0:00:09.152,0:00:12.368 I think my heart's never beaten [br]so hard in my life. 0:00:12.368,0:00:14.889 It's a pretty unique[br]experience to be here. 0:00:15.229,0:00:19.359 First, I'd like to thank you[br]for the opportunity to share my story. 0:00:19.359,0:00:22.818 In the last three weeks I've thought[br]a lot about the contribution 0:00:22.818,0:00:25.578 that I'd have to bring here to you. 0:00:26.528,0:00:28.947 I didn't sleep a couple nights[br]because of that. 0:00:28.947,0:00:31.390 I called my speech[br]"A path of consciousness," 0:00:31.390,0:00:34.640 because I believe that,[br]as this is the theme of the event, 0:00:34.640,0:00:38.645 the path of consciousness only begins[br]when we start to accept ourselves 0:00:38.645,0:00:42.005 and, more than that, we do something[br]positive of our own identity. 0:00:42.575,0:00:45.428 I never managed to talk[br]openly about this in my life, 0:00:45.428,0:00:48.048 this is the first time[br]that I bring this up publicly 0:00:48.048,0:00:51.593 and you need a lot of courage [br]to talk about subjects like this. 0:00:51.593,0:00:54.675 But the fact that I suffered[br]violence because of my nature 0:00:54.675,0:00:57.235 was always a turning point in my life. 0:00:57.235,0:00:58.938 Two Tiagos existed to me: 0:00:58.938,0:01:01.308 one that during his growth 0:01:01.308,0:01:06.488 looked up to be a highlighted professional[br]and respected by his actions, 0:01:06.488,0:01:09.636 and the other one who in his intimacy[br]wasn't able to accept himself 0:01:09.636,0:01:12.376 and didn't consider himself[br]worthy of happiness. 0:01:13.006,0:01:15.334 And while these two Tiagos didn't meet 0:01:15.334,0:01:18.564 I wouldn't ever be able[br]to find a path to happiness. 0:01:19.224,0:01:23.636 And I wanted to bring here to you[br]an image that could transmit 0:01:23.636,0:01:27.616 a little bit of the message[br]that I want to pass on right now. 0:01:27.616,0:01:30.090 And I found this one in my preteenagehood. 0:01:30.090,0:01:32.960 I was 12 years old, and it was[br]in my first communion. 0:01:33.600,0:01:35.594 As I am from a small town, 0:01:35.594,0:01:39.274 my parents aren't religious but it was[br]an important ritual to be lived. 0:01:39.654,0:01:41.884 Then my mother decided 0:01:41.884,0:01:46.674 that instead of renting or buying a suit[br]like most of the families do 0:01:46.684,0:01:48.332 she would buy new clothes 0:01:48.332,0:01:50.832 so that I could wear them[br]later in my life. 0:01:52.092,0:01:53.714 But there was a problem: 0:01:53.714,0:01:56.254 I had slightly long hair, 0:01:56.254,0:01:58.254 an angelic face 0:01:58.254,0:02:00.624 and the details of the clothes were pink. 0:02:01.654,0:02:06.017 When I got in front of the church[br]I was feeling gorgeous, different, 0:02:06.017,0:02:08.037 but the catechesis teacher asked me 0:02:08.037,0:02:10.947 to enter the church apart from the group. 0:02:11.357,0:02:14.805 While the boys entered side by side[br]with the girls, by size order, 0:02:14.805,0:02:18.905 I entered there alone, and I was[br]by far the tallest of the group. 0:02:19.535,0:02:23.512 When I came into the church,[br]the looks were of surprise, of wonder 0:02:23.512,0:02:25.292 and even of judgement, I think. 0:02:25.292,0:02:26.844 I got scared with that. 0:02:26.844,0:02:29.473 I didn't know[br]how to handle that situation. 0:02:29.473,0:02:33.029 It took around three years[br]for me to look at those pictures again 0:02:33.049,0:02:34.639 and I ripped all of them off. 0:02:34.639,0:02:38.826 But for some reason[br]this one ended up being saved. 0:02:38.826,0:02:41.070 It also took me a long time to comprehend 0:02:41.070,0:02:43.310 my mom's behavior. 0:02:43.310,0:02:45.885 Initially I thought that she[br]had exposed me to much 0:02:45.885,0:02:49.065 but now I understand[br]that what she was doing was in fact 0:02:49.065,0:02:51.775 an act of acceptance of my sexuality; 0:02:51.775,0:02:54.563 that to her, despite what society thought, 0:02:54.563,0:02:57.383 I was a beautiful and normal child. 