0:00:00.000,0:00:03.240 *singing* A-bom-bom-chicka-chicka-bom-bom-chicka-chicka-balalaop! 0:00:03.240,0:00:06.840 Welcome to Make Thrift Buy! This is the show[br]where you send in clothes that you’ve found 0:00:06.840,0:00:09.550 on the internet and then I do my best to recreate[br]them. 0:00:09.550,0:00:12.759 So today’s episode is definitely going to[br]be one of the weirder things I’ve tried 0:00:12.759,0:00:17.900 to recreate on this show so far, but SO MANY[br]of you have been suggesting this cat keyhole bra. 0:00:18.460,0:00:21.730 Apparently, this bra became so popular on[br]the internet at the start of the year that 0:00:21.730,0:00:26.170 it’s even on “know your meme.com”. It[br]originally appeared on the store “Nonori” 0:00:26.170,0:00:29.810 on Taobao, but it can now be found all over[br]the internet from ebay to amazon to and wholesale 0:00:29.810,0:00:32.840 places like storenvy and aliexpress – hang[br]on, what?? 0:00:32.840,0:00:36.900 So, this is a very good candidate for a Make[br]Thrift Buy, so, let’s try and make this 0:00:36.900,0:00:37.340 for ourselves! 0:00:37.340,0:00:40.570 So you can skip ahead to here [1 minute 30[br]seconds] if you want to see how I finally 0:00:40.570,0:00:44.790 ended up making this, but initially I decided[br]that I would try and make this out of stretchy 0:00:44.790,0:00:49.910 material like jersey. This was in order to[br]get the cleavage thing happening having to 0:00:49.910,0:00:57.400 use tape, or a stick-on push-up bra or whatever[br]is going on in these photos because boobs 0:00:57.400,0:01:00.520 don't just go like that. This defies the laws[br]of physics. 0:01:00.520,0:01:04.720 So I wanted to use stretchy fabric to generate[br]that amount of cleavage, which, if I'm being 0:01:04.720,0:01:07.520 honest, I think is the main selling point[br]of this bra. 0:01:07.520,0:01:11.380 However, this just didn’t work out so well.[br]After about 5 hours of my life that I’ll 0:01:11.380,0:01:15.699 never get back, and 2 different attempts,[br]I just wasn't getting the result that I wanted 0:01:15.699,0:01:20.999 - I was having a lot of problems with the[br]stretch of the material warping the cat cutout, 0:01:20.999,0:01:24.950 and it just wasn't looking like how I wanted[br]it to look so in the end I gave up on that 0:01:24.950,0:01:29.549 and I went for some cotton and... yeah I'm[br]going to have to use boob tape. 0:01:29.549,0:01:34.240 So the first thing that I did on this third[br]and FINAL attempt at making this cat bra was 0:01:34.240,0:01:38.429 to measure around my shoulders. I’m doing[br]this because I’m NOT using stretchy fabric, 0:01:38.429,0:01:41.729 so I want to make sure that I can get the[br]bra on over my shoulders. 0:01:41.729,0:01:46.549 This measurement came out at 40 inches. I[br]halved this measurement to get 20 inches, 0:01:46.549,0:01:48.700 and then added 1 inch for seam allowance. 0:01:48.700,0:01:53.240 Then, with a piece of black cotton fabric,[br]I folded this over and drew a rectangle that 0:01:53.240,0:01:58.429 was the previous measurement, 21 inches, wide,[br]and 10 inches long. I made these marks with 0:01:58.429,0:02:01.319 chalk, because this will just rub off the[br]fabric when I’m done. 0:02:01.319,0:02:06.329 Next I’m cut across here and here, through[br]both layers of fabric, using my rotary cutter. 