Why are we here? We're traveling all around the world Are you guys wondering what we are doing here? This is what happened Hi guys, it's Oppa Thuchy I can't stand it anymore I've been staying home for months! It's stressing me out! It's making me crazy I can no longer stay home Should I go traveling abroad for a month? Hmm? What's wrong? Bored I have a good idea Let's travel the world for a month! No I will pay for everything! And I will book the first-class tickets! We will be traveling for 30 days! What do you think? Let's go!!! That is what happened What kinda smell is that?! What smell do you think it is? The toilet seat! The coffee smells much better Let's continue the travel! The first class is so worth it It's so comfy like you're home! And no one disturbs us Because I booked the whole first class seats Look at the northern light! We're now at Iceland It's so cold Guys, look! I can see my breath *Stinky breath* So beautiful What's beautiful? The light Oh! the northern light!! I can only see the wall I think we've traveled here enough Let's go to Italy! Let's go see the street arts! The street art! You can see the paintings on the walls Yes, and they are really beautiful I think it is quite a controversial topic Some people like it But some say it's vandalism And that you have no right to paint on the walls We also have a Thai famous graffiti artist named Alex Face Have you ever seen Mardi in a rabbit costume? The cute one! Ohhhh Next, we're going to Paris! I believe that most people want to go to museums But they are closed Do you know who I am?! The greatest Oppa Thuchy We're taking you guys to the museum exclusively! Let's go! Let's go to Paris! We're now at Paris Paris has a lot of gothic architectures Gothic style That's not French Le'ts go to the Louvre Museum! We're now at the Lourve! Some of you might not be familiar with the Lourve museum But you might be familiar with this picture! It's a triangle glass Let's take a walk Turn left Turn right It's 3D? What are you talking about?! We're at the Museum! We're at the Lourve! I want to see Mona Lisa and Vangoh's paintings It's right here! Let's go That's not the one! This is the Mona Lisa! Look! Do you see it? It's the floating Mona Lisa I'll be back. I'm hungry He's a dork What else do you want to see? What did you buy? It has Mardi! Of course! It's collaborating with Mr. Alex Face Special Edition with Mardi on the bottle The famous street art! It's so smooth So good! I can taste the uniqueness of the coffee beans Cold brew coffee with 100% Arabica beans! It's so premium The cold brew coffee This is the new trend of coffee drinking! It's so convenient Just buy it and you can enjoy the coffee anytime! So convenient! This is yours I'm not familiar with this kind of taste It's so smooth It tastes so different than hot brew coffee It's so refreshing This is the real cold brew! Easy to find, and it tastes good! And it's only 15 calories I really like it I've been wanting to go to this country Do you know what country? North Korea! Why is it so quiet? It's so quiet Can we go back to Thailand? Don't touch me! Since we're in North Korea Let's go to South Korea! Let's go down What the heck? You're wrong What boy group is this? I thought it was Doyoung CPU I want to go to Japan Let's go to Japan! It's getting hot It's really hot I'm sweating We're at South Africa Do you hear the song? What song? Let's go Your hair is so messy from the traveling We're at Amsterdam Amsterdam What a beautiful flower field! Look around! Let's go somewhere else! I'm now in my most favorite country! I've been dreaming of this place! We're at Miami I want to wear a swimsuit We're not gonna swim We're here to see these Go back to Thailand! We still need to go to other places Germany! Austria! Egypt! Switzerland! Findland! It's so cold We've traveled all around the world! The A/C is so cold Let's go to the Airport. We're heading back to Thailand I feel recharged and ready to get back to work, After being home for so long! I finally went on holiday! So, we're gonna take a rest. We'll see you all in Thailand. I'm sleepy Sit properly! Depas! Do you miss me? So cute Get out of the way! Why is your luggage bigger? What did you buy? You look suspicious Open it! I'm not hiding anything Open it I just got botox on my face Open it Okay What are these? Nescafe Cold Brew! Which one do you like the most? I like the pure black Because it's so smooth and refreshing With the aroma of roasted coffee beans And it's low calorie Yes Only 15 Kcal! For me, it's Craft Latte You can buy them at 7-Eleven with only 39 baht! Stock them up! I really want you guys to try them It's really new and refreshing! Affordable cold brew coffee If you like this video, please subscribe and like the video We'll see you guys again, bye bye