03:20.213,0:03:23.681 The lovely little baby, [br]Rahaf, had also fallen asleep. 0:03:24.221,0:03:27.500 That was certainly the longest[br]100 kilometres in my life. 0:03:28.910,0:03:32.344 We reached a place outside Budapest 0:03:32.344,0:03:35.384 and stopped at a hotel [br]because they just wanted to rest, 0:03:35.384,0:03:38.182 but as soon as they [br]saw us they threw us out, 0:03:38.182,0:03:40.655 shouting they didn't want any refugees. 0:03:40.655,0:03:42.697 Along the way, we met other families 0:03:42.697,0:03:44.431 sitting outdoors drinking tea 0:03:44.431,0:03:46.974 because they were not allowed[br]inside the restaurant 0:03:46.974,0:03:48.789 to drink their tea there 0:03:48.819,0:03:51.331 even though they had paid[br]for it just as we had done. 0:03:51.751,0:03:54.924 We managed somehow[br]to reach Budapest, avoiding the police. 0:03:56.064,0:04:00.292 This is the tarpaulin they hid under. 0:04:01.172,0:04:04.253 We reached the train station[br]and got them on the train. 0:04:04.253,0:04:09.254 That was when I realised[br]we could do more to help. 0:04:09.254,0:04:13.053 It was a feeling I simply couldn't ignore. 0:04:14.013,0:04:17.421 The trigger that marked[br]the transformation from a single action 0:04:17.421,0:04:20.530 into a movement[br]we called "Are You Syrious?" 0:04:20.530,0:04:22.346 It was a humanitarian concert 0:04:22.346,0:04:24.065 which we organised, as it happened, 0:04:24.105,0:04:26.377 on the day that Hungary[br]closed its borders. 0:04:26.457,0:04:28.690 We got a call from[br]the wonderful Denis Katanec 0:04:28.690,0:04:32.196 who said he wanted to sing, and that[br]there were others who wanted to help. 0:04:32.196,0:04:34.465 In only ten days,[br]Luka organised a concert 0:04:34.465,0:04:36.465 and Vid Jeraj gave it its name. 0:04:37.055,0:04:39.175 Everyone who worked on the concert: 0:04:39.175,0:04:41.648 the people receiving donations, 0:04:41.808,0:04:43.963 the security personnel,[br]cloakroom attendants, 0:04:43.963,0:04:46.608 sound technicians, musicians,[br]they were all volunteers, 0:04:46.608,0:04:49.664 and some of them [br]are still in Are You Syrious? 0:04:50.644,0:04:53.594 We realised this had outgrown our garage 0:04:53.594,0:04:57.982 and started organising shifts[br]for receiving and sorting donations. 0:04:57.982,0:05:02.610 The next day I called the Red Cross[br]and the Centre for Peace Studies 0:05:02.610,0:05:04.393 to offer our help 0:05:05.173,0:05:07.911 but they obviously [br]didn't take me seriously. 0:05:10.561,0:05:15.541 That was the first time I said [br]I was from Are You Syrious? 0:05:16.431,0:05:18.255 What was Are You Syrious? 0:05:18.255,0:05:21.672 I had unconsciously [br]given a name to an action, 0:05:21.672,0:05:24.661 an idea, an organisation, a movement. 0:05:25.061,0:05:27.808 Two days after the concert, 0:05:27.808,0:05:30.979 I loaded food into the car 0:05:30.979,0:05:32.612 and drove to Tovarnik 0:05:32.822,0:05:35.507 because at that point[br]the route had shifted to Croatia. 0:05:35.917,0:05:38.503 I arrived in Tovarnik, [br]said, "Hello," to the policemen 0:05:38.503,0:05:40.919 and at that point,[br]the four thousand people 0:05:40.919,0:05:43.132 who were standing nearby[br]surrounded by police 0:05:43.432,0:05:46.173 broke through the cordon[br]and started running towards us. 0:05:46.783,0:05:49.506 A policeman turned to me and said, 0:05:49.506,0:05:52.422 "Madam, they'll devour you,[br]but we will help you." 0:05:52.422,0:05:55.449 They made a circle around the car[br] 0:05:55.449,0:05:57.925 and helped me [br]distribute food and beverages. 0:05:57.925,0:06:00.542 The let me bring more. 0:06:00.542,0:06:02.696 What I saw then, 0:06:02.766,0:06:05.693 I saw throughout[br]the refugee crisis in Croatia: 0:06:05.693,0:06:08.588 The police showed[br]that they were not just officers, 0:06:08.588,0:06:10.999 but also human beings. 0:06:10.999,0:06:15.089 There was still no[br]organised official help in Tovarnik 0:06:15.089,0:06:19.253 and it became clear to me[br]we had to organise a serious campaign. 