0:00:00.000,0:00:02.000 This room may appear 0:00:02.000,0:00:04.000 to be holding 600 people, 0:00:04.000,0:00:06.000 but there's actually so many more, 0:00:06.000,0:00:08.000 because in each one of us 0:00:08.000,0:00:11.000 there is a multitude of personalities. 0:00:11.000,0:00:14.000 I have two primary personalities 0:00:14.000,0:00:16.000 that have been in conflict and conversation within me 0:00:16.000,0:00:18.000 since I was a little girl. 0:00:18.000,0:00:20.000 I call them "the mystic" 0:00:20.000,0:00:22.000 and "the warrior." 0:00:22.000,0:00:24.000 I was born into a family 0:00:24.000,0:00:26.000 of politically active, 0:00:26.000,0:00:28.000 intellectual atheists. 0:00:28.000,0:00:31.000 There was this equation in my family that went something like this: 0:00:31.000,0:00:33.000 if you are intelligent, 0:00:33.000,0:00:36.000 you therefore are not spiritual. 0:00:36.000,0:00:38.000 I was the freak of the family. 0:00:38.000,0:00:40.000 I was this weird little kid 0:00:40.000,0:00:42.000 who wanted to have deep talks 0:00:42.000,0:00:45.000 about the worlds that might exist 0:00:45.000,0:00:48.000 beyond the ones that we perceive with our senses. 0:00:48.000,0:00:50.000 I wanted to know 0:00:50.000,0:00:52.000 if what we human beings see 0:00:52.000,0:00:55.000 and hear and think 0:00:55.000,0:00:57.000 is a full and accurate picture 0:00:57.000,0:00:59.000 of reality. 0:00:59.000,0:01:01.000 So, looking for answers, 0:01:01.000,0:01:03.000 I went to Catholic mass. 0:01:03.000,0:01:05.000 I tagged along with my neighbors. 0:01:05.000,0:01:07.000 I read Sartre and Socrates. 0:01:07.000,0:01:09.000 And then a wonderful thing happened 0:01:09.000,0:01:11.000 when I was in high school: 0:01:11.000,0:01:13.000 Gurus from the East 0:01:13.000,0:01:16.000 started washing up on the shores of America. 0:01:16.000,0:01:18.000 And I said to myself, 0:01:18.000,0:01:20.000 "I wanna get me one of them." 0:01:20.000,0:01:22.000 And ever since, 0:01:22.000,0:01:25.000 I've been walking the mystic path, 0:01:25.000,0:01:27.000 trying to peer beyond 0:01:27.000,0:01:29.000 what Albert Einstein called 0:01:29.000,0:01:31.000 "the optical delusion 0:01:31.000,0:01:34.000 of everyday consciousness." 0:01:34.000,0:01:37.000 So what did he mean by this? I'll show you. 0:01:37.000,0:01:39.000 Take a breath right now 0:01:39.000,0:01:42.000 of this clear air in this room. 0:01:43.000,0:01:46.000 Now, see this strange, 0:01:46.000,0:01:49.000 underwater, 0:01:49.000,0:01:51.000 coral reef-looking thing? 0:01:51.000,0:01:54.000 It's actually a person's trachea, 0:01:54.000,0:01:56.000 and those colored globs 0:01:56.000,0:01:58.000 are microbes 0:01:58.000,0:02:00.000 that are actually swimming around in this room 0:02:00.000,0:02:03.000 right now, all around us. 0:02:03.000,0:02:06.000 If we're blind to this simple biology, 0:02:06.000,0:02:09.000 imagine what we're missing 0:02:09.000,0:02:12.000 at the smallest subatomic level right now 0:02:12.000,0:02:15.000 and at the grandest cosmic levels. 0:02:15.000,0:02:18.000 My years as a mystic 0:02:18.000,0:02:20.000 have made me question 0:02:20.000,0:02:22.000 almost all my assumptions. 0:02:22.000,0:02:25.000 They've made me a proud I-don't-know-it-all. 0:02:26.000,0:02:28.000 Now when the mystic part of me 0:02:28.000,0:02:30.000 jabbers on and on like this, 0:02:30.000,0:02:33.000 the warrior rolls her eyes. 0:02:33.000,0:02:36.000 She's concerned 0:02:36.000,0:02:39.000 about what's happening in this world right now. 0:02:40.000,0:02:42.000 She's worried. 