0:00:00.429,0:00:03.620 There is a box, in the corner of my sewing[br]room. 0:00:03.620,0:00:07.419 It is a box whose contents have not seen the[br]light of day for many a month. 0:00:07.419,0:00:10.690 Many crafters will be familiar with this box,[br]in all of its forms: 0:00:10.690,0:00:14.590 There’s the ever-growing amorphous lump[br]that lies underneath your desk… 0:00:14.590,0:00:18.730 The monster underneath your bed…[br]The stuff you vacuum-packed in a fit of organization 0:00:18.730,0:00:22.150 and stuffed into your garage in the hopes[br]that you’d never have to deal with it again… 0:00:22.150,0:00:25.450 This, my friends, is the UNFINISHED SEWING[br]PILE. 0:00:34.370,0:00:38.190 The item that I pulled out of the box for[br]today’s episode is this thrifted dress. 0:00:38.190,0:00:42.420 Now it's a pretty nice simple floral dress[br]with a gathered skirt… but it really annoys 0:00:42.420,0:00:46.899 me that more of my clothes don’t have POCKETS.[br]I've decided that I need more pockets in my 0:00:46.899,0:00:50.460 life. So, I’m going to add some.[br]Now, you can do this to any item of clothing 0:00:50.460,0:00:54.760 that has side seams – dresses, skirts, pants,[br]jackets – basically anything that has a 0:00:54.760,0:00:56.360 seam that you can rip open. 0:00:56.360,0:00:59.899 To make a pattern for my pocket, I grabbed[br]a piece of paper with a straight edge, and 0:00:59.899,0:01:04.269 then I put my hand flat on it, and then angled[br]my hand slightly downwards like this. 0:01:04.269,0:01:08.900 Then, I traced around the shape of my hand,[br]with roughly 1 inch extra all the way around, 0:01:08.900,0:01:13.610 turning it into a pocket shape that looks[br]like this. And then I cut my pattern out. 0:01:13.610,0:01:17.659 The fabric that I’m using for my pocket[br]is this thrifted cotton pillow case. The pillow 0:01:17.659,0:01:21.490 case fabric is already in two layers, but[br]if you’re just using a regular piece of 0:01:21.490,0:01:24.229 fabric then fold it over before this next[br]step. 0:01:24.229,0:01:29.369 I put my pocket pattern on top of the fabric,[br]traced around it, repeated this, and then 0:01:29.369,0:01:34.439 cut them out. Now if you remember, I was cutting[br]through 2 layers of fabric here, so this gave 0:01:34.439,0:01:39.470 me 4 pocket pieces in total and I will use[br]2 symmetrical pieces for each pocket. 0:01:39.470,0:01:43.310 Back to my dress, I tried it on and then I[br]figured out roughly where I wanted the pockets 0:01:43.310,0:01:47.979 to sit. Then, I turned the dress inside out,[br]lined up the pocket pattern with the seam, 0:01:47.979,0:01:52.439 and then I made 2 marks, using chalk, at the[br]top and bottom of the pocket, on the dress material. 0:01:52.759,0:01:57.229 Then, I ripped open the seam in-between the[br]chalk lines. I used some small, sharp scissors 0:01:57.229,0:02:01.189 and a seam ripper to help me out here, and[br]I actually opened up the seam to one inch 0:02:01.189,0:02:03.989 above and below the chalk lines. 0:02:07.260,0:02:11.120 Then – and watch carefully because this[br]is a little bit tricky – when I sew it on, 0:02:11.120,0:02:16.769 my pocket is going to end up facing in a downwards[br]direction like this. So, I line up the straight 0:02:16.769,0:02:21.419 edge of the pocket with the open seam, right[br]side of the fabric facing down, and then, 0:02:21.419,0:02:26.150 on the dress at the open seam, I fold back[br]the top layer like this. Then I carefully 0:02:26.150,0:02:31.340 place the pocket material on top, right-sides-together[br]with this folded-back dress fabric - and then 0:02:31.340,0:02:37.609 I insert pins to keep it in place.[br]That was a little bit confusing, so this is 0:02:37.609,0:02:40.629 what it looks like from the other side, once[br]it's all pinned together. 0:02:40.629,0:02:43.499 And then, I sew this piece of the pocket to[br]the dress like this. 0:02:43.499,0:02:48.329 I just use a basic straight stitch and I sew[br]the pieces together about 1 quarter of an 0:02:48.329,0:02:49.980 inch away from the edges. 0:02:49.980,0:02:53.769 On the other side of the open seam, I’m[br]going to do the exact same thing to attach 0:02:53.769,0:02:58.589 the other half of the pocket.[br]So, I line up the pocket, fold back the dress 0:02:58.589,0:03:00.089 material at the seam, 0:03:06.040,0:03:10.739 pin, and then sew the[br]pocket to this side of the dress using a straight stitch. 0:03:10.739,0:03:14.659 And once both the pocket flaps are sewn on,[br]I place them right-sides together. With the 0:03:14.659,0:03:19.409 dress still inside out, I sew the seam back[br]together where it’s been opened above and 0:03:19.409,0:03:23.519 below the pocket material, and also all the[br]way around the pocket like this. 0:03:23.519,0:03:27.959 It’s also a good idea to pin everything[br]in place to hold it together while you sew! 0:03:27.959,0:03:32.859 Again, I’m using a basic straight stitch.[br]When I was done I turned my dress the right 0:03:32.859,0:03:35.689 way around, and I admired this cute new little[br]pocket! 0:03:35.689,0:03:39.449 I then gave the pocket a good iron and then[br]I repeated the exact same thing on the other 0:03:39.449,0:03:42.549 side to end up with two pockets, and I’m[br]done! 0:03:42.549,0:03:46.209 And this is how it looks![br]The addition of pockets to this dress makes 0:03:46.209,0:03:52.150 it about twice as interesting, and also infinitely[br]more useful because this dress can hold things! 0:03:52.150,0:03:56.219 I also like how the pockets are hidden - they're[br]really subtle and you can’t really see them 0:03:56.219,0:03:59.409 - but when you do, BAM, they’re super cute[br]and polka-dotty! 0:03:59.409,0:04:03.499 So, now that I know how easy it is to add[br]pockets to an item of clothing, I’m going 0:04:03.499,0:04:07.749 to go ahead and add pockets to every pocketless[br]item that I own. Thanks for watching, and 0:04:07.749,0:04:09.909 I’ll see you all later! Bye!