0:02:06.329,0:02:09.560 And, with the piece of fabric still folded[br]in half, I sewed down here. 0:02:09.560,0:02:13.570 This created a loop of fabric which I then[br]tested to make sure I could get it on over 0:02:13.570,0:02:17.750 my shoulders. And, in fact, I was able to[br]get it on really easily, so I’m actually 0:02:17.750,0:02:21.360 going sew further in on the side-seam. 0:02:21.360,0:02:25.970 When this was the right size, I cut the fabric[br]close to the new seam. Then, I drew an outline 0:02:25.970,0:02:28.600 of a kitty cat head in the middle of the fabric[br]with some chalk. 0:02:31.810,0:02:36.240 I then cut out a piece of fusible INTERFACING[br]which was just a little bit bigger than the 0:02:36.240,0:02:40.500 cat outline. The interfacing will be useful[br]in helping the cutout to maintain its shape. 0:02:40.500,0:02:45.310 I then ironed this interfacing, fusible-side[br]down, with a t-shirt over the top to protect 0:02:45.310,0:02:49.820 the interfacing from my iron, and then I ironed,[br]using some pressure, for about 30 seconds 0:02:49.820,0:02:52.390 until the interfacing was fused onto the fabric. 0:02:52.390,0:02:57.010 The next thing that I did was to sew around[br]the chalkline, still visible through the interfacing, 0:02:57.010,0:02:59.450 using a very short zig zag stitch. 0:02:59.450,0:03:03.790 I did this very slowly and carefully, taking[br]care on the rounded corners, and stopping 0:03:03.790,0:03:06.100 and rotating my needle at the sharp corners. 0:03:06.100,0:03:09.280 And, on the right-side of the fabric, I ended[br]up with this! 0:03:09.280,0:03:14.220 Next, I’m using the same trick that I did[br]on the DIY patches in episode #37. I’m got 0:03:14.220,0:03:19.090 a little bit of fabric glue and I dabbed this[br]around the edges, on the INSIDE of the stitching. 0:03:19.090,0:03:23.760 The idea of this is to stop any fraying later[br]on when I cut this cat-shape out! A product 0:03:23.760,0:03:27.400 like fray check will also work just as well.[br]Just don’t use craft glue. 0:03:27.400,0:03:30.580 While I was waiting for the fabric glue to[br]dry, I decided that I would move onto the 0:03:30.580,0:03:35.200 next step - hemming the top and the bottom[br]of the bra! To do this, I flipped it inside 0:03:35.200,0:03:38.730 out again, and then I folded both the top[br]and the bottom edges down about half an inch 0:03:38.730,0:03:43.750 like this, and then I sewed over the top of[br]this using a straight stitch, all the way around the bra. 0:03:43.750,0:03:48.450 Once I had done that, the fabric glue had[br]dried, so the next step was to cut out the 0:03:48.450,0:03:52.860 cat cutout. With some scissors I went very[br]carefully around the inside of the cat outline, 0:03:52.860,0:03:57.980 being careful not to cut through the stitches[br]buuuuut just next to them. 0:03:59.460,0:04:02.060 And here is my cat cutout. 0:04:02.060,0:04:05.970 Next, I needed to elasticate the top and the[br]bottom of the bra to make this thing fit! 0:04:05.970,0:04:09.900 So, with a piece of elastic, in whatever colour[br]I want because it's going to be sewn on the 0:04:09.900,0:04:14.620 inside, I first wrap this above my breasts[br]to get the TOP elastic length. I pull the 0:04:14.620,0:04:18.600 elastic tight, so that it stretches but NOT[br]so tight that it’s uncomfortable, and then 0:04:18.600,0:04:23.360 I cut it to this length. Then, I do the same[br]thing with a new piece of elastic underneath 0:04:23.360,0:04:27.120 my breasts. And this is going to be my BOTTOM[br]piece of elastic. 