[Translated and captioned by ShibaSubs] [Translated and timed by jellybeans, juscat, and chiori] [Reviewed by liltong97] Welcome back to Shanghai Share Life. This show is sponsored by the app KEEP. Keep Exercise App -- Burn Fat Better! The last episode was really great. Let's review what happened. Without a word, Yujie left suddenly. Everyone was shocked and broken-hearted. Didn't we say that... we would leave together? I think a proper goodbye is still necessary. However, a new face appeared. Hao moved into the sharehouse. The first thing he did was call his maid to clean up after the younger ones. He even treated Tianqi and Nana to a rather expensive dinner. Now it feels like there's a "parent" in this family. But one who doesn't try to steal the limelight. The highlight of their interactions was Hao and Carmon's natural chemistry. They even started conversing in Cantonese. When did you come to Shanghai? Three or four years ago. You came right after graduating university, right? Ok. Very compatible! And not only did Hao win over his three housemates, but he has also won us over. These three ladies are completely charmed. Completely. -No. -Not yet. I just think he is a good match for Carmon. I just think his behavior is impeccable. Let's take a look at this week. Will Hao and Carmon develop into something more? Or will there be sparks with Yang Li? Let's watch. Episode 13, Week 7 "A New Beginning" [panelists] A new beginning. -Carmon's new beginning! What should we eat for breakfast? What is there in the fridge? There's noodles and eggs. Oh? There's takeout? Who ordered this? I'm sure it isn't Tianqi. He definitely hasn't gotten up yet. Could it be Teacher Curry? I'm not sure. It probably isn't Teacher Curry. He normally doesn't order takeout in the morning. Could it be Hao? Hao? How about tomato, scrambled eggs, and noodles? Sure. Ok. This pot is too big. Yeah, a little. We can use this pot instead. Good morning! You're up so early! Did you...? I just went for a run. This early? Yup. You're so diligent. Do you want some breakfast? I've ordered for everyone. -Oh, you ordered this? -Yeah, let's eat together. -You ordered for us too? -Yes. Well, last night, I had noodles with chicken and okra that Carmon specially cooked for me. It was really tasty. And healthy too. That's why I wanted to buy breakfast for everyone. Let's sit. It's cheung fun! [T/N: Steamed rice rolls] Yeah, I found out that Carmon is from Guangdong. -I thought she'd like it. -That's really thoughtful. So he specially ordered it for Carmon! Nice. They're definitely getting closer. Carmon, porridge? I'll help you. Which one do you want? Vegetable? Pumpkin? And there's the- -Vegetable. -Sure. Thank you. What an abundant Cantonese breakfast. Yeah. I hope you guys like it. That's enough, thank you. I'm from Northern China. I told you yesterday too, so why isn't there a Northern-style breakfast today? Because I ate her noodles. Right? -If you say so. -Let's eat. Try it, Carmon. Ok. Will you two be busy today? I have nothing much today. I'm planning to go shopping. How about you, Carmon? I need to work. -You have work? -I have bills to pay. -You'll be working the whole day again? -Yes. What time will you be back? I'll try to be home earlier today. I usually come back around the same time everyday. So a bit after eleven? Like last night? Yes. That's tough. Since you'll be resting at home today, what do you plan to do? Actually, I'm not going to just be chilling. I'm working from home. You guys eat. I'm going to wash up first. -Of course. -Sure. Thanks for breakfast. It's nothing. Hope you guys liked it. What is it? How do you feel? I'm okay. Come on, eat. Did you try this? Yup, it's delicious. Let me try. Chu Mengna (Nana) Student, 22 years old Wang Tianqi Salesperson, 26 years old Wu Kawen (Carmon) Designer, 29 years old Liu Keli (Curry) Entrepreneur, 29 years old Li Xing (Hao) Professional Manager, 35 years old Come on. Why is there an extra pair of shoes? Hello, I'm the new roommate. I'm Hao. Hello, I'm Curry. Curry? Yes. Call me Curry. -Really? -Please sit. I was just wondering why the house suddenly became so clean. Yeah, I cleaned up a little bit yesterday. And there's an extra pair of shoes. I was thinking, "I've never seen anyone wear those sneakers before." Yeah. Ok. Were you busy yesterday? You weren't home. Yes, I've had a lot of work lately. It got too late yesterday so I came home this morning instead. I see. My working hours are quite irregular. Because it's-- I heard that you run your own company. I wouldn't call it a company, just a small business. I'm still exploring the field of entrepreneurship. How about you? What