1 00:00:05,226 --> 00:00:10,090 (slow jam music) 2 00:00:10,090 --> 00:00:11,126 - Wait. 3 00:00:12,269 --> 00:00:13,666 Uh, hold on. 4 00:00:14,097 --> 00:00:15,357 - Am I crushing you? 5 00:00:15,357 --> 00:00:17,466 - No, of course not. 6 00:00:18,546 --> 00:00:22,549 I just thought we should talk, 7 00:00:22,549 --> 00:00:25,738 you know, or check in before we you know. 8 00:00:25,738 --> 00:00:27,154 Just so no one gets mad. 9 00:00:27,154 --> 00:00:27,865 - Yeah, yeah. 10 00:00:27,865 --> 00:00:28,800 That's a really good idea. 11 00:00:28,800 --> 00:00:29,866 - Yeah. 12 00:00:30,790 --> 00:00:31,853 - You start. 13 00:00:32,314 --> 00:00:33,676 - OK. 14 00:00:33,676 --> 00:00:37,008 Well, I like you a lot, Maya, 15 00:00:37,008 --> 00:00:39,662 but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now. 16 00:00:40,492 --> 00:00:41,274 - Well that's ridiculous. 17 00:00:41,274 --> 00:00:43,144 We're already in a relationship. 18 00:00:45,683 --> 00:00:47,471 I mean, just not a monogamous one, 19 00:00:47,471 --> 00:00:49,340 but every connection that you have with someone 20 00:00:49,340 --> 00:00:50,738 is a relationship. 21 00:00:51,108 --> 00:00:52,448 - True. 22 00:00:52,448 --> 00:00:53,973 I guess what I'm trying to say is 23 00:00:53,973 --> 00:00:58,973 that I'm not really ready for a monogamous relationship. 24 00:00:59,743 --> 00:01:01,603 - What do you mean "ready"? 25 00:01:03,141 --> 00:01:05,289 - Well, just with work and you know things-- 26 00:01:05,289 --> 00:01:06,650 - 'Cause I don't think that I will ever 27 00:01:06,650 --> 00:01:08,518 be ready for monogamy. 28 00:01:09,088 --> 00:01:10,409 - What? 29 00:01:10,409 --> 00:01:12,909 - I don't believe in a monogamous lifestyle. 30 00:01:12,909 --> 00:01:16,447 I've tried it before and it just doesn't work for me. 31 00:01:16,971 --> 00:01:19,470 - Oh, well, nice. 32 00:01:19,470 --> 00:01:21,562 - No, but I mean, if that's what you're most 33 00:01:21,562 --> 00:01:24,164 comfortable with then we probably should't sleep together 34 00:01:24,164 --> 00:01:26,619 'cause we don't want the same things. 35 00:01:27,496 --> 00:01:29,365 - This some kind of trick? 36 00:01:29,365 --> 00:01:30,767 Like a mind trick? 37 00:01:30,767 --> 00:01:32,188 Getting me to commit? 38 00:01:32,188 --> 00:01:33,794 - Yeah! (laughs) 39 00:01:33,794 --> 00:01:37,796 After years of self-reflection and experimentation, 40 00:01:37,796 --> 00:01:40,559 I've formed this very specific life philosophy 41 00:01:40,559 --> 00:01:43,079 for the sole purpose of forcing some guy 42 00:01:43,079 --> 00:01:45,950 into a exclusive relationship. 43 00:01:46,797 --> 00:01:47,898 Yeah. 44 00:01:49,052 --> 00:01:50,047 - I'm sorry. 45 00:01:50,047 --> 00:01:51,626 I should just go. 46 00:01:52,303 --> 00:01:53,583 - Why? 47 00:01:53,583 --> 00:01:57,483 - Because, I just thought, you know, you're pissed. 48 00:01:57,483 --> 00:01:59,164 - Why would I be pissed? 