0:02:42.000,0:02:45.000 She says, "Excuse me, I'm pissed off, 0:02:45.000,0:02:47.000 and I know a few things, 0:02:47.000,0:02:49.000 and we better get busy about them right now." 0:02:49.000,0:02:51.000 I've spent my life as a warrior, 0:02:51.000,0:02:53.000 working for women's issues, 0:02:53.000,0:02:56.000 working on political campaigns, 0:02:56.000,0:02:59.000 being an activist for the environment. 0:02:59.000,0:03:02.000 And it can be sort of crazy-making, 0:03:02.000,0:03:04.000 housing both the mystic and the warrior 0:03:04.000,0:03:06.000 in one body. 0:03:06.000,0:03:09.000 I've always been attracted 0:03:09.000,0:03:11.000 to those rare people 0:03:11.000,0:03:13.000 who pull that off, 0:03:13.000,0:03:15.000 who devote their lives to humanity 0:03:15.000,0:03:17.000 with the grit of the warrior 0:03:17.000,0:03:20.000 and the grace of the mystic -- 0:03:20.000,0:03:23.000 people like Martin Luther King, Jr., 0:03:23.000,0:03:25.000 who wrote, "I can never be 0:03:25.000,0:03:27.000 what I ought to be 0:03:27.000,0:03:29.000 until you are 0:03:29.000,0:03:31.000 what you ought to be. 0:03:31.000,0:03:34.000 This," he wrote, "is the interrelated structure 0:03:34.000,0:03:36.000 of reality." 0:03:36.000,0:03:39.000 Then Mother Teresa, another mystic warrior, 0:03:39.000,0:03:42.000 who said, "The problem with the world 0:03:42.000,0:03:45.000 is that we draw the circle of our family 0:03:45.000,0:03:47.000 too small." 0:03:47.000,0:03:49.000 And Nelson Mandela, 0:03:49.000,0:03:51.000 who lives by the African concept 0:03:51.000,0:03:53.000 of "ubuntu," 0:03:53.000,0:03:55.000 which means "I need you 0:03:55.000,0:03:57.000 in order to be me, 0:03:57.000,0:04:00.000 and you need me in order to be you." 0:04:00.000,0:04:02.000 Now we all love to trot out 0:04:02.000,0:04:04.000 these three mystic warriors 0:04:04.000,0:04:06.000 as if they were born 0:04:06.000,0:04:08.000 with the saint gene. 0:04:08.000,0:04:10.000 But we all actually have 0:04:10.000,0:04:13.000 the same capacity that they do, 0:04:13.000,0:04:15.000 and we need to do 0:04:15.000,0:04:17.000 their work now. 0:04:17.000,0:04:19.000 I'm deeply disturbed 0:04:19.000,0:04:22.000 by the ways in which all of our cultures 0:04:22.000,0:04:25.000 are demonizing "the Other" 0:04:25.000,0:04:27.000 by the voice we're giving 0:04:27.000,0:04:30.000 to the most divisive among us. 0:04:30.000,0:04:32.000 Listen to these titles 0:04:32.000,0:04:34.000 of some of the bestselling books 0:04:34.000,0:04:36.000 from both sides of the political divide 0:04:36.000,0:04:38.000 here in the U.S. 0:04:38.000,0:04:41.000 "Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder," 0:04:41.000,0:04:44.000 "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot," 0:04:44.000,0:04:47.000 "Pinheads and Patriots," 0:04:47.000,0:04:49.000 "Arguing With Idiots." 0:04:49.000,0:04:51.000 They're supposedly tongue-in-cheek, 0:04:51.000,0:04:54.000 but they're actually dangerous. 0:04:54.000,0:04:56.000 Now here's a title that may sound familiar, 0:04:56.000,0:04:59.000 but whose author may surprise you: 0:04:59.000,0:05:01.000 "Four-and-a-Half-Years of Struggle 0:05:01.000,0:05:03.000 Against Lies, Stupidity 0:05:03.000,0:05:05.000 and Cowardice." 0:05:05.000,0:05:07.000 Who wrote that? 0:05:07.000,0:05:09.000 That was Adolf Hitler's first title 0:05:09.000,0:05:12.000 for "Mein Kampf" -- "My Struggle" -- 0:05:12.000,0:05:15.000 the book that launched the Nazi party. 