for for
muham for
Be Love
M mad m
H they IM hin
mother mother
mother mother mother
M mam
m m
m m m
m IM
inshallah the book not 22 page 55
Shin fish say
inshallah on the U Kali book
51 not 51
this is
the this is
the for
Mam Mam
Mam Mam
Mam Mam
Mam Mam
Mam Mam
Mam Mam
inshallah on the Arabic salawat
nashed nashed number 8 page 19
inallah p number 19 salaat book page
number 44 salawat number 19
inah number 16 p number 36
inshah the qual book not number 15 page
fall call
and always a reminder for myself
and but for the grace of Allah that
we're still in existence
alhamdulillah Allah gave us a life in
which to see these holy months and to
worship His divinely presence and to
have a love for the reality of s
Muhammad and in this way of love is not
to be anything and not to claim anything
and just to take the way of teaching
about the reality of prophet
the and to have good character and in
find satisfaction in that way and that
Prophet will gain his Divine gaze that
the The Gaze and the nazer of
prophet Mercy to be dressed upon us our
families and loved ones in
Allah's infinite blessings and support
for love of holy people to recognize
their Holiness because they carry the
light and the love of s
Muhammad alhamdulillah we took a path in
which to be
nothing and but for the grace of Allah
that we are still in
existence and our reality is to to teach
about the Muhammad and H and to teach
whomever wishes to listen about that
reality how to connect one's heart how
to be nothing and how to take the dress
of a wave reality take the dress of
light realities alhamdulillah that Allah
has put us all
under Muhammad as theh
of and that Allah's rahma and mercy be
upon them them and dress them bless them
and give the might and strength to hold
the and we are merely just Servants of
the Divine Servants of Thea wishing to
propagate the love of
so the word we have from our online
families and lots of lots of
service and lots of
problems so our people are experiencing
problems online and different social
media platforms and and best to take
what problem you have to their customer
service and
support and ask what's wrong why when
you share something messages are coming
up and ask their customer support that
what's wrong because bad intention
people can make
bad FNA and as a result we have to go
and clarify the confusion that why why
you're not letting these posts and why
are you creating problems for these
profiles so alhamdulillah life is a
struggle anyone encountering a struggle
and surprise but don't be surprised
that's called life it throws all types
of difficulties and confusions and every
type of of thorn in our
life and the the strength is how to
overcome the thorns
so peaceful tranquil life doesn't truly
exist on this Earth it only exists inah
within the grave and in Heavens and
paradises this is the abod of
difficulties and
strugglings with the immense amount of
zul and oppression and darkness the
darkness wishes to overcome every source
of light and to extinguish it to stop it
to try to
control but the fire of the Divine is a
fire that very difficult to put out and
very difficult to stop
this once it moves within the hearts and
souls of people it difficult for Shan to
put it out so before it catches to
someone's heart this divinely love Shan
tries his best to block it and our life
is to struggle this is the great
struggle the struggle to spread light
and not give up and the Darkness never
tires but the people of light they get
tired they think it's enough and to stop
but the darkness never stops in its
spreading soah everyone to struggle
spreading light and goodness and good
character and love is the way love love
is the faith and love is the
destination now Shan's love is something
different and rahman's love is something
eternal love of the Divine love of the
prophetic reality and love for good
character which is pleasing to Allah we
pray that Allah keep us under his
divinely love and divinely grace and the
good characters that make Allah to be
pleased with us so that we can gain the
access of s Muhammad alam's holy
nzar what do we have from people
online alar begins with the verse about
the Moon being split in two could this
also be a reference to a major sign of
the hour symbolizing the division of the
umah in two major factions before the
Great War
is already split in into many
factions but the splitting of the
Moon also has its many different symbols
but there's a side of the moon in which
we always see and is Luminous and is a
guidance and that you have to go into
the Rising Sun these are all in the
books already so anyone who reads the
Rising Sun of the West is an
understanding of sham the Sun and the
Moon the Sun and the Moon our life is to
follow the Eternal Light which is
symbolized by shs by the Sun by the fire
divinely fire and our life is to be a
moon where it's not like the Earth where
we build upon it because when you have