do you do? For the past ten years, I primarily did investments. I mainly invested in the film and technology sector. Ah, film and technology. [panelist] Repeating means you understand it. -Hello there! -This is my dog. -My dog is called Erlang. -Erlang. He's so calm. He doesn't move at all. Too cute. I've already met the other roommates. Yeah? What do you think of them? I first met Tianqi and Nana. I thought they were like two cute little kids. Have you met the other roommate? I have. It was good, I feel very comfortable with her. Really? Yeah. She's my "dog buddy." -Really? -Yeah. -She has a dog too? -Yeah, she has a dog too. So we often walk our dogs together. Is she your type? I quite like her. That's good. What do you mean by "good"? Because I, how do I put it- I think she's a really nice girl. -I agree. -She's very gentle. Very cute. So if you like her, you can.... What is this? Are you hinting something? No no no, I mean I can help you out. [panelist] What? What is he doing? President Liu! What are you doing? Are you nervous for the interview? You're nervous, aren't you? It's been a while. Yeah. And this kind of opportunity is pretty hard to come by. So? Are you confident? I don't know either, since I haven't worked in a studio like this before. I don't know what questions they'll ask me. Don't be nervous. I can sense that you're nervous. You'll be fine. Let me tell you about the first time I went for an audition. I was doing my makeup. Suddenly, two other girls appeared. Did you know how afraid I was then? Afraid that you would be replaced? Yes! I thought they were there to replace me. I felt so uncomfortable, but I had no choice. I could only just grin and bear it. So just do your best! Haven't I already gotten on the bus? Are you still nervous? Or feeling a little calmer? Even I'm nervous now. Even someone like me who has already experienced this many times, my palms are starting to sweat a bit too. I'll dry them for you. It stinks! Don't be like that. I'm joking. [panelist] They're holding hands! [panelist] We've caught them. I almost died waiting. I'll give you strength. Thank you. Your hands are so big. What? When I hold your hand, I don't feel nervous anymore. You're not nervous anymore, right? I'm ok now. Hello. I'm here for an interview. [Guo Xi Cheng, 28 years old Studio owner] Nice to meet you. I'm Wang Tianqi. This is my resume. Alright. While I look through your resume, you can introduce yourself. After graduating from high school, I attended university in Japan. I originally wanted to study design, but my family was against it. So I studied economics instead. But, I still want to design in the future. So I taught myself to use design software and did some designs on my own. Have you had any jobs related to this industry before? I've done sales before. Ok, so you don't actually have any experience in designing for brands? That's right. Are you planning to become a designer or just to work for others? -I still want to start my own brand. -I see. Do you have any ideas of your own? These are my ideas. -You have something? -Yes. This is a design I came up with myself. Starting from the logo, this is all your own? Yes. Why don't you continue introducing yourself? At first, I thought about why I wanted to create my own brand. It's because... How do I phrase it? For example, when I put on a shirt, I will want to pair it with these pants. But I realize there's no such design in the market. So I wanted to design it myself. Do you feel like your inspiration is a way of expressing yourself? -Yes, I think it is. -You agree? -Yes. -Ok. I can't really see your talent just based on this design proposal. [panelist] This guy seems to be quite skilled. I'm not sure how much you know about our brand or the things that I've done before. Regarding the rise of Chinese streetwear brands, what are your opinions? Breaking down the meaning of the words, Chinese streetwear refers to homegrown brands. But if you look at it from this perspective... Just tell me if you like it or not. Do you think highly of this trend? I think I'm not too fond of it for the most part. Ok, so what do you not like about streetwear? There must be something that makes you not want to pursue it. I just feel like it's a little... How do I put it? -It lacks substance, right? -Yes. -There's no endorsement. -Yes. I'll be honest. I'm not sure how long you spent on this. But to me, I think it lacks substance as well. I believe understanding a brand isn't a straightforward matter. I think you may have viewed it too simply. I roughly understand your views now. I will contact you later. We can discuss it further. Ok? Because regardless, we