0:06:20.063,0:06:24.370 I went to Luka and said,[br]"You have to go to the field! 0:06:24.420,0:06:27.419 They need serious help[br]there and only you can do it." 0:06:28.639,0:06:30.939 He put a post on Facebook,[br]gathered a team, 0:06:30.939,0:06:33.916 and they were there in a jiffy. 0:06:35.186,0:06:38.175 Bapska, a village[br]on the Croatian-Serbian border, 0:06:38.285,0:06:41.195 has a special place[br]in the story of Are You Syrious? 0:06:41.395,0:06:44.454 This was the first place we had[br]a serious presence on the ground 0:06:44.474,0:06:47.496 where our volunteers stayed[br]in shifts, 24/7, for almost a month. 0:06:47.616,0:06:50.372 At that time all the refugees[br]passing through Croatia 0:06:51.342,0:06:56.169 passed through Bapska on their way[br]to the official camp in Opatovac. 0:06:58.939,0:07:01.554 We are talking about[br]5,000 - 7,000 people a day, 0:07:01.574,0:07:03.813 whom the volunteers clothed, fed, 0:07:03.813,0:07:07.371 comforted, and provided[br]with much-needed information. 0:07:09.091,0:07:13.916 The volunteers slept[br]in the field, all in one tent, 0:07:13.916,0:07:15.963 and some did not sleep for days on end. 0:07:15.963,0:07:19.076 They worked 48-hour shifts[br]without stopping. 0:07:19.076,0:07:24.255 Bapska taught us much about the stories[br]of the refugees and their truth, 0:07:25.085,0:07:30.293 much about ourselves [br]and about what was needed. 0:07:30.783,0:07:35.076 We became convinced we could do[br]everything others were doing, if not more. 0:07:35.776,0:07:39.124 That was when individual volunteers 0:07:39.124,0:07:42.394 from Croatia and abroad[br]started joining us. 0:07:42.714,0:07:46.100 Then it went on - camps and especially[br]informal border crossings 0:07:46.100,0:07:50.471 through which hundreds of thousands [br]of people were passing: Mohovo, Bregana, 0:07:50.761,0:07:54.496 Šentilj, Ključ Brdovečki/Rigonce, [br]Dobova, Hamica... 0:07:55.586,0:07:59.494 Amid this chaos our 15-year-old son[br]packed a bag and went to the field. 0:07:59.494,0:08:02.328 He went to the[br]Serbian-Croatian border on his own 0:08:02.328,0:08:05.026 and came back so ill,[br]he ended up in hospital. 0:08:05.026,0:08:08.303 But this didn't stop him[br]and when he got out, 0:08:08.303,0:08:12.730 he spent his nights in the field,[br]even though he had school in the morning. 0:08:12.730,0:08:18.099 It seemed quite normal to see my husband[br]come home in the middle of the night 0:08:18.099,0:08:25.155 with a batch of razor wire in his hand,[br]the next morning go with him to a festival 0:08:25.305,0:08:29.157 we had organised to collect donations. 0:08:29.747,0:08:34.735 We were crazy enough[br]to gain access to no man's land 0:08:34.735,0:08:37.544 where no one else had gone before us. 0:08:37.544,0:08:40.980 After a week, we had to leave, [br]but the situation there improved 0:08:40.980,0:08:44.220 which showed us that sometimes[br] 0:08:44.220,0:08:47.990 it's enough to be there [br]for things to change. 0:08:47.990,0:08:52.239 For months after this,[br]hard-working AYS volunteers 0:08:52.239,0:08:56.592 were busy cleaning the camp in Dobova 0:08:56.592,0:09:00.492 where the conditions were unfit[br]for the people arriving there 0:09:00.492,0:09:03.658 who were often rejected. 0:09:03.658,0:09:07.020 We patrolled the roads and followed buses 0:09:07.020,0:09:10.242 because the authorities[br]often transported refugees 0:09:10.242,0:09:13.732 to informal border crossings [br]where no help was available. 0:09:13.732,0:09:17.182 In mid-winter, people[br]were arriving in flip-flops, 0:09:17.182,0:09:19.936 children without socks or only in socks, 0:09:19.936,0:09:22.214 babies in just bodysuits, and worse. 0:09:23.484,0:09:28.653 We learned that in the field[br]you can't plan anything 0:09:28.653,0:09:31.775 You make a plan[br]and two hours later, it's useless. 