WEBVTT 00:00:07.232 --> 00:00:10.340 Some people say that mass immigration into the United States 00:00:10.402 --> 00:00:12.717 can help reduce world poverty. NOTE Paragraph 00:00:12.767 --> 00:00:14.118 Is that true? 00:00:14.118 --> 00:00:16.982 Well, no its not and let me show you why. 00:00:17.044 --> 00:00:22.492 This gumball represents the 1 million legal immigrants that the United States 00:00:22.492 --> 00:00:26.661 has taken every year on average since 1990. 00:00:26.661 --> 00:00:31.201 Now who in the world deserves our humanitarian compassion? 00:00:31.201 --> 00:00:34.200 The World Bank has one measure of the desperately poor of the world. 00:00:34.200 --> 00:00:36.441 They make less than $2 a day. 00:00:36.441 --> 00:00:40.111 And how many people make less than $2 a day in the world? 00:00:40.111 --> 00:00:42.246 We'll start with Africa. 00:00:42.246 --> 00:00:50.859 In Africa alone there are 650 million people who make less than $2 a day, 00:00:50.859 --> 00:00:53.359 650 million. 00:00:53.359 --> 00:01:00.262 And in India another 890 million people are desperately poor. 00:01:00.262 --> 00:01:06.679 China adds another 480 million people making less than $2 a day 00:01:06.679 --> 00:01:12.811 and unfortunately the rest of Asia has a heartbreaking 810 million people who 00:01:12.811 --> 00:01:17.481 the World Bank says make less than $2 a day. 00:01:17.481 --> 00:01:24.626 And finally there's 105 million of Latin America's population that are desperately poor. 00:01:24.626 --> 00:01:29.524 All total the World Bank says that there 3 billion people in the world, 00:01:29.524 --> 00:01:34.331 3 billion people who are desperately poor making less than $2 a day. 00:01:34.331 --> 00:01:36.234 That's 3 thousand gumballs 00:01:36.234 --> 00:01:42.671 and every year we take a million and suggest that we've somehow made a 00:01:42.671 --> 00:01:45.393 humanitarian difference. 00:01:45.393 --> 00:01:51.180 Of course, we don't pull our immigrants from these desperately poor populations,do we? 00:01:51.180 --> 00:01:57.354 These people are too poor, too sick, too disconnected to make it here as immigrants. 00:01:57.354 --> 00:02:01.858 We tend to pull our immigrants out of the better off poor of the world 00:02:01.858 --> 00:02:07.363 and Mexico tends to define the type of immigrant we bring here because the plurality of people 00:02:07.363 --> 00:02:11.432 come here from Mexico and Mexico is poor. 00:02:11.432 --> 00:02:18.243 How many people in the world live in countries that have average incomes lower than that of Mexico? 00:02:18.243 --> 00:02:23.053 The World Bank tells us that that number is these 3 billion 00:02:23.053 --> 00:02:29.753 plus another 2.6 billion people. 00:02:29.753 --> 00:02:43.099 5.6 billion people in the world who live in countries with average incomes below that of Mexico. 00:02:43.099 --> 00:02:45.636 That's 5,600 gumballs. 00:02:45.636 --> 00:02:52.814 So what is it the elites are telling us? They're telling us when we take this 1 million immigrants 00:02:52.814 --> 00:02:57.745 that we somehow or another are tackling world poverty 00:02:57.745 --> 00:03:01.484 and we have to do it regardless of the effect on our unemployed, the working poor, 00:03:01.484 --> 00:03:03.350 the most vulnerable members of our society. 00:03:03.350 --> 00:03:06.254 Regardless of the effect on our natural resources. 00:03:06.254 --> 00:03:10.197 Even if we went by the most radical proposals in Washington, 00:03:10.197 --> 00:03:19.224 which are to actually double our immigration to 2 million a year, 00:03:19.224 --> 00:03:23.306 which would totally overwhelm our physical, natural, and social infrastructure 00:03:23.306 --> 00:03:26.477 we couldn't make a noticeable difference 00:03:26.477 --> 00:03:31.223 and we may be really hurting the impoverished people of the world because 00:03:31.223 --> 00:03:39.423 the million that we do take are among the most energetic, often the better educated, certainly the most 00:03:39.423 --> 00:03:46.529 dissatisfied people that if they did not immigrate would be the agents for change to improve the lot of 00:03:46.529 --> 00:03:54.680 all the people in these countries. The true heroes in the global humanitarian field are the people in these countries 00:03:54.680 --> 00:04:02.078 who have the wherewithal to immigrate to another country but instead stay in their countries to apply their skills to help 00:04:02.078 --> 00:04:03.976 their fellow countrymen. 00:04:03.976 --> 00:04:12.186 Unfortunately, our immigration system tends to entice these very type of people to abandon their countrymen. 00:04:12.186 --> 00:04:18.562 The impossibility of making even a dent is actually worse than it looks here 00:04:18.562 --> 00:04:30.173 because last year when we took 1 million immigrants, these countries added births over deaths 00:04:30.173 --> 00:04:35.558 80 million more people into the impoverished population. 00:04:35.558 --> 00:04:41.047 And this year Congress is bringing in a million legal immigrants 00:04:41.047 --> 00:04:48.759 and this year according to the United Nations these countries are expected to add another 80 million people 00:04:48.759 --> 00:04:55.644 and next year you can be quite sure that Congress unless stopped by the American voters will bring in 00:04:55.644 --> 00:05:05.075 another million immigrants and these countries unfortunately will be adding another 80 million people 00:05:05.075 --> 00:05:07.555 into these impoverished nations. 00:05:07.555 --> 00:05:14.651 We could take 5 million a year but we'd never get ahead of what's happening in these countries. 00:05:14.651 --> 00:05:16.320 Not in this century. 00:05:16.320 --> 00:05:25.895 Don't you see? Immigration can never be an effective or significant way to deal with the suffering people of the world. 00:05:25.895 --> 00:05:29.794 They have to be helped where they live. 00:05:29.794 --> 00:05:39.145 99.9% of them will never be able to immigrate to a rich country. There's no hope for that. 00:05:39.145 --> 00:05:43.777 They have to bloom where they're planted; the only place that 99.9% of these people can be helped 00:05:43.777 --> 99:59:59.999 is where they live. Let's help them there.