Sad People Should Not Listen To Slow Songs (Stay Happy Through The End) Lyrics/Music: A-shin You've wept too tiringly. You've hurt too deeply. You've loved too foolishly. You've cried as if the end of the world is coming. OH~ So you've been listening to slow songs; songs that are really, really slow and they are breaking your heart. Isn't it about time to change the rhythm? OH~ Don't ask yourself Who's right; who's wrong; who's innocent; who's to blame or who's in whose debt? A mistake has been made; a game has been lost. At least you've got yourself to keep you happy. I don't care who you belong to or who belongs to you; I belong to me and no other. Let your heart beat along the music and feel alive. I don't care if I stand, sit, lie prone or lie on my back; I shall be happy no matter what. Let the deafening music beat along the rhythm Don't care; don't think; don't wait and don't be unhappy. If you are sad, don't listen to slow songs. Life is full of separations and unions; love is full of pulls and pushes; the path is full of meanders and detours But I still look forward to the new landscape that shall come with tomorrow. OH~ All angry youths have learnt to let go; all the bachelors have fallen in love; all tragedies have had happy endings All conflicts have been resolved with doves of peace. OH~ Don't ask yourself Who's right; who's wrong; who's innocent; who's to blame or who's in whose debt? A mistake has been made; a game has been lost. At least you¡¦ve got yourself to keep you happy. I don't care who you belong to or who belongs to you; I belong to me and no other. Let your heart beat along the music and feel alive. I don't care if I stand, sit, lie prone or lie on my back; I shall be happy no matter what. Let the deafening music beat along the rhythm Don't care; don't think; don't wait and don't be unhappy. If you are sad, don't listen to slow songs. I don't care who you belong to or who belongs to you; I belong to me and no other. Let your heart beat along the music and feel alive. I don't care if I stand, sit, lie prone or lie on my back; I shall be happy no matter what. Let the deafening music beat along the rhythm Don't care; don't think; don't wait. Right here and right now, you've got to stay happy through the end Don't care; don't think; don't wait and don't be unhappy. If you are sad, don't listen to slow songs.