0:04:27.120,0:04:30.550 The TOP piece of elastic is going to be attached[br]up HERE, and the BOTTOM piece of elastic will 0:04:30.550,0:04:34.159 be attached down HERE… except they're going[br]to be attached on the INSIDE of the bra. 0:04:34.159,0:04:39.020 First things first, I sew each piece of elastic[br]into a loop, which I basically do by attaching 0:04:39.020,0:04:41.889 the ends to each other with two short zig[br]zag stitches. 0:04:41.889,0:04:46.080 Next, and this seems to be becoming a familiar[br]theme in my videos, I’m going to quarter 0:04:46.080,0:04:51.379 both the elastic and the top of the bra with[br]pins. And the bra fabric is inside-out for this step. 0:04:53.270,0:04:58.460 Then, with the elastic on top of the wrong[br]side of the fabric, with one set of pins matching 0:04:58.460,0:05:04.460 up, I stretched the elastic so that the next[br]set of pins matched up as well. 0:05:04.460,0:05:09.569 Then, I removed the pins so that I wouldn’t[br]sew over the top of them, did a small backstitch, 0:05:09.569,0:05:13.689 and then I sewed the elastic to the fabric[br]using a straight stitch. 0:05:13.689,0:05:17.610 While sewing, I made sure that my needle was[br]RIIIIIGHT over at this far right edge of the 0:05:17.610,0:05:22.800 elastic. The elastic itself is a couple of[br]inches away from the hem. And, the entire 0:05:22.800,0:05:26.770 time I was sewing, I was also stretching the[br]elastic so that the next set of pins matched 0:05:26.770,0:05:31.430 up. Then, when I reached this set of pins,[br]I basically repeated this process, until I 0:05:31.430,0:05:38.060 had sewn the elastic on all the way around[br]the loop of fabric. 0:05:38.060,0:05:43.990 Then, I set the sewing foot back down on top[br]of the elastic, but I set the needle so to 0:05:43.990,0:05:49.009 the left so that I would be sewing through[br]the far left edge of the elastic. 0:05:49.009,0:05:53.279 And then, I sewed all the way around the elastic[br]once again, stretching the elastic as I went 0:05:53.279,0:06:03.740 so that the fabric wasn’t bunched up the[br]entire time. 0:06:03.740,0:06:07.639 Then I repeated these exact steps, on the[br]bottom of the bra, and I ended up with this! 0:06:07.639,0:06:11.360 At this point I realised that I’d totally[br]forgotten to sew on the whiskers!! 0:06:11.360,0:06:14.819 To un-bunch the fabric around the cutout,[br]I threw it into an embroidery hoop. 0:06:14.819,0:06:19.909 Then, I drew whiskers on with chalk like this,[br]and I sewed over these lines using a zig zag stitch. 0:06:20.689,0:06:25.349 Just remember - if you're making this DIY,[br]do this part BEFORE sewing in your elastic. 0:06:25.349,0:06:27.689 Anyway, it still worked out in the end. 0:06:27.689,0:06:31.999 The last step is making straps, and I’m[br]going to make these tie up like on the original. 0:06:31.999,0:06:36.809 To do this, I grabbed my black cotton fabric[br]and I drew out four long, narrow rectangles 0:06:36.809,0:06:40.349 with identical dimensions of 3 inches by 20 inches. 0:06:40.349,0:06:43.809 And I cut this out.[br]I then folded each piece like this – now 0:06:43.809,0:06:48.669 watch carefully – by folding the edges in[br]to meet at the middle, and then folding this 0:06:48.669,0:06:51.620 over in half lengthways. 0:06:51.620,0:07:01.520 And then I sewed down this side of the strap,[br]all the way down the strap like this. 0:07:01.520,0:07:05.819 To make the ends of the strap nice, I folded[br]them over twice and stitch across here. 0:07:05.819,0:07:11.249 Then, to attach the straps to the bra, I slid[br]one end of the strap inside the bra, underneath 0:07:11.249,0:07:15.830 the elastic, placed about where I think the[br]straps should go, and then I pinned this in place. 