too much dya you're heavy to
move but the one whom is like a moon
means their life is continuous
testing and testing is not something
easy and not something happy you meet
people you meet relationships you meet
all sorts of people at work and
everything is a
test and Allah looks to us on how we
deal with that test with
honor with Grace with all the character
that Prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam
is dispensing within our heart and our
this is what makes the
person and from that
Allah to dress them from
sincerity and that becomes their step
towards and
sainthood so this is a life filled with
that reality one side of the moon is a
guidance an open and known guidance
which are the and the 12 known Guides of
nation in which what was destined for
them to
rule and to guide the nation and the
moon has a side in which nobody sees it
does not show itself to the Earth
because only one face of the Moon
continuously shines upon the
Earth what they call the the dark side
of the moon means something that already
annihilated has another annihilation
because it's always
dark but when im Ali described that even
in my
Annihilation I
annihilated so if the moon is a symbol
annihilation the Dark Side of the Moon
is now another a an example of the ones
who annihilated and annihilated even
more and that was symbolized by the 12
imams of the nation of the which
isah understanding not the the teachings
from different Ms
and are 12 IMS the
12 of
prophet and they are represented by the
12 tajis of the Moon and they're in M
Plex of all their
names so this is a tremendous symbol of
guidance the Moon is a symbol of
guidance so the Earth are the
inhabitants the people
the majority of people and the Sun is a
light in which we're supposed to be
dressed from and the moon are the guides
in which they reflect the light of the
Sun and that's why the whole symbolism
that you have to
be moving towards an eternal light so if
your life is following a fake light a
non-existent light a fluorescent light
you have nothing to reflect but the
fluorescent light to
people so Allah says I show you upon the
Horizon I show you within yourself so
Allah already established the example
the moon follows the sun the sun it's
the same light for all the prophets
beginning of time to the end of time
that's the same sun it's Eternal so we
want to know eternity everyone go out in
the daytime look at the
sun that's an eternal light nobody
Powers it nobody can extinguish it very
people very few people can try to
replicate it the amount of heat
intensity and the reality is coming from
it and then Allah made the Moon to not
look at anything else but follow that
light same for ourselves either you want
to be on the planet only or you say no I
want to rise into guidance and become
rushed then Allah described and take the
path of
the that's where you find theas so all
theas should be a path in which to make
they teach the students on how to be and
how to take the way of being a moon and
our son and the son of all
realities the light of all realities
Muhammad so our life is then focus on
that light follow that light when we say
means we we are the people of the way
and the
majority so we cover our head because
this is the way of prophet we dressed in
modesty because this is the way of
prophet means to follow and to become
from the Those whom
follow then Allah will dress the
servant if you want my Divine the love
join the moons and and follow the Sun
follow the light Follow The
Eternity so that's all symbolized on the
outside the inside is s
Muhammad follow the character follow the
example follow the way follow the
clothing follow everything in six
directions you'll be able to fight
Shan if you follow his fashion s is
eternal and you can fight then the
bizarre fashion entering this Earth from
Satanist the fashions that are on this
earth now are from known Satanist every
now and then release them in press
conferences or issues in the news that's
disclosure so it means everything that
Prophet s gave to us eat according to
the Sunnah of prophet s wasallam eat in
the way of the Sunnah of s Muhammad
wasallam and eat what prophet sallallah
alaihi wasallam gave to us to eat you're
countering another magnetic attraction
ofan engage in your relationships
according to the way of
Muhammad again countering satanic attack
worship Allah worship your creator in
the way that Prophet Sall Alam brought
for us this is then count cing again the
worship because if they don't worship
they are worshiping Shan by default so
he has his different form of worship
this in which you have to pay homage for
him his Messengers they send signals all
the time of their worship this and
that's what those groups call secret
groups you say they take photos they
cover eyes they make symbols why because
they're showing their worship
as we call aan and begin to worship
Allah what prophet brought for us is