0:09:32.845,0:09:37.150 Field work has to be guerrilla work[br]and it doesn't bear plans 0:09:37.150,0:09:38.821 but requires flexible[br]and resourceful people 0:09:38.821,0:09:41.821 for whom nothing is too hard. 0:09:41.821,0:09:45.444 Who if you call them[br]in the middle of the night, 0:09:45.444,0:09:48.202 in winter, and say help is needed,[br]get up, get dressed, 0:09:48.202,0:09:50.564 go to the nearest open store, 0:09:50.684,0:09:53.848 buy 100 kg of bananas [br]or whatever else is needed, 0:09:54.148,0:09:55.670 and go to the field. 0:09:56.240,0:09:58.154 When you're doing something like this, 0:09:58.154,0:10:00.814 you realize that what[br]is happening in reality 0:10:00.814,0:10:05.931 and what is presented in the media[br]are two completely different stories. 0:10:05.931,0:10:12.087 Does the general public know why[br]there were initially more men than women? 0:10:12.087,0:10:14.150 Probably not. 0:10:14.150,0:10:17.319 Because the man of the family[br]went ahead on this difficult journey 0:10:17.449,0:10:19.751 so that when he was granted asylum, 0:10:19.751,0:10:22.710 he would have the right to bring[br]his family over to safety. 0:10:23.580,0:10:32.487 And another reason was that in the chaos[br]in Syria they didn't see who to fight for, 0:10:32.487,0:10:37.341 for which of the world powers playing[br]games with the fate of their country. 0:10:38.451,0:10:40.738 In parallel with[br]all this work in the field, 0:10:40.738,0:10:43.337 I was going through a real drama[br]coordinating all this. 0:10:43.627,0:10:45.998 Luka was spending[br]more and more time in the field, 0:10:45.998,0:10:48.997 my life was getting more chaotic[br]with three children and my job 0:10:49.037,0:10:50.552 which I couldn't keep up with, 0:10:50.602,0:10:53.459 and I am grateful to my partners [br]for being so understanding. 0:10:53.459,0:10:56.086 I slept for only a few hours[br]a day, never in one stretch 0:10:56.106,0:10:58.724 as there was no difference[br]between day and night. 0:10:58.724,0:11:01.590 We realised that the only[br]possible response to this situation 0:11:01.600,0:11:02.781 was a 360° approach. 0:11:02.871,0:11:07.097 You can't go to the field[br]if you have nothing to distribute, 0:11:07.097,0:11:12.646 and you can't distribute things if[br]you don't know to whom, what, and where. 0:11:13.536,0:11:16.225 These are our warehouses.[br] 0:11:16.225,0:11:20.480 We changed warehouses[br]and we got them all for free. 0:11:20.480,0:11:25.342 We drove donated vans,[br]and bought only what we had to. 0:11:26.372,0:11:29.774 We received a donation[br]of 1,000 pairs of shoes 0:11:29.774,0:11:31.624 from a Croatian entrepreneur. [br] 0:11:31.624,0:11:33.703 The shoes were quite dressy, 0:11:33.703,0:11:37.566 not something you'd wear[br]for walking through muddy fields, 0:11:37.566,0:11:40.777 but the refugees [br]wore them with a big smile 0:11:40.777,0:11:44.230 because they were much better[br]than the flip-flops they had arrived in. 0:11:45.510,0:11:48.618 In this period I was probably[br]getting on the volunteers' nerves 0:11:48.618,0:11:51.972 because I kept badgering[br]them to send me information. 0:11:51.972,0:11:55.578 Our dear volunteer Vlasta once [br]said to me, "You're a pain in the butt. 0:11:55.578,0:11:58.688 Stop bothering me, I don't have time[br]for all this in the field." 0:11:58.688,0:12:02.183 But I didn't give up on[br]gathering and sharing information, 0:12:02.183,0:12:06.560 and all this time we continued networking,[br]which later proved to be very important. 0:12:06.560,0:12:10.811 Luka and I had terrible rows. 0:12:10.811,0:12:14.898 He would say to me, "Who do you think[br]you are? What do you imagine you can do?" 0:12:14.898,0:12:17.164 "We can't go on living like this." 0:12:17.814,0:12:21.471 After those two months, I told you about, 0:12:21.471,0:12:24.283 he said, "OK, sit down and tell me[br]the things you're doing 0:12:24.283,0:12:25.953 and I'll write it all down." 0:12:25.973,0:12:29.850 The result was 26 people, a minimum[br]of 26 people in the coordination team 0:12:29.850,0:12:32.723 for everything to function 24/7. 