0:05:15.000,0:05:17.000 The worst eras in human history, 0:05:17.000,0:05:19.000 whether in Cambodia or Germany 0:05:19.000,0:05:21.000 or Rwanda, 0:05:21.000,0:05:24.000 they start like this, with negative other-izing. 0:05:24.000,0:05:26.000 And then they morph 0:05:26.000,0:05:29.000 into violent extremism. 0:05:29.000,0:05:32.000 This is why I'm launching a new initiative. 0:05:32.000,0:05:35.000 And it's to help all of us, 0:05:35.000,0:05:37.000 myself included, 0:05:37.000,0:05:39.000 to counteract the tendency 0:05:39.000,0:05:41.000 to "otherize." 0:05:41.000,0:05:44.000 And I realize we're all busy people, 0:05:44.000,0:05:47.000 so don't worry, you can do this on a lunch break. 0:05:47.000,0:05:49.000 I'm calling my initiative, 0:05:49.000,0:05:52.000 "Take the Other to Lunch." 0:05:52.000,0:05:54.000 If you are 0:05:54.000,0:05:56.000 a Republican, 0:05:56.000,0:05:59.000 you can take a Democrat to lunch, 0:05:59.000,0:06:02.000 or if you're a Democrat, 0:06:02.000,0:06:04.000 think of it 0:06:04.000,0:06:06.000 as taking a Republican to lunch. 0:06:06.000,0:06:09.000 Now if the idea of taking any of these people to lunch 0:06:09.000,0:06:12.000 makes you lose your appetite, 0:06:12.000,0:06:15.000 I suggest you start more local, 0:06:15.000,0:06:18.000 because there is no shortage of the Other 0:06:18.000,0:06:21.000 right in your own neighborhood. 0:06:21.000,0:06:23.000 Maybe that person 0:06:23.000,0:06:25.000 who worships at the mosque, 0:06:25.000,0:06:28.000 or the church or the synagogue, down the street. 0:06:28.000,0:06:30.000 Or someone from the other side 0:06:30.000,0:06:33.000 of the abortion conflict. 0:06:33.000,0:06:35.000 Or maybe your brother-in-law 0:06:35.000,0:06:38.000 who doesn't believe in global warming. 0:06:38.000,0:06:43.000 Anyone whose lifestyle may frighten you, 0:06:43.000,0:06:45.000 or whose point of view 0:06:45.000,0:06:48.000 makes smoke come out of your ears. 0:06:49.000,0:06:51.000 A couple of weeks ago, 0:06:51.000,0:06:55.000 I took a Conservative Tea Party woman to lunch. 0:06:56.000,0:06:59.000 Now on paper, she passed my smoking ears test. 0:07:00.000,0:07:02.000 She's an activist from the Right, 0:07:02.000,0:07:05.000 and I'm an activist from the Left. 0:07:06.000,0:07:08.000 And we used some guidelines 0:07:08.000,0:07:10.000 to keep our conversation elevated, 0:07:10.000,0:07:12.000 and you can use them too, 0:07:12.000,0:07:14.000 because I know you're all going 0:07:14.000,0:07:16.000 to take an Other to lunch. 0:07:16.000,0:07:19.000 So first of all, decide on a goal: 0:07:19.000,0:07:21.000 to get to know one person 0:07:21.000,0:07:25.000 from a group you may have negatively stereotyped. 0:07:26.000,0:07:28.000 And then, before you get together, 0:07:28.000,0:07:30.000 agree on some ground rules. 0:07:30.000,0:07:33.000 My Tea Party lunchmate and I 0:07:33.000,0:07:35.000 came up with these: 0:07:35.000,0:07:37.000 don't persuade, defend 0:07:37.000,0:07:39.000 or interrupt. 0:07:39.000,0:07:41.000 Be curious; 0:07:41.000,0:07:43.000 be conversational; be real. 0:07:43.000,0:07:45.000 And listen. 