then worship this way your
creator people whom don't worship they
don't stand in
neutral if you ever had a boat ride in
an ocean there's no neutral if you cut
engine the boat will take you out to sea
because the waves or if you're close
close enough to the shore it will crash
you onto the Rocks there's no neutral in
ocean so when you don't pray why Prophet
Sall Alam then described if you don't
pray you're going to be out of belief
why because there's no neutral Shan will
make you pray to him pay homage to him
buy his wardrobe eat his food and throw
his symbols and those are are his
worship logos designs symbols all of
those are in the worship of
shaan that's why Prophet s out of many
many reasons describes make your Salah
it's a counter to the attraction of what
Shan is
doing so anyone who understood now all
this magnetism and the talks of
magnetism imagine hot Cals and razor
blades are in all these six directions
of Shan if you drift in enough you're
going to hit those you're going to hit
difficulties so everything that Prophet
s Alam brought for us is a
protection so the people whom
are they have to have an immense love
for Prophet
sallam so this is same that's why in our
mam is that in your aan make your of
Muhammad so that we are in a clear
distinction between the who are
appearing upon this Earth in strength
move quickly supported by by whatever
they're being supported by so im as well
where Prophet
described yeah
you have to love me more than you love
yourself your father your
brother that's a huge statement to love
Prophet them more than we love anything
on this
Earth so when you meet a muhamadi you
begin to love them that's when we try to
describe that other relationships they
don't even come
close the time you spend on
relationships inevitably you're going to
be disappointed but the time that you
spend in a relationship with
muh it's Eternal even if you saided this
Oasis for two weeks and heard two soats
Prophet Sall Alam is dressing you
eternally now think about your other
relationships if I sat with them for two
weeks I'm not going to get anything from
them most likely they're going to take
half of everything you have
they're going to take something from you
very few people give you anything this
is the nature of Da D is is a like a
vacuum like a Dyson Hoover it takes
everything in it's in it's like a black
hole the the gravitational pull of Da
everything but when you go towards
Prophet Sall Al wasallam Prophets
gravitational pull destroys your D and
gives you
everything that's what we said we he
just two soats for all your life you
heard them that reality dresses your
soul for eternity connects you to the
reality of the soul of s
Muhammad and inevitably you will be
dressed in your grave with that reality
means it's a gift that keeps on giving
this is the immensities of of these
realities and these blessings of the
T when Allah wants to bestow an eternal
gift upon a
soul he guides them to the
taras and the taras they are
the safety keepers of the last
days nobody told talking about it
alhamdulillah once you see and you see
all the ISAT and all the signs oh this
what the sh said oh look now what's
happening oh this what the shik said one
by one one by one one by one there's no
surprises there's nothing new everything
already has been written it's just
waiting to appear and the key to
Salvation and the key against every type
FNA is how close are you to the reality
it of
prophet so that's a relationship that
gives to all eternity safeguards against
every difficulty upon this Earth
s s is reaching wave reality the same as
knowing our seven
names no knowing your seven names it's
inside of reaching wave
reality but if you knew your seven names
it doesn't mean that you achieved the
wave reality because somebody could give
you those
names so those are the fruits of the
wave reality so the two are not the same
but one is the fruit of that
reality so anybody who lives as a seed
what can you
benefit so these are all the videos all
the different social media all these
teachers and the external teachings is
how to be a nice
seed you take your avocado seed polish
it take your avocado seed maybe paint
it you take your Abu seed move it on
this wall then move it on that wall and
then every time you you go to the park
take your avocar seed throw it at
somebody maybe they throw it back to
you so literally you watch external
teachings it's just this seed is moving
around and it achieves
nothing then Allah described for
everybody death why because the majority
of people remain a
seed can anyone die
twice no me there's only tasting of
once then we see the the immensity of
guidance when Allah didn't guide there a
seed and every seed goes into the goes
into a
soil what will the soil make from that
person depending upon what type of soil
they were buried
in if they buried into a soil of no
their seed really doesn't do anything it