0:12:32.723,0:12:38.023 These are some of the groups[br]we set up, which are still with us today. 0:12:38.023,0:12:41.343 I advertised and I will never forget[br]the people who responded 0:12:41.343,0:12:45.055 when we were at breaking point and I was[br]deciding whether to go on or give up; 0:12:45.055,0:12:49.611 give up because I would[br]collapse, which actually happened. 0:12:49.611,0:12:53.417 I had a minor stroke but[br]I am all right now, as you can see. 0:12:53.417,0:12:58.261 I would like to mention all the people[br]who responded to my call: Asja, Magda, 0:12:58.261,0:13:01.388 Milena, Emir, Petar, Zvone, 0:13:01.388,0:13:06.700 the Jasnas, the Sanjas, Krešo... 0:13:06.700,0:13:09.976 I'll probably forget someone,[br]but they know very well who they are, 0:13:09.976,0:13:13.255 because they hold a special place[br]in the story of Are You Syrious? 0:13:13.255,0:13:16.316 But all the volunteers who came later 0:13:16.316,0:13:20.096 also contributed to the evolving story[br]of Are You Syrious? and where we are now. 0:13:20.096,0:13:24.265 My gathering and sharing[br]of information finally came into its own 0:13:24.265,0:13:28.934 when Milka arrived with her team[br]and developed it to perfection. 0:13:28.934,0:13:35.453 The Daiy Digest grew into the now[br]famous Are You Syrious Daily News Digest 0:13:35.453,0:13:42.133 the only uncensored daily news covering[br]the refugee route from Syria to Norway 0:13:42.523,0:13:46.314 which is quoted by well-known world media[br]such as the Washington Post, the BBC, 0:13:46.334,0:13:48.772 Le Monde, and many others, 0:13:48.772,0:13:52.975 and is read by refugees,[br]volunteers, and everyone on the route 0:13:52.975,0:13:56.221 because they consider it the only[br]reliable source of information. 0:13:56.221,0:14:00.615 Along with the volunteers in the field,[br]who perform the so-called "sexy" jobs, 0:14:01.965,0:14:06.330 a great strength of AYS are the people[br]working in dark warehouses, 0:14:06.330,0:14:10.183 doing night shifts at their computers[br] 0:14:10.183,0:14:13.523 gathering and sharing information[br]which will be of use to others. 0:14:14.173,0:14:16.904 Imagine what it's like when[br]a message arrives in the inbox 0:14:16.904,0:14:20.129 saying that smugglers[br]are holding refugees hostage 0:14:20.129,0:14:24.215 or that a boat full of people[br]is sinking and they need urgent help. 0:14:24.215,0:14:29.216 Imagine the stress volunteers[br]face every day in their lives. 0:14:29.216,0:14:32.055 But they don't give up. They go on. 0:14:32.055,0:14:38.738 And when all the people are saved,[br]imagine the joy of the whole AYS family. 0:14:39.368,0:14:44.105 However much we plan, we have had[br]some unforeseeable situations. 0:14:44.105,0:14:49.498 For example when Luka, after one of those[br]rows when he said we couldn't go on 0:14:50.048,0:14:52.960 came home one evening[br]with Samuel from Nigeria, 0:14:52.960,0:14:56.194 who hadn't been allowed[br]across the Slovenian border 0:14:56.194,0:14:58.044 because he was black. 0:14:58.044,0:15:01.299 Samuel is still with us,[br]a little more than a year later. 0:15:01.299,0:15:05.720 He has become part of our family.[br]Our children adore him. 0:15:06.110,0:15:10.422 Samuel plays soccer[br]and is desperate to stay in Croatia, 0:15:10.422,0:15:14.730 which he has come to love[br]with all his big, naive, childlike heart. 0:15:14.730,0:15:18.819 Sadly, this state does not want Samuel,[br]but we are still fighting to keep him. 0:15:19.759,0:15:22.375 Samuel is not the only one. 0:15:22.375,0:15:26.134 Right now there are[br]almost 1,000 people in Croatia 0:15:26.134,0:15:29.207 who, like a million others, come[br]from war-torn areas of the world 0:15:29.207,0:15:31.430 seeking international protection. 0:15:31.640,0:15:34.935 Did you know that the[br]full name of Are You Syrious 0:15:34.935,0:15:37.487 is Zemljani (Earthlings)[br]- Are You Syrious? 