can still exchange ideas. Ok? Thank you. I knew you would be here. What are you doing? Why are you here alone? Just playing games. So how was the interview? Well... It didn't go so well. I didn't get the job. You didn't pass? It's okay. It's no big deal. I really liked the proposal you made. If I were the boss, I would hire you. But you're not the boss. It's nothing anyway. It's only your first interview. It's very common. Chin up, chubby bunny! Chubs wants black bean noodles. I'll make some for you. This isn't a big deal, really. I thought something big happened. Feed me. Our Tianqi seems to have completely forgotten he's on a show. -I agree. -Good, very good. I'm upset. You really don't want it? Ok. I'm going to make black bean noodles. About that... I want a hug. -He's finding excuses to get a hug. -Little schemer. -I want a hug. -Why? Comfort me. Hugging yourself doesn't count. You! Fine, come here. [panelist] Finally, a proper hug. Don't be unhappy anymore, okay? Give me a smile. Forget it. Don't smile. I want to tell you one more thing. Come here. What do you want? I told you just now that I failed the interview, right? Actually... I lied! Are you playing with me? -Then let me return the hug to you. -Get lost. I want to kick you. Tell me honestly what happened. So he has a probation period where he'll give me a task. After I've completed that task, I can become their intern. I knew you could do it! You guessed right. Alright, now I'm unhappy too. You have to pacify me. -I'll make you black bean noodles. -Go. I'm going then. -Won't you help me? -Bye bye. The two of them really! They're dating, after all. We have been looking forward to it. How can we complain? The sour smell of love. Just now when they were being very sweet, five of us all looked away. I think Tianqi completely forgot that he was on camera. And he also forgot that his family and friends will see this scene. He doesn't care if his buddies see this. I don't know how he can face his friends after this. Next time he goes to his friend's house, his ten buddies will all be on the sofa. "You're here?" "Tianqi wants a hug!" The two of them will definitely be official soon. I'm happy for Tianqi. I didn't think he passed the interview. This couple is progressing quite steadily. And he has a career now! He's got a job. -Yeah. And this job seems to be... -Not bad! It seems to be be what he wants. Pay may be low, but he's on the right track. If the interviewer is willing to guide him, I think he has potential. That guy is very clear-headed. He was very straightforward. I do agree that he needs to learn more. If they mentor him well, Tianqi should improve quickly. Because from the way Tianqi pursues love, you can tell he has some smarts. "Then let me return you another hug." That sentence was clever! He only uses his brain in these kind of situations. He could write a guide on how to chase girls. If this kid can use his creativity on work, he'll succeed. I have high expectations of you, Tianqi. But Nana really does cares about him. She even accompanied him on the bus. -She really likes him. -Yeah. He wants a hug, he gets one. He wants noodles, she makes it. He has a lot of demands. He's lucky to have her. I agree. It can't be easy to be his girlfriend. But don't you think Nana is naturally quite naive? Both of them are actually pretty innocent. Don't they complement each other? They're both like kids. That's why I think regardless of what they do, you can't hate them. Nana has begun to play matchmaker for Carmon. Did you see her during breakfast? She was so gossipy. Yeah. "This is really a Cantonese breakfast." And don't you think Teacher Chen's expectations will be broken soon? -There is a chance for these two. -I disagree. I feel like, for couples who get along well and express interest early on, they tend to have problems later. But he is very proactive. Even when Curry asked him about his feelings, he said he liked her a lot. -Let's continue watching then. -Yeah, let's watch. -Excited for their progress. -You change your mind so fast! You need to be firm! I want Carmon to find love. You didn't say that just now. You said they definitely won't be together. Teacher Chen is now playing the role of a loving father. After he saw Carmon cry, he can't bear to see her heartbroken again. -He hopes she will have a happy ending. -Right. Alright, let's look forward to what will happen next. Why are you two sitting so far apart? -What? -And you’re not talking. I’m reading. Say what? Why don't you go over and talk to her? About what? She’s sitting there by herself. [panelist] If you talk about someone, they sneeze. She’s working. What? If