rots so our life was not to be a seed
but plant yourself in the soil of
Muhammad in the light and the love so
that's like a a fertile ground when you
put that seed into the reality and the
muhammadan reality what
happens you become a huge tree so that
your seven names would be what one of
fruits would be what one of the
fruits all the of Quran would be what
one of the
fruits so this is our intended way and
Those whom reach their way
reality what lies for them in
death mean they already established
death so when they enter into the grave
their physicality is nicely
parked and now they can come out with
their light
reality with no restriction no
limitation they conveniently and safely
Park the physicality now that light
reality can be entirely luminous upon
the Earth and luminous upon its location
and its
physicality those become like Rosa
you know when we go for RO the Shar they
say oh the Green carpet everyone trying
to get to the Green carpet as if the
carpet is the thing that blessing you
this the funny part of of Islamic
belief Islamic belief seems to be like
idolatry they think the Caba is Holy so
they you see them attaching themselves
to the stone kissing the whole walls all
the fabric that's tab
but why is that Holy because the light
of prophet Sall is inside that
c the light of the prophets are inside
that Isam is buried
there that light is what Allah is
calling us too but our primitive nature
we need something physical oh physical
so you throw yourself onto the fabric of
the C that's okay it's tabarak and
blessing but the light inside is what's
the importance the wave reality inside
addressing the
servants so when they understood that
then they understand oh when you go to
Medina what
then is the light of prophet is
emanating and as a result you take your
light reality you meditate you make a to
what to be dressed by those lights
blessed by those
lights and this becomes the the
immense realities of light connecting
with lights being dressed with these
lights and these become the safety of
the last days these luminous lights in
which to dress our reality
from s with the passing of
M the world grows darker spiritually how
can people in the end times facing
increasing negativity and fewer oia on
Earth achieve spiritual ranks like their
predecessors who lived in less negative
times yeah they don't they don't achieve
the ranks of those predecessors they're
be dressed by the
ranks that say every generation
becomes less of that reality in the time
of shik d met a Sheikh that did 10 years
seclusions five year five years and many
many other hundreds of days of
seclusions and we progress towards these
times they become more and more
difficult so as a result the previous
shakes dress the shakes with their Barak
and Their Blessings their madad and
that's the significance of madad because
they take their secret in their light
and dress it upon the living shakes
but the shakes who pass away they become
the Rosa Sharif of prophet Sall that's
where we were on the carpet it's not the
carpet that make you holy that
everyone's trying to get to the carpet
this is the Green carpet that part is a
red carpet no no no I have to be on the
carpet oh kind of you missed the
point cu the reason that area is Holy is
Prophet Sall Al is drawing us to his
holy proximity
what the carpet going to do for you when
the sultan is is lying right
there so he was drawing us to come near
to me struggle in your path in life to
always be on this Green carpet the
Muhammad and to Muhammad and
way and when you spend your life on that
greenness on the freshness rejuvenated
reality of the love of prophet s Al
wasam your corpet everywhere you go will
green cuz you take whom you love with
everywhere when go and develop that love
what happens when they go home don't
they go home with that
love don't they have that in their homes
and in their Zas in their in everything
when there's a zawi of aake and you
don't go you're coming against the of
Medina as if you live in Medina and then
don't go visit
you're held
accountable people think oh I don't have
to go no you have to go it' be written
for you that you lived in proximity to
Medina and you didn't
go say no it's not Med it is Medina for
you cuz what resides there is what the
prophet imagine that there's 500 candles
or 300 candles in there all
Muhammad so means the line of prophet s
there go there to take away difficulties
go there to get your prayers answered go
there to show your love and respect for
yeah and the people who don't they don't
understand the
light this is the the immensity when
shakes pass away what happens well Allah
makes them pass away in areas
so that Medina is established as soon as
the P sh's physicality leaves what
happens a Muhammad and light is
blossoming and Muhammad and light now is
stationed in that reality Muhammad and
light now is transmitting in that entire
region so the living shakes have the