49 00:01:59,164 --> 00:02:01,201 - I don't know. 50 00:02:01,201 --> 00:02:03,579 - OK, first rule of date club, 51 00:02:03,579 --> 00:02:06,181 if I'm pissed, I'm gonna tell you. 52 00:02:07,027 --> 00:02:08,616 Come here. 53 00:02:08,616 --> 00:02:10,263 Let's figure this thing out. 54 00:02:17,252 --> 00:02:19,426 Do you enjoy spending time with me? 55 00:02:19,426 --> 00:02:20,939 - Yes. 56 00:02:21,539 --> 00:02:23,303 - Are you attracted to me? 57 00:02:24,180 --> 00:02:25,616 - Obviously. 58 00:02:26,308 --> 00:02:30,693 - Are you comfortable with me seeing other people? 59 00:02:31,432 --> 00:02:33,404 - Well see, is this a hypothetical question 60 00:02:33,404 --> 00:02:36,756 or are you actually seeing other people? 61 00:02:36,756 --> 00:02:39,132 - I'm seeing some other people, sure. 62 00:02:39,132 --> 00:02:40,815 - Like how many? 63 00:02:47,056 --> 00:02:48,378 There's that many? 64 00:02:48,378 --> 00:02:51,526 - No, it's just not that easy of a question 65 00:02:51,526 --> 00:02:54,204 to answer because it changes all the time. 66 00:02:55,204 --> 00:02:57,662 Like, you know, my friend, Jessie. 67 00:02:57,662 --> 00:02:58,963 - [Man with Black Hair] Yeah, that girl 68 00:02:58,963 --> 00:03:00,704 you always work out with. 69 00:03:00,704 --> 00:03:03,752 - Yeah, well, Jessie's actually a guy 70 00:03:03,752 --> 00:03:06,636 and sometimes we hang out after, 71 00:03:06,636 --> 00:03:10,009 but other than that, it's just some friends here and there, 72 00:03:10,485 --> 00:03:12,244 and my best friend from high school. 73 00:03:12,244 --> 00:03:12,975 But what about you? 74 00:03:12,975 --> 00:03:14,865 I mean, we haven't been seeing each other for that long. 75 00:03:14,865 --> 00:03:17,080 There must be some other girls floating around. 76 00:03:17,080 --> 00:03:18,542 - I mean, I don't know. 77 00:03:19,588 --> 00:03:21,570 There was like this one girl 78 00:03:21,570 --> 00:03:23,987 who I was sort of chatting with online. 79 00:03:23,987 --> 00:03:24,800 - Oh that's awesome. 80 00:03:24,800 --> 00:03:25,735 What was she like? 81 00:03:25,735 --> 00:03:26,751 - I don't know. 82 00:03:26,751 --> 00:03:28,233 We actually never met up. 83 00:03:28,233 --> 00:03:29,493 - That's too bad. 84 00:03:29,493 --> 00:03:31,201 So are you still online? 85 00:03:31,201 --> 00:03:32,866 - No, no. 86 00:03:32,866 --> 00:03:35,507 - Why, I've met some really great people online. 87 00:03:35,507 --> 00:03:37,396 Like I met this guy, Paul. 88 00:03:37,396 --> 00:03:38,270 - Hi, Maya. 89 00:03:38,270 --> 00:03:38,962 - [Maya] And Dave. 90 00:03:38,962 --> 00:03:40,058 - Hey, Maya. 91 00:03:40,058 --> 00:03:41,175 - [Maya] Oh and Raul. 92 00:03:41,175 --> 00:03:42,415 - Hey, Maya. 93 00:03:42,415 --> 00:03:44,122 - That's what so great about it. 94 00:03:44,906 --> 00:03:48,299 Everybody offers you something different. 95 00:03:50,606 --> 00:03:53,460 - What do I offer you? 96 00:03:55,076 --> 00:03:58,515 - So far, companionship, 97 00:04:00,054 --> 00:04:02,209 a little bit of sexual tension. 