0:02:58.553,0:03:02.756 In the sequence of my life I went through[br]a series of bullying situations 0:03:02.756,0:03:05.596 like most homosexuals. 0:03:05.596,0:03:10.685 I suffered bullying at school,[br]at college, at work, 0:03:10.685,0:03:14.945 but actually it's not about bullying[br]that I want to talk about here 0:03:14.945,0:03:16.957 because I believe that we have to learn 0:03:16.957,0:03:21.027 to do something positive[br]out of negative things in our lives, 0:03:21.027,0:03:24.065 so that we can be better human beings. 0:03:25.435,0:03:28.207 But it's evident that situations[br]of prejudice and violence 0:03:28.207,0:03:30.877 have consequences in our behavior. 0:03:30.877,0:03:35.948 Until my thirties I was an antisocial,[br]repressed, aggressive person, 0:03:35.948,0:03:38.468 and I wasn't able to comprehend myself. 0:03:38.468,0:03:41.444 With that, I also couldn't[br]comprehend others. 0:03:41.444,0:03:43.085 The fact that I suffered prejudice 0:03:43.085,0:03:47.755 made me absorb this prejudice[br]and I began to be a biased person. 0:03:47.755,0:03:51.933 I was biased against myself,[br]against others homosexuals. 0:03:51.933,0:03:54.573 I was biased against people in general. 0:03:54.573,0:03:57.456 For me it was like[br]the law of action and reaction. 0:03:57.456,0:03:59.294 As I received violence 0:03:59.294,0:04:02.204 I thought that I should spread[br]this violence to the world, 0:04:02.204,0:04:07.178 that I should repress my behavior[br]and all of my homosexual gestures 0:04:07.178,0:04:09.557 so that I wouldn't suffer more violence. 0:04:09.557,0:04:12.836 But it's evident that this model[br]doesn't sustain itself. 0:04:12.853,0:04:15.188 I also felt alone in this world. 0:04:15.188,0:04:17.478 As I come from a small town[br]with 20,000 inhabitants 0:04:17.478,0:04:20.738 and in my teenagehood[br]internet wasn't so popular yet, 0:04:20.738,0:04:23.066 I thought I was the only[br]homosexual in the world 0:04:23.066,0:04:25.394 and so I wasn't worthy of happiness, 0:04:25.394,0:04:27.734 that I really wasn't a normal person. 0:04:27.734,0:04:32.355 With time and with data and information[br]being shared on the internet, 0:04:32.355,0:04:34.664 I had access to information like this one: 0:04:34.664,0:04:37.424 a research in 500 Brazilian schools 0:04:37.424,0:04:42.174 revealed that 26 percent of the students[br]declared that they don't accept us, 0:04:42.174,0:04:46.953 25 percent believed[br]that we aren't trustable, 0:04:46.953,0:04:49.679 and 23 percent believed[br]that we are mentally ill. 0:04:49.679,0:04:52.304 I already have thought[br]all of that about myself. 0:04:52.304,0:04:55.668 Nowadays, I don't think that way anymore. 0:04:56.378,0:04:59.288 I also developed a certain rage[br]at the school model. 0:04:59.288,0:05:03.605 I had a lot of anger against schools[br]and against what happened in classrooms. 0:05:03.605,0:05:07.735 But, with time, I gave a new meaning [br]to this rage and I understood that in fact 0:05:07.735,0:05:11.105 schools are nothing[br]but the reflex of our society. 0:05:11.105,0:05:14.993 And if society doesn't change,[br]schools won't change either. 0:05:14.993,0:05:18.009 Therefore, I bring another[br]important information: 0:05:18.009,0:05:21.506 based on "Disque Denúncia,"[br]in the last four years 0:05:21.506,0:05:26.415 the index of complaints[br]of homophobia rose up by 460 percent. 0:05:26.415,0:05:31.246 This information has two sides:[br]one positive, that we, homosexuals, 0:05:31.246,0:05:34.836 are now able to talk more about this[br]and to claim our rights; 0:05:34.836,0:05:37.604 and the other that intolerance[br]might have increased. 0:05:37.604,0:05:40.419 Regardless of the interpretation[br]we make of this data, 0:05:40.419,0:05:42.244 I think that in the Brazilian society 0:05:42.244,0:05:46.854 we still have to discuss a lot[br]about tolerance and acceptance. 0:05:47.524,0:05:53.017 I ask you - not only regarding[br]the acceptance of homosexual people, 0:05:53.017,0:05:56.946 but the acceptance of others[br]regardless of who he might be. 0:05:56.946,0:06:00.226 When you look in the mirror,[br]what do you see? 0:06:01.516,0:06:04.915 Do you accept your hair,[br]and in my case, the lack of it? 0:06:04.915,0:06:09.095 Do you accept your weight, your gender? 