0:07:45.000,0:07:47.000 From there, we dove in. 0:07:47.000,0:07:49.000 And we used these questions: 0:07:49.000,0:07:52.000 Share some of your life experiences with me. 0:07:52.000,0:07:54.000 What issues 0:07:54.000,0:07:56.000 deeply concern you? 0:07:56.000,0:07:58.000 And what have you always wanted to ask 0:07:58.000,0:08:01.000 someone from the other side? 0:08:01.000,0:08:03.000 My lunch partner and I 0:08:03.000,0:08:05.000 came away with some really important insights, 0:08:05.000,0:08:08.000 and I'm going to share just one with you. 0:08:08.000,0:08:10.000 I think it has relevance 0:08:10.000,0:08:12.000 to any problem 0:08:12.000,0:08:14.000 between people anywhere. 0:08:14.000,0:08:17.000 I asked her why her side 0:08:17.000,0:08:19.000 makes such outrageous allegations 0:08:19.000,0:08:22.000 and lies about my side. 0:08:22.000,0:08:24.000 "What?" she wanted to know. 0:08:24.000,0:08:26.000 "Like we're a bunch 0:08:26.000,0:08:28.000 of elitist, 0:08:28.000,0:08:30.000 morally-corrupt terrorist-lovers." 0:08:30.000,0:08:32.000 Well, she was shocked. 0:08:32.000,0:08:34.000 She thought my side 0:08:34.000,0:08:37.000 beat up on her side way more often, 0:08:37.000,0:08:39.000 that we called them brainless, 0:08:39.000,0:08:42.000 gun-toting racists, 0:08:42.000,0:08:44.000 and we both marveled 0:08:44.000,0:08:46.000 at the labels that fit 0:08:46.000,0:08:48.000 none of the people 0:08:48.000,0:08:50.000 we actually know. 0:08:50.000,0:08:52.000 And since we had established some trust, 0:08:52.000,0:08:55.000 we believed in each other's sincerity. 0:08:56.000,0:08:59.000 We agreed we'd speak up in our own communities 0:08:59.000,0:09:01.000 when we witnessed 0:09:01.000,0:09:03.000 the kind of "otherizing" talk 0:09:03.000,0:09:05.000 that can wound 0:09:05.000,0:09:07.000 and fester into paranoia 0:09:07.000,0:09:10.000 and then be used by those on the fringes 0:09:10.000,0:09:12.000 to incite. 0:09:12.000,0:09:14.000 By the end of our lunch, 0:09:14.000,0:09:16.000 we acknowledged each other's openness. 0:09:16.000,0:09:19.000 Neither of us had tried to change the other. 0:09:19.000,0:09:22.000 But we also hadn't pretended 0:09:22.000,0:09:25.000 that our differences were just going to melt away 0:09:25.000,0:09:27.000 after a lunch. 0:09:30.000,0:09:32.000 Instead, we had taken 0:09:32.000,0:09:34.000 first steps together, 0:09:34.000,0:09:36.000 past our knee-jerk reactions, 0:09:36.000,0:09:38.000 to the ubuntu place, 0:09:38.000,0:09:40.000 which is the only place 0:09:40.000,0:09:42.000 where solutions 0:09:42.000,0:09:46.000 to our most intractable-seeming problems 0:09:46.000,0:09:48.000 will be found. 0:09:48.000,0:09:51.000 Who should you invite to lunch? 0:09:51.000,0:09:53.000 Next time you catch yourself 0:09:53.000,0:09:55.000 in the act of otherizing, 0:09:55.000,0:09:57.000 that will be your clue. 0:09:57.000,0:10:00.000 And what might happen at your lunch? 0:10:00.000,0:10:02.000 Will the heavens open 0:10:02.000,0:10:05.000 and "We Are the World" play over the restaurant sound system? 0:10:05.000,0:10:07.000 Probably not. 0:10:07.000,0:10:09.000 Because ubuntu work is slow, 0:10:09.000,0:10:11.000 and it's difficult. 0:10:11.000,0:10:13.000 It's two people 0:10:13.000,0:10:15.000 dropping the pretense 0:10:15.000,0:10:17.000 of being know-it-alls. 0:10:17.000,0:10:19.000 It's two people, 0:10:19.000,0:10:21.000 two warriors, 0:10:21.000,0:10:23.000 dropping their weapons 0:10:23.000,0:10:26.000 and reaching toward each other. 0:10:26.000,0:10:29.000 Here's how the great Persian poet Rumi put it: 0:10:30.000,0:10:33.000 "Out beyond ideas 0:10:33.000,0:10:36.000 of wrong-doing and right-doing, 0:10:36.000,0:10:38.000 there is a field. 0:10:38.000,0:10:40.000 I'll meet you there." 0:10:40.000,0:10:47.000 (Applause)