Muhammad and lights the shakes whom
passed their Muhammad and lights
everything is about
and what Allah's command if you want my
love go to those Ms go to the zat go to
the places of zik go to the presences of
the shakes don't think no I I only go to
I met a person once and he said I go to
Medina all the time every so until I go
to Medina so okay alhamdulillah but you
know Medina is in many places accompany
Those whom love
Muhammad so that you show your support
participate and then Allah make you to
be that you become
Muhammad light and that your home become
like Medina your places of worship
like why because you be with whom you
love and whom you love is with you you
think if Prophet Sall every every night
praying with you in your
home that's not going to be
Medina every night you have this love
you enter into your Salah and Prophet
sallam you know always your
IM you sit there making G the Sharif in
thousands you don't think your house has
a these
are just like we said about the Caba
what they call the shakes they they are
the K and the Caba why cuz their hearts
are the houses of
Allah so if you meet a m his his heart
is the house of
Allah he
walking his because if you look at him
listen to him it increases your faith in
Allah that same sh he must be immense
lover of
prophet so he is
mad wherever he is are the lights of
Med but people have to have ears that
hear the hak and eyes that can see the
hak otherwise they're trapped in a
physicality physical understanding and
limitations so
aldaham s when these big oia pass away
do they have to make the 40-day of
seclusion after their death everybody
makes 40 days but they've made many 40
days so this becomes the 40 days in
which Allah is completing his upon the
servant and giving the complete reality
that had to be conveyed to the servant
so it has its immense
realities but not like the seclusion of
a person going for the first time these
are the inclusions of the people whom
had they died already before their death
where Allah then completes his
favors and dress you with a immense
support and that's why then the bar on
the last days the bar on the last days
of of aah and the lights and the
blessings of aah and the and the
knowledges of
aah so it's one thing to
see Niagra Falls and then everyone Oh
see it then they go to
it but now when the Niagara
Falls has a physical veiling it doesn't
mean it didn't go anywhere it's just not
visible to you anymore but the fountain
flowing so Those whom are seeking they
seek through their heart and they can
see the [ __ ] flowing but now it's a
hidden reality so no these are immense
immense power those are fountains that
never shut off and The Fountains that
have the of
sayum careful
careful for
on on
hey I can't see anybody in the room we
can see you and hear you
I can't see anything huh we can see you
and hear you s okay I talk to the green
gray screen what was the
question it was going to be about Jen
and then the thing cut oh they're
getting fed up with it can see you
as you mentioned time moves faster in
the Gin Dimension and they operate at a
higher speed can they influence our
Dimension and cause everything to
accelerate everything to be what and
cause everything to
accelerate it wasn't are you rewarding
what I said yesterday just reading the
question I don't know this the question
that's what we talking about just
rewarding it yeah the reason our
Dimension is going fast and what prophet
Sall wasam said what the acceleration of
time in the last
days so what what does that mean the
acceleration of
time because their world the Jin world
it is a completely different time their
lives are 3,000
years 2,000 years 1,500 years
years so once they start to bring their
their knowledges their technology onto
this Earth what happens your time is
moving too
fast so I remember our first visit many
many years ago into Singapore many many
Chinese people and in the malls I don't
know if you ever seen a Chinese mall was
the most difficult thing my eyes and my
ears could
experience that they had shops there
were like thousand shops that were very
small shops each one with different
flashing lights and different loud
sounds so there's like 10,000 of these
lights in every store 10,000 different
songs and radios
and so it means different people have
different ways so even in the physical
world amongst our own communities
they have a different way of processing
sound and sight so when we were sitting
there I was getting extremely dizzy and
nervous and palpitation of my heart too
many lights were going off too many
different sounds were going off there
was no peace no
Tranquility there are also forms of
music that are cacophonous and very
disturbing and they make your heart
begin to palate palate palpitate and
move so means that yes the physicality
through eyes and ears everything can be
manipulated so when they introduce their
algorithms it's from their world it's