0:15:37.487,0:15:41.570 As earthlings we wanted to show what it is[br]we believe in and what we're fighting for, 0:15:41.640,0:15:44.651 which is life without[br]borders and false divisions 0:15:44.651,0:15:48.048 because all of us are just[br]ordinary, commonplace, wonderful, 0:15:48.048,0:15:51.012 insignificant, magnificent people. 0:15:51.012,0:15:55.043 From early September last year to today 0:15:55.043,0:15:58.987 AYS volunteers have helped in[br]many countries on the refugee route. 0:15:58.987,0:16:03.613 We have gained the confidence[br]of people everywhere in the world. 0:16:03.613,0:16:06.794 We've had donors and volunteers[br]from all over the world. 0:16:06.794,0:16:10.491 We've delivered tons of aid[br]to various countries on the refugee route. 0:16:11.841,0:16:16.038 We've organised humanitarian drives,[br]concerts, created a brand. 0:16:16.038,0:16:22.503 We've been supported by many artists[br]who organised humanitarian events 0:16:22.503,0:16:25.095 on their own initiative[br]in order to help us. 0:16:25.095,0:16:27.749 We rebuilt a camp in Syria[br]which was destroyed by shelling 0:16:27.749,0:16:30.300 which houses mostly[br]women, children, and the elderly 0:16:30.300,0:16:32.781 who lack even the means[br]to cross the border. 0:16:33.041,0:16:39.824 AYS volunteers help[br]asylum seekers to integrate. 0:16:39.824,0:16:43.736 We left our comfort zone and got[br]to know people from all parts of the world 0:16:43.736,0:16:46.012 with different[br]occupations and life stories, 0:16:46.012,0:16:50.409 but the most important experience[br]was being united around an idea 0:16:50.409,0:16:55.697 and being able to value and embrace[br]someone completely, totally different. 0:16:56.477,0:16:58.892 They told us we were[br]neglecting our children, 0:16:58.892,0:17:00.572 that this was no way to live, 0:17:00.572,0:17:04.663 but our children have experienced[br]what they wouldn't have in a million years 0:17:04.663,0:17:08.952 living in this insular[br]and conservative society. 0:17:08.952,0:17:12.285 Each volunteer brought[br]something of their own into this story 0:17:12.285,0:17:16.458 There are now about 50 volunteers[br]working in the organization. 0:17:17.358,0:17:20.898 We see what we are doing[br]as supremely patriotic, 0:17:20.898,0:17:24.140 because we are presenting[br]our country as a country of good people 0:17:24.140,0:17:28.058 which it was before it became[br]a land of "great warriors." 0:17:28.058,0:17:33.177 It used to be a land of good people[br]and good hosts who help those in trouble. 0:17:33.177,0:17:39.009 We once got a message saying their people[br]would remember what we did for them 0:17:39.009,0:17:41.748 for as long as their children were alive. 0:17:41.748,0:17:45.729 What we did and what we are doing,[br]and what we feel while we are doing it, 0:17:45.729,0:17:48.367 that's what it means to be Syrious. 0:17:48.367,0:17:52.495 To be Syrious means to help, with the will[br]and without fear, anyone who needs help, 0:17:52.495,0:17:56.982 whether it be refugees in a park,[br]in a field, or in a camp, 0:17:56.982,0:18:02.240 asylum seekers or people not seeking[br]asylum and everyone passing through. 0:18:02.700,0:18:08.622 We'll go on for as long as we are needed,[br] 0:18:08.702,0:18:12.051 and our main goal is not to be needed[br]any more and to cease to exist. 0:18:12.781,0:18:16.573 Looking back on everything[br]I've told you about today 0:18:16.573,0:18:19.254 I don't think I've done[br]anything spectacular, 0:18:19.254,0:18:22.284 anything that any one of us couldn't do 0:18:22.284,0:18:25.788 if we only make the decision and have[br]the courage to carry it through. 0:18:25.788,0:18:28.732 This is proven by all the AYS volunteers 0:18:28.732,0:18:34.220 to whom I send hugs, and to all volunteers[br]and refugees, displaced people, 0:18:34.790,0:18:40.060 migrants, people without a home, [br]without freedom, without peace. 0:18:40.060,0:18:43.617 Earthlings, let's be Syrious! 0:18:43.617,0:18:45.257 (Applause)