you want to get to know her, just talk to her more. She’s working, how can we talk? -I have an idea for you. -Tell me. I heard she likes escape rooms. Escape rooms are for big groups. You can book the whole event. [panelist] He knows he’s well off. You think that suitable? Take her to a horror movie or something. So cliche? Is that okay, you think? -Probably not. -Disney is good too. Disney? Right? -Rollercoasters and such. -Yeah. See how brave she is. What kinds of rotten ideas are these? Let me think. Why are the two of them suddenly so naive? -Why are they suddenly... -I think this is great. Two mature people become little kids. Too good. Why don't I go ask for you if she’s free? Right now? -Ask what? -If she’s free, just go talk to her. That’s not good. What's wrong with it? Go. Let me ask for you. Okay. Hello. What are you up to? I'm working. Are you free these days? -No. Very busy. -What’s going on? Very busy? That's fine. Just, Hao just moved in, right? All of us new roommates are getting to know each other. Just now, we were sitting there, and he was curious why you work so much. No wonder I sneezed twice just now. We weren’t talking about you. Didn't you say I am very busy at work? -Or something? -Right. Hao is just a bit worried about you. That you're too tired. You know? So he asked me why you work so much. Okay. -You guys chat for a bit. -Sure. I'll see if there's any water to drink. So you've been really busy lately? Yes. I have. -Busy with what? -Just... Seems like it’s difficult. It’s just that today... or recently, the studio has run into some financial issues. Financial issues? Why? -Because... -Because of pressures about funding? Okay. Then... Do you mind if I help you take a look at your... financial reports? Sure. Really? But they’re really awful. Could you? Carmon, Hao specializes in finance. He’s the right person for it, you know? Don’t talk nonsense. He can be a teacher in your entrepreneurship journey. A great teacher. Okay, please guide me. Would you like to come take a look? Yes, sure. Then, tomorrow? Okay. We’ll see if I can help you a little bit. Okay. It will be fine, don’t feel too stressed. I think Hao is an expert in this area. He can definitely help you out. -Okay, Carmon? -Okay. I'm going to bed. Why... Your smile today makes me very uncomfortable. Not sure why. -Go back. -I'm not, okay? Okay, I’m going. Don't listen to his nonsense, okay? Are you still working now? Okay, then I won't disturb you. Okay. Let me get you some water. Thanks. Thank you, Hao. Careful, it’s a bit hot. -Okay, thanks. -Get some rest, okay? -Okay, I'll leave you to it. -Okay, bye. -Hello. -Hello. Please come in. -Thanks. -You even brought-- Yeah, I bought you a little something. To introduce it briefly, this is the studio. And here's... the restroom, and kitchen, and bedroom. -Do you live here? -Correct. -I live next door. -Can I see it? Uhhh, maybe not this time. -Let’s go here. -Okay. Do you want something to drink? Do you have black coffee? -Yep. -Okay, thank you. [panelist] He even bought her desserts. And flowers. -So thoughtful. -So polite. Your coffee. Let me introduce you. This is Miao Miao. -Miao Miao. -Our studio’s costume designer. Hello. This is Hao, my roommate at the house. -Yep. -Roommate from the share house. -Have a seat. -Thank you. Is this your work? -I just took a look. -Correct, this one. We mainly work on... -Do you want to sit? -Original patterns and fabric. We’ll first design a pattern, make it into a fabric, and then use it for a variety of products. These are very Nordic styles. Did you draw all this? -Yes. -Ok. How were sales from Singles' Day? Oh, Singles' Day. Our main focus is original pattern art. Yeah. -But maybe... -It's okay. I think it's like this. You really enjoy designing, so your focus should be on design. But if you want to run this brand well, you might need the help of experts from other areas. Ok. Don't do everything by yourself, one person can't do so much. -It's too tiring. -Yeah. I feel like I’m living in a state where the work never ends. -Yeah. -I really don’t have any time... To enjoy what you're working on. After all, you’re running the business because you’re doing something you like. Listening to what you just said clears up my thoughts a little bit. -Yeah. -Okay. I bought a cake, do you want some? Okay. Don't be so tense. You can relax a little. This isn’t too sweet. It's so cute. You cut. You are actually the first guy in the share house to visit me here. Really? You even brought a cake. Yeah, I like sweets very much. -I'll give Miao Miao some first. -Great. Miao Miao. Here’s a slice of cake. -Thank you. -You're welcome. -Here. -Thank