0:06:09.095,0:06:10.858 Do you accept that of others? 0:06:10.858,0:06:14.060 And how do we contribute[br]for these concealed prejudices 0:06:14.060,0:06:16.190 to keep happening in our society? 0:06:16.190,0:06:19.723 Isn't it time for us to give[br]all of this a new meaning? 0:06:19.723,0:06:23.292 Like in that situation of my communion,[br]when that happened to me 0:06:23.292,0:06:25.840 and I received judgemental looks[br]for being different, 0:06:25.840,0:06:31.226 I still think society is too schematized[br]to give privilege to some people. 0:06:31.226,0:06:34.587 Like heterosexuals,[br]white people, rich people... 0:06:34.587,0:06:37.697 But how can we consciously[br]leave these models? 0:06:37.697,0:06:41.897 We've been educated to accept[br]certain behaviors, and not to question: 0:06:41.897,0:06:43.398 the clothes we wear, 0:06:43.398,0:06:45.830 the toys, that are defined by gender, 0:06:45.830,0:06:48.788 the housework,[br]that is associated to women, 0:06:48.788,0:06:50.307 the way we have to behave. 0:06:50.307,0:06:52.055 Who defined all of that? 0:06:52.055,0:06:55.667 Isn't it time for us to change[br]the meaning of these things? 0:06:56.957,0:07:00.204 I learned, in the hard way,[br]that the more I judged the other, 0:07:00.204,0:07:01.885 the less I would be comprehended. 0:07:01.885,0:07:04.573 When I started offering[br]comprehension to the world, 0:07:04.573,0:07:07.338 the world also started to comprehend me. 0:07:07.338,0:07:10.390 This became a mantra in my life,[br]and every day I try to say that: 0:07:10.390,0:07:13.385 "Judgement isolates people,[br]comprehension brings them together. 0:07:13.385,0:07:16.385 Judgement isolates people,[br]comprehension brings them together." 0:07:16.385,0:07:19.224 With that I learned that in fact 0:07:19.224,0:07:22.224 to be gay shouldn't be a subject[br]to be discussed in society. 0:07:22.224,0:07:23.697 This shouldn't be relevant. 0:07:23.697,0:07:26.442 I needed two years of therapy[br]to comprehend this 0:07:26.442,0:07:30.856 and to understand that I am Tiago,[br]I am a human being, a good person, 0:07:30.856,0:07:35.104 with hits and misses, that I deserve[br]to be happy, as do all of you. 0:07:36.464,0:07:41.779 I learned that with one of the persons[br]that brought me more learning in my life. 0:07:41.779,0:07:45.799 This person is here today, [br]she's 80 years old, and she's watching me. 0:07:45.799,0:07:48.796 (Applause) 0:07:58.007,0:07:58.985 Thank you. 0:07:58.985,0:08:02.548 It was in my grandma kitchen,[br]Massimília Conceição da Câmara, 0:08:02.548,0:08:04.854 that I learned how to be a person. 0:08:04.854,0:08:09.367 To her my sexuality never needed[br]to be a subject to be discussed. 0:08:09.367,0:08:12.945 She never asked me this question,[br]not because she was afraid of the answer, 0:08:12.945,0:08:17.358 but because to her[br]I've always been her grandson, Tiago, 0:08:17.358,0:08:22.255 a human being that deserves[br]respect, care, affection and acceptance 0:08:22.255,0:08:25.481 like all human beings, not only me. 0:08:25.481,0:08:29.754 My grandmother's love saved me[br]from addiction and self-aggression. 0:08:29.754,0:08:34.185 Through this gesture, I understood[br]that what humanity needs 0:08:34.185,0:08:37.216 isn't our aggressivity, neither our fears, 0:08:37.216,0:08:40.235 but love, whenever we can achieve it: 0:08:40.235,0:08:42.657 self-love, love for others, 0:08:42.657,0:08:46.056 including love for people[br]that we can't comprehend. 0:08:48.526,0:08:51.915 And it was only at this point[br]that I was able to free myself. 0:08:51.915,0:08:53.828 I could free myself from my job, 0:08:53.828,0:08:57.469 and from the most deep[br]prejudices that were inside me. 0:08:57.469,0:08:59.009 When I freed myself 0:08:59.009,0:09:01.347 from this heavy load that was inside me 0:09:01.347,0:09:03.488 I was able to make room for love. 0:09:03.488,0:09:05.736 And then my entrepreneurial[br]project came about. 