moving too fast for us where before
you'd watch a movie two hours oh this a
long movie now you can't watch 10
minutes of it because of what Tik tok's
algorithm has brought you to look at
something every 30 seconds every 30
seconds every 30 seconds it's
overstimulated the
Mind where it just needs more more and
more needs to understand everything
every 30 seconds something different
something different something different
well imagine now the children that's
when we explained they can't read a
black and white page and what's this
page nothing they can't do it very
difficult because they're used to being
overstimulated with graphics and and
games and even the games the video
Gamers when you watch them play when I
watch the screen I get nauseous move
the the amount of actions that are
happening so yes their gin world is the
teaching it completely manipulates this
world through our senses through every
every bit of our reality through the
diet Through The Eyes through the energy
through sicknesses everything is is a an
effect from the Gin Nations upon
creation so this is a a big
big reality of Islam now imagine outside
Islam they didn't know about that you
think that that's a
coincidence or they didn't want that
knowledge taught in the Western
World so the Western world keeps saying
you know who Fallen Angels this and that
oh all these different things that
they're trying to piece together to
understand Ships coming from other
galaxies all these different things okay
okay but there's creatures living right
next to you all over you in your house
in every form snakes roaches spiders uh
humanoid different creatures different
creation everything 10 times are number
but that doesn't mean 10 times our
number because they live, 1500 to 3,000
years so 10 times our number but they
live 10 times our
lifespan so so 10 of us were born and in
100 years let's there was only 10 of us
100 years 10 of us are
dead at the same time we were born 10 of
them were
born what happens in 100 years oh
they've multiplied they're not dead then
they've multiplied then they've
multiplied that's why you see in
millions and hundreds of millions
billions of their
creation well that effective enery energ
has every effect on human life from its
sicknesses from every choice they make
their desires they want
everything yes it has a complete effect
that's the immense nature of Islam to
come and bring realities in the last
days that the you know they have favored
certain people and taught them
knowledges and gave them all sorts of
knowledges every phone you have is from
their world they admitted in their
science courses that they've had
associations with other beings from
other worlds called jins then they were
given knowledges they were given
realities in exchange for the
experimenting with people and doing
things upon this
Earth so this is the the great nature of
Islam that it knows these realities
and it comes across a people that don't
know the reality then they become
manipulated by this
shum as you mentioned if we take on
roles in life that we aren't meant for
it often leads to disappointment how can
we determine the role we are truly meant
to fulfill Beyond being a student of
the role you're supposed to fulfill
beyond your role in Tara I don't know
what that means is that the role that
you play as a regular person once you're
in there is no role outside
of that was the talk the night before as
soon as you're given this path there's
always two
roads the road of what Don wants from
you and don't is everything from your
family to your loved ones to your work
to everything then there's another road
towards Prophet Sall Al
wasallam and that becomes the great
struggle for someone do they go towards
fulfilling what people
want and all those people they want to
be worshiped they want you to serve them
they want you to obey them and they are
the people who also say there is no shik
but the one saying no shake he's the one
he's your shik saying there's no shik
but him or but her so this is this is
the struggle of
D so how do you choose the way of
prophet that becomes then the great
struggle that's when they're trained and
they're like re and they tell their
families look between this path and that
path if you come
if you don't
come nice to have known
you and they take their way towards
Prophet sallallah Al wasam is not
something easy CU if every time you're
trying to make everyone else happy most
likely you're not going to make Allah
happy cuz everyone else they're not
making Allah
happy so they want you to do different
things they want you to go different
places they want you eat different
things things because of the influence
of their magnets that's what it's meant
to be a
Imam right that's why anybody they think
they can now just you know have any type
of Imam in a Masid oh we just bring an
IM but that's a huge
magnet because whatever that Imam
believes everyone behind him going to be