you. Actually, I've been thinking about something lately. A while back, you know how... Yujie and Binshen left? I feel like... I suddenly realized that it was so quick. And they left without leaving any tokens of remembrance. So I just... I’ve had this thought at the back of my head. What if we make a little something for our housemates? -Great idea. -Make something memorable. -Since I happen to do design... -Yeah. I'm wondering if we can make a product or something. Something like that. That's a great idea. Is there anything I can do to help? Or we can try it now. -Sure. -An experiment. Let me get a pen and paper. So... For example, you. Okay. Hao. I’m going to take this sketch with me. -Very commemorative. -But my handwriting is bad. -My handwriting is good. -Then you write. I’ll write it. Write “Share Life”. Your handwriting is so nice! No, I actually haven't written in a long time. Then, what do you like doing usually? Eat dessert. Okay, then I’ll draw you eating. Do you want to eat in a suit, or? Sure. This looks like me. How about a bow tie? -I’ll give you one. -Great. Then it's like this. Have you discussed this idea with our friends at the house? Not yet. You’re the first. Thank you. I’ve had this idea, but kept it all in my head. -I didn’t share it. -And also didn’t... I saw you and just wanted to say it. This is sweet. These two are... Very comfortable. -They really fit. -Get together! I wish I could have twenty t-shirts. -Then we can give your character-- -Different outfits, right? Yeah. Awesome. If you need my help, please feel free to tell me. Okay. -So how was today? -Not bad. The water spilled. You went to Carmon’s studio? Yes, I went to her studio today. To be honest, I really admire this girl. She has a small studio. It’s her studio, but it’s also where she lives. And everything there is really detailed. To have the courage at such a young age to start your own business, and to keep every detail so organized. I really admire this. It's no wonder that she works so hard every day. I think Carmon really has potential in her area of expertise. She should enjoy life and enjoy her work. I think right now she isn’t really enjoying her job, because she spends a lot of time doing tasks outside of her expertise. I think that’s a pity. Yes. Listening to what you said, I have a new understanding of her. Yeah. See, my dog buddy was a solid recommendation for you. But honestly, she does have a small problem in her finances. Yeah? Yes, because her studio is relatively small. And it doesn’t have anyone with financial expertise. So we might need to think of a solution to address this. Come up with some standards. It should be ok. You can help her get enrolled in an accounting class. There’s no need, she’s a designer. And, I’m here now, right? Great. This is great. What about you? You’ve been in the house for so long, and haven’t found someone you like. Look at my current situation. I have to work every day. And I have Erlang. We're like a grandpa and grandson. -Grandpa and grandson? -Correct. It’s fine like this. If I’m single, I’m single. You don’t want to find him a [paternal] grandma? It would be [maternal grandma]. Right? "Grandma." Right? Let’s talk about it when we get there. Let me help you seal the deal first. Thank you. It feels like the matter has been settled for Hao. -Yeah. -It's too fast. I think it’s okay. Same, I think it’s okay. I didn’t expect it to be... So direct, so straight cut. The two clicked. But is it a bit too fast? Maybe he’s thinking, My purpose for joining the show is to meet people, make friends, fall in love. So let me get straight to the point. And since I met someone that seems suitable, I’ll go for it. -He knows what he wants. -Correct. But we don’t really know how Carmon feels. -Her thoughts. -Maybe Carmon doesn’t agree to this. But Carmon also said a few things that were ambiguous. “You're the first guy to come here." He asked if she told others, she said no. “I just saw you and wanted to tell you." That doesn’t sound ambiguous. How is that not ambiguous? -Is it not? -Is it not? Not ambiguous. When I heard it I put asterisks all over! You can’t say those things. Most people can't say such things. From Carmon’s perspective, this person is here to help her improve things at work. As friends. I seriously think that Ziqi has had a lot of missed opportunities. -When people give you signals-- -You missed them. Various signals. -Ziqi feels... -“We’re good friends!" “Not ambiguous." No, you can’t assess this from the view of someone hearing this sentence. Imagine it’s Carmon. Before you say this aloud, what was your thought process? For example, if I had a script