0:07:16.080,0:07:20.479 I did the exact same for the two straps at[br]the back by flipping the bra around so it’s 0:07:20.479,0:07:24.589 back-to-front and then placing these last[br]two straps on just like I did for the front straps. 0:07:25.259,0:07:29.520 Then I sewed the straps on, on top of the[br]elastic inside the bra, by stretching out 0:07:29.520,0:07:34.550 the elastic while sewing. I also sew the strap[br]on at two points, on top of those left and 0:07:34.550,0:07:37.719 right stitches on the elastic, to make sure[br]that it’s really secure. 0:07:37.719,0:07:41.539 Then I simply repeat this for all four straps…[br]and I’m done! 0:07:41.539,0:07:44.499 So, how did I go? 0:07:44.499,0:07:51.610 Soooo - this is what the bra looks like.[br]WHAT have you guys made me do? 0:07:51.610,0:07:55.969 This bra is… pretty weird. Still, I think[br]I did a pretty good job. 0:07:55.969,0:08:00.589 But hang on. Hold up one second. It’s not[br]exactly right just yet. 0:08:00.589,0:08:03.279 Where’s the ridiculous amount of cleavage[br]at? 0:08:03.279,0:08:04.699 [Tape sounds] 0:08:04.700,0:08:09.359 Yeah!! That’s more… that’s… 0:08:09.359,0:08:13.199 hmm. So, now I’m feeling a bit… awkward… 0:08:13.199,0:08:16.930 because… well, I think I did this a little[br]bit too well. 0:08:16.930,0:08:24.919 I mean… my parents are probably watching[br]this… and.. Oh god, I think I have old highschool 0:08:24.919,0:08:29.979 teachers WHO WATCH THIS NO, STOP, STOP THIS[br]NOW. 0:08:29.980,0:08:33.260 I’m going to diffuse this awkward situation[br]with… This music. [country fair music plays] 0:08:33.840,0:08:35.380 Okay. I’ll just also 0:08:35.380,0:08:42.060 choose all my most awkward shots as well.[br]Cool. Okay. No more accidental sexiness. THIS 0:08:42.070,0:08:48.149 IS A FAMILY-FRIENDLY DIY CHANNEL people. Let's[br]keep it that way. But, anyway, you guys asked 0:08:48.149,0:08:53.940 for this item, and... this is what it looks[br]like… kind of... if you’re willing to 0:08:53.940,0:08:55.170 tape your boobs together! 0:08:55.170,0:08:56.780 Also… this. 0:08:56.780,0:09:01.240 (“No but seriously… this cat looks like[br]it has a butt for a face.”) 0:09:02.860,0:09:06.500 So – I did it![br]I made this really strange bra, which, to 0:09:06.509,0:09:11.040 be honest, I’m never going to wear! Ever. 0:09:11.040,0:09:13.459 [Scissor snipping sound effect] 0:09:13.459,0:09:17.430 Just remember if you want that cleavage, unless[br]you have the most physics-defying, perky breasts 0:09:17.430,0:09:20.730 of all history, you’re going to have to[br]use something like boob-tape. 0:09:20.730,0:09:24.170 Thanks for watching, and if you wanna post[br]your own attempt at this or any of the other 0:09:24.170,0:09:28.959 tutorials I've made, then use the hashtag[br]#diyannika on Instagram so that I can see 0:09:28.959,0:09:32.980 it! Follow me on these places if you would[br]like and I’ll see you all in my very next 0:09:32.980,0:09:33.699 video. Bye! 0:09:33.699,0:09:38.860 Shoutout to my amazing supporters on Patreon[br]whose support basically keep these series 0:09:38.860,0:09:41.480 going! To support me on Patreon, go to Patreon.com/annikavictoria! 0:09:49.280,0:09:55.380 *laughs* No! No. I can't even pretend to be[br]sexy. Uh uh. *laughs* I'm wearing slippers!!! 0:09:56.300,0:09:57.129 I mean -