0:00:07.789,0:00:11.295 May the apostles Peter and Paul, 0:00:11.556,0:00:15.545 in whose power and authority we trust, 0:00:15.929,0:00:20.413 intercede for us before the Lord. 0:00:21.043,0:00:24.492 Amen 0:00:24.923,0:00:29.358 Through the prayers and merits of blessed Mary ever-Virgin, 0:00:29.774,0:00:34.317 the bless archangel Michael 0:00:34.317,0:00:39.214 Saint John the Baptist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, 0:00:40.121,0:00:43.562 and all the saints 0:00:44.085,0:00:54.244 may Almighty God have mercy on you and forgive all your sins, and may Jesus Christ bring you to life everlasting. 0:00:54.967,0:00:58.472 Amen 0:00:58.472,0:01:08.802 And may the blessing of almighty God, the Father +, and the Son +, and the Holy Spirit + 0:01:08.802,0:01:13.844 come down on you and remain with you forever 0:01:14.659,0:01:19.063 Amen