98 00:04:11,779 --> 00:04:14,053 - Are you fucking that guy from your office? 99 00:04:14,561 --> 00:04:16,733 The one that always writes on your Facebook wall? 100 00:04:16,733 --> 00:04:18,075 (moaning in pleasure) 101 00:04:18,075 --> 00:04:19,396 - Ryan? 102 00:04:19,396 --> 00:04:20,677 Awwwww. 103 00:04:20,677 --> 00:04:21,672 No way. 104 00:04:21,672 --> 00:04:22,973 He has a girlfriend. 105 00:04:22,973 --> 00:04:25,045 You guys are so cute. 106 00:04:25,045 --> 00:04:26,223 - So? 107 00:04:26,223 --> 00:04:27,788 - They are monogamous. 108 00:04:27,788 --> 00:04:29,372 That's against the rules. 109 00:04:29,372 --> 00:04:30,489 - So there are rules? 110 00:04:30,489 --> 00:04:32,197 - Well of course there are rules. 111 00:04:32,197 --> 00:04:33,821 Do you think I just hump anything that moves 112 00:04:33,821 --> 00:04:35,671 regardless of the situation? 113 00:04:35,671 --> 00:04:37,397 - Well my gut's telling me yes, 114 00:04:37,397 --> 00:04:38,839 but your tone's telling me no. 115 00:04:41,085 --> 00:04:45,461 You are not who I thought you were. 116 00:04:47,491 --> 00:04:49,514 - Who did you think I was? 117 00:04:50,884 --> 00:04:52,136 - I don't know. 118 00:04:53,952 --> 00:04:55,015 Normal? 119 00:04:55,923 --> 00:04:57,488 Not a-- 120 00:04:57,489 --> 00:04:58,686 - Slut? 121 00:04:58,686 --> 00:05:00,047 - Woah. 122 00:05:00,047 --> 00:05:01,226 Woah, woah, woah. 123 00:05:01,226 --> 00:05:02,892 You said that, not me. 124 00:05:02,892 --> 00:05:04,436 - Yeah, but when I say it, 125 00:05:04,436 --> 00:05:06,488 I don't think of it as a bad thing. 126 00:05:06,488 --> 00:05:07,728 - It's not a bad thing. 127 00:05:07,728 --> 00:05:09,881 It's definitely not a bad thing. 128 00:05:09,881 --> 00:05:11,355 - I know. 129 00:05:11,832 --> 00:05:14,610 - (laughs) Of course you know. 130 00:05:16,687 --> 00:05:20,852 It's just isn't it a little bit unusual? 131 00:05:20,852 --> 00:05:22,279 Don't you get jealous? 132 00:05:23,863 --> 00:05:25,362 - Sometimes. 133 00:05:25,809 --> 00:05:27,577 But then you talk about it 134 00:05:27,577 --> 00:05:29,651 or you move on. 135 00:05:30,990 --> 00:05:32,433 It's just all about figuring out 136 00:05:32,433 --> 00:05:34,798 what you can and can't handle. 137 00:05:40,153 --> 00:05:41,752 Like right now. 138 00:05:42,429 --> 00:05:45,798 Could you handle a back rub to help you relax? 139 00:05:49,885 --> 00:05:50,962 - I think so. 140 00:05:50,962 --> 00:05:52,522 (Maya laughs) 141 00:06:00,572 --> 00:06:03,403 - Wow, you're really good at that. 142 00:06:05,021 --> 00:06:06,358 - What else could you handle? 143 00:06:08,983 --> 00:06:10,158 - Stuff. 144 00:06:12,211 --> 00:06:13,944 - Can you handle this? 145 00:06:19,202 --> 00:06:20,417 - Yeah. 146 00:06:21,214 --> 00:06:22,733 - Can you handle this? 147 00:06:23,975 --> 00:06:25,293 - Yeah. 148 00:06:30,601 --> 00:06:32,119 - Can you handle me? 149 00:06:35,515 --> 00:06:40,515 ("Truth in Their Eyes")