believing whatever that Imam understands
everyone behind is going to have only
that understanding and that's when Allah
I'm going to raise you with your
IM the one who says I have no IM then
she is his
Imam but everyone is going to be raised
with their Imam what did you believe so
where did you learn that from then
they're going say
him so there's nobody you know that can
just do nothing so either your family
going to be your Imam your relatives
going to be your mom whoever you're
deciding you're going to listen to who's
going to be the IM of your
life and Allah then gave we created no
man with two hearts if your all if your
heart is for Allah and
hisam then you're the im as the IM we
say this is what we're doing you're
welcome to my Masid and we go that way
and that's
it but with good character love and make
the choices that you make in life for
person says that they want to take that
that path if you choose people who don't
want to take that path what's going to
happen the whole time they biting and
scratching that they don't want to be
there I don't want to do that I don't
want to go there uh you put yourself in
situation so you know choose carefully
in life the people who want to be on
your path want to take that way want to
be on that reality and pray that Allah
continue to guide them and not flip
them so this is again a big and a
blessing from
Allah these are the difficulties of the
last days and we we described many years
before when we came the difficulty would
come and other people would come and say
you know I think I can do this
myself that they they wouldn't be
frightened by the
difficulties and something affects them
to think that they can go off on their
own do their own thing but that's not
what's coming the difficulty in it of
difficulties coming can't be understood
not even only from spiritual from
physical there are locations on this
Earth were volcanoes what they call
volcanoes where if Allah begin to lift
those Calamity that is catastrophic in
nature that would send the tides of
oceans 100 foot waves would be coming
into Shore and on to land
these are not something that people just
survive through their own and their
brain these are people whom Allah had
dressed with a protection and the
protection is the love andab of prophet
in the company of
a so if you leave the hand of that
company and you leave the hand of that
rahma what Allah described of the son of
Satan he said oh thank you I don't want
to board your ship I'll find my own
Mountain to find refuge in and Allah
described there is no mountain except
the Refuge in which I tell you to enter
there's no place that people can save
themsel by themself because it's the
very self that tricking you you think
he's going to to bring you towards
salvation is the enough is tricking you
so this self and the word self is funny
how it's used used in
English but if you said the word naps
and say no I will find it with my own
nafs you would see no that kind of
sounds weird my n will tell me how to be
protected through God's punishments that
are coming on
earth when did you hear that the Naps
protects you that
way but ego here or self the word self
is has been a calculated word so that
people wouldn't understand what they're
saying when we say calamities are coming
and he said I'll Trust in my own
naps that doesn't sound right and most
people wouldn't ever say that but it's
your n your very na that's going to get
you into difficulty so we try to board
the ship stay upon the ship and with
good character good actions continuously
making that Faith to manifest and hold
tight to the
ropeah subh
I won't be live on the I'll be on the
phone in
yeah we'll be seeing everybody next week
as for
alhamdulillah alhamd
m for
aldahan muham
Omar imass
IM husin
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah all Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah all Allah all Allah all all
all Allah Allah Allah all Allah all
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah all
all all Allah all Allah all Allah all
Allah all Allah all Allah all Allah all
Allah all Allah Allah Allah all Allah
all all Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah all all all
all Allah all Allah Allah all all Allah
all Allah all Allah all Allah all
Allah all all all
all all all all all Allah all Allah all
Allah all Allah all all all all all all
all Allah all all all all all Allah all
all all all all all all all all all all
all all all all Allah all all all Allah
all all all all all all all all all all
all all all all all all
all oh
oh oh
oh h h h
ho ho h h h h h ho ho h h h h h h h h h
h h h
hi Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
all Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah
all Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
y all
Mah abdah
Alani m
muhm IM
imass IM husin
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