for a sketch I thought out ten years ago, and I never told anyone, and I see you, and you’re giving me advice... Because he looks like a character in your sketch. Right, I just feel, if you asked if I've shared it with others, I'd say no. But I want to when I see you. This is very normal. In order to rationalize her opinion, Ziqi deliberately came up with a sketch script as an example. Is that normal? No, I’d share this because you’re a capable person. How about you give us a different example. A year ago... you had a necklace you really wanted to buy. You never asked anyone for advice. Suddenly when you see me today, You say, “Li Dan, what do you think of this necklace?" You suddenly start talking about it. Isn't it weird? It's weird. They’re kind of like this. -No. -They weren’t discussing business. All he asked was about a drawing, right? I remember. Right. And Hao is really apt. For example, Carmon had this idea of making drawings. He says, “Let’s draw now!" Or when Carmon looked at the blackboard and said, "It might need updating." “Let’s update it now!" He's very active. -Strong organizational skills. -Yeah. His execution and his generosity. You feel that they all need him. He should be in a relationship with everyone. And I think he's pretty confident. He thinks he has a shot with Carmon, otherwise, why would he tell Curry, “I’m here now, aren’t I? Curry and Hao get along very well. -Yeah. -Ziqi really... I love watching them together. I think they both become childish and more fun. Yes, even Curry becomes cute. Yeah. It’s so funny, The two of them talking about the girls they like. They became childish and soft in the head. Have you seen Curry laugh so happily? No. He talks very heartily with Hao. It turns out that Curry is a kid after all. Yeah, you think that he’s the patriarch of this family, -But actually he's only sixteen. -He's just a kid after all. He was unmasked by Hao. Let’s watch the last segment. First day of work today, are you nervous? A little. Are you happy? Happy? Not especially. You have to behave today, okay? Perform well. Okay. -Don't be naughty. And don't argue with your boss. -Alright? -Okay. Okay? Can you do that? If you can do it... Then what? There will be a reward. -What kind of reward? What reward do you want? You have to use your imagination. I have to use my imagination? That’s a little hard. Close your eyes. Are you ready? [panelist] Is she going to kiss him? What are you doing? What, you put your hand in my pocket? Are you going to work with me? "Mom" will take you to work. Don't open your eyes. Close your eyes. First, repeat back to me what I just told you. Don’t argue. Don’t be naughty. What else? And also... What else? Perform well. -Got it? -Yes. -Okay. -Okay? Say it to yourself three times then count to three, and then you can see what it is. Okay. Alright? Starting now. Three, two, one. Bye! Bye. You got this! [panelist] An egg. Nourishing. It's to say, Tianqi, you’re a growing boy. [panelist] It would be funny if he dropped it. He really dropped it. [panelist] The newcomer. New roommate! [panelist] I think Curry is done for. He’s ruined. [panelist] This woman has great looks. [panelist] So elegant. She drinks like Hao. I'm getting ready to go on that show. Yes. I'll move in in a few days. It'll be fine. I'll take care of myself there. Ok. Bye bye. This girl... My first impression is this: Shanghai. Very Shanghai. In Shanghai, I know at least... Wait, that's not right. You don't know any women in Shanghai. Right? Yeah. I’ve seen many women who are successful at work. And have nicely decorated homes, and go to the gym, and drink red wine. Yeah, and her makeup isn't very flashy. It's refined but lowkey. I personally think she should pair up with Curry. Because Curry is too pitiful. He’s always quietly serving others, and now he’s become a matchmaker. I think it’s time to let Curry have a relationship. This is his ideal type. How about Hao? Won’t he like her? Hao probably knows many people like this. But he still prefers... -The gentle type? -Right. Look at her at the gym. Hao and Curry both work out to keep in shape. But red wine, that’s a shared interest between her and Hao. But Curry can hold a conversation with anyone. Maybe Curry will like this girl, but she won't like him back. This girl likes Hao. And Hao likes Carmon. Interesting! I think we’ve called it. Amazing. Are you guys human? They are all real people. They are not characters. They're living people. Let's look forward together to what changes this new girl will bring to Shanghai Share Life. See you next time! [Translated and timed by jellybeans, juscat, chiori] [Reviewed by liltong97]