0:09:05.736,0:09:08.284 It was from this liberation[br]that I could understand 0:09:08.284,0:09:11.827 my talent and the positive things[br]that I could do in my life. 0:09:11.827,0:09:14.205 It was in my grandma's kitchen[br]that I found myself. 0:09:14.205,0:09:17.731 It was from her sensibility[br]that I developed my own. 0:09:17.731,0:09:19.905 I didn't need to do a gastronomy course, 0:09:19.905,0:09:21.319 I didn't need to do anything. 0:09:21.319,0:09:25.785 I simply needed to liberate[br]something that was already inside me, 0:09:25.785,0:09:27.930 through the relation I had with her. 0:09:27.930,0:09:30.187 Then things started to be light in life. 0:09:30.187,0:09:34.024 Things started to come about[br]in a very easy and beautiful way. 0:09:34.654,0:09:36.524 Today I don't think I have a brand, 0:09:36.524,0:09:38.495 a company that may become international, 0:09:38.495,0:09:40.577 and that with that I can be a millionaire. 0:09:40.577,0:09:42.699 This doesn't even matter to me. 0:09:42.699,0:09:44.959 What I think is that I have a life project 0:09:44.959,0:09:46.774 that I share with other people. 0:09:46.774,0:09:50.538 From the moment that I accepted[br]and understood myself as a human being 0:09:50.538,0:09:54.508 I started to develop a pretty important[br]feeling in the world today, 0:09:54.508,0:09:56.076 that is empathy. 0:09:56.076,0:09:59.008 Today I comprehend [br]the suffering of others, 0:09:59.008,0:10:02.015 I can comprehend [br]the development of others, 0:10:02.015,0:10:05.881 and the importance of bringing up[br]a talent of our own and that of others. 0:10:05.881,0:10:07.946 I try to do this in my project. 0:10:07.946,0:10:10.663 The people that work with me[br]aren't my employees; 0:10:10.663,0:10:14.446 they are dreamers,[br]that dream their dreams with me. 0:10:14.806,0:10:17.469 Last night they recorded a message for me, 0:10:17.469,0:10:21.794 because during the last week they noticed[br]that I was tense to be here on this stage, 0:10:21.794,0:10:23.862 because I don't hide who I am anymore. 0:10:23.862,0:10:26.808 Then they sent this positivity[br]message to me. 0:10:26.808,0:10:31.126 There's nothing cooler in life[br]than to receive a gesture of kindness. 0:10:31.126,0:10:34.267 I'm so thankful that today[br]I could find this gesture. 0:10:34.267,0:10:37.745 It was only when I started to respect[br]and accept myself and other people 0:10:37.745,0:10:39.890 that I understood[br]the world can be lighter. 0:10:39.890,0:10:43.588 Things don't have to be dense and heavy,[br]it doesn't matter the noise outside. 0:10:43.588,0:10:45.569 When we can hear ourselves 0:10:45.569,0:10:48.655 all that noise becomes silence. 0:10:49.528,0:10:53.256 And I know that the path to find[br]our consciousness and to accept ourselves 0:10:53.256,0:10:55.299 is really complex, dense; 0:10:55.299,0:10:58.416 I took 18, 20 years to find myself. 0:10:58.416,0:11:01.227 But more important[br]than that is that we can be good 0:11:01.227,0:11:03.279 and try to transmit good to other people. 0:11:03.279,0:11:05.835 I feel a little bit like[br]a priest saying that... 0:11:05.835,0:11:07.598 (Laughter) 0:11:07.598,0:11:09.250 but I became an optimist person 0:11:09.250,0:11:13.006 because I believe in the human being[br]and in our potential as human beings. 0:11:13.556,0:11:16.635 I think that this movement[br]must come from inside, always. 0:11:16.635,0:11:18.876 Today we talk a lot about[br]empowering others, 0:11:18.876,0:11:20.876 about how much we can[br]empower other people. 0:11:20.876,0:11:22.675 But I think we can't empower anyone, 0:11:22.675,0:11:27.507 what we can do is to show these people[br]that we are beside them in this walk 0:11:27.507,0:11:30.479 because empowering comes from inside. 0:11:30.479,0:11:33.444 And for people that still suffer[br]some kind of prejudice, 0:11:33.444,0:11:35.521 that feel less than others[br]because of that, 0:11:35.521,0:11:39.441 that think they aren't worthy of happiness[br]as had happened to me, 0:11:39.441,0:11:43.428 and end up falling into addictions[br]like drugs, alcohol, indebtedness, 0:11:43.428,0:11:44.978 and a series of other addictions, 0:11:44.978,0:11:46.818 what I have to say to you 0:11:46.818,0:11:51.168 is that anxiety and difficulties[br]will only get out of you 0:11:51.168,0:11:54.354 when you start listening[br]to what's in your heart; 0:11:54.354,0:11:57.214 when you start to comprehend[br]who you are in the world 0:11:57.214,0:11:59.639 and how you can be nice to the world. 0:12:00.969,0:12:03.917 We can all be much more[br]than what we imagine. 0:12:03.917,0:12:07.025 Today, with my project[br]and my conquered freedom, 0:12:07.025,0:12:11.417 I can support the fight for the rights[br]of gay people like me, with no fear; 0:12:11.417,0:12:14.258 the rights of black people,[br]the rights of the elderly, 0:12:14.258,0:12:15.857 and any human being's rights. 0:12:15.857,0:12:18.190 Today I think that it's[br]from micro-revolutions 0:12:18.190,0:12:19.899 that we can transform the world. 0:12:19.899,0:12:23.958 I try to do this every day,[br]with different actions in my life. 0:12:24.508,0:12:28.751 Today I think that we are all equal,[br]and I look at that communion picture 0:12:28.751,0:12:30.449 and it doesn't bother me anymore. 0:12:30.449,0:12:32.922 I think that I looked pretty well,[br]dressed that way. 0:12:32.922,0:12:34.916 And I miss my hair. 0:12:34.919,0:12:35.976 (Laughter) 0:12:35.976,0:12:38.027 (Applause) 0:12:38.027,0:12:39.068 Thank you. 0:12:42.138,0:12:45.380 I think that our essence[br]says a lot about who we are. 0:12:45.385,0:12:47.883 I needed to revisit[br]my relationship with my grandma, 0:12:47.883,0:12:51.840 my relationship with my mom,[br]my family's acceptance of my story, 0:12:51.840,0:12:54.478 so that I could rebuild[br]the human being that I am today 0:12:54.478,0:12:56.806 and be a better human. 0:12:56.806,0:12:59.761 I have developed gratitude[br]for all my journey 0:12:59.761,0:13:02.886 because if I hadn't gone[br]through that communion situation, 0:13:02.886,0:13:05.778 those bullying situations,[br]and that violence I experienced, 0:13:05.778,0:13:08.109 I wouldn't have become[br]the human being I am today; 0:13:08.109,0:13:10.698 that is why it is so important[br]to give a new meaning 0:13:10.698,0:13:13.798 to negative things that happen in life. 0:13:13.798,0:13:17.138 What I say is that today I feel[br]like the best human being in the world. 0:13:17.138,0:13:20.039 I don't think that I'm the only[br]best human being in the world, 0:13:20.039,0:13:22.806 I think we all are[br]the best human beings in the world. 0:13:22.806,0:13:26.648 And we need to believe in that because[br]the world already has enough intolerance, 0:13:26.648,0:13:29.716 Brazil is already polarized enough,[br]and while we can't understand 0:13:29.716,0:13:34.562 that only by self-empowering[br]we'll be able to transform the world, 0:13:34.562,0:13:36.727 we won't leave this status. 0:13:37.187,0:13:39.802 I think it's more honest[br]for us to be as we are 0:13:39.802,0:13:41.798 than as others expect us to be. 0:13:41.798,0:13:45.344 And here I'll mention two gay men[br]who, throughout history, for me, 0:13:45.344,0:13:48.768 were very important,[br]they suffered violence too, 0:13:48.768,0:13:51.138 but they managed to do[br]something good out of that. 0:13:51.138,0:13:54.008 One of them was Harvey Milk, in the USA, 0:13:54.008,0:13:58.089 who ended up being victim of murder[br]for defending gay rights 0:13:58.089,0:13:59.448 in the '60s. 0:13:59.448,0:14:03.337 And the other one, misunderstood[br]in his time, is Caio Fernando Abreu. 0:14:03.337,0:14:05.674 "Gaucho" as us, he ended up[br]being a victim of AIDS 0:14:05.674,0:14:09.394 and today his texts[br]have been popularized on the internet. 0:14:09.954,0:14:15.725 To finish my message, I would like[br]to ask you this question: 0:14:15.725,0:14:18.125 why does my affection affect you? 0:14:18.125,0:14:20.583 Why are we so intolerant? 0:14:20.583,0:14:24.888 I hope that from that we can develop[br]a little bit more empathy 0:14:24.888,0:14:27.417 and make the world much more meaningful. 0:14:27.417,0:14:28.418 Thank you. 0